Project Number Project Title Stage Comments
ACRP 01-01Guidebook for Managing Small AirportsFinalResults published in ACRP Report 16 and Web-Only Document 5.
ACRP 01-02Guidebook for Developing and Managing Airport ContractsFinal
ACRP 01-03Analysis and Recommendations for Developing Integrated Airport Information SystemsFinalResults published in ACRP Report 13 and Web-Only Document 1.
ACRP 01-04Marketing Techniques for Small AirportsFinal
ACRP 01-05Guidebook for Airport Capital Project Delivery SystemsFinalResults published in ACRP Report 21 and Web-Only Document 6.
ACRP 01-06Guidebook for Developing an Airport Performance-Measurement SystemFinalResults published in ACRP Report 19.
ACRP 01-07Airport/Airline Agreements and Rate Methodologies—Practices and CharacteristicsFinalResults published in ACRP Report 36.
ACRP 01-08Guidebook on Best Management Practices for Leasing and Developing Airport PropertyFinal
ACRP 01-09Airport Performance IndicatorsCompletedResults published in ACRP Report 19A.
ACRP 01-10A Handbook for Developing, Implementing, and Overseeing Airport Capital PlansFinal
ACRP 01-11Understanding Airport In-Terminal Concession ProgramsFinal
ACRP 01-12A Primer for Information Technology Systems at AirportsCompletedResults published in ACRP Report 59.
ACRP 01-13Developing a Database-Driven Web Application for Benchmarking Airport PerformanceCompleted
ACRP 01-14Considering and Evaluating Airport PrivatizationFinal
ACRP 01-15Assessing and Implementing Innovative Revenue Strategies--A Guide for AirportsCompleted
ACRP 01-16Asset and Infrastructure Management for AirportsFinal
ACRP 01-17Guidebook for Developing General Aviation Airport Business PlansFinal
ACRP 01-18Application of Enterprise Risk Management at AirportsFinal
ACRP 01-19Airport Capital Improvements: Developing a Cost-Estimating Model and DatabaseCompleted
ACRP 01-20Procuring and Managing Professional Services for AirportsFinal
ACRP 01-21A Guidebook for Airport-Airline ConsortiumsFinal
ACRP 01-22Guidebook for Successfully Assessing and Managing Risks for Airport Capital and Maintenance ProjectsFinal
ACRP 01-23Mitigating Disruptive WiFi Interference at AirportsFinal
ACRP 01-24Renewable Energy as an Airport Revenue SourceFinalComplete. Results published in ACRP Report 141
ACRP 01-25A Guidebook for Increasing Diverse and Small Business Participation in Airport Business Opportunities Final
ACRP 01-26Improving the Airport Customer ExperienceFinal
ACRP 01-27NextGen––A PrimerCompleted
ACRP 01-28NextGen—Engaging Airport Stakeholders Guideboook Final
ACRP 01-29Design and Development of a State Aviation Information DatabaseFinal
ACRP 01-30Airport Management Guide for Providing Aircraft Fueling ServicesFinal
ACRP 01-31Innovative Solutions to Facilitate Accessibility for Airport Travelers with DisabilitiesFinal
ACRP 01-32Updating ACRP Report 16: Guidebook for Managing Small AirportsFinal
ACRP 01-33A Primer to Prepare for the Connected Airport and the Internet of ThingsFinal
ACRP 01-34Developing Innovative Strategies for Aviation Education and ParticipationFinal
ACRP 01-35Transportation Network Companies (TNCs): Impacts to Airport Revenues and Operations - A Reference GuideFinal
ACRP 01-36Advancing the Practice of State Aviation System PlanningFinal
ACRP 01-37Performance Measures for State Aviation AgenciesFinal
ACRP 01-38Market Value Characteristics for Property at Small AirportsFinal
ACRP 01-39Creative Marketing Techniques to Improve Revenue Generation PartnershipsFinal
ACRP 01-40Evaluating the Traveler's Perspective to Improve the Airport Customer Experience Final
ACRP 01-41Airport Blockchain Implementation GuidebookActive
ACRP 01-42Guidance for Evaluating Airport Governance StructuresFinal
ACRP 01-43Update ACRP Report 26: Guidebook for Conducting Airport User SurveysFinal
ACRP 01-44Airport Insurance RequirementsFinal
ACRP 01-45Selecting, Procuring, and Implementing Airport Capital Project Delivery MethodsCompleted
ACRP 01-46A Guide for Geospatial Data Governance Policies and ProceduresCompleted
ACRP 01-47A Guide to Developing a Culture of Innovation at AirportsFinal
ACRP 01-48Assessing Airport Programs for Travelers with Disabilities and Older AdultsFinal
ACRP 01-49The Evolution of Knowledge Management at Airports Final
ACRP 01-50Data Protection and Privacy Management Guidelines for AirportsCompleted
ACRP 01-51Improving Airport Organizational Practices to Enhance ACDBE/DBE ParticipationCompleted
ACRP 01-52Strategic Futuring of Airports and their Role in the U.S. Airport SystemFinal
ACRP 01-53Review and Update of ACRP Administration and Human Resources ProductsActive
ACRP 01-54Update to ACRP Report 49: Collaborative Airport Capital Planning HandbookActive
ACRP 01-55Guide for In-Terminal Airport Concession ProgramsActive
ACRP 01-56Revenue and Financing Alternatives for Medium and Small U.S. Airports in an Evolving Aviation LandscapeActive
ACRP 01-57Guidelines for Managing Current and Future Transportation Network Companies (TNCs) Operations at AirportsPending
ACRP 01-58Guide for the Development of an Airport Asset RegistryPending
ACRP 01-59Guide for Developing and Managing Airport Landside Vehicular Congestion PricingPending
ACRP 02-01Alternative Aircraft and Airfield Deicing and Anti-Icing Formulations with Reduced Aquatic Toxicity and Biochemical Oxygen DemandCompletedThe project final report is summarized in ACRP Research Results Digest 9.
ACRP 02-02Managing Runoff From Aircraft and Airfield Deicing and Anti-Icing OperationsFinalResults published in ACRP Report 14.
ACRP 02-03Aircraft and Airport-Related Hazardous Air Pollutants: Research Needs and AnalysisCompleted
ACRP 02-03AMeasurement of Gaseous HAP Emissions from Idling Aircraft as a Function of Engine and Ambient ConditionsFinal
ACRP 02-04Research Needs Associated with Particulate Emissions at AirportsCompleted
ACRP 02-04ASummarizing and Interpreting Aircraft Gaseous and Particulate Emissions DataCompleted
ACRP 02-05Guidebook on Community Responses to Aircraft NoiseFinalResults published in ACRP Report 15.
ACRP 02-06Guidebook on Preparing Airport Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions InventoriesCompleted
ACRP 02-07Handbook for Analyzing the Costs and Benefits of Alternative Turbine Engine Fuels at AirportsCompleted
ACRP 02-08Guidance for Quantifying the Contribution of Airport Emissions to Local Air QualityCompleted
ACRP 02-09A Comprehensive Development Plan for a Multimodal Noise and Emissions ModelCompleted
ACRP 02-10Practical Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Strategies for AirportsFinal
ACRP 02-100Carbon Removal and Reduction to Support Airport Net-Zero GoalsCompleted
ACRP 02-101Environmental Stewardship and Compliance Training for Airport EmployeesFinal
ACRP 02-102A Balanced Look at Local Airport Activity and Climate ChangeFinal
ACRP 02-103A Guide for Methods to Transition and Decontaminate PFAS from Firefighting SystemsFinal
ACRP 02-105Addressing Challenges to Airport Terminal RecyclingRFP
ACRP 02-106A Guide for Preparing Airport Emissions Inventories Pending
ACRP 02-11A Handbook for Addressing Water Resource Issues Affecting Airport Capacity Enhancement PlanningCompleted
ACRP 02-12Environmental Optimization of Aircraft Departures: Fuel Burn, Emissions, and NoiseCompleted
ACRP 02-13A Guidebook for Improving Environmental Performance at Small AirportsFinal
ACRP 02-14Guidebook for Selecting Methods to Monitor Airport and Aircraft Deicing MaterialsFinal
ACRP 02-15Recycling Strategies for the Airport IndustryFinalResults published in ACRP Report 100.
ACRP 02-16Airport Ground Support Equipment (GSE) Emission Reduction Strategies, Inventory and Tutorial Final
ACRP 02-17Measuring PM Emissions from Aircraft Auxiliary Power Units, Tires and BrakesFinalResearch is complete. The results are published in ACRP Report 97.
ACRP 02-18Guidelines for Integrating Alternative Jet Fuel into the Airport SettingFinal
ACRP 02-19Winter Design Storm Factors for Airport Stormwater ManagementFinal
ACRP 02-20The Role of Air Travel in the Transmission and Spread of Insect-borne DiseasesFinalDue to technical issues, the tool is no longer available; contact Joe Navarrete ( with questions.
ACRP 02-20AEvaluating and Mitigating the Risk of Disease Transmission at Airports and on AircraftFinalThe guidance document is available as ACRP Report 91.
ACRP 02-21Evaluation of Airport Emissions within State Implementation PlansCompleted
ACRP 02-22Incorporating Sustainability into Traditional Airport ProjectsFinal
ACRP 02-23Alternative Fuels as a Means to Reduce PM2.5 Emissions at AirportsFinal
ACRP 02-24Guidelines for Airport Sound Insulation ProgramsFinal
ACRP 02-25Evaluating Alternatives For Aircraft Ground Power, Heating, and Air ConditioningFinal
ACRP 02-26Assessing Aircraft Noise Conditions Affecting Student LearningFinal
ACRP 02-27Aircraft Taxi Noise Database for Airport Noise ModelingCompleted
ACRP 02-28Airport Sustainability Practices: Tools for Evaluating, Measuring, and ImplementingFinalResults published in ACRP Report 119.
ACRP 02-29Guidance for Treatment of Deicing-Impacted Airport StormwaterFinalGuidance published as ACRP Report 99.
ACRP 02-30Enhancing the Airport-Industry SAGA WebsiteCompleted
ACRP 02-30ASustainability Website Ownership and OperationPending
ACRP 02-31Assessment of Sound Insulation TreatmentsFinal
ACRP 02-32Understanding Microbial Biofilms in Receiving Waters Impacted by Airport Deicing ActivitiesFinalResearch complete. Results published as ACRP Report 115.
ACRP 02-33Guidance for Estimating Airport Construction EmissionsFinal
ACRP 02-34Quantifying Aircraft Lead Emissions at AirportsFinal
ACRP 02-35Research Methods for Understanding Aircraft Noise Annoyance and Sleep DisturbanceFinalResults published as ACRP Web-Only Document 17.
ACRP 02-36Assessing Opportunities for Alternative Fuel Distribution ProgramsFinal
ACRP 02-37Integrated Noise Model Accuracy for General Aviation AircraftFinalResearch complete. Results published as ACRP Web-Only Document 19.
ACRP 02-38Guidebook for Energy Facilities Compatibility with Airports and AirspaceFinal
ACRP 02-39Applying Whole Effluent Toxicity Testing to Airport Deicing RunoffFinalResearch complete. Results published in ACRP Report 134.
ACRP 02-40Climate Change Adaptation Planning: Risk Assessment for AirportsCompletedResults published as ACRP Report 147.
ACRP 02-41Estimating Takeoff Thrust Settings for Airport Emissions InventoriesFinalResearch completed. Results published as ACRP CD-161.
ACRP 02-42Understanding Air Quality and Public Health Studies Related to AirportsFinalResearch complete. Results published in ACRP Report 135.
ACRP 02-43Development of a NOx Chemistry Module for EDMS/AEDT to Predict NO2 ConcentrationsFinalResearch complete. Results published in ACRP Web-Only Document 30.
ACRP 02-44Helicopter Noise Modeling GuidanceFinalResearch results published in ACRP Research Results Digest 24
ACRP 02-45Methodology to Improve EDMS/AEDT Quantification of Aircraft Taxi/Idle EmissionsFinalResearch complete. Results published as ACRP Web Only Document 26
ACRP 02-46Improving Ground Support Equipment Operational Data for Airport Emissions Modeling Final
ACRP 02-47Assessing Aircraft Noise Conditions Affecting Student Achievement--Case StudiesCompleted
ACRP 02-48Assessing Community Annoyance of Helicopter NoiseFinalResults published in ACRP Research Report 181.
ACRP 02-49Addressing Significant Weather Impacts on Airports Final
ACRP 02-50Deriving Benefits from Alternative Aircraft-Taxi SystemsCompleted
ACRP 02-51Evaluating Methods for Determining Interior Noise Levels Used in Airport Sound Insulation ProgramsFinalResearch complete. Results provided in ACRP Research Report 152
ACRP 02-52Improving AEDT Noise Modeling of Hard, Soft, and Mixed Ground SurfacesFinalResearch complete. Results published in ACRP Web-Only Document 32.
ACRP 02-53Interpreting Airport Water Monitoring ResultsCompleted
ACRP 02-54Measuring and Understanding Emission Factors for General Aviation (GA) AircraftFinal
ACRP 02-55Enhanced AEDT Modeling of Aircraft Arrival and Departure ProfilesFinal
ACRP 02-56Developing a Business Case for Renewable Energy at Ariports Final
ACRP 02-57Reducing the Impact of Lead Emissions at AirportsFinal
ACRP 02-58Dispersion Modeling Guidance for Airports Addressing Local Air Quality Health ConcernsFinal
ACRP 02-59Water Efficiency Management Strategies for Airports Final
ACRP 02-60Use and Potential Impacts of AFFF Containing Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFASs) at AirportsFinalResults published in ACRP Research Report 173
ACRP 02-61Airport Stormwater Management Electronic Resource Library and Training MaterialsFinal
ACRP 02-62Green Stormwater Infrastructure Strategies for AirportsFinal
ACRP 02-63Quantifying Airport Ground Access Vehicle Activity for Emissions ModelingFinal
ACRP 02-64Guidance for Usage of Permeable Pavement at Airports Final
ACRP 02-65Tracking Alternative Jet FuelFinal
ACRP 02-66Commercial Space Operations Noise and Sonic Boom Modeling and AnalysisFinal
ACRP 02-67Airport Air Quality Management Guidebook and Resource LibraryFinal
ACRP 02-68Strategies for Reducing Local Stormwater Utility Fees for AirportsFinal
ACRP 02-69Integrating Airport Sustainability and the NEPA ProcessFinal
ACRP 02-70Wetland Mitigation--A Guidebook for AirportsCompleted
ACRP 02-71Guidebook and Decision Tool for Managing Airport Stormwater Containing DeicersFinal
ACRP 02-72Developing a Comprehensive Renewable Resources StrategyFinal
ACRP 02-73Interactive Tool for Understanding NEPA at General Aviation AirportsFinal
ACRP 02-74Using Existing Airport Management Systems to Manage Climate Risk Final
ACRP 02-75Benefit-Cost Analyses Guidebook for Airport StormwaterFinal
ACRP 02-76Optimizing the Use of Electric Pre-Conditioned Air (PCA) and Ground Power Systems at Airports Final
ACRP 02-77Revolving Funds for Sustainability Projects at AirportsFinal
ACRP 02-78Climate Resilience and Benefit Cost Analysis--A Handbook for AirportsCompleted
ACRP 02-79Improving AEDT Modeling for Aircraft Noise Reflection and Diffraction from Terrain and Manmade StructuresFinal
ACRP 02-80Quantifying Emissions Reductions at Airports from the Use of Alternative Jet FuelsFinal
ACRP 02-81Commercial Space Operations Noise and Sonic Boom MeasurementsFinal
ACRP 02-82Developing a Roadmap to Achieve Zero Emissions at AirportsFinal
ACRP 02-83Measuring Quality of Life in Communities Surrounding AirportsFinal
ACRP 02-84Evaluating the Use of Spatially Precise Diurnal Population Data in Aviation Noise StudiesFinal
ACRP 02-85Commercial Space Vehicle Emissions ModelingFinal
ACRP 02-86Understanding Impacts to Airports from Temporary Flight RestrictionsFinal
ACRP 02-87Determining Airfield Pavement Deicer and Anti-Icer Contributions to Airport StormwaterCompleted
ACRP 02-88Techniques for Modifying NextGen Flight Track Design to Reduce Noise Exposure and AnnoyanceAnticipatedThis project was canceled.
ACRP 02-89A Primer and Framework for Considering an Airport Noise and Operations Monitoring System (NOMS)Final
ACRP 02-90Development of Airport Construction Emission Inventory Tool (ACEIT) Version 2.0Completed
ACRP 02-91Development of PFAS Source Differentiation Guidelines for AirportsFinal
ACRP 02-92Creating Self-Directed Resiliency Plans at GA AirportsFinal
ACRP 02-93Guidebook for PFAS Management at AirportsFinal
ACRP 02-94Update ACRP WebResource 4: Airport Air Quality Resource LibraryActive
ACRP 02-95Understanding Airport Air Quality and Public Health Studies Related to Airports: An Update to ACRP Report 135Final
ACRP 02-96Update ACRP Report 99: Guidance for Treatment of Airport Stormwater Containing DeicersFinal
ACRP 02-97Update to the Guidelines, Tools, and Resources Related to ACRP Reports 11, 147, and 160Final
ACRP 02-97AUpdate ACRP Report 43: Improving Environmental Performance at Small AirportsCompleted
ACRP 02-98Airport Energy Resiliency Primer and RoadmapFinal
ACRP 02-99Incorporating Environmental Justice and Equity Principles and Data into Airport Decision-MakingFinal
ACRP 03-01Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) Deployment for Airport Obstructions SurveysFinal
ACRP 03-02U.S. Airport Passenger-Related Processing RatesFinal
ACRP 03-03Enhancing Airport Land Use CompatibilityCompletedResults published as ACRP Report 27: Volumes 1 and 2.
ACRP 03-04Guidebook for Conducting Airport User Surveys Final
ACRP 03-05Passenger Level of Service and Spatial Planning for Airport TerminalsCompleted
ACRP 03-06Guidebook for Planning and Implementing Automated People Mover Systems at AirportsCompleted
ACRP 03-07A Guidebook for Measuring Performance of Automated People Mover Systems at AirportsCompleted
ACRP 03-08Passenger Air Service Development TechniquesCompletedResults published as ACRP Report 18.
ACRP 03-09Guidebook for Strategic Planning in the Airport IndustryCompletedResults published as ACRP Report 20.
ACRP 03-10Innovative Approaches to Addressing Aviation Capacity Issues in Coastal Mega-RegionsFinal
ACRP 03-11A Guidebook for the Preservation of Public-Use AirportsFinal
ACRP 03-12Guidebook for Preparing Peak-Period and Operational Profiles to Improve Airport Facility Planning and Environmental AnalysesCompleted
ACRP 03-13Understanding Airspace, Objects, and Their Effects on AirportsFinal
ACRP 03-14Airport Passenger Conveyance Systems Planning GuidebookCompleted
ACRP 03-15Impact of Jet Fuel Price Uncertainty on Airport Planning and DevelopmentCompleted
ACRP 03-16Estimating the Economic Impact of Air Cargo Operations at Airports, Part 1: User’s Guidebook and Part 2: Research ReportCompleted
ACRP 03-17 Evaluating Airfield CapacityFinal
ACRP 03-18Operational and Business Continuity Planning for Prolonged Airport DisruptionsFinal
ACRP 03-19Passenger Value of Time, Benefit-Cost Analysis, and Airport Capital Investment DecisionsCompleted
ACRP 03-20Defining and Measuring Aircraft Delay and Airport Capacity ThresholdsFinalResults published as ACRP Report 104
ACRP 03-21Developing and Maintaining Support for New Airport CapacityFinalThe guidance document is available as ACRP Report 85.
ACRP 03-22Addressing Uncertainty about Future Airport Activity Levels in Airport Decision MakingFinal
ACRP 03-23Integrating Aviation and Passenger Rail Planning Final
ACRP 03-24Guidelines for Air Cargo Facility Planning and DevelopmentCompleted
ACRP 03-25The Impact of Regulatory Compliance Costs on Small AirportsFinal
ACRP 03-26Understanding Airline and Passenger Choice in Regions with Multiple AirportsFinalResults available in ACRP Report 98.
ACRP 03-27Evaluating Methods for Counting Aircraft Operations at Non-Towered AirportsFinalResearch complete. Results published in ACRP Report 129.
ACRP 03-28The Role of U.S. Airports in the National EconomyFinal
ACRP 03-29Effects of Airline Industry Changes on Small- and Non-Hub AirportsCompleted
ACRP 03-30Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) at Airports: A Primer Final
ACRP 03-31Aligning Community Expectations with Airport RolesFinal
ACRP 03-32Guidance for Preparing and Using Airport Design Day Flight SchedulesFinal
ACRP 03-33NextGen—Airport Planning and DevelopmentFinalResearch complete. Results published as ACRP Report 150, Vol. 5
ACRP 03-34NextGen—Understanding the Airport's Role in Performance-Based Navigation (PBN)Completed
ACRP 03-35Improving Airport Services for International CustomersFinal
ACRP 03-36Using Disaggregated Socioeconomic Data in Air Passenger Demand StudiesFinal
ACRP 03-37Using GIS for Collaborative Land Use Compatibility Planning Near AirportsFinal
ACRP 03-38Understanding FAA Grant Assurance ObligationsCompleted
ACRP 03-39Generating Revenue from Commercial Development On or Adjacent to AirportsFinal
ACRP 03-40Air Demand in a Dynamic Competitive Context with the AutomobileCompleted
ACRP 03-41Common Performance Metrics for Airport Infrastructure and Operational Planning Final
ACRP 03-42Airports and UASFinal
ACRP 03-43Integrating Airport Ground Access and Metropolitan Surface Transportation Planning EffortsFinal
ACRP 03-44Building and Maintaining Air Service Through Incentive ProgramsFinal
ACRP 03-45Collecting and Sharing of Operations and Safety DataFinal
ACRP 03-46Implementing Airport Privatization: Guidance for Airport Decision Makers Final
ACRP 03-47Rethinking Airport Parking Facilities to Protect and Enhance Non-Aeronautical Revenue Final
ACRP 03-48Advanced Ground Vehicle Technologies (AGVT) for Airside OperationsFinal
ACRP 03-49Effective Collaboration to Plan and Respond to Communicable Disease ThreatsFinal
ACRP 03-50An Airport-Centric Study of the Urban Air Mobility MarketFinal
ACRP 03-51Electric Aircraft on the Horizon -- An Airport Planning PerspectiveFinal
ACRP 03-52Guidelines for Adapting and Managing Airport Common Use Programs Final
ACRP 03-53Airport Baggage Handling System Decision-Making Based on Total Cost of OwnershipFinal
ACRP 03-54Small Aircraft Runway Length Analysis ToolFinal
ACRP 03-55Airport Biometrics--A PrimerFinal
ACRP 03-56Airside Planning, Design, Construction, Operations, and Maintenance: WebResourceCompleted
ACRP 03-57A Guidebook to Prepare Airports for Transformations in Wireless ConnectivityCompleted
ACRP 03-58Measuring and Understanding the Relationship Between Air Service and Regional Economic DevelopmentFinal
ACRP 03-59Strategies to Address Homelessness at AirportsFinal
ACRP 03-60Incorporating Shock Events into Aviation Demand Forecasting and Airport PlanningCompleted
ACRP 03-61Implementing and Improving Data Analytics Capabilities at AirportsCompleted
ACRP 03-62A Toolkit for Establishing Airport Catchment AreasFinal
ACRP 03-63Modernizing Air Cargo Operations in U.S. AirportsAnticipated
ACRP 03-63AModernizing Air Cargo Operations in U.S. AirportsActive
ACRP 03-65ACRP Policy and Planning Product UpdatesFinal
ACRP 03-65BACRP Policy and Planning Products Update – PHASE IIPending
ACRP 03-66Guidebook for Digital Twin Programs at AirportsActive
ACRP 03-67Guidelines for Accommodating Peer-to-Peer Car Sharing at AirportsFinal
ACRP 03-68Integration of Contingency Planning for Small AirportsFinal
ACRP 03-69Identifying Congestion and Safety Risks Due to Heterogeneous Airport Curbside Activity and Remedial SolutionsCompletedThis project was canceled.
ACRP 03-70Incorporating Technologies into Airport In-Terminal Concession ProgramsActive
ACRP 03-71Guidance for Planning for Future Electric Vehicle Growth at AirportsActive
ACRP 03-72A Guide on the Economic Impacts of E-Commerce on Airports and Airport StakeholdersActive
ACRP 03-73Airport Guide for Transitioning to Unleaded Aviation GasolineActive
ACRP 03-74ACRP Web Resource for Airport User Choice Modeling and AnalysisActive
ACRP 03-75Preparing for Hydrogen at AirportsActive
ACRP 03-76Improving Airport Customer Experience Through TechnologyActive
ACRP 03-77Incorporating Climate Change into Aviation ForecastsActive
ACRP 03-78Rental Car Fleet Electrification Guide for Airports Pending
ACRP 03-79A Guide to IoT Planning and Implementation for AirportsPending
ACRP 03-80A Guide for Air Cargo System PlanningPending
ACRP 04-01Aircraft Overrun and Undershoot Analysis for Runway Safety AreasCompletedResults published as ACRP Report 3.
ACRP 04-02Lightning-Warning Systems for Use by AirportsCompleted
ACRP 04-03Guidebook for Approach Light System Hazard Assessment and Mitigation Final
ACRP 04-04Exercising Command-Level Decision Making for Critical Incidents at AirportsCompleted
ACRP 04-04AEvaluating the Airport Emergency Response Operations Simulation (AEROS) ToolCompleted
ACRP 04-04BEmergency Management Training for Airport Critical IncidentsFinal
ACRP 04-05A Guidebook for Airport Safety Management SystemsCompletedResults published as ACRP Report 1.
ACRP 04-06A Guidebook for Addressing Aircraft/Wildlife Hazards at General Aviation AirportsFinal
ACRP 04-07Comparison of Airport Apron Management and Control Programs With and Without Regulatory OversightCompletedResults published in ACRP Report 62 and Research Results Digest 15.
ACRP 04-08Improved Models for Risk Assessment of Runway Safety Areas (RSA)Final
ACRP 04-09Risk Assessment Method to Support Modification of Airfield Separation StandardsFinal
ACRP 04-10Airport-to-Airport Mutual Aid ProgramsFinal
ACRP 04-11Integrating GIS in Emergency Management at AirportsFinal
ACRP 04-12Integrating Web-Based Emergency Management Collaboration Tools into Airport Operations: A PrimerFinal
ACRP 04-13Integrating Community Emergency Response Teams at Airports (A-CERTs)Final
ACRP 04-14Runway Veer-off Location Distribution Risk Assessment ModelFinalThe final version of the tool, user guidelines, and technical report are available at the following link:
ACRP 04-15A Tool for Developing Airport Terminal Incident Response Plans Final
ACRP 04-16 Safety Risk Management for AirportsFinal
ACRP 04-17Applying an SMS Approach to Wildlife Hazard Management Final
ACRP 04-18Runway Protection Zone (RPZ) Risk Assessment ToolFinal
ACRP 04-19Airport Emergency Planning Template: NIMS - Incident Command System ComplianceFinal
ACRP 04-20Design Considerations for Airport EOCsFinal
ACRP 04-21Emergency Communication Models for Persons with Disabilities and Non-English SpeakersFinal
ACRP 04-22Evaluating Compatibility Zoning at General Aviation AirportsFinal
ACRP 04-23Social Media Guidebook for Emergency Management Final
ACRP 04-24Guidelines to Develop an Anti-Human Trafficking Action Plan for AirportsFinal
ACRP 04-25Airports and Communicable Diseases—Preparedness and ResponseActive
ACRP 04-26Uncontrolled Terminal Evacuations: Planning, Response, and RecoveryActive
ACRP 04-27Alternative Methods to Manage Tree Growth Near Airports Final
ACRP 04-28Developing Alternative Aircraft Arresting Systems Active
ACRP 04-29Transportation Emergency Response Appication (TERA): Migration Options Beyond 2020Anticipated
ACRP 04-30Identifying and Developing the Core Capabilities of an Airport Emergency Management ProgramActive
ACRP 04-31Providing Adequate and Balanced Trainer Facilities for Required and Recurrent Training for Airport FirefightersAnticipatedIn development
ACRP 04-32Using Existing and Emerging Technologies to Identify and Mitigate Human Trafficking at AirportsActive
ACRP 04-33Guide for Measuring Financial Benefits of Airport Safety Management SystemsActive
ACRP 04-34A Guide for Building, Maintaining, and Improving ARFF ProgramsPending
ACRP 04-35Safety Criteria for Use of Autonomous Service Vehicles on AirfieldsPending
ACRP 05-01An Airport Guide for Regional Emergency Planning for CBRNE EventsCompleted
ACRP 05-02Airport Cyber Security Best PracticesFinal
ACRP 05-03Guidebook on Airport Cybersecurity and Incident Response Active
ACRP 06-01Helping Airport and Air Carrier Employees Cope with Traumatic EventsFinal
ACRP 06-02Airport Leadership Development ProgramFinalResults published in ACRP Report 75.
ACRP 06-03Establishing a Coordinated Local Family Assistance Program for AirportsFinal
ACRP 06-04Identifying and Evaluating Airport Workforce RequirementsCompleted
ACRP 06-05Guidance for Diversity in Airport Businesses Contracting and Workforce ProgramsFinal
ACRP 06-06Cultivating Talent in the Airport EnvironmentFinal
ACRP 06-07Enhancing Academic Programs to Prepare Future Airport Industry ProfessionalsFinal
ACRP 06-08Human Factors in Airport Airside OperationsFinal
ACRP 06-09Equitable Workforce Outcomes: A Study of Women and Minority Representation at AirportsCompleted
ACRP 06-10Enhancing Airport Workforce Efficiency through AutomationActive
ACRP 06-11Nontraditional Practices to Support the Airport WorkforcePending
ACRP 07-01Innovations for Airport Terminal FacilitiesCompletedResults published as ACRP Report 10.
ACRP 07-02Airport Curbside and Terminal-Area Roadway OperationsFinal
ACRP 07-03Developing Improved Civil Aircraft Arresting SystemsFinal
ACRP 07-04Spreadsheet Models for Airport Terminal Planning and DesignFinal
ACRP 07-05Airport Passenger Terminal Planning GuidebookFinal
ACRP 07-06Wayfinding and Signing Guidelines for Airport Terminals and LandsideFinal
ACRP 07-07Evaluating Terminal Renewal versus Replacement OptionsFinal
ACRP 07-08Improving Terminal Design to Increase Revenue Generation Related to Customer SatisfactionFinal
ACRP 07-09Apron Planning and Design Guidebook Final
ACRP 07-10General Aviation Facility PlanningFinalResults published as ACRP Report 113
ACRP 07-11Evaluating Cost-Saving and Energy Reduction Technologies for Escalators and Moving Walks at AirportsFinalResearch complete and published ast ACRP Report 117.
ACRP 07-12Guidebook for Airport Terminal Restroom Planning and DesignFinalComplete. Results published in ACRP Report 130.
ACRP 07-13Enhancing Airport Wayfinding for Aging Travelers and Persons with DisabilitiesFinal
ACRP 07-14Improving Intelligibility of Airport Terminal Public-Address SystemsFinal
ACRP 07-15Airport Passenger Terminal Design Library Final
ACRP 07-15AAirport Passenger Terminal Design Library—UPDATE to ACRP WebResources 2Completed
ACRP 07-16Airport Terminal Ancillary Service Spaces and Restroom Planning and DesignFinal
ACRP 07-17Update to ACRP Report 40: Airport Roadway Analysis and Curbside Congestion Management StrategiesFinal
ACRP 07-18Develop Airfield Design Guidelines for Large Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Completed
ACRP 07-19Update to ACRP Report 25: Airport Passenger Terminal Planning and Design Active
ACRP 07-20Reducing and Managing Disruptive and Unruly Behavior in AirportsActive
ACRP 07-21Exploring Cellular-Based Private Wireless Networks for the U.S. Aviation IndustryCompleted
ACRP 07-22Improving Accessibility and Airport Experience for Neurodivergent Individuals and Individuals with Dementia-Related ConditionsActive
ACRP 07-23Safety, Empowerment, and Dignity: Improving the Airport Journey of Customers Using WheelchairsActive
ACRP 07-24Airport Security Checkpoint Demand Management Using Virtual QueuingActive
ACRP 07-25Value Engineering Applied to AirportsActive
ACRP 07-26Extended Reality Possibilities in the Airport EnvironmentActive
ACRP 07-27Seismic Resiliency Guidelines for Horizontal Airside Infrastructure Pending
ACRP 07-28Guide for Planning and Implementing Emerging Airport Baggage Handling System TechnologiesAnticipatedIn development
ACRP 08-01Sustainable Airport Construction PracticesFinal
ACRP 08-02Integrating Collaborative Partnering for Airport ProjectsFinal
ACRP 08-03Construction Safety and Phasing PlansCompleted
ACRP 08-04A Blueprint for Incorporating ORAT into AirportsActive
ACRP 08-05Review and Recommend Updates to ACRP Airport Design and Construction ProductsPending
ACRP 09-01Guidelines for the Collection and Use of Geospatially Referenced Data for Airfield Pavement ManagementCompleted
ACRP 09-02Best Practices for Working in or Near Airport Movement AreasFinal
ACRP 09-03Airport Parking Garage Lighting SolutionsFinalResearch complete. Results published as ACRP Report 124.
ACRP 09-04Airport Building Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Optimization and Recommissioning: A Whole-Systems ApproachFinalResearch results published in ACRP Report 139.
ACRP 09-05Guidance on Successful Computer Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS) Selection and PracticesFinal
ACRP 09-06Evaluating Impacts of Sustainability Practices on Airport Operations and MaintenanceFinal
ACRP 09-07Airport Maintenance Roles in Planning, Design, Construction, Commissioning, and ActivationCompleted
ACRP 09-08Balancing Airport Stormwater and Wildlife Hazard Management: Analysis Tools and GuidanceFinalResearch is complete. Results published in ACRP Report 125.
ACRP 09-09LED Airfield Lighting System Operation and MaintenanceFinalResearch complete. Results published in ACRP Report 148.
ACRP 09-10Benchmarking and Profiling Airport Terminal Energy End Uses Final
ACRP 09-11Pavement Maintenance Guidelines for General Aviation Airport ManagementFinal
ACRP 09-12NextGen—Leveraging NextGen Spatial Data to Benefit AirportsFinal
ACRP 09-13Considering Life Cycle Costs in Airport Asset ProcurementFinal
ACRP 09-14Advanced Computer Maintenance Management System (CMMS) Integration for AirportsFinal
ACRP 09-15Building Information Modeling (BIM) Beyond DesignFinal
ACRP 09-16Best Practices for Airport Obstruction ManagementFinal
ACRP 09-17Collecting, Applying, and Maintaining Pavement Condition Data at Airports Final
ACRP 09-18Rapid Airfield Concrete Pavement Slab Replacement and Patching GuidanceFinal
ACRP 09-19Airfield Pavement Markings - Effective Techniques for Removal and Temporary Applications Final
ACRP 09-20Quantifying the Impacts of Delayed Maintenance of Airport AssetsCompleted
ACRP 09-21Asset Information Handover Guidelines: From Planning and Construction to O&MFinal
ACRP 09-22Guidance for Small Airports on Safe Maintenance of Airfield Electrical SystemsFinal
ACRP 09-23Strategies for Spatial Data Maintenance at AirportsPending
ACRP 10-01Optimizing the Use of Aircraft Deicing and Anti-Icing FluidsCompletedThe project final report is available as ACRP Report 45.
ACRP 10-02Planning Guide for Offsite TerminalsCompletedResults published as ACRP Report 35.
ACRP 10-03Evaluating Airport Parking Strategies and Supporting TechnologiesFinal
ACRP 10-04Airports and the Newest Generation of General Aviation AircraftFinal
ACRP 10-05Understanding Common-Use Approaches at AirportsFinal
ACRP 10-06A Handbook to Assess Impacts of Constrained Airport ParkingFinal
ACRP 10-07Decision-Making Tool for Evaluating Passenger Self-taggingFinal
ACRP 10-08Guidebook for Implementing Intelligent Transportation Systems Elements to Improve Airport Traveler Access InformationCompleted
ACRP 10-09Elimination or REduction of Baggage Recheck for Arriving International PassengersFinal
ACRP 10-10Guidebook for Airport Irregular Operations (IROPS) Contingency PlanningFinal
ACRP 10-11Creating a Collaborative Environment Between Airport Operations and Maintenance DepartmentsFinal
ACRP 10-12Guidebook for Managing Through-the-Fence (TTF) OperationsFinal
ACRP 10-13Integrating NIMS for Personnel and Resources at AirportsFinal
ACRP 10-14Being Prepared for IROPS: A Business Planning and Decision-Making ApproachFinal
ACRP 10-15A Guidebook for Airport Winter OperationsFinal
ACRP 10-16Commercial Ground Transportation at Airports: Best PracticesFinal
ACRP 10-17Implementing Integrated Self-Service at AirportsFinal
ACRP 10-18Guidebook on Preventative Maintenance at General Aviation AirportsFinal
ACRP 10-19Advancing Collaborative Decision Making (CDM) at AirportsFinal
ACRP 10-20Guidance for Planning, Design, and Operations of Airport CommunicationsFinal
ACRP 10-21Complying with Federal Regulations: An Integrated ApproachFinal
ACRP 10-22Improving Stakeholder Engagement in Aircraft Accident PlanningFinal
ACRP 10-23IROPS Stakeholder Communication and Coordination Final
ACRP 10-24Guidance for Developing Ramp Control FacilitiesFinal
ACRP 10-25Public-Notification Programs at AirportsFinalResearch is complete and published as ACRP Research Report 170.
ACRP 10-26Airport Microgrid Implementation ToolkitFinal
ACRP 10-27Airport Collaborative Decision Making (ACDM) to Manage Adverse ConditionsFinal
ACRP 10-28Practical Guide for Integrating Crisis Management and Business ContinuityFinal
ACRP 10-29Aircraft Jet Blast Estimation ToolActive
ACRP 10-30Program Evaluation Report Card Tool for Wildlife Hazard Management Plans: User GuideFinal
ACRP 10-31Guidebook for Virtual Airport Ramp Control Operations Facilities Final
ACRP 10-32U.S. Airport Industry Adoption of Automated Ground Vehicle SystemsActive
ACRP 10-33Incorporating Emerging Transportation and Ground Access Technologies at AirportsCompleted
ACRP 10-34Migrating ACRP Research Report 228 Toolkit to an ACRP WebResourceFinal
ACRP 10-35Readiness and Feasibility of Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) Data for Airport Use CasesActive
ACRP 10-36Review and Update of ACRP Products Related to Airport OperationsPending
ACRP 10-37Boarding Passengers with Reduced Mobility onto Commercial Aircraft without Passenger Boarding BridgesPending
ACRP 11-01Legal Aspects of Airport ProgramsActive
ACRP 11-01/Topic 01-01Compilation of Digest-Parts 13 and 16 Determinations and Related Documents FinalResults published in ACRP Legal Research Digest 4.
ACRP 11-01/Topic 01-02Theory and Law of Airport Revenue DiversionFinalResults published in ACRP Legal Research Digest 2.
ACRP 11-01/Topic 01-03Compilation/List of Airport Law ResourcesFinalResults published in ACRP Legal Research Digest 1.
ACRP 11-01/Topic 01-04Survey of Airport Laws and Regulation of Commercial Ground TransportationFinalResults published in ACRP Legal Research Digest 3.
ACRP 11-01/Topic 01-05Responsibilities for Implementation and Enforcement of Airport Land-Use Zoning RestrictionsFinalResults published in ACRP Legal Research Digest 5.
ACRP 11-01/Topic 01-06Who is the Owner or Operator for Purposes of the Right to Self-fuel?FinalResults published in ACRP Legal Research Digest 8.
ACRP 11-01/Topic 01-07The Impact of Airlines Bankruptcies on AirportsFinal
ACRP 11-01/Topic 01-08The Law and Regulations of Airport Ownership Final
ACRP 11-01/Topic 01-09Survey of the Elements of Disparity Studies for Airport Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Programs. FinalThis project has been terminated.
ACRP 11-01/Topic 02-01Obstructions Affecting Navigatable AirspaceFinalStudy topics 2-01 and 02 merged and renamed and became Study Topic 2-05.
ACRP 11-01/Topic 02-02Use and Success of Avigation Easements and Other Tools for Airport Compatible Land Use and Development of Model LanguageFinalStudy topics 2-01 and 02 merged and renamed and became Study Topic 2-05.
ACRP 11-01/Topic 02-03Case Studies on Community Challenges to Airport Development FinalResults published in ACRP Legal Research Digest 9.
ACRP 11-01/Topic 02-04Analysis of Federal Laws, Regulations and Case Law Regarding Airport Proprietary RightsFinalResults published in ACRP Legal Research Digest 10.
ACRP 11-01/Topic 02-05Practices to Achieve Airport Compatible Land Uses and Minimize Obstructions in Navigable AirspaceFinalResults published in ACRP Legal Research Digest 14.
ACRP 11-01/Topic 03-01Fair Disclosure of Airport Impacts in Real Estate TransfersFinalResults published in ACRP Legal Research Digest 12.
ACRP 11-01/Topic 03-02Compilation of State Aviation Authorizing LegislationFinalResults published in ACRP Legal Research Digest 15.
ACRP 11-01/Topic 03-03Survey of Minimum Standards Commercial Aeronautical Activities at AirportsFinalResults published in ACRP Legal Research Digest 11.
ACRP 11-01/Topic 03-04Airport Rates and Charges: Law and PolicyCompletedStatus: The 11 decisions (including interim and procedural orders from the cases) will be combined with findings from Study Topic 11-01, 4-05, Compilation of DOT AND FAA Airport Legal Determinations and Opinion Letters, Through December 2011 ).
ACRP 11-01/Topic 03-05State and Federal Regulations That May Affect Initiatives to Reduce Airports' GHG EmissionsFinalResults published in ACRP Legal Research Digest 17.
ACRP 11-01/Topic 03-06An Index and Digest of Decisions in LRD 1FinalResults published in ACRP Legal Research Digest 13.
ACRP 11-01/Topic 04-01Airport Liability for Wildlife ManagementFinal
ACRP 11-01/Topic 04-02Legal Issues Related to Developing SMS and SMRD Documents Which May be Available to the PublicFinal
ACRP 11-01/Topic 04-03Analysis of Federal Laws, Regulations, Case Law, and Survey of Existing Airport NPDES Permits Regarding Tenant-Operator Responsibilities Under NPDES and Storm Water Management BMPs Under Owner/Airport's Operating PermitsFinal
ACRP 11-01/Topic 04-04Buy America Requirements for Federally Funded AirportsFinal
ACRP 11-01/Topic 04-05Compilation of DOT and FAA Airport Legal Determinations and Opinion Letters, through December 2011Final
ACRP 11-01/Topic 04-06The Role of the Airport Sponsor in Airport Planning and Environmental Reviews of Proposed Development Projects Under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and State Mini-NEPA LawsFinal
ACRP 11-01/Topic 04-07Procurement of Airport Development and Planning ContractsFinal
ACRP 11-01/Topic 05-01Regulations Affecting the Exercise of First Amendment Activities at AirportsFinal
ACRP 11-01/Topic 05-02Sovereign Immunity for Public Airport OperatorsFinal
ACRP 11-01/Topic 05-03The Fourth Amendment and AirportsFinal
ACRP 11-01/Topic 05-04A Guide for Compliance with Grant Agreement Obligations to Provide Reasonable Access to an AIP-Funded Public Use General Aviation AirportFinal
ACRP 11-01/Topic 06-01Operational and Legal Issues with Fuel FarmsFinal
ACRP 11-01/Topic 06-02Contract Risk Management for Airport AgreementsFinal
ACRP 11-01/Topic 07-01Impact of Firearms Laws on AirportsFinal
ACRP 11-01/Topic 07-02Preemption of Worker Retention and Labor Peace Agreements at AirportsFinal
ACRP 11-01/Topic 08-01Legal Issues Related to the Implementation and Operation of Safety Management Systems for AirportsFinal
ACRP 11-01/Topic 08-02Legal Risks of Operating a Public AirportFinal
ACRP 11-01/Topic 08-03Evolving Law on Airport Implications by Unmanned Aerial Systems OperationsFinal
ACRP 11-01/Topic 08-04Legal Consideration in the Funding and Development of Multi-Modal FacilitiesFinal
ACRP 11-01/Topic 09-01Airport Public Health Preparedness & Response: Legal Rights, Powers & DutiesFinal
ACRP 11-01/Topic 09-02Legal Issues Relating to Airports Promoting CompetitionFinal
ACRP 11-01/Topic 09-03Permitted Airport Involvement in Economic Development EffortsFinal
ACRP 11-01/Topic 10-01Update of Compilation of FAA/DOT Airport Legal DeterminationsCompleted
ACRP 11-01/Topic 10-01AUpdate of Compilation of FAA/DOT Airport Legal DeterminationsPending
ACRP 11-01/Topic 10-02Legal Issues Relating to Large Scale Airport Construction ProjectsFinal
ACRP 11-01/Topic 10-03Legal Issues Relating to Airport Commercial ContractsFinal
ACRP 11-01/Topic 10-04Updated Survey of Laws and Regulations Applicable to Airport Commercial Ground TransportationFinal
ACRP 11-01/Topic 11-01Permissible Uses of Airport Revenue and PropertyFinal
ACRP 11-01/Topic 11-02Accommodation of Federal Agencies – Rights and Obligations of Host Airports Final
ACRP 11-01/Topic 11-03Analysis of Laws, Regulations, and Case Laws Regarding Airport Customer Facility ChargesFinal
ACRP 11-01/Topic 12-01Legal Implications of Data Collection at AirportsFinal
ACRP 11-01/Topic 12-02Legal Considerations for General Aviation (GA) Development at AirportsFinal
ACRP 11-01/Topic 13-01Legal Considerations for Telecommunications at AirportsFinal
ACRP 11-01/Topic 14-01Legal Considerations for Airports Responding to PandemicsFinal
ACRP 11-01/Topic 15-01Accommodating Federal Agencies at Airports and Related Contractual ConcernsFinal
ACRP 11-01/Topic 15-02Legal Issues Concerning the Safety and Security of General Aviation AirportsCompleted
ACRP 11-01/Topic 15-03Legal Impacts to Airports from State Legalization of MarijuanaCompleted
ACRP 11-01/Topic 15-04Anticipated
ACRP 11-01/Topic 16-01Update to ACRP Legal Research Digest 18: Buy America Requirements for Federally Funded AirportsActive
ACRP 11-01/Topic 16-02Legal Issues Regarding Airport Congestion ManagementActive
ACRP 11-01/Topic 17-01Legal Issues Relating to Land Use at AirportsRFP
ACRP 11-02Priority IssuesActiveContinuing project.
ACRP 11-02/Task 01Model for Improving Energy Use in U.S. Airport FacilitiesCompletedResults published as Research Results Digest 2.
ACRP 11-02/Task 02Ground Access to Major Airports by Public TransportationCompletedResults published as ACRP Report 4.
ACRP 11-02/Task 03Improving Stabilization and Use of Aircraft Evacuation Slides at AirportsCompleted
ACRP 11-02/Task 04Overview of Airport Safety Management Systems - Definitions and StatusCompleted
ACRP 11-02/Task 05Quarantine Facilities for Arriving Air Travelers: Identification of Planning Needs and CostsCompleted
ACRP 11-02/Task 06Interagency - Aviation Industry Collaboration on Planning for Pandemic OutbreaksCompletedRapporteur - Katherine F. Turnbull, Texas Transportation Institute
ACRP 11-02/Task 07Strategic Process for Developing ACRP Research Problem StatementsCompletedResults published as Research Results Digest 5.
ACRP 11-02/Task 08Enhanced Modeling of Aircraft Taxiway Noise - ScopingFinal
ACRP 11-02/Task 09Visibility of Airfield Signs and Markings from Aircraft and Ground VehiclesFinal
ACRP 11-02/Task 10 Estimate of National Use of Aircraft and Airfield Deicing MaterialsCompletedResults available for download from the TRB website.
ACRP 11-02/Task 11How Proposed Firefighting Standards Would Impact AirportsFinal
ACRP 11-02/Task 12Ramp Incident Data from Selected Large and Medium Hub AirportsCompletedData has been delivered to the FAA and is available to others upon request.
ACRP 11-02/Task 13Symposium on the Tranmission of Disease at Airports and on AircraftCompleted
ACRP 11-02/Task 14Helping Airports Understand the Payment Card Industry Data Protection Standard (PCI DSS) Final
ACRP 11-02/Task 15Aviation-Industry Issue Familiarization and Training for Part-time Airport PolicymakersCompletedResults published as ACRP Report 58.
ACRP 11-02/Task 16Analysis, Scoping, and Prioritizing ACRP Deicing Problem StatementsFinalThis project has been cancelled.
ACRP 11-02/Task 17Risk Assessment of Proposed ARFF StandardsFinal
ACRP 11-02/Task 18The Carbon Market: A Primer for AirportsFinal
ACRP 11-02/Task 19Symposium on Air Travel and the Spread of DiseaseFinal
ACRP 11-02/Task 20Developing Problem Statements on Information Technology Issues at AirportsFinal
ACRP 11-02/Task 21Innovative Airport Responses to Threatened/Endangered SpeciesFinalResearch complete. Results published in ACRP Report 122.
ACRP 11-02/Task 22Best Practices for General Aviation Aircraft Fuel-Tank SamplingFinal
ACRP 11-02/Task 23Alternative IT Delivery Methods and Best Practices for Small AirportsFinal
ACRP 11-02/Task 24ACRP Digital Delivery Format OptionsCompletedResults available for download from the TRB website.
ACRP 11-02/Task 26ACRP Strategic PlanFinalResults are available for download from the TRB website
ACRP 11-02/Task 27Update to Models for Risk Assessment of Runway Safety AreasFinal
ACRP 11-02/Task 28Recovering International Recyclables from In-flight ServiceFinal
ACRP 11-02/Task 29Research Roadmap in the Area of Airport Operations and MaintenanceFinal
ACRP 11-02/Task 30Research Roadmap in the Area of Design and Construction of Airport Facilities and InfrastructureActive
ACRP 11-02/Task 32Airport Environmental Research RoadmapFinal
ACRP 11-02/Task 33Research Roadmap on Policy and Planning IssuesFinal
ACRP 11-02/Task 35Research Roadmap on Administration & Human Resource IssuesFinal
ACRP 11-02/Task 36Research Roadmap on Safety IssuesFinal
ACRP 11-02/Task 37Periodic Report on Transformative Technology at AirportsActive
ACRP 11-02/Task 40Quick Response: Primer for Airport Organizational RedesignFinal
ACRP 11-02/Task 41Toward a Touchless Airport Journey Completed
ACRP 11-02/Task 43Successful Community Inclusion in Advanced Air MobilityFinal
ACRP 11-02/Task 44Developing an Airport Communicable Disease Response Plan TemplateFinal
ACRP 11-03Synthesis of Information Related to Airport PracticesActive
ACRP 11-04ACRP Academic Engagement ProgramsActive
ACRP 11-04CACRP Academic Programs – Secondary Education OpportunitiesActive
ACRP 11-05Tactical Initiatives from the ACRP Strategic PlanActiveContinuing project.
ACRP 11-05/Task 4ACRP Problem Statement Process Assessment and RecommendationsActive
ACRP 11-08 (25-01)ACRP Insight Event: Exploring the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Airport IndustryPending
ACRP 11-08(16-01)Forum on Challenges to Implementing Successful Land Use Strategies at AirportsFinal
ACRP 11-08(16-02)Forum on Economic and Social Sustainability at AirportsFinal
ACRP 11-08(16-03)Forum on Airport Roles in Reducing Transmission of Communicable Diseases Final
ACRP 11-08(16-04)Public Private Partnerships - What Are the Lessons Learned?Final
ACRP 11-08(19-01)Introduction to Blockchain and Airport OperationsFinal
ACRP 11-08(20-01)ACRP Insight Event--Future of AviationFinal
ACRP 11-08(20-02)ACRP Insight Event--On-Demand Aviation Services for Mobility, Logistics, Emergency Response, and Humanitarian Use CasesFinal
ACRP 11-08(21-01)ACRP Insight Event--Future of Airport FinancesActive
ACRP 11-08(21-02)ACRP Insight Event--Issues on Systemic RacismFinal
ACRP 11-08(24-01)ACRP Insight Event--Modernization of FIS Facilities at International AirportsActive
ACRP 11-08(24-02)ACRP Insight Event - Improving Extreme Weather Resiliency of Airport InfrastructureActive
ACRP 11-08(24-03)ACRP Insight Event – Airport Energy PreparednessActive
ACRP 11-09/Topic 01Impact of New Corporate Environmental Standards Impact AirportsFinal
ACRP 11-09/Topic 02ACRP First Look: Understanding the Impacts of Tire Anti-degradants 6PPD and 6PPD-Quinone on AirportsPending
ACRP 11-11Facilitating Implementation of ACRP ProductsAnticipated
ACRP 11-11/Task 01Knowledge Transfer of Lessons Learned From ACRP Product ImplementationActive
ACRP 11-12/Task 01Review ACRP WebsitePending
ACRP 11-12/Task 02Dissemination of Research ResultsPending
ACRP 11-12/Task 04Development of CRP Project Teaming and Mentoring WebsitePending
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S01-01Innovative Finance and Alternative Sources of Revenue for AirportsFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S01-02Airport Economic Development Opportunities and IncentivesFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S01-03Airport Insurance Coverage and Risk Management PracticesFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S01-04Airline and Airport-Airline Consortiums to Manage Terminals and EquipmentFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S01-05Airport OrganizationFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S01-06How Airports Measure Customer Service PerformanceFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S01-07Conducting Airport Peer ReviewsFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S01-08Understanding the Value of Social Media at Airports for Customer EngagementFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S01-09Practices to Develop Effective Stakeholder Relationships at Smaller AirportsFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S01-10Strategies for Maintaining Air ServiceFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S01-11Continuity of Operations Planning for Small AirportsFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S01-12Airport Participation in Oil & Gas DevelopmentFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S01-13Food and Beverage and Retail Operators: The Costs of Doing Business at AirportsFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S01-14Funding Industrial AviationFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S01-15Airport Operator Options for Delivery of FBO ServicesFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S01-16Microgrids and their Application for Airports and Public TransitFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S01-17Attracting Investment at General Aviation Airports Through Public-Private PartnershipsFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S01-18Value, Benefits, and Limitations of Qualifications Based Selection (QBS) for Airport Project DeliveryFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S01-19Airport Risk Identification and Prioritization PracticesFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S01-20Compilation of Data on the State of FBOsFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S01-21Successful Arts Programs at Airports Final (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S01-22Last Mile in General Aviation - Courtesy Vehicles and other forms of Ground TransportationFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S01-23Airport Software Solutions and Services SourcingFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S01-24Examples of Airports Providing Facility Space for Community UseFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S01-25Airport Parking Pricing StrategiesFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S01-26The Landscape of the FBO Industry in 2022Final (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S01-27State of Airport Loyalty ProgramsFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S01-28Methods of Airport Arts Program ManagementFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S01-29Airport Practices for Onboarding a New Passenger AirlineFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S01-30Beyond ADA: Exceeding Airport Accessibility RequirementsActive (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S01-31Airport Practices for Building Program and Project TeamsNew
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S01-32State of Airport LoungesNew
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S02-01Effects of Aircraft NoiseFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S02-02Sustainable Facilities and PracticesFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S02-03A Compilation of Airport Noise Programs in Areas Outside DNL 65Final (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S02-04Approaches to Integrating Airport Development and Federal Environmental Review ProcessesFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S02-05Strategies and Financing Opportunities for Airport Environmental ProgramsFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S02-06Airport Climate Adaptation and ResilienceFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S02-07Integrating Environmental Sustainability into Airport ContractsFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S02-08Environmental Assessment of Air and High Speed Rail CorridorsFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S02-09Airport Environmental Management System Development ProcessesFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S02-10Outcomes of Green Initiatives: Large Airports ExperienceFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S02-11Lessons Learned from Airport Sustainability PlansFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S02-12Airport Sustainability Practices-Drivers and Outcomes for Small Commercial and General Aviation AirportsFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S02-13Helicopter Noise Information for Airports and CommunitiesFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S02-14Airport Sustainability PracticesFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S02-15Alternative Fuels in Airport FleetsFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S02-16Airport Community, Water Quality Events, and the Aircraft Drinking Water RuleFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S02-17Sustainability’s Role in Enhancing Airport CapacityFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S02-18Airport Waste Management and Recycling PracticesFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S02-19Clean Vehicles, Fuels, and Practices for Airport Private Ground Transportation ProvidersFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S02-20Lessons Learned from Airport Greenhouse Gas Reduction EffortsFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S02-21Practices in Airport Renewable Energy ProjectsFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S02-22Airport Programs that Reduce Landside Vehicle Carbon EmissionsFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S02-23Electric Vehicle Charging Stations at Airport Passenger Parking FacilitiesFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S03-01Airport Aviation Activity ForecastingFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S03-02Airport Access Mode Choice ModelsFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S03-03Airport Economic Impact Methods and ModelsFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S03-04Airport System Planning PracticesFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S03-05Effective Practices for Preparting Airport Improvement Program (AIP) Benefit-Cost AnalysisFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S03-06Strategies for Re-use of Underutilized or Vacant Airport FacilitiesFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S03-07Integrating Airport GIS Data with Public Agency GISFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S03-08Backcountry Airstrip PreservationFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S03-09Cell Phone Lots at AirportsFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S03-10Practices in Preserving and Developing Public-Use Seaplane BasesFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S03-11Transportation Network Companies: Challenges and Opportunities for Airport OperatorsFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S03-12Preparing Airports for Communicable Diseases on Arriving FlightsFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S03-13Estimating Truck Trip Generation for Airport Air Cargo ActivityFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S03-14Simulation Options for Airport PlanningFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S03-15How Airports Plan for Changing Aircraft Capacity-the Effects of UpgaugingFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S03-16Project Prioritization and Selection Processes for State Aviation FundingFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S03-17Airport Centric Advanced Air Mobility Market StudyFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S03-18Communication, Implementation, and Outcomes of Airport Economic Impact StudiesFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S03-19Airport Parking Reservation Systems and TechniquesActive (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S03-20ACRP Synthesis: Integrating Advanced Air Mobility into State and Regional Airport System PlansNew
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S03-21ACRP Synthesis: Airport Wildland Fire Mitigation and Critical Infrastructure Mapping for ResponseNew
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S04-01General Aviation Safety and Security PracticesFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S04-02Preventing Vehicle-Aircraft Incidents During Winter Operations and Periods of Low VisibilityFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S04-03Identification of the Requirements and Training to Obtain Driving Privileges on AirfieldsFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S04-05Bird Harassment, Repellent, and Deterrent Techniques on AirportsFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S04-06Current Airport Inspection Practices Regarding FOD/Wildlife HazardsFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S04-07Lessons Learned from Airport Safety Management Systems Pilot StudyFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S04-08Managing Aerial Firefighting Activities on AirportsFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S04-09Model Mutual Aid Agreements for AirportsFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S04-10Safety Reporting Systems at AirportsFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S04-11Effective Cooperation among Airports and Local and Regional Emergency Management Agencies for Disaster Preparedness and ResponseFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S04-12Airport Emergency Post-event Recovery PracticesFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S04-13Combining Mixed Use Flight Operations Safely at AirportsFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S04-14Airport Safety Risk Management Panel Activities and OutcomesFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S04-15Airport Advisories at Non-Towered AirportsFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S04-16Emergency Communication Planning for AirportsFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S04-17Tabletop and Full-Scale Emergency Exercises for General Aviation, Non-Hub, and Small Hub AirportsFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S04-18Uses of Social Media to Inform Operational Response and Recovery During an Airport Emergency Final (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S04-19Incorporating ADA and Functional Needs in Emergency ExercisesFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S04-20Airport Incident Reporting PracticesFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S04-21Models for Law Enforcement at Airports Final (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S04-22Airport Surface Weather Observation Options for General Aviation AirportsFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S04-23Emergency Working Groups at AirportsFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S04-24Practices in Airport Emergency PlansFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S04-25Escalator FallsFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S04-26Managing a Flight Diversion with an Emergency Response at Small, Non-Hub, or General Aviation AirportsFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S04-27Airport Apron and Ramp Safety PracticesActive (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S04-28Safety and Security Considerations for EV Charging Infrastructure at AirportsNew
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S04-29Airport Safety Risk Management Panel Activities and OutcomesNew
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S06-01Synthesis of Aviation Workforce Development PracticesFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S06-02Airport Self-Inspection Procedures and Training PracticesFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S06-03Exploring Airport Employee Commuting and Parking StrategiesFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S06-04Helping New Maintenance Hires Adapt to the Airport Operating EnvironmentFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S06-05Promoting Aviation Career Education in High Schools and Community CollegesFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S06-06Airport Workforce Programs Supporting Employee Well-being Final (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S06-07Impacts of COVID to Airport Work Models and StrategiesFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S06-08Exploring Airport Employee Commuting and Transportation NeedsFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S06-09Total Rewards for Airport Sponsor EmployeesActive (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S07-01Impacts of Aging Travelers on AirportsFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S07-02Communication Strategies for Airport Passenger Access and MobilityFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S07-03Airfield Apron/Ramp Surface MarkingsFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S07-04Airport Property Used for Parks and Recreational UseFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S07-05Airfield Vehicle Service Road Design and OperationsFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S07-06Application of Large Language Models in Enhancing Airport Passenger ExperienceNew
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S08-01Airport Terminal Facility Activation TechniquesFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S09-01Rubber Removal Techniques to Minimize Damage on Grooved RunwaysFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S09-02Common Airport Pavement Maintenance PracticesFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S09-03Subsurface Utility Engineering Information Management for AirportsFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S09-04Issues with Use of Airfield LED Light FixturesFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S09-05Repairing and Maintaining Airport Parking Structure While in UseFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S09-06Airside Snow Removal Practices for Small Airports with Limited BudgetsFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S09-07Building Information Modeling for AirportsFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S09-08Practices to Mitigate Alkali Silica Reaction (ASR) Affected Pavement at AirportsFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S09-09Automated Pavement Condition Survey Practices at AirportsFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S09-10Airfield Turf and Vegetation Management PracticesFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S09-11Survey of Mechanisms to Address Off Airport ObstructionsActive (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S10-01Counting Aircraft Operations at Non-Towered AirportsFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S10-02Common-Use Facilities and Equipment at AirportsFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S10-03Airport Pavement Deicing Products, Use and Corrosion DamageFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S10-04Airport Energy Efficiency and Cost ReductionFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S10-05Ramp Safety PracticesFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S10-06Investigating Safety Impacts of Energy Technologies on Airports and AviationFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S10-07Expediting Aircraft Recovery at AirportsFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S10-08Conducting Aeronautical Special Events at AirportsFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S10-09Airport Wildlife Population ManagementFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S10-10Habitat Management to Deter Wildlife at AirportsFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S10-11Electric Vehicle Charging Stations at Airports Parking FacilitiesFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S10-12Airport Response to Special EventsFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S10-13Overview of Airport Fueling OperationsFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S10-14Issues Related to Accommodating Animals Traveling through AirportsFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S10-15Current Landscape of UAS Use at AirportsFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S10-16Airport Operations Training at Small AirportsFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S10-17Agricultural Operations on Airport GroundsFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S10-18Considerations for Establishing and Maintaining Successful Pollinator Programs on AirportsFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S10-19Airport Landside Data, Collection, and ApplicationFinal (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S10-20Identifying Military Resources and Strategies to Improve Civilian Airport Resiliency Final (Synthesis)
ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S10-21Collecting and Utilizing Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) Data at AirportsActive (Synthesis)
BTSCRP BTS-01Guidance for Employer-Based Behavioral Traffic Safety Programs for Drivers in the WorkplaceFinalPublished as BTSCRP Web-Only Document 3
BTSCRP BTS-02Behavioral Traffic Safety Messaging on Variable Message SignsFinalPublished as BTSCRP Research Report 3
BTSCRP BTS-03Examining the Implications of Legislation and Enforcement on Electronic Device Use While Driving FinalPublished as BTSCRP Research Report 1
BTSCRP BTS-04Tracking State Traffic Citation and Adjudication OutcomesFinalPublished as BTSCRP Research Report 5
BTSCRP BTS-06MPO and SHSO Coordination on Behavioral Traffic SafetyFinalPublished as BTSCRP Research Report 7
BTSCRP BTS-07Assessing the Impacts of Automated Driving Systems (ADS) on the Future of Transportation SafetyFinalPublished as NCHRP Research Report 1001/BTSCRP Research Report 2
BTSCRP BTS-08Using the SHRP2 Naturalistic Driving Study Database to Improve Teen Driving Safety: Phase 1 Proof of ConceptFinalPublished as BTSCRP Web-Only Document 2
BTSCRP BTS-09Influence of Infrastructure Design on Distracted DrivingFinalPublished as BTSCRP Web-Only Document 1
BTSCRP BTS-10E-Scooter Safety: Issues and SolutionsFinalPublished as BTSCRP Research Report 9
BTSCRP BTS-11Ensuring Child Safety in For-Hire Rideshare VehiclesFinalPublished as BTSCRP Research Report 6
BTSCRP BTS-12State Practices Promoting Older Driver SafetyFinalPublished as BTSCRP Research Report 4
BTSCRP BTS-13Communicating Safe Behavior Practices to Vulnerable Road UsersFinalPublished as BTSCRP Web-Only Document 6
BTSCRP BTS-14Informing the Selection of Countermeasures by Evaluating, Analyzing, and Diagnosing Contributing Factors that Lead to CrashesFinalResearch completed
BTSCRP BTS-15Highway Safety Behavioral Strategies for Rural AreasFinalPublished as BTSCRP Research Report 8
BTSCRP BTS-16Developing Driver Skills Examination and Scoring Guidance for Evaluating and Predicting High Safety Risk DriversActiveResearch underway
BTSCRP BTS-17Determining the Effectiveness of Combined High Visibility EnforcementFinalCompleted
BTSCRP BTS-18Objectives, Components, and Measures of Effective Traffic Safety Public Awareness and Education EffortsActiveResearch underway
BTSCRP BTS-19Moped and Motor Scooter (50 cc or less) Safety: Issues and CountermeasuresFinalPublished as BTSCRP Research Report 11
BTSCRP BTS-20Strategies to Address Misreporting of Impaired and Distracted Driving in Motor Vehicle CrashesActiveResearch underway
BTSCRP BTS-21Assessing and Mitigating Racial Disparities in the Enforcement of Pedestrian, Bicycle, and Micromobility Traffic-Related LawsFinalProject was canceled on Jan 29, 2025
BTSCRP BTS-22Guidelines for Selecting Communication Channels to Deliver Traffic Safety MessagingActiveResearch underway
BTSCRP BTS-23Outcomes of Variability in Teen Driving Experience and Exposure: Evidence from the Naturalistic Driving StudyCompletedResearch completed
BTSCRP BTS-24Multi-Solving Safety Approach - Stepping Away from Silos to Achieve a Safer SystemActiveResearch underway
BTSCRP BTS-25Cost-Benefit Evaluations of Detection Methods for Driving Under the Influence of Drugs (DUID)FinalThe project was terminated at the conclusion of Phase I
BTSCRP BTS-26Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) Education and OutreachActiveResearch underway
BTSCRP BTS-27Evaluation of Motorcycle Licensing and Training RequirementsActiveResearch underway
BTSCRP BTS-28Teen Driving Performance Associated with Distraction, ADHD, and Other Risk FactorsActiveResearch underway
BTSCRP BTS-29Method to Link Crash, Emergency Medical Service, and Trauma Registry DataCompletedThis project has been combined and managed by NCHRP Project 17-120
BTSCRP BTS-30Engaging Underserved Communities and Populations in Child Passenger SafetyActiveResearch underway
BTSCRP BTS-31Quantifying Impacts of Traffic Enforcement Activity Levels on SafetyActiveResearch underway
BTSCRP BTS-32Formative Research and Resources to Prevent Cannabis Impaired Driving Among Teens and Young AdultsActiveResearch underway
BTSCRP BTS-33Optimizing Parent-Teen Supervised Drives to Reduce Teen Crash RiskActiveResearch underway
BTSCRP BTS-34Enhancing Behavioral Traffic Safety Efforts to Engage Underserved CommunitiesActiveResearch underway
BTSCRP BTS-35Strategies to Reach the Last U.S. Seat Belt Use HoldoutsActiveResearch underway
BTSCRP BTS-36Effectiveness of Speed Reduction in Work ZonesFinalThis project has been combined and managed by NCHRP Project 17-124
BTSCRP BTS-37Strategies to Improve Access to Driver Education and Training for Novice DriversPending
BTSCRP BTS-38Best Practices Toolkit for Slow Down Move Over Laws Pending
BTSCRP BTS-39Toolkit for Reducing Substance-Impaired Driving for the Last Leg of the JourneyPending
BTSCRP BTS-40Handbook for Implementing Traffic Safety Programs in the WorkplacePending
BTSCRP BTS-41Roadmap for the Future Role of Law Enforcement Personnel to Enforce Traffic Safety LawsPending
BTSCRP BTS-42Guidelines to Promote Public Support for Automated Traffic EnforcementPending
CTBSSP MC-01Effective Commercial Truck and Bus Safety Management TechniquesFinal (Synthesis)
CTBSSP MC-02Security Measures in the Commercial Trucking and Bus IndustriesFinal (Synthesis)
CTBSSP MC-03Highway/Heavy Vehicle InteractionFinal (Synthesis)
CTBSSP MC-04Individual Differences and the High-Risk Commercial DriverFinal (Synthesis)
CTBSSP MC-05Training of Commercial Motor Vehicle DriversFinal (Synthesis)
CTBSSP MC-06Operational Differences and Similarities Among the Motorcoach, School Bus, and Trucking IndustriesFinal (Synthesis)
CTBSSP MC-07Motorcoach Industry Hours of Service and Fatigue Management TechniquesFinal (Synthesis)
CTBSSP MC-08Commercial Motor Vehicle Driver Safety Belt UsageFinal (Synthesis)
CTBSSP MC-09Literature Review on Health and Fatigue Issues Associated with Commercial Motor Vehicle Driver Hours of WorkFinal (Synthesis)
CTBSSP MC-10Alternative Truck and Bus Inspection StrategiesFinal (Synthesis)
CTBSSP MC-11Impact of Behavior-Based Safety Techniques on Commercial Motor Vehicle DriversFinal (Synthesis)
CTBSSP MC-12Commercial Motor Vehicle Carrier Safety Management CertificationFinal (Synthesis)
CTBSSP MC-13Effectiveness of Commercial Motor Vehicle Driver Training Curricula and Delivery MethodsFinal (Synthesis)
CTBSSP MC-14The Role of Safety Culture in Preventing Commercial Motor Vehicle CrashesFinal (Synthesis)
CTBSSP MC-15Health and Wellness Programs for Commercial DriversFinal (Synthesis)
CTBSSP MC-17Safety Impacts of Speed Limiter Device Installations on Commercial Trucks and BusesFinal (Synthesis)
CTBSSP MC-18Older Drivers: Do They Pose a Safety Risk Final (Synthesis)
CTBSSP MC-19Chemical Substance Effects on Driving On Performance: Stimulants, Hypnotics, and Nutritional AidsFinal (Synthesis)
CTBSSP MC-20Operator Drug and Alcohol Testing Across ModesFinal (Synthesis)
CTBSSP MC-21Special Safety Concerns of School Bus DriversFinal (Synthesis)
CTBSSP MC-22Risk Avoidance StrategiesFinal (Synthesis)
CTBSSP MC-23Driver Selection Tests and MeasurementFinal (Synthesis)
CTBSSP MC-24Distracted Driving—Successful Practices for Commercial VehiclesFinal (Synthesis)
CTBSSP MC-25Safety Management in Small CompaniesFinal (Synthesis)
High Speed Rail IDEA Project 01Innovative Scanning Antenna Systems for Advanced Recognition of Rail Collision, Obstacle Detection and Automobile CollisionCompleted (IDEA)
High Speed Rail IDEA Project 02Vehicle Detection & Tracking a Wide Angle Sensor's Video Signal for Intersection Control & IntelligenceCompleted (IDEA)
High Speed Rail IDEA Project 03Assessment of Two ITS-IDEA Product Application of Laser Optics Open-air Communication SystemCompleted (IDEA)
High Speed Rail IDEA Project 04Acoustic Signal Processing Method to Warn Workers of Approaching TrainsCompleted (IDEA)
High Speed Rail IDEA Project 05Enhanced Proximity Warning System for LocomotivesCompleted (IDEA)
High Speed Rail IDEA Project 06Demonstration & Testing of IHS Wide Field Surveillance System Integration with the Highway and RailwayCompleted (IDEA)
High Speed Rail IDEA Project 07Pulsed LED Railroad Crossings SignalsCompleted (IDEA)
High Speed Rail IDEA Project 08Remote Sensing Advance Warning Systems Test ProjectCompleted (IDEA)
High Speed Rail IDEA Project 10A Neural Network Video Sensor Application for Rail CrossingCompleted (IDEA)
High Speed Rail IDEA Project 11Integrated Quad Gate Crossing Control SystemsCompleted (IDEA)
High Speed Rail IDEA Project 13Development of a Highway Railroad Grade-Crossing Obstacle Detection RadarCompleted (IDEA)
High Speed Rail IDEA Project 14Low Cost Multiple Sensor Inertial Measurement Sensor for Locomotive NavigationCompleted (IDEA)
High Speed Rail IDEA Project 15Hybrid Uni-Axial Strain Transducer to Monitor InfrastructureCompleted (IDEA)
High Speed Rail IDEA Project 16Advanced Train Detection for Preemption of Highway Traffic ControllersCompleted (IDEA)
High Speed Rail IDEA Project 17Automatic Flaggings System for Track Maintenance WorkersCompleted (IDEA)
High Speed Rail IDEA Project 18An Investigation Into The Use of Buried Fiber Optic Filament to Detect Trains and Broken RailCompleted (IDEA)
High Speed Rail IDEA Project 19Fiber Optical Sensors for High-Speed Rail ApplicationsCompleted (IDEA)
High Speed Rail IDEA Project 20Metal Foams for Improved Crashworthiness of High-Speed Rail Passenger EquipmentCompleted (IDEA)
High Speed Rail IDEA Project 22Low-Cost, Drift-Free DGPS Locomotive Navigation SystemCompleted (IDEA)
High Speed Rail IDEA Project 23Investigation of Hybrid-Composite Beam SystemCompleted (IDEA)
High Speed Rail IDEA Project 24Improved Reliability of Thermite Field WeldsCompleted (IDEA)
High Speed Rail IDEA Project 25Neural Network Based Rail Flaw Detection Using Unprocessed Ultrasonic DataCompleted (IDEA)
High Speed Rail IDEA Project 26High-Precision GPS for Continuous Monitoring of RailCompleted (IDEA)
High Speed Rail IDEA Project 27Low-Cost Multiple Sensor Inertial Measurement Product for Locomotive NavigationCompleted (IDEA)
High Speed Rail IDEA Project 28Development of a Commercial-Grade Bi-Axial Strain TransducerCompleted (IDEA)
High Speed Rail IDEA Project 29Continuous Locomotive Emission AnalyzerCompleted (IDEA)
High Speed Rail IDEA Project 30Vibration Measurements of Rail StressCompleted (IDEA)
High Speed Rail IDEA Project 32High-Strength, Lightweight Car Bodies for High-Speed Rail VehiclesCompleted (IDEA)
High Speed Rail IDEA Project 34Metal Foams for Improved Crash Energy Absorption in Passenger EquipmentCompleted (IDEA)
High Speed Rail IDEA Project 35Prototype HSR Accurate Low-Cost GPS Locomotive Location SystemCompleted (IDEA)
High Speed Rail IDEA Project 37Electroslag Field Welding of Railroad RailCompleted (IDEA)
High Speed Rail IDEA Project 38Feasibility of Locomotive-Mounted Broken Rail DetectionCompleted (IDEA)
High Speed Rail IDEA Project 39Hand-Held Wheel Crack Detection DeviceCompleted (IDEA)
High Speed Rail IDEA Project 40Rubber-Modified Asphalt Concrete for High-Speed Railway RoadbedsCompleted (IDEA)
High Speed Rail IDEA Project 41Reliability of Improved Thermite WeldsCompleted (IDEA)
High Speed Rail IDEA Project 42Acoustic Broken Rail Detection SystemCompleted (IDEA)
High Speed Rail IDEA Project 43Product Application of a Hybrid-Composite Bridge Beam SystemCompleted (IDEA)
High Speed Rail IDEA Project 44Permanent Magnet DC Traction Motor with Reconfigurable Winding ControlCompleted (IDEA)
High Speed Rail IDEA Project 45Crash Energy Absorption for High-Speed Rail Passenger Seats Using Solid Ejection MaterialCompleted (IDEA)
High Speed Rail IDEA Project 46Magnetorheological Damping for Spring Rail Frog SwitchesCompleted (IDEA)
High Speed Rail IDEA Project 47Application of LAHUT Technology for Wayside Cracked Wheel DetectionCompleted (IDEA)
High Speed Rail IDEA Project 48Vibration Measurements of Rail StressCompleted (IDEA)
High Speed Rail IDEA Project 49Machine Vision for Railroad Equipment Undercarriage InspectionCompleted (IDEA)
High Speed Rail IDEA Project 50A Track Sensor for Predicting Train Arrival TimeCompleted (IDEA)
High Speed Rail IDEA Project 51Smart Sensor System for Monitoring Railcar Braking SystemsCompleted (IDEA)
High Speed Rail IDEA Project 52Low-Cost, Precise Railroad GPS Location SystemCompleted (IDEA)
High Speed Rail IDEA Project 53Feasibility of Magnetometer Sensors for Railroad and Highway EquipmentCompleted (IDEA)
High Speed Rail IDEA Project 54Wireless Remote Structural Integrity Monitoring System for Railroad BridgesCompleted (IDEA)
High Speed Rail IDEA Project 55Characterization of Rail Surface ConditionCompleted (IDEA)
High Speed Rail IDEA Project 56Signal Transmissibility of Railcar Bearing VibrationsCompleted (IDEA)
High Speed Rail IDEA Project 57Steel Bridge Pile Inspection TechnologyCompleted (IDEA)
High Speed Rail IDEA Project 58Permanent Magnet DC Traction MotorCompleted (IDEA)
HMCRP HM-01Hazardous Materials Commodity Flow Data and AnalysisFinalPublished as HMCRP Report 3
HMCRP HM-02Hazardous Materials Transportation Incident Data for Root Cause AnalysisFinalPublished as HMCRP Report 1.
HMCRP HM-03A Guide for Assessing Emergency Response Needs and Capabilities for Hazardous Materials ReleasesFinalPublished as HMCRP Report 5.
HMCRP HM-04Emerging Technologies Applicable to Hazardous Materials Transportation Safety and SecurityFinalPublished as HMCRP Report 4.
HMCRP HM-05Evaluation of the Use of Electronic Shipping Papers for Hazardous Materials ShipmentsFinalPublished as HMCRP Report 8.
HMCRP HM-06Soil and Groundwater Impacts of Chemical Mixture Releases from Hazardous Materials Transportation IncidentsFinalPublished as HMCRP Report 2.
HMCRP HM-07Accident Performance Data of Bulk Packages Used for Hazardous Materials TransportationFinalPublished as HMCRP Report 10.
HMCRP HM-08Consolidated Security Credential for Persons Who Transport Hazardous MaterialsCompleted
HMCRP HM-09Technical Assessment of Dry Ice Limits on AircraftFinalPublished as HMCRP Report 11.
HMCRP HM-10Current Hazardous Materials Transportation Research and Future NeedsFinalPublished as HMCRP Web-Only Document 1
HMCRP HM-11Improving Local Community Recovery from Disastrous Hazardous Materials Transportation IncidentsFinalPublished as HMCRP Report 9.
HMCRP HM-12Hazardous Materials Transportation Risk Assessment: State of the PracticeCompleted
HMCRP HM-13Role of Human Factors in Preventing Cargo Tank Truck RolloversFinalPublished as HMCRP Report 7
HMCRP HM-14Test Procedures and Classification Criteria for Release of Toxic Gases from Water-Reactive MaterialsCompleted
HMCRP HM-15A Guide for Communicating Emergency Response Information for Natural Gas and Hazardous Liquids PipelinesFinalPublished as HMCRP Report 14.
HMCRP HM-16Model Post-Secondary Education Curricula for the Transportation of Hazardous MaterialsFinalPublished as Web-Only Document 2.
HMCRP HM-17Evaluating the Effectiveness of Hazmat Transportation TrainingFinalAvailable on request.
HMCRP HM-18Evaluation of Small Quantities of Class 3 and Class 9 Hazmat Materials in TransportationFinalPublished as HMCRP Web-Only Document 3.
NCFRP 01Public and Private Sector Interdependence in Freight Transportation MarketsCompleted
NCFRP 02Impacts of Public Policy on the Freight Transportation SystemFinalPublished as NCFRP Report 6.
NCFRP 03Performance Measures for Freight TransportationFinalPublished as NCFRP Report 10.
NCFRP 04Identifying and Using Low-Cost and Quickly Implementable Ways to Address Freight-System Mobility ConstraintsFinalPublished as NCFRP Report 7.
NCFRP 05Framework and Tools for Estimating Benefits of Specific Freight Network Investment NeedsFinalPublished as NCFRP Report 12
NCFRP 06Freight-Demand Modeling to Support Public-Sector Decision MakingFinalPublished as NCFRP Report 8.
NCFRP 09Institutional Arrangements in the Freight Transportation SystemFinalPublished as NCFRP Report 2.
NCFRP 10Separation of Vehicles---CMV Only LanesActive
NCFRP 11Identification and Evaluation of Freight Demand FactorsFinalReport available at
NCFRP 12Specifications for Freight Transportation Data ArchitectureFinalPublished as NCFRP Report 9.
NCFRP 13Delivering High Productivity Truck CorridorsCompletedCanceled.
NCFRP 14Truck Drayage PracticesFinalPublished as NCFRP Report 11.
NCFRP 15Understanding Urban Goods MovementsFinalPublished as NCFRP Report 14
NCFRP 16Representing Freight in Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas ModelsFinalPublished as NCFRP Report 4.
NCFRP 17North American Marine Highway OperationsFinalPublished as NCFRP Report 5.
NCFRP 17(001)Marine Highway Transport of Toxic Inhalation Hazard (TIH) MaterialsFinalPublished as NCFRP Report 18.
NCFRP 18Synthesis of International Freight ScansCompletedAuthor’s draft report available on request.
NCFRP 19Truck Tolling--Understanding Industry Tradeoffs When Using or Avoiding Toll Facilities (Jointly funded as NCHRP Project 19-09)FinalPublished as a web-only document
NCFRP 20Guidebook for Developing Sub-national Commodity Flow DataFinalPublished as NCFRP Report 26.
NCFRP 21Legal Considerations for Assessing Private Data for Freight Transportation PlanningCompletedCanceled.
NCFRP 22Applying Benefit-Cost Analysis (BCA) to Freight Project Selection: Lessons from the Corps of EngineersFinalThe contractor's report is available electronically.
NCFRP 23Economic and Transportation Drivers for Siting Freight Intermodal and Warehouse Distribution Facilities FinalPublished as NCFRP Report 13
NCFRP 24Preserving and Protecting Freight Infrastructure and RoutesFinalPublished as NCFRP Report 16
NCFRP 25Freight Trip Generation and Land Use (Jointly Funded as NCHRP 08-80)FinalPublished as NCFRP Report 19/NCHRP Report 739
NCFRP 25(01)Estimating Freight Generation Using Commodity Flow Survey MicrodataFinalPublished as NCFRP Report 37
NCFRP 26Freight Transportation Cost Data Elements FinalCompleted. Published as NCFRP Report 22.
NCFRP 27Promoting Environmental Goals in Freight Transportation through Industry BenchmarkingFinalPublished as NCFRP Report 21.
NCFRP 28Truck Idling Scoping StudyFinalThe contractor's final report is available electronically.
NCFRP 29New Dedicated Revenue Mechanisms for Freight Transportation InvestmentFinal
NCFRP 30Web-Based Screening Tool for Shared-Use Rail CorridorsFinalResearch results have been published as NCFRP Report 27.
NCFRP 31Guidebook for Sharing Freight Transportation DataFinalCompleted. Published as NCFRP Report 25.
NCFRP 32Impact of Smart Growth on Metropolitan Goods MovementFinalPublished as NCFRP Report 24.
NCFRP 33Public-Sector Sustainability Strategies Addressing Supply Chain Air EmissionsFinalCompleted. Published as NCFRP Report 28.
NCFRP 34Evaluating Alternatives for Landside Transport of Ocean ContainersFinalPublished as NCFRP Report 34
NCFRP 35Multimodal Freight Transportation Within the Great Lakes-Saint Lawrence BasinFinalCompleted. Published as NCFRP Report 17.
NCFRP 36(03)Multistate Freight Corridor OrganizationsFinalPublished as web-only Document 2.
NCFRP 36(04)Carbon Footprint of Supply Chains: A Scoping StudyFinalCompleted. Published as NCFRP Web-only Document 5
NCFRP 36(05)Synthesis of Freight Research in Urban Transportation PlanningCompletedCompleted--to be published as NCFRP Report 23
NCFRP 37Making U.S. Ports Resilient as Part of Extended Intermodal Supply ChainsFinalPublished as NCFRP Report 30.
NCFRP 38Improving Freight System Performance in Metropolitan AreasFinalPublished as NCFRP Report 33
NCFRP 39Making Trucks Count: Innovative Strategies for Obtaining Comprehensive Truck Activity DataFinalPublished as NCFRP Report 29.
NCFRP 40Improving Export Freight LogisticsFinalResearch available on request.
NCFRP 41Incorporating Truck Analysis into the Highway Capacity ManualFinal
NCFRP 42Integrating MTS Commerce Data with Multimodal Freight Transportation Performance Measures to Support MTS Maintenance Investment Decision MakingFinalCompleted. Published as NCFRP Report 32.
NCFRP 43Guidebook for Assessing Evolving International Container Chassis Supply ModelsFinalCompleted. Published as NCFRP Report 20.
NCFRP 44Impacts of Policy-Induced Freight Modal ShiftsFinalPublished as NCFRP Research Report 40
NCFRP 45Enhancing Sleep Efficiency on Vessels in the Tug/Towboat/Barge IndustryFinalPublished as NCFRP Report 36
NCFRP 46Benefit-Cost Methodologies for Evaluating Multimodal Freight Corridor InvestmentsFinalCompleted. Published as NCFRP Report 38.
NCFRP 47Freight Transportation Data Architecture: Data Element DictionaryFinalPublished as NCFRP Report 35
NCFRP 48Freight Research to Support MAP-21 ImplementationActiveContract ammended to add FAST requirements and final project reports
NCFRP 49Understanding and Using New Data Sources to Address Urban and Metropolitan Freight ChallengesFinalThe web guide is available at
NCFRP 50Improving Freight Transportation Resilience in Response to Supply Chain DisruptionsFinalPublished as NCFRP Research Report 39.
NCHRP 01-25(1)Effects of Heavy Vehicle Characteristics on Pavement Response and Performance---Phase IICompleted
NCHRP 01-27Video Image Processing for Evaluating Pavement Surface DistressCompleted
NCHRP 01-28Laboratory Determination of Resilient Modulus for Flexible Pavement DesignCompleted
NCHRP 01-28AHarmonized Test Methods for Laboratory Determination of Resilient Modulus for Flexible Pavement DesignCompleted
NCHRP 01-29Improved Surface Drainage of PavementsCompleted
NCHRP 01-30Support Under Portland Cement Concrete PavementsCompleted
NCHRP 01-31Smoothness Specifications for PavementsCompleted
NCHRP 01-32Systems for Design of Highway PavementsCompleted
NCHRP 01-33Methodology to Improve Pavement-Investment DecisionsCompleted
NCHRP 01-34Performance of Subsurface Pavement DrainageCompleted
NCHRP 01-34AContributions of Pavement Structural Layers to Rutting of Flexible PavementsCompleted
NCHRP 01-34BEffectiveness of Subsurface Drainage for HMA and PCC PavementsCompleted
NCHRP 01-34CEffects of Subsurface Drainage on Performance of Asphalt and Concrete PavementsCompleted
NCHRP 01-34DEffects of Subsurface Drainage on Performance of Asphalt and Concrete Pavements: Further Evaluation and Analysis of LTPP SPS-1 and SPS-2 Field SectionsCompleted
NCHRP 01-35AGuide for Pavement ManagementCompleted
NCHRP 01-36Determination of Pavement Damage from Super-Single and Singled-Out Dual Truck TiresCompleted
NCHRP 01-37Development of the 2002 Guide for the Design of New and Rehabilitated Pavement StructuresCompleted
NCHRP 01-37ADevelopment of the 2002 Guide for the Design of New and Rehabilitated Pavement Structures: Phase IICompleted
NCHRP 01-37A(01)Distribution Plan for the Recommended Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Guide and SoftwareCompleted
NCHRP 01-38Guide on Pavement Rehabilitation StrategiesCompleted
NCHRP 01-39Traffic Data Collection, Analysis, and Forecasting for Mechanistic Pavement DesignCompleted
NCHRP 01-40Facilitating the Implementation of the Guide for the Design of New and Rehabilitated Pavement StructuresCompletedThe MEPDG software is now available from AASHTOWare as the Pavement ME Design program.
NCHRP 01-40AIndependent Review of the Recommended Mechanistic-Empirical Design Guide and SoftwareCompleted
NCHRP 01-40BUser Manual and Local Calibration Guide for the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide and SoftwareCompleted
NCHRP 01-40D(01)Technical Assistance to NCHRP and NCHRP Project 1-40A: Versions 0.9 and 1.0 of the M-E Pavement Design SoftwareCompleted
NCHRP 01-41Models for Predicting Reflection Cracking of Hot-Mix Asphalt OverlaysCompleted
NCHRP 01-42Top-Down Fatigue Cracking of Hot-Mix Asphalt Layers - Phase ICompleted
NCHRP 01-42AModels for Predicting Top-Down Cracking of Hot-Mix Asphalt LayersCompleted
NCHRP 01-43Guide for Pavement FrictionCompleted
NCHRP 01-44Measuring Tire-Pavement Noise at the SourceCompleted
NCHRP 01-44(01)Measuring Tire-Pavement Noise at the Source: Precision and Bias StatementCompleted
NCHRP 01-45Models for Estimating the Effects of Pavement Condition on Vehicle Operating CostsCompleted
NCHRP 01-46Handbook for Pavement Design, Construction, and ManagementCompleted
NCHRP 01-47Sensitivity Evaluation of MEPDG Performance PredictionCompleted
NCHRP 01-48Incorporating Pavement Preservation into the MEPDGCompleted
NCHRP 01-49Guidelines for Conducting Forensic Investigation of Highway PavementsCompleted
NCHRP 01-50Quantifying the Influence of Geosynthetics on Pavement PerformanceCompleted
NCHRP 01-51A Model for Incorporating Slab/Underlying Layer Interaction into the MEPDG Concrete Pavement Analysis ProceduresCompleted
NCHRP 01-52A Mechanistic-Empirical Model for Top-Down Cracking of Asphalt Pavement LayersCompleted
NCHRP 01-53Proposed Enhancements to Pavement ME Design: Improved Consideration of the Influence of Subgrade and Unbound Layers on Pavement PerformanceCompleted
NCHRP 01-54Guidelines for Limiting Damage to Flexible and Composite Pavements Due to the Presence of WaterCompletedPublication decision pending.
NCHRP 01-55Performance-Based Mix Design of Porous Friction CoursesCompleted
NCHRP 01-57Standard Definitions for Comparable Pavement Cracking DataCompletedThe research will be completed through NCHRP Project 1-57A.
NCHRP 01-57ADeveloping Standard Definitions for Comparable Pavement Cracking DataCompleted
NCHRP 01-57BValidating Proposed Definitions for Comparable Pavement Cracking DataActiveResearch in progress.
NCHRP 01-58Quantifying the Effects of Implements of Husbandry on PavementsFinal
NCHRP 01-59Proposed Enhancements to Pavement ME Design: Improved Consideration of the Influence of Subgrade Soils Susceptible to Shrink/Swell and/or Frost Heave on Pavement PerformanceFinalPublished as NCHRP Research Report 1096.
NCHRP 01-60Measuring the Characteristics of Pavement Surface ImagesFinalPublished as NCHRP Research Report 1106.
NCHRP 01-61Evaluation of Bonded Concrete Overlays on Asphalt PavementsFinalPublished as NCHRP Research Report 1007. The appendices are available as NCHRP WOD 329.
NCHRP 01-62Impact of Flooding on the Resiliency of Pavement SystemsActiveResearch in progress
NCHRP 01-63Incorporating Traffic Speed Deflection Devices Measurements into Pavement Management and DesignActiveResearch In Progress
NCHRP 01-64Development of Longitudinal Cracking Models for Concrete PavementsPending
NCHRP 02-14Public/Private Partnerships for Financing Highway ImprovementsFinal
NCHRP 02-15Identifying Measuring, and Evaluating the Benefits of Safety Roadside Rest AreasFinal
NCHRP 02-16Relationships Between Vehicle Configurations and Highway DesignFinal
NCHRP 02-17(1)Methodologies for Evaluating the Effects of Transportation Policies on the EconomyFinal
NCHRP 02-17(2)Workshop on Research Needs in Transportation and Economic DevelopmentCompleted
NCHRP 02-17(3)Macroeconomic Analysis of the Linkages Between Transportation Investments and Economic PerformanceCompleted
NCHRP 02-17(3)AUpdate and Enhancement of Dataset for Macroeconomic Analysis of Transportation Investments and Economic PerformanceCompleted
NCHRP 02-17(4)Measuring the Relationship Between Freight Transportation Services and Industry ProductivityCompleted
NCHRP 02-17(5)Impact of Urban Congestion on BusinessFinal
NCHRP 02-17(6)Tourism Travel Contributions to Economic DevelopmentCompleted
NCHRP 02-18Research Strategies for Improving Highway User Cost-Estimating MethodologiesCompleted
NCHRP 02-18(2)Valuation of Travel-Time Savings and Predictability in Congested Conditions for Highway User-Cost EstimationCompleted
NCHRP 02-18(3)Development of an Innovative Highway User-Cost Estimation ProcedureCompleted
NCHRP 02-18(4)Development and Demonstration of StratBENCOST ProcedureCompleted
NCHRP 02-19Research on the Relationship Between Economic Development and Transportation InvestmentCompleted
NCHRP 02-19(2)Guidance on Using Existing Analytic Tools for Evaluating Transportation InvestmentsCompleted
NCHRP 02-20Economic Trends and Multimodal Transportation RequirementsCompleted
NCHRP 02-21Economic Implications of CongestionCompleted
NCHRP 02-22Needs in Communicating the Economic Impacts of Transportation InvestmentCompleted
NCHRP 02-22(2)Case Studies on Communicating the Economic Benefits of Transportation InvestmentsCompleted
NCHRP 02-23Development of an Update to the 1977 AASHTO RedbookCompleted
NCHRP 02-24Economic Productivity and Transportation Investment PrioritiesFinal
NCHRP 02-25Workforce 2030--Attracting, Retaining, and Developing the Transportation Workforce: Design, Construction, and MaintenanceFinalNCHRP Research Report 1008: Workforce 2030: Attracting, Retaining, and Developing the 2030 Transportation Workforce: Design, Construction, and Maintenance
NCHRP 02-26Implementation of Life-Cycle Planning Analysis in a Transportation Asset Management FrameworkFinal
NCHRP 02-27Making Targets Matter: Managing Performance to Enhance Decision-MakingFinal
NCHRP 03-100Evaluating the Performance of Corridors with RoundaboutsFinal
NCHRP 03-101Costs and Benefits of Public-Sector Deployment of Vehicle to Infrastructure TechnologiesFinal
NCHRP 03-102Design Guidance for Intersection Auxiliary LanesFinal
NCHRP 03-103Update of the Signal Timing ManualFinal
NCHRP 03-104Unsignalized Intersection GuideFinal
NCHRP 03-105Design Guidance for Interchange Loop RampsFinal
NCHRP 03-106Traffic Control Device Guidelines for CurvesCompleted
NCHRP 03-107Work Zone Capacity Methods for the Highway Capacity ManualCompleted
NCHRP 03-108Guidance on Quantifying Benefits of TIM StrategiesFinal
NCHRP 03-109Potential MUTCD Criteria for Selecting the Type of Control for Unsignalized IntersectionsFinal
NCHRP 03-110Estimating the Life-Cycle Cost of Intersection DesignsFinal
NCHRP 03-111Effectiveness of Work Zone Transportation Management Plan (TMP) StrategiesFinal
NCHRP 03-112Operational and Safety Considerations in Making Lane Width Decisions on Urban and Suburban ArterialsFinalFurther work will be conducted under NCHRP 03-112A in 2019
NCHRP 03-112AGuidelines for Selecting Lane Widths on Urban and Suburban ArterialsFinalNCHRP canceled this project and reallocated project funds to NCHRP Program
NCHRP 03-113Guidance for Traffic Signals at Diverging Diamond Interchanges and Adjacent IntersectionsFinalPublished as NCHRP Report 959
NCHRP 03-114Planning and Evaluating Active Traffic Management StrategiesFinalFurther work will be conducted under NCHRP Project 03-114(01)
NCHRP 03-114(01)Planning and Evaluating Active Traffic Management StrategiesFinal
NCHRP 03-115Production of a Major Update to the 2010 Highway Capacity ManualFinal
NCHRP 03-117Traffic Control Devices and Measures for Deterring Wrong-Way MovementsFinal
NCHRP 03-118Decision-Making Guide for Traffic Signal PhasingFinal
NCHRP 03-119Application of MASH Test Criteria to Breakaway Sign and Luminaire Supports and Crashworthy Work-Zone Traffic Control DevicesFinalContinued under NCHRP 03-119(01)
NCHRP 03-119(01)Application of MASH Test Criteria to Breakaway Sign and Luminaire Supports and Crashworthy Work Zone Traffic Control DevicesActiveResearch in progress. Continuation from NCHRP 03-119.
NCHRP 03-120Assessing Interactions Between Access Management Treatments and Multimodal UsersFinal
NCHRP 03-121Incorporating Freight, Transit, and Incident Response Stakeholders into Integrated Corridor Management (ICM): Processes and Strategies for ImplementationFinal
NCHRP 03-122Performance-Based Management of Traffic SignalsFinalPublished as NCHRP Report 954
NCHRP 03-123Proposed Practices for the Application of Dynamic Lane Use ControlFinalPublished as NCHRP Research Report 1021.
NCHRP 03-124Principles and Guidance for Presenting Drivers with Dynamic Information on Active Traffic ManagementFinal
NCHRP 03-125Evaluation of Change and Clearance Intervals Prior to the Flashing Yellow Arrow Permissive Left-Turn IndicationFinalPublished as NCHRP WOD 394.
NCHRP 03-126Transportation Operations ManualFinal
NCHRP 03-127Cybersecurity of Traffic Management SystemsFinal
NCHRP 03-127(01)Cybersecurity of Traffic Management Systems (Continuation)FinalProject Cancelled
NCHRP 03-128Business Intelligence Techniques for Transportation Agency Decision MakingFinalPublished as NCHRP Research Report 1099.
NCHRP 03-129Essential Communications: A Guide to Land Mobile Radio (LMR) FinalPhase II will be conducted under NCHRP Project 03-129A
NCHRP 03-129AEmerging Land Mobile Radio Communications Guide Active
NCHRP 03-130Guide for RoundaboutsFinal
NCHRP 03-131Guidance for Planning and Implementing Multimodal, Integrated Corridor ManagementFinalPublished as NCHRP Web-Only Document 287
NCHRP 03-132Guidance for Safe and Effective Temporary Traffic Control for Mobile Operations on Two-Lane Two-Way RoadwaysFinal
NCHRP 03-133Traffic Signal Control Strategies for Pedestrians and BicyclistsFinalPublished as NCHRP Research Report 969: Traffic Signal Control Strategies for Pedestrians and Bicyclists
NCHRP 03-134Determination of Encroachment Conditions in Work ZonesFinalPublished as NCHRP Research Report 1055
NCHRP 03-135Wrong-Way Driving Solutions, Policy, and GuidanceFinalPublished as NCHRP Research Report 1050
NCHRP 03-136Evaluating the Performance of Right-Turn-On-Red Operation at Signalized Intersections (with single and dual right-turn lanes)Final
NCHRP 03-137Algorithms to Convert Basic Safety Messages into Traffic MeasuresFinalResearch is Complete. Published report number is NCHRP Research Report 997
NCHRP 03-138Application of Big Data Approaches for Traffic Incident Management (TIM)FinalPublished as NCHRP Research Report 1071.
NCHRP 03-139Next Generation of the USLIMITS2 Speed Limit Setting Expert SystemFinalContinued under NCHRP 03-139(01).
NCHRP 03-140Guidelines for Applications of RFID and Wireless Technologies in Highway Construction and Asset ManagementFinalThe final deliverables have been published as NCHRP Research Report 1063 and NCHRP Web-Only Document 364
NCHRP 03-141Guidance on Midblock Pedestrian Signals (MPS) Final
NCHRP 03-142Evaluating the Impacts of Real-Time Warnings and Variable Speed Limits on Safety and Travel Reliability during Weather EventsActiveResearch in progress.
NCHRP 03-143Framework and Toolkit for Selecting Pedestrian Crossing TreatmentsActiveResearch in progress
NCHRP 03-144Leveraging Existing Traffic Signal Assets to Obtain Quality Traffic Counts and Enhance Transportation Monitoring ProgramsActiveResearch in progress
NCHRP 03-145National Traffic Sensor System Evaluation ProgramActiveResearch in progress
NCHRP 03-146Guide for Transportation Operations Manual ImplementationActive
NCHRP 03-147LED Applications on Traffic Control DevicesActiveResearch in progress.
NCHRP 03-148Preparing for Virtual Operation of Traffic Management SystemsActiveResearch in progress
NCHRP 03-149Evaluation of the Traffic Signal Timing Manual, Third EditionActive
NCHRP 03-150Update to Procedure for Determining Work Zone Speed LimitsPending
NCHRP 03-151Data Subsystems and Data Management Plans for Traffic Management SystemsActive
NCHRP 03-152Integrating the Use of New Software Subsystems and Software Within Evolving Traffic Management SystemsAnticipatedIn development
NCHRP 03-153Audible Indications for Accessible Pedestrian SignalsPending
NCHRP 03-28Effects of Quality of Traffic Signal Progression on DelayFinal
NCHRP 03-32Temporary Pavement Markings for Work ZonesFinal
NCHRP 03-33Capacity and Level-of-Service Procedures for Multilane Rural and Suburban HighwaysFinal
NCHRP 03-35Speed-Change LanesFinal
NCHRP 03-36Development of a Low-Cost Bridge Weigh-In-Motion SystemCompleted
NCHRP 03-37Capacity and Level of Service at Ramp-Freeway JunctionsFinal
NCHRP 03-37(2)Capacity and Level of Service at Ramp-Freeway Junctions (Phase II)Final
NCHRP 03-38(1)Assessment of Advanced Technologies for Relieving Urban Traffic CongestionFinal
NCHRP 03-38(1)AA Study to Assess Advanced Vehicle and Highway TechnologiesFinal
NCHRP 03-38(2)Travel Characteristics of Large-Scale Suburban Activity CentersFinal
NCHRP 03-38(3)Traffic Adaptive Control (Phase 1)---Critical Intersection Control Strategies; (Phase 2)---OPAC Control StrategiesCompleted
NCHRP 03-38(4)Traffic Signal Control for Saturated ConditionsCompleted
NCHRP 03-38(5)Effective Utilization of Street WidthFinal
NCHRP 03-38(6)Cost Sharing for Transportation Improvements Near Major Suburban Employment CentersFinal
NCHRP 03-38(7)Access Management Policies and Guidelines for Activity CentersFinal
NCHRP 03-39Evaluation and Calibration Procedures for Weigh-In-Motion SystemsCompleted
NCHRP 03-39(2)On-Site Evaluation and Calibration Procedures for Weigh-In-Motion SystemsCompleted
NCHRP 03-40Single Point Urban Interchange Design and Operations AnalysisFinal
NCHRP 03-41Procedure for Determining Work Zone Speed LimitsCompleted
NCHRP 03-41(2)Effectiveness and Implementability of Procedures for Work Zone Speed LimitsCompleted
NCHRP 03-42Determination of Stopping Sight DistancesCompleted
NCHRP 03-43Use of Shoulders and Narrow Lanes to Increase Freeway CapacityFinal
NCHRP 03-44Improved Traffic Control Device Design and Placement to Aid the Older DriverCompleted
NCHRP 03-45Speed-Flow Relationships for Basic Freeway SegmentsFinal
NCHRP 03-46Capacity and Level of Service at Unsignalized IntersectionsFinal
NCHRP 03-47Capacity Analysis of Interchange Ramp TerminalsFinal
NCHRP 03-48Capacity Analysis for Actuated IntersectionsFinal
NCHRP 03-49Capacity and Operational Effects of Midblock Left-Turn LanesFinal
NCHRP 03-50Driver Information OverloadCompleted
NCHRP 03-50(2)Additional Investigations on Driver Information OverloadCompleted
NCHRP 03-51Communications Mediums for Signal, IVHS, and Freeway Surveillance SystemsCompleted
NCHRP 03-52Impacts of Access-Management TechniquesFinal
NCHRP 03-52AImpacts of Access-Management TechniquesFinal
NCHRP 03-53Development of a HOV Systems ManualCompleted
NCHRP 03-54Uniform Traffic Signal Displays for Protected/Permissive Left Turn ControlFinal
NCHRP 03-54(2)Evaluation of Traffic Signal Displays for Protected/Permissive Left Turn ControlFinal
NCHRP 03-55A Highway Capacity Manual for the Year 2000Final
NCHRP 03-55(2)Techniques to Estimate Speeds and Service Volumes for Planning ApplicationsFinal
NCHRP 03-55(2)APlanning Applications for the Year 2000 Highway Capacity ManualCompleted
NCHRP 03-55(3)Capacity and Quality of Service for Two-Lane HighwaysCompleted
NCHRP 03-55(4)Performance Measures and Levels of Service in the Year 2000 Highway Capacity ManualFinal
NCHRP 03-55(5)Capacity and Quality of Service of Weaving AreasCompleted
NCHRP 03-55(6)Production of the Year 2000 Highway Capacity ManualFinal
NCHRP 03-56Systemwide Impact of Safety and Traffic Operation Design Decisions for Resurfacing, Restoration, or Rehabilitation (RRR) ProjectsCompleted
NCHRP 03-57Recommended Traffic-Control Devices for Railroad-Highway Grade CrossingsCompleted
NCHRP 03-58Assessing Traffic Control Signal Installations Using Capacity Analysis and SimulationCompleted
NCHRP 03-59Assessment of Variable Speed Limit Implementation IssuesCompleted
NCHRP 03-60Capacity and Quality of Service of Interchange Ramp TerminalsCompletedResults incorporated into the HCM
NCHRP 03-60AValidation and Enhancement of the Highway Capacity Manual’s Interchange Ramp Terminal MethodologyFinal
NCHRP 03-61Communicating Changes in Horizontal AlignmentCompleted
NCHRP 03-62Guidelines for Accessible Pedestrian SignalsCompleted
NCHRP 03-63Assessment of Sharing Information Between Public Safety and Transportation Agencies for Traffic-Incident ManagementCompleted
NCHRP 03-64Highway Capacity Manual Applications GuideFinal
NCHRP 03-65Applying Roundabouts in the United StatesFinal
NCHRP 03-65AUpdate of 'Roundabouts: An Informational Guide'Final
NCHRP 03-66Traffic Signal State Transition Logic Using Enhanced Sensor InformationCompleted
NCHRP 03-67Expert System for Recommending Speed Limits in Speed ZonesCompleted
NCHRP 03-68Guide to Effective Freeway Performance MeasurementCompleted
NCHRP 03-69Design of Construction Work Zones on High-Speed HighwaysCompleted
NCHRP 03-70Multimodal Level of Service Analysis For Urban StreetsCompleted
NCHRP 03-71Innovative Pedestrian Treatments at Unsignalized CrossingsCompleted
NCHRP 03-72Lane Widths, Channelized Right Turns, and Right-Turn Deceleration Lanes in Urban and Suburban AreasFinal
NCHRP 03-73Separation of Vehicles - CMV Only LanesFinalCompleted. Published as NCHRP Report 649/NCFRP Report 3.
NCHRP 03-74Guidelines for Selection of Speed Reduction Treatments at High-Speed IntersectionsCompleted
NCHRP 03-75Analysis of Freeway Weaving SectionsCompleted
NCHRP 03-76AHighway Traffic Signal Warrant For Intersections Near Highway-Rail Grade CrossingsCompletedResults incorporated into the MUTCD
NCHRP 03-76BLow-Cost Active Warning Systems for Highway-Rail Grade CrossingsFinal
NCHRP 03-77Guide to Contracting Intelligent Transportation System ProjectsFinal
NCHRP 03-78Crossing Solutions at Roundabouts and Channelized Turn Lanes for Pedestrians with Vision DisabilitiesCompleted
NCHRP 03-78ACrossing Solutions at Roundabouts and Channelized Turn Lanes for Pedestrians with Vision DisabilitiesCompleted
NCHRP 03-78BGuidelines for the Application of Crossing Solutions at Roundabouts and Channelized Turn Lanes to Assist Pedestrians with Vision DisabilitiesCompleted
NCHRP 03-78CTraining and Technology Transfer for Accessability Guidelines for Roundabouts and Channelized Turn Lanes Final
NCHRP 03-79Measuring and Predicting the Performance of Automobile Traffic on Urban StreetsFinal
NCHRP 03-79AArterial Performance MeasuresFinal
NCHRP 03-80Traffic Enforcement Strategies for Work ZonesFinal
NCHRP 03-81Strategies for Integrated Operation of Freeway and Arterial CorridorsCompleted
NCHRP 03-82Default Values for Capacity and Quality of Service AnalysesCompletedPublished as NCHRP Report 599
NCHRP 03-83Low-Cost Improvements for Recurring Freeway BottlenecksFinal
NCHRP 03-84Guide for Multistate Transportation Operations ProgramsCompletedReport delivered to AASHTO for publication.
NCHRP 03-85Guidance for the Use of Alternative Traffic Analysis Tools in Highway Capacity AnalysesFinal
NCHRP 03-87Proactive Ramp Management Under the Threat of Freeway-Flow BreakdownCompleted
NCHRP 03-88Guidelines for Ramp and Interchange SpacingCompletedThe revised final report has been received and is being prepared for publication.
NCHRP 03-89Design Guidance for Channelized Right-Turn LanesFinal
NCHRP 03-90Operation of Traffic Signal Systems in Oversaturated ConditionsFinal
NCHRP 03-91Left-Turn Accommodations at Unsignalized IntersectionsFinal
NCHRP 03-92Production of the Year 2010 Highway Capacity ManualFinal
NCHRP 03-93Automated Enforcement for Speeding and Red Light RunningCompletedNCHRP Report 729: Automated Enforcement for Speeding and Red Light Running
NCHRP 03-94Transportation Systems Operations and Management GuideFinal
NCHRP 03-95Guidelines for Timing Yellow and All-Red Intervals at Signalized IntersectionsCompletedNCHRP Report 731: Guidelines for Timing Yellow and All-Red Intervals at Signalized Intersections
NCHRP 03-96Analysis of Managed Lanes on Freeway FacilitiesFinal
NCHRP 03-96AAnalysis of Oversaturated Traffic Flow Conditions on Freeway FacilitiesFinalThe project is canceled
NCHRP 03-97Traffic Signal Analysis with Varying Demands and CapacitiesCompleted
NCHRP 03-98Guidelines on the Use of Auxiliary Through Lanes at Signalized IntersectionsFinalFinal Report published as NCHRP Report 707
NCHRP 03-99Development and Application of Access Management GuidelinesFinal
NCHRP 04-15Corrosion Protection of Prestressing Systems in Concrete BridgesCompleted
NCHRP 04-16Cost and Service Life of Pavement MarkingsCompleted
NCHRP 04-18Design and Evaluation of Large Stone MixturesCompleted
NCHRP 04-19Aggregate Tests Related to Asphalt Concrete Performance in PavementsCompleted
NCHRP 04-19(2)Validation of Performance-Related Tests of Aggregates for Use in Hot-Mix Asphalt PavementsCompleted
NCHRP 04-20Aggregate Tests Related to Performance of Portland Cement ConcreteCompleted
NCHRP 04-20AState of the Art Report and Plan for Research on Aggregates Tests Related to Performance of Portland Cement Concrete PavementsCompleted
NCHRP 04-20BAggregate Tests Related to Performance of Portland Cement Concrete PavementsCompleted
NCHRP 04-20CAggregate Tests Related to Performance of Portland Cement Concrete Pavements: State of the KnowledgeCompleted
NCHRP 04-21Appropriate Use of Waste and Recycled Materials in the Transportation IndustryFinal
NCHRP 04-22Pavement-Marking Materials: Health, Environmental, and Performance AssessmentCompleted
NCHRP 04-23Performance-Related Tests of Aggregates for Use in Unbound Pavement LayersCompleted
NCHRP 04-24HDPE Pipe Material Specifications and Design RequirementsCompleted
NCHRP 04-25Implementation Plan for Automating Highway-Materials TestingCompleted
NCHRP 04-26Thermoplastic Drainage Pipe, Design and TestingCompletedThe project final report is available as NCHRP Report 631.
NCHRP 04-27Application of Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites to the Highway Infrastructure: Strategic PlanCompleted
NCHRP 04-28Feasibility Study for an All-White Pavement Marking SystemCompleted
NCHRP 04-29Selection of Materials to Optimize Sign PerformanceCompleted
NCHRP 04-30Test Methods for Characterizing Aggregate Shape, Texture, and AngularityCompleted
NCHRP 04-30ATest Methods for Characterizing Aggregate Shape, Texture, and AngularityCompleted
NCHRP 04-31Tests of Recycled Aggregates for Use in Unbound Pavement LayersCompleted
NCHRP 04-32Performance and Quality Control of Corrugated Pipe Manufactured with Recycled Polyethylene ContentCompletedThe project final report is available as NCHRP Report 696.
NCHRP 04-33Procedures for Testing and Evaluating Detectable Warning SystemsCompleted
NCHRP 04-34Application of LADAR in the Analysis of Aggregate CharacteristicsCompleted
NCHRP 04-35Improved Test Methods for Specific Gravity and Absorption of Coarse and Fine AggregateCompleted
NCHRP 04-36Characterization of Cementitiously Stabilized Layers for Use in Pavement Design and AnalysisCompleted
NCHRP 04-37Long-Term Performance of Epoxy Adhesive Anchor SystemsCompletedThe project final report is available as NCHRP Project 757.
NCHRP 04-38Recommended Laboratory Test for Predicting the Initial Retroreflectivity of Pavement Markings from Glass Bead QualityCompletedThe project final report is available as NCHRP Report 743.
NCHRP 04-39Field Performance of Corrugated Pipe Manufactured with Recycled Polyethylene ContentCompleted
NCHRP 04-40Reliability-Based Geotechnical Resistance Factors for Axially-Loaded MicropilesFinal
NCHRP 04-41Deterioration Rates and Unit Costs for Geotechnical AssetsFinalProject is cancelled
NCHRP 05-10A Mobile System for Measuring Retroreflectance of Traffic SignsCompleted
NCHRP 05-11Implementation Strategies for Sign Retroreflectivity StandardsFinal
NCHRP 05-12Requirements for Application of Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) to Traffic Control SignalsFinal
NCHRP 05-13Illumination Guidelines for Nighttime Highway WorkCompleted
NCHRP 05-13(2)Illumination Guidelines for Nighttime Highway WorkCompleted
NCHRP 05-14Advance Warning Arrow Panel VisibilityCompleted
NCHRP 05-15Visibility Performance Requirements for Vehicular Traffic SignalsCompleted
NCHRP 05-16National Calibration Standards for Measuring RetroreflectivityCompleted
NCHRP 05-17Safety Evaluation of Permanent Raised Pavement MarkersCompleted
NCHRP 05-18Color Effectiveness of Yellow Pavement Marking MaterialsCompleted
NCHRP 05-19Guidelines for Roadway Lighting Based on Safety Benefits and CostsCompletedThe research has been terminated. Papers on various aspects of the research are available at the links provided below.
NCHRP 05-20Guidelines for Nighttime Visibility of Overhead Guide SignsCompleted
NCHRP 05-21Safety and Performance Criteria for Retroreflective Pavement MarkersFinalResearch complete. Final Report published as NCHRP Research Report 1015
NCHRP 05-22Guidelines for Solid-State Roadway LightingCompleted
NCHRP 05-22AGaps and Emerging Technologies in the Application of Solid-State Roadway LightingFinal
NCHRP 05-23Effects of LED Roadway Lighting on Driver Sleep Health and AlertnessCompleted
NCHRP 05-24Development of Guidelines for Vehicle and Equipment Marking and LightingFinalPublished as NCHRP Report 1085 on 1/23/2024
NCHRP 05-25Guide to the Contextual Application of Overhead Lighting on HighwaysActive
NCHRP 05-26Development of Updated Warrants for Roadway LightingActiveResearch in progress.
NCHRP 05-27Guide for Lighting at Innovative Intersections/Interchanges, including Roundabouts ActiveResearch in progress
NCHRP 06-12Improved Visibility for Snow Plowing OperationsCompleted
NCHRP 06-13Guidelines for Snow and Ice Control Materials and MethodsCompleted
NCHRP 06-14Feasibility of Using Friction Indicators to Improve Winter Maintenance Operations and MobilityCompleted
NCHRP 06-15Testing and Calibration Methods for RWIS SensorsCompleted
NCHRP 06-16Guidelines for the Selection of Snow and Ice Control Materials To Mitigate Environmental ImpactsCompleted
NCHRP 06-17Performance Measures for Snow and Ice Control OperationsCompleted
NCHRP 06-18Guide for Snow and Ice Control OperationsCompleted
NCHRP 06-19Guidebook for Mechanical Methods for Snow and Ice Control OperationsFinal
NCHRP 07-12Microcomputer Evaluation of Highway User BenefitsCompleted
NCHRP 07-12(2)Metrication and Enhancement of MicroBENCOST Software PackageCompleted
NCHRP 07-13Quantifying CongestionFinal
NCHRP 07-14Guidelines for Analysis of Investments in Bicycle FacilitiesCompleted
NCHRP 07-15Cost-Effective Measures and Planning Procedures for Travel Time, Delay, and ReliabilityFinal
NCHRP 07-16Recommended Revisions to the AASHTO Guidelines for Traffic Data ProgramsFinal
NCHRP 07-17Pedestrian and Bicycle Transportation along Existing RoadsFinal
NCHRP 07-18Crash Experience Warrant for Traffic SignalsFinal
NCHRP 07-19Methods and Technologies for Collecting Pedestrian and Bicycle Volume DataFinalGuidebook published as NCHRP Report 797; final research report is available as Web-only Document 205
NCHRP 07-20Guidance for Implementation of Traffic Incident Management Performance MeasurementFinal
NCHRP 07-21Asset Management Guidance for Traffic Control Devices, Barriers, and LightingActive
NCHRP 07-22Planning and Preliminary Engineering Applications Guide to the Highway Capacity ManualFinalPublished as NCHRP Report 825
NCHRP 07-23Access Management in the Vicinity of InterchangesFinalFinal report NCHRP Research Report 977 Volumes 1 and 2 are available.
NCHRP 07-24Estimating the Value of Truck Travel Time ReliabilityFinalPublished as NCHRP Research Report 925
NCHRP 07-25Guide for Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety at Alternative Intersections and Interchanges (A.I.I.)FinalPublished as NCHRP Research Report 948
NCHRP 07-26Update of Highway Capacity Manual: Merge, Diverge, and Weaving MethodologiesFinalPublished as NCHRP Research Report 1038
NCHRP 07-27An Update of the Green Book Design Vehicles RequirementsFinalPublished as NCHRP Research Report 1061.
NCHRP 07-28Assessing the Safety Impacts of Right-Turn Lanes on Rural and Suburban Highways FinalNCHRP 07-28 has been divided into NCHRP 07-28(01) and NCHRP 07-28(02)
NCHRP 07-28(01)Assessing the Impacts of Right-Turn Lanes on Rural and Suburban HighwaysFinalFinal report published as NCHRP Research Report 1062.
NCHRP 07-28(02)Assessing the Multimodal Safety Performance of Turn LanesActiveResearch in progress.
NCHRP 07-29Development of the 8th Edition of AASHTO's A Policy on the Geometric Design of Highways and Streets (Green Book)ActiveResearch in progress.
NCHRP 07-30Methods for Assigning Short-Duration Traffic Volume Counts to Adjustment Factor Groups for Estimating AADTFinal
NCHRP 07-31State DOT and Tribal Use of Active Transportation Data: Practices, Sources, Needs, and GapsActiveResearch in progress
NCHRP 07-32Guide for Long-Term Automated Traffic Signal Performance Measurement Systems ApplicationsActiveResearch in progress.
NCHRP 07-33Evaluate the Benefits of Increasing Clear Zone at Higher Speed/Traffic Volume/Crash LocationsActiveResearch is progress.
NCHRP 07-34Artificial Intelligence for Transportation Systems Management and Operations Applications Active
NCHRP 07-35Improving Crash Data for Active Transportation Users ActiveResearch underway
NCHRP 07-36Guide for Self-Explaining Roads in the Context of the Safe System ApproachActiveResearch in progress
NCHRP 07-37Modern and Proven Approaches to Planning, Design, and Operation of Pedestrian FacilitiesPending
NCHRP 08-100Environmental Justice Analyses When Considering Toll Implementation or Rate ChangesCompleted
NCHRP 08-101Enhanced Truck Data Collection and Analysis for Emissions ModelingFinalPublished as NCHRP Report 909
NCHRP 08-102Bicyclist Facility Preferences and Effects on Increasing Bicycle TripsFinal
NCHRP 08-103Implementing NCHRP Report 806: Guide to Cross-Asset Resource Allocation and the Impact on Transportation System PerformanceFinalPublished as NCHRP Research Report 921
NCHRP 08-104A Guidebook for Post-Award Contract Administration for Highway Projects Delivered Using Alternative Contracting MethodsCompleted
NCHRP 08-105Measuring the Effectiveness of Public Involvement in Transportation Planning and Project Delivery Final
NCHRP 08-106Metropolitan Freight Transportation: Implementing Effective StrategiesFinalPublished as NCHRP Report 897.
NCHRP 08-107A Guidebook for Emergency Contracting Procedures for Administration of a Regional Emergency Final
NCHRP 08-108Developing National Performance Management Data Strategies to Address Data Gaps, Standards, and QualityFinal
NCHRP 08-109Updating the AASHTO Transportation Asset Management Guide—A Focus on Implementation, Phase 1Completed
NCHRP 08-110Traffic Forecasting Accuracy Assessment ResearchCompleted
NCHRP 08-111Effective Decision-Making Methods for Freight-Efficient Land UseFinal
NCHRP 08-112A Guidebook for Implementing Alternative Technical Concepts into Project Delivery MethodsFinalFinal publication now available.
NCHRP 08-113Integrating Effective Transportation Performance, Risk, and Asset Management PracticesFinalPublished as NCHRP Research Report 985
NCHRP 08-114Systematic Approach for Determining Construction Contract Time: A GuidebookFinalWork completed under NCHRP 08-114A and published as NCHRP Research Report 979
NCHRP 08-114ASystematic Approach for Determining Construction Contract Time: A GuidebookFinal
NCHRP 08-115Guidebook for Data and Information Systems for Transportation Asset Management Final
NCHRP 08-116Framework for Managing Data from Emerging Transportation Technologies to Support Decision-MakingFinalNCHRP Research Report 1008: Workforce 2030: Attracting, Retaining, and Developing the 2030 Transportation Workforce: Design, Construction, and Maintenance
NCHRP 08-117Impact of Transformational Technologies on Land Use and TransportationFinal
NCHRP 08-118Risk Assessment Techniques for Transportation Asset ManagementFinal
NCHRP 08-119Data Integration, Sharing, and Management for Transportation Planning and Traffic OperationsCompleted
NCHRP 08-120Initiating the Systems Engineering Process for Rural Connected Vehicle CorridorsFinalFinal report NCHRP 978 is now available.
NCHRP 08-121Accessibility Measures in Practice: Guidance for Transportation Agencies Final
NCHRP 08-122Metropolitan Planning Organizations: Strategies for Future SuccessFinal
NCHRP 08-123Census Transportation Data Field Guide for Transportation ApplicationsFinalPublished as NCHRP Research Report 1108.
NCHRP 08-124Quantifying the Impacts of Corridor ManagementFinalProject deliverables have been published and may be found here:
NCHRP 08-125Attracting, Retaining, and Developing the Transportation Workforce: Transportation PlannersFinal
NCHRP 08-128Snapshots of Planning PracticesActive
NCHRP 08-129Incorporating Resilience Concepts and Strategies in Transportation PlanningFinalPublished as NCHRP Research Report 1052: Integrating Resilience Concepts into Transportation Planning
NCHRP 08-130Best Practices in Coordination of Public Transit and Ride SharingActiveResearch in progress.
NCHRP 08-131Access to Jobs, Economic Opportunities, and Education in Rural AreasFinal
NCHRP 08-132Accessing America's Great Outdoors: Forecasting Recreational Travel DemandFinal
NCHRP 08-133Implementing the National Intercity Bus Atlas FinalPhases II and III will be executed under NCHRP 08-133(01)
NCHRP 08-133(01)Implementing the National Intercity Bus Atlas (Phases II and III)Completed
NCHRP 08-134Integrating Freight Movement into 21st Century Communities' Land Use, Design, and Transportation SystemsFinal
NCHRP 08-135Reliability and Quality of Service Evaluation Methods for Rural HighwaysFinal
NCHRP 08-136Guidebook on Using Performance-Based Management Approaches for MaintenanceActiveResearch in progress.
NCHRP 08-137Updates to the Digital Edition of the AASHTO Transportation Asset Management GuideFinal
NCHRP 08-138Guide to the Integration of Transportation Systems Management and Operations into Transportation Asset Management Active
NCHRP 08-139Guide for Preventing and Mitigating the Risk of Bridge and Tunnel Strikes by Motor VehiclesFinalThe final deliverables have been published as NCHRP Research Report 1132 and NCHRP Web-Only Document 411
NCHRP 08-140Guide for Truck Parking Information Management SystemsCompleted
NCHRP 08-141A Guidebook for Local Truck Parking RegulationsActiveResearch in progress.
NCHRP 08-142Virtual Public Involvement: A Manual for Effective, Equitable, and Efficient Practices for Transportation AgenciesCompletedIn publication process
NCHRP 08-143Guide to the Application of Spatial Segmentation on Travel Time Reliability MeasuresActive
NCHRP 08-144Rural Transit Fleet Mix and Vehicle Size Decision TreesActiveResearch in progress
NCHRP 08-145Utilizing Cooperative Automated Transportation (CAT) Data to Enhance Freeway Operational StrategiesFinal
NCHRP 08-146Integrating Resiliency into Transportation System OperationsCompletedFinal deliverables pending
NCHRP 08-147 Improving Public Transportation in Rural Areas and Tribal CommunitiesCompleted
NCHRP 08-148A Guide for Management of Out-of-Service FacilitiesActiveResearch in progress.
NCHRP 08-149Estimating Benefits of Closing Gaps in Active Transportation NetworksCompletedIn publication process
NCHRP 08-150Tools to Integrate Equity into Active Transportation and Safety InvestmentsFinalProject was terminated on Jan 29, 2025
NCHRP 08-151Risk Management at State DOTs: Building Momentum and Sustaining the Practice Completed
NCHRP 08-152Strategies for Improving Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Transportation Planning ProfessionFinalProject was terminated on Jan 29, 2025
NCHRP 08-153A Guide for the Development and Use of Truck Traffic Forecasts in DesignActive
NCHRP 08-154Guidance for Agencies to Incorporate Uncertainty into Long-Range Transportation PlanningActive
NCHRP 08-155Handbook for Addressing Racial Disparities in the Project Delivery Process ActiveResearch is progress.
NCHRP 08-156Planning for Innovative and Emerging Mobility Futures at Intermodal Passenger FacilitiesAnticipated$200,000 to TCRP D-21
NCHRP 08-157Data Fusion of Probe and Point Sensor Data: A Guide. Final
NCHRP 08-158A Compendium for Communicating the Value of Freight and Community InteractionsActiveResearch in progress.
NCHRP 08-159How to Assess and Address Equity of Access to Essential Goods and ServicesFinalProject was terminated on Jan 29, 2025.
NCHRP 08-160Guide to Identify and Mitigate the Negative Effects of Gentrification Caused by Transportation InvestmentActive
NCHRP 08-161Cultivating Accountability Through Meaningful Public EngagementActive
NCHRP 08-162Guidance for Implementing Equitable Transportation Decision-MakingActive
NCHRP 08-163Defining Appropriate Design and Accommodation Thresholds for Active Transportation in a Context-Driven ApproachActive
NCHRP 08-164Institutional Integration of Active TransportationActiveResearch is progress.
NCHRP 08-165Use of Active Transportation Data in Decision-MakingActive
NCHRP 08-166FinalThe project was cancelled on February 21, 2025.
NCHRP 08-167Guide for Creating Effective Transportation VisualizationsActiveResearch in progress.
NCHRP 08-168Analysis and Assessment of the National Performance Management DataActiveResearch in progress
NCHRP 08-169Valuing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Transportation Asset ManagementActive
NCHRP 08-170Closing the Loop: Post-Implementation Evaluation of Transportation ProjectsActive
NCHRP 08-171Institutionalizing the Safe System Approach in Transportation Planning and ProgrammingActive
NCHRP 08-172Benefit Analysis of Private Health Sector Investments in Non-Emergency Medical TransportationActiveResearch is progress.
NCHRP 08-173NCHRP 08-173: Impacts of E-Commerce on Travel and Land Use PatternsActive
NCHRP 08-174Development of a Surveying and Mapping Guide for Transportation ProjectsActive
NCHRP 08-175Understanding Travel Behavior Impacts of Transportation Systems Management and Operations StrategiesActive
NCHRP 08-176Balancing Freight and Goods Delivery Needs in Designing Complete StreetsActiveResearch is progress.
NCHRP 08-177Digitizing Bicycle and Pedestrian Treatments for Promoting Active Transportation Equity and SafetyFinalProject was terminated on Jan 29, 2025.
NCHRP 08-178Identifying and Evaluating Divided, Overburdened, and Underrepresented CommunitiesActive
NCHRP 08-179Strategies and Actions for Collaboration: A Guide for DOTs, MPOs, and PartnersActive
NCHRP 08-180Achieving Efficient Cultural Resources Management in Project DeliveryActive
NCHRP 08-181Impacts of Climate Change and Extreme Weather on the Mobility of Vulnerable PopulationsActive
NCHRP 08-182Playbook for Communicating Benefits of Transportation Systems Management and Operations Strategies Using System Performance DataActiveResearch in progress
NCHRP 08-183Resource to Support Volunteer Driver Programs in Rural and Low-Density Areas Active
NCHRP 08-184Induced Demand Assessment Framework: A GuideActive
NCHRP 08-185Advancing TSMO Knowledge Management with Generative AIPending
NCHRP 08-186Distributed Rainfall-Runoff Models to Support the Planning and Design of Resilient Transportation SystemsPending
NCHRP 08-187Primer for Using Generative AI Models in Transportation PlanningPending
NCHRP 08-188Third-Party Origin-Destination Data Validation for Transportation Planning ApplicationsPending
NCHRP 08-189Developing a Data Repository to Help with TSMO Strategies EvaluationsPending
NCHRP 08-190A Decision Framework for Advancing Safe Truck ParkingPending
NCHRP 08-191Safe Connections for Tribal and Rural Communities to the Intercity Bus NetworkPending
NCHRP 08-192Traffic Impacts of E-Commerce in Urbanized Areas: A GuidePending
NCHRP 08-193Implementation of Accessible Temporary and Alternate Pedestrian Access Routes in the Public Right-of-Way Pending
NCHRP 08-194Building an Effective Framework for Active Transportation MessagingPending
NCHRP 08-195Using Data to Enable Community-Centered TransportationPending
NCHRP 08-24AForecasting the Basic Inputs to Transportation Planning at the Zonal LevelFinal
NCHRP 08-28Strategic Planning and Management for Transportation AgenciesCompleted
NCHRP 08-29Travel Estimation Techniques for Urban PlanningFinal
NCHRP 08-29(2)Travel Estimation Techniques for Urban PlanningFinal
NCHRP 08-30Characteristics and Changes in Freight Transportation DemandCompleted
NCHRP 08-30AFreight Capacity for the Next CenturyCompleted
NCHRP 08-31ALong-Term Availability of Multimodal Corridor CapacityCompleted
NCHRP 08-32Workshop on Multimodal Transportation Planning Research NeedsCompleted
NCHRP 08-32(1)Innovative Practices for Multimodal Transportation Planning for Freight and PassengersCompleted
NCHRP 08-32(2)Multimodal Transportation: Development of a Performance-Based Planning ProcessCompleted
NCHRP 08-32(2)AMultimodal Transportation: Development of a Performance-Based Planning ProcessCompleted
NCHRP 08-32(3)Integration of Land-Use Planning with Multimodal Transportation PlanningCompleted
NCHRP 08-32(4)Developing and Maintaining Partnerships for Multimodal Transportation PlanningCompleted
NCHRP 08-32(5)Multimodal Transportation Planning DataCompleted
NCHRP 08-33Quantifying Air-Quality and Other Benefits and Costs of Transportation Control MeasuresCompleted
NCHRP 08-34Major Investment Studies: Development of a Practitioner's Guidebook for Effective Study Design, Management, and ImplementationCompleted
NCHRP 08-35Incorporating ITS into the Transportation Planning ProcessFinal
NCHRP 08-36Research for the AASHTO Standing Committee on PlanningFinalCompleted. See individual Tasks for project details.
NCHRP 08-36/Task 001Parking Modeling ProceduresCompletedCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 002Incorporating System Operations and Management Practices in Transportation PlanningFinalCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 003Management of Institutional Changes in State Transportation Planning Processes and ProgramsCompletedCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 004The Use of Expert Panels in Analyzing Transportation and Land Use AlternativesFinalCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 005Incorporating Market Research Techniques into the Transportation Planning ProcessCompletedCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 006Product Delivery of New and Improved Travel Forecasting ProceduresCompletedCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 007Development of a Multimodal Tradeoffs Methodology for Use in Statewide Transportation PlanningFinalSee NCHRP 08-36/Task 7(02) for the Phase II Report
NCHRP 08-36/Task 007(02)Development of a Multimodal Tradeoffs Methodology for Use in Statewide Transportation PlanningFinalPlease see NCHRP 08-36/Task 7 for the Phase I Report
NCHRP 08-36/Task 008Workshop on Transportation Performance MeasuresCompletedCompleted---Published as TRB Conference Proceedings 26
NCHRP 08-36/Task 009Defining and Identifying Probable Non-Attainment Areas for PM2.5CompletedCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO; see Project 25-17
NCHRP 08-36/Task 010Global Climate Change and Transportation: Coming to TermsCompletedCompleted---Final report published by Eno Foundation and sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 011Technical Methods to Support Analysis of Environmental-Justice IssuesFinalCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 013National Conference on Transportation and Economic DevelopmentCompletedCompleted---Published as TRB Circular E-C050
NCHRP 08-36/Task 014Consultation Between State DOTs and Local Elected Officials in Non-Metropolitan AreasCompletedCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 015Conference on Transportation and the Environment for the 21st CenturyCompletedCompleted---Published as TRB Circular E-C028
NCHRP 08-36/Task 016Assessment of Proposed Planning and National Environmental Policy Act RegulationsCompletedCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 017Two-Way Education Process with a New CEO on Transportation PlanningCompletedTask cancelled
NCHRP 08-36/Task 018Incorporating Safety into the Transportation Planning ProcessFinalCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 019Transportation Environmental Research Needs ConferenceCompletedCompleted---Published as TRB Conference Proceedings 28
NCHRP 08-36/Task 020Conformity Problems Caused by the Mismatch in SIP / Transportation Plan TimeframeCompletedCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO; $25K from Project 20-7/Task 141
NCHRP 08-36/Task 021Expediting the Transportation Planning Process to Meet Fast Paced Customer RequirementsFinalCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 022Demonstrating the Positive Impacts of Transportation Investments on Economic, Social, Environmental, Community, and Quality of Life IssuesCompletedCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 023Review of the Potential Feasibility of Using Alternative Revenue Sources to Fund Future State Transportation NeedsCompletedCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 024Investment Requirements Scenarios DevelopmentCompletedCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 025Improved Geographic Clarity in Reporting of Road System ExtentCompletedCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 026Surface Transportation Safety and InvestmentCompletedCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 027Interstate Interchange ReviewCompletedCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 028Rural Conformity: A Survey of PracticeCompletedCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 029Development of a Multimodal Tradeoffs Methodology for Use in Statewide Transportation Planning: Application of the FrameworkCompletedContracted as 08-36/Task 07(02); continuation of Project 08-36/Task 07
NCHRP 08-36/Task 030Workshop on Issues in Intermodal ConnectorsCompletedCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 031Elderly Issues in the Transportation Planning ProcessCompletedCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 032Tools, Techniques, and Methods in Rural Transportation PlanningCompletedCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 033Best Practices in Statewide Freight PlanningCompletedCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 034Incorporating Security into the Transportation Planning ProcessCompletedCompleted---Published as NCHRP Report 525, Volume 3
NCHRP 08-36/Task 035Evaluating State DOT's Planning Practices in Rural PlanningCompletedCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 036Continuation of NCHRP 8-36(6) TMIP SupportCompletedCompleted. For contract purposes, this has been amended into the work plan of NCHRP Project 8-36, Task 6.
NCHRP 08-36/Task 037A Retrospective on the Conditions and Performance ReportCompletedCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 038Supplemental Evaluation in Support of NCHRP 25-17CompletedCompleted---Results incorporated into NCHRP 25-17 final report
NCHRP 08-36/Task 039Forecasting Travel Time, Delay, and ReliabilityCompletedCompleted: For contract purposes, this task has been amended into NCHRP Project 7-15 and will be reported there.
NCHRP 08-36/Task 040National Site Visits on Transportation and GrowthCompletedCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 041Non-Response to Personal Travel Surveys (support for NCHRP 8-37)CompletedCompleted---Results incorporated into NCHRP 08-37 final report
NCHRP 08-36/Task 042MPO Redefinition and Evolving RolesCompletedCompleted--Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 043Return on Investment on Freight Rail Capacity ImprovementCompletedCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 044Multi-State MPOs: Approaches, Cases, and Institutional ArrangementsFinalCompleted--Final: Report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 045Multi-State Corridor PlanningCompletedCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 046Synthesis of Where Data Groups are Organizationally Located in State DOTsCompletedCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 047Effective Organization of Performance MeasurementCompletedCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 048Guidance for Better Linking Systems Planning and the NEPA ProcessCompletedCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 049Synthesis of Metropilitan-Level Transportation Funding SourcesCompletedCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 050What is the Impact of an Aging Population on System Planning and Investment Policies?CompletedCompleted---Final report has been received
NCHRP 08-36/Task 051Information Design for Effective Decision Making and CommunicationCompletedCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 052Changes in Travel Behavior/Demand Due to Managed Lanes (HOV, HOT) Facility System ExpansionFinalCompleted--Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 053Peer Review Capacity Building Partnership: Best Practices in Non-Traditional Performance Measures, Multimodal Goods Movement Tradeoffs, Safety, Reliability, and State FundingCompletedCompleted---Final reports sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 054Census Data For Transportation PlanningCompletedCompleted---Papers posted to TRB Conference website and will be published in Conference Proceedings 12/30/2006
NCHRP 08-36/Task 055The Role of Collaboration in Freight Transportation ManagementCompletedCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 056Highway Construction Project Coordination to Minimize Traffic ImpactsFinalCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 057Institutional Needs in Safety PlanningFinalCompleted
NCHRP 08-36/Task 058Best Practices for State and MPO NHS and STP ProgrammingFinal
NCHRP 08-36/Task 059Transportation and HealthFinalCompleted
NCHRP 08-36/Task 060State DOT Consideration of Infrastructure Development Potential PlanningCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 08-36/Task 061Monetary Valuation Per Dollar of Investment in Different Performance MeasuresCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 08-36/Task 062Best Practice Methodology for Calculating Return on Investment (ROI) for Transportation Programs and ProjectsCompletedCompleted - Final Report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 063Making NAICS (North American Industrial Classification System) Work for TransportationCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 08-36/Task 064Right of Way Methods and Tools to Control Project Cost EscalationCompletedCompleted--project canceled and funds combined with NCHRP Project 08-49, Procedures for Cost Estimation and Management for Highway Projects During Planning, Programming, and Reconstruction
NCHRP 08-36/Task 065Best Practices for Incorporating Commodity Flow Survey and Related Data into the MPO and Statewide Planning ProcessesFinalFinal Report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 066Improved Methods for Assessing Social, Cultural, and economic Effects of Transportation ProjectsFinalCompleted--Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 067Best Practices in Using Programmatic Investment Strategies in Statewide Transportation PlansFinalCompleted--Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 068Implications of New 8-Hour Control Strategy Development on Transportation Programs, Policies, and ProjectsCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 08-36/Task 069Peer Review Sessions to be amended into NCHRP 8-36(53)FinalCompleted; Reports sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 070Scoping Study for Statewide Travel Forecasting National ModelFinal
NCHRP 08-36/Task 071Disclosure Avoidance Techniques to Improve ACS Data AvailabilityFinalThe project has been completed and the final report submitted to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 072Implementing Project Cost Estimation and Management Process ImprovementsCompletedCompleted--Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 073Adding Resilience to the Freight System in Statewide and Metropolitan Transportation Plans: Developing a Conceptual ApproachCompletedCompleted - Final Report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 074Customer Research Practices and Applications in TransportationCompletedCompleted--Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 075Research FindersCompletedCompleted--Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 076Conference on Best Practices in Meeting SAFETEA-LU Requirements in the Statewide Transportation Planning ProcessFinalCompleted.
NCHRP 08-36/Task 078Small Community Research and Peer ExchangeFinalCompleted
NCHRP 08-36/Task 079Scoping Study for a Freight Data Exchange NetworkFinalThe project has been completed and the final report submitted to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 080Synthesis of State Practices in Developing Linear Referencing SystemsFinalThe project has been completed and the final report submitted to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 081Enhancing the American Community Survey Data as a Source for Home-to-Work FlowsFinal
NCHRP 08-36/Task 083Transportation Planning Partnerships to Enhance National Parks and Gateway CommunitiesFinal
NCHRP 08-36/Task 084Asset Management of Environmental Mitigation FeaturesFinalFunding was provided to NCHRP 25-25, Task 51
NCHRP 08-36/Task 085Congestion Pricing and Investment RequirementsFinalThis project is complete and the final report has been sent to AASHTO.
NCHRP 08-36/Task 086Corridor Approaches to Integrating Land Transportation and Land UseCompleted
NCHRP 08-36/Task 087SCOP Strategic PlanningFinal
NCHRP 08-36/Task 088Transportation Research Programs to Address Energy and Climate ChangeFinalCompleted-- See TRB Special Report 299
NCHRP 08-36/Task 089Evaluating and Communicating Model Results: Guidebook for PlannersFinalFinal Report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 090Best Practices in the Use of Microsimulation ModelsFinalCompleted. Final Report submitted to AASHTO SCOP
NCHRP 08-36/Task 091Validation and Sensitivity Considerations for Statewide ModelsFinalFinal Report submitted to AASHTO SCOP
NCHRP 08-36/Task 092Counting MotorcyclesFinalFinal Report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 093Road Pricing Communication PracticesFinalComplete. Final report sent to AASHTO.
NCHRP 08-36/Task 094Integrated State and Local Government Policy Approaches to Transportation and Climate ChangeFinalCompleted - Final Report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 095Virtual Conference on Transportation Planning Research NeedsFinal
NCHRP 08-36/Task 096Selecting and Using Advanced Travel Demand Modeling Tools - A Peer ExchangeFinalFinal Report sent to AASHTO.
NCHRP 08-36/Task 097ATowards Quantitative Safety Planning: Implementation of PLANSAFEFinalCompleted - Final Report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 097BTowards Quantitative Safety Planning: Implementation SupportFinalCompleted. Results incorporated into NCHRP 08-36, Task 97A Final Report.
NCHRP 08-36/Task 098Improving Home-to-Work and Employment Data for Transportation PlanningFinalFinal Report sent to AASHTO SCOP
NCHRP 08-36/Task 099How We Travel: A Sustainable National Program for Travel DataFinalPublished as TRB Special Report 304
NCHRP 08-36/Task 100Transportation Data Program Self Assessment GuideFinalCompleted. Final Report submitted to AASHTO SCOP
NCHRP 08-36/Task 101Understanding How to Develop and Apply Economic Analyses: Guidance for Transportation PlannersFinalCompleted-- Final Report sent to AASHTO.
NCHRP 08-36/Task 102Assessing Alternative Methods for Measuring Regional MobilityFinalCompleted--Final Report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 103Mining American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Jobs Data for Opportunities to Improve Economic Impact and Performance Analysis of Transportation InvestmentsFinalCompleted--Final Report sent to AASHTO.
NCHRP 08-36/Task 104Integrating Performance Measures into a Performance-Based Planning and Programming (PBPP) ProcessFinal
NCHRP 08-36/Task 105Strategic Plan for the AASHTO Standing Committee on Planning: 2011 UpdateFinalCompleted--Final Report sent to AASHTO.
NCHRP 08-36/Task 106Synthesis of Practices for Prioritizing Enhancement and Nonmotorized Transportation ProjectsFinal
NCHRP 08-36/Task 107Synthesis of State DOT and MPO Planning and Analyses on Strategies to Reduce Greenhouse Gas EmissionsFinalComplete. FInal Report sent to AASHTO.
NCHRP 08-36/Task 108Improving Travel Behavior Data for Alternative Fuel Vehicles: A Scoping StudyFinalCompleted -- Final Report Sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 109Non-Rail Infrastructure Upgrade and/or New Construction Due to Passenger Rail ImplementationFinalCompleted. Final report sent to AASHTO.
NCHRP 08-36/Task 111U.S. Commuting and Travel Patterns: Data Development and AnalysisFinal
NCHRP 08-36/Task 112Cross Mode Project Prioritization -- An Assessment of Current PracticeFinal
NCHRP 08-36/Task 113The Future of Transportation Planning in State DOTsFinal
NCHRP 08-36/Task 114Transportation Asset Management for Ancillary StructuresFinal
NCHRP 08-36/Task 115Application of Fair Division, Data Envelopment Analysis, and Conjoint Analysis Techniques to Funding Decisions at the Program and Project/Activity Level FinalCompleted--Final Report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 116Development of Transportation Asset Management Plan TemplatesCompleted
NCHRP 08-36/Task 117Sketch Planning Tools for Regional SustainabilityFinal
NCHRP 08-36/Task 118Performance Measures for State Infrastructure PreservationFinal
NCHRP 08-36/Task 119Transportation Users Guide to the Economic CensusFinal
NCHRP 08-36/Task 120Snapshots of Planning PracticesCompleted
NCHRP 08-36/Task 121Successful Implementation of Enterprise Risk Management in State Transportation AgenciesCompleted
NCHRP 08-36/Task 125Transportation Asset Management Knowledge PortalCompleted
NCHRP 08-36/Task 126Development of a Risk Register Spreadsheet ToolCompleted
NCHRP 08-36/Task 127Employment Data for Planning: A Resource GuideCompleted
NCHRP 08-36/Task 128Data Visualization Methods for Transportation AgenciesCompleted
NCHRP 08-36/Task 129Scoping Study to Establish Standards and Guidance for Data for Transportation Planning and Traffic Operations PurposesCompleted
NCHRP 08-36/Task 12AAnalysis of the Factors Affecting Future Transportation Environment and their Implications for State DOTsCompletedCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 12BAnalysis of the Factors Affecting Future Transportation Environment and their Implications for State DOTsCompletedCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 130Inventory and Assessment of Methods for Making Collected Transportation Data AnonymousCompleted
NCHRP 08-36/Task 131Transportation Data Integration to Develop Planning Performance Measures Completed
NCHRP 08-36/Task 132Understanding Changes in Youth MobilityCompleted
NCHRP 08-36/Task 134Transportation Asset Management Research RoadmapCompleted
NCHRP 08-36/Task 135Addressing Margins of Error in Small Areas of Data Delivered through the American Fact Finder or the Census Transportation Planning Products ProgramCompleted
NCHRP 08-36/Task 136License Plate Reader Technology: Privacy Risk Analysis and Case StudiesCompleted
NCHRP 08-36/Task 137Assessing the Utility and Costs of Statewide Travel Demand ModelsCompleted
NCHRP 08-36/Task 138Support and Update of the Strategic Plan for SCOP/Subcommittees on TAMCompleted
NCHRP 08-36/Task 139Planning Research DigestCompleted
NCHRP 08-36/Task 140Assessing Actual Transportation Impacts of the 2005 BRAC DecisionsCompleted
NCHRP 08-36/Task 141Evaluation of Walk and Bicycle Demand Modeling PracticeCompleted
NCHRP 08-36/Task 142Advancing Sustainability through Multi-Agency CollaborationsCompleted
NCHRP 08-36/Task 145Scenario Planning LiteCompleted
NCHRP 08-36/Task 146Economic Resilience and Long-Term Highway/Transportation Infrastructure InvestmentCompleted
NCHRP 08-36/Task 147Strategic Mobility Research: Enhancing Mobility, Stimulating Economic Activity, Saving LivesCompleted
NCHRP 08-36CResearch for the AASHTO Standing Committee on PlanningActive
NCHRP 08-37Standardized Procedures for Personal Travel SurveysCompleted
NCHRP 08-38Consideration of Environmental Factors in Transportation Systems PlanningCompleted
NCHRP 08-39Financing and Improving Land Access to U.S. Cargo HubsCompleted
NCHRP 08-40Evaluating Cultural Resource Significance Using Information Technology (IT)Completed
NCHRP 08-40(02)Evaluating Cultural Resource Significance-Implementation ToolsCompleted
NCHRP 08-41Effective Methods for Environmental Justice AssessmentFinal
NCHRP 08-42Rail-Freight Solutions to Roadway CongestionFinal
NCHRP 08-43Methods for Forecasting Statewide Freight Movements and Related Performance MeasuresFinal
NCHRP 08-44Incorporating Safety into Long-Range Transportation PlanningCompleted
NCHRP 08-44(02)Transportation Safety Planning: Forecasting the Safety Impacts of Socio-Demographic Changes and Safety InvestmentsCompleted
NCHRP 08-45A New Vision of Mobility: Guidance to Foster Collaborative Multimodal Decision MakingCompleted
NCHRP 08-46A Guide for Including Access Management in Transportation PlansCompleted
NCHRP 08-47Guidebook for Freight Policy, Planning, and Programming in Small and Mid-Sized Metropolitan AreasFinalCompleted and published as NCHRP Report 570
NCHRP 08-48Using American Community Survey Data for Transportation PlanningCompleted
NCHRP 08-49(02)Right of Way Methods and Tools to Control Project Cost EscalationFinal
NCHRP 08-50Factors that Support the Planning-Programming LinkageFinalCompleted and published as NCHRP Report 591
NCHRP 08-51Enhancing Internal Trip Capture Estimation for Mixed-Use DevelopmentsCompleted
NCHRP 08-52Best Practices to Enhance the Transportation/Land-Use Connection in Rural AmericaCompleted
NCHRP 08-53Integrating Freight into Transportation Planning and Project-Selection ProcessesFinalPublished as NCHRP Report 594
NCHRP 08-54Identification of Liability-Related Impediments to Sharing 409 Safety Data Among Transportation Agencies, and Synthesis of Best PracticesFinal
NCHRP 08-55Integrating Geo-Spatial Technologies into the Right-of-Way Data-Management ProcessCompleted
NCHRP 08-55ADeveloping a Logical Model for a Geo-Spatial Right-Of-Way Land Management SystemCompleted The final report is available as NCHRP Report 695 and CD-ROM 99.
NCHRP 08-56Truck Noise-Source MappingCompletedPublished as NCHRP Report 635
NCHRP 08-57Assessing Highway Tolling and Pricing Options and Impacts: Vol. 1: Decision-Making Framework; Vol. 2: Travel Demand Forecasting ToolsFinal
NCHRP 08-58Development of a Multimodal Statewide Corridor Planning GuidebookFinal
NCHRP 08-59Transportation Cost Implications of New DevelopmentCompletedThe revised final report has been received and posted on the NCHRP website
NCHRP 08-60Guidebook on Risk Analysis Tools and Management Practices to Control Transportation Project CostFinal
NCHRP 08-61Travel Demand Forecasting: Parameters and TechniquesFinalPublished as NCHRP Report 716.
NCHRP 08-62Transportation Performance Management: Insight from PractitionersFinal
NCHRP 08-63Review of Canadian Experience with Large Commercial Motor VehiclesCompleted
NCHRP 08-64A Guidebook on Improved Principles, Processes, and Methods for Shared-Use Passenger and Freight Rail CorridorsCompleted
NCHRP 08-65Guidebook for Successful Communication, Cooperation, and Coordination Strategies Between Transportation Agencies and Tribal Communities Completed
NCHRP 08-66Trip-Generation Rates for Transportation Impact Analyses of Infill DevelopmentsCompleted
NCHRP 08-67Measuring Transportation Network PerformanceFinal
NCHRP 08-68Citizen’s Guide and Discipline-Specific Professionals’ Guide for Context-Sensitive Solutions in TransportationFinal
NCHRP 08-69Supplement to the AASHTO Transportation Asset Management Guide: Volume 2 - A Focus on ImplementationFinalFinal Report received and will be published by AASHTO
NCHRP 08-70Target-Setting Methods and Data Management To Support Performance-Based Resource Allocation by Transportation AgenciesFinal
NCHRP 08-71Methodology for Estimating Life Expectancies of Highway AssetsFinal
NCHRP 08-72Practical Approaches for Involving Traditionally Underserved Populations in Transportation DecisionmakingFinal
NCHRP 08-73Road Pricing, Public Perceptions and Program DevelopmentFinalCompleted. Final report published as Report 686.
NCHRP 08-74A Guidebook for Sustainability Performance Measurement for Transportation AgenciesFinal
NCHRP 08-75Guidelines for Evaluation and Performance Measurement of Congestion Pricing Projects CompletedThe final report has been published as NCHRP Report 694.
NCHRP 08-76Institutionalizing Safety in Transportation Planning Processes: Techniques, Tactics and StrategiesFinal
NCHRP 08-77A Model for Identifying and Evaluating the Historic Significance of Post-World War II HousingFinal
NCHRP 08-78Estimating Bicycling and Walking for Planning and Project DevelopmentCompletedCompleted and published as NCHRP Report 770
NCHRP 08-79Producing Transportation Data Products from the American Community Survey that Comply with Disclosure RulesFinalCompleted, Final Report published as Web-Only Document 180
NCHRP 08-80Freight Trip Generation and Land Use (Jointly Funded as NCFRP 25)Active
NCHRP 08-81Improving the Quality of Motorcycle Travel Data CollectionCompletedCompleted - Published as NCHRP Report 760.
NCHRP 08-82Deployment, Use, and Effect of Real-Time Traveler Information SystemsFinalPublished as NCHRP Web-Only Document 192
NCHRP 08-83Analytical Travel Forecasting Approaches for Project-Level Planning and DesignFinalCompleted. Final product is published as NCHRP Report 765 and CD-ROM 143
NCHRP 08-84Long-Distance and Rural Travel Transferable Parameters for Statewide Travel Forecasting ModelsFinalReport published as NCHRP Report 735
NCHRP 08-85The Comprehensive Costs of Highway-Rail At-Grade Crossing CrashesFinal
NCHRP 08-86Capacity Modeling Guiodebook for Shared-Use Passenger and Freight Rail OperationsFinal
NCHRP 08-87Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset ManagementFinal
NCHRP 08-88Effective Project Scoping Practices to Improve On-Time and On-Budget Delivery of Highway ProjectsFinal
NCHRP 08-89Applying GPS Data to Understand Travel BehaviorFinalPublished as NCHRP Report 775
NCHRP 08-90Transportation Asset Management Gap Analysis ToolCompletedDraft final products deliered to AASHTO; they will publish.
NCHRP 08-91Cross-Asset Resource Allocation and the Impact on System PerformanceFinal
NCHRP 08-92Implementing a Transportation Agency Data Self-Assessment Final
NCHRP 08-93Managing Risk Across the Enterprise: A Guidebook for State Departments of TransportationFinal
NCHRP 08-94Guidelines for Selecting Travel Forecasting Methods and TechniquesCompleted
NCHRP 08-95Cell Phone Location Data for Travel Behavior AnalysisCompleted
NCHRP 08-96Integrating Goods and Services Movement by Commercial Vehicles in Smart Growth EnvironmentsFinalCompleted. Published as NCHRP Report 844.
NCHRP 08-97Finding and Using Data to Identify and Evaluate Corridors for Transporting Multi-state, Multi-modal Oversize/Overweight FreightCompleted
NCHRP 08-98Guide for Identifying, Classifying, Evaluating, and Mitigating Truck Freight BottlenecksFinalComplete. Published as NCHRP Research Report 854.
NCHRP 08-99Methodology for Estimating the Value of Travel Time Reliability for Truck Freight System UsersFinalPublished as NCHRP Report 824.
NCHRP 09-06(01)Asphalt-Aggregate Mixture Analysis System (AAMAS)Completed
NCHRP 09-07Field Procedures and Equipment to Implement SHRP Asphalt SpecificationsCompleted
NCHRP 09-08Designing Stone Matrix Asphalt MixturesCompleted
NCHRP 09-09Refinement of the Superpave Gyratory Compaction ProcedureCompleted
NCHRP 09-09(1)Verification of Gyration Levels in the Ndesign TableCompleted
NCHRP 09-10Superpave Protocols for Modified Asphalt BindersCompleted
NCHRP 09-11Segregation in Hot-Mix Asphalt PavementsCompleted
NCHRP 09-12Incorporation of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement in the Superpave SystemCompleted
NCHRP 09-13Evaluation of Water Sensitivity TestsCompleted
NCHRP 09-14Investigation of the Restricted Zone in the Superpave Aggregate Gradation SpecificationCompleted
NCHRP 09-15Quality Characteristics and Test Methods for Use in Performance-Related Specifications of Hot-Mix Asphalt PavementsCompleted
NCHRP 09-16Relationship Between Superpave Gyratory Compaction Properties and Permanent Deformation of Pavements in ServiceCompleted
NCHRP 09-17Accelerated Laboratory Rutting Tests: Asphalt Pavement AnalyzerCompleted
NCHRP 09-18Field Shear Test for Hot Mix AsphaltCompleted
NCHRP 09-19Superpave Support and Performance Models ManagementCompleted
NCHRP 09-20Performance-Related Specifications for Hot-Mix Asphalt ConstructionCompleted
NCHRP 09-21Advisory Structure for Superpave Implementation and Related ResearchCompleted
NCHRP 09-22Beta Testing and Validation of HMA PRSCompletedThe project final report is available as NCHRP Report 704.
NCHRP 09-22AEvaluation of the Quality-Related Specification Software (QRSS) Version 1.0Completed
NCHRP 09-22BComparing HMA Dynamic Modulus Measured by Axial Compression and IDT MethodsCompleted
NCHRP 09-23Environmental Effects in Pavement Mix and Structural Design SystemsCompleted
NCHRP 09-23AImplementing a National Catalog of Subgrade Soil-Water Characteristic Curve (SWCC) Default Inputs for Use with the MEPDGCompleted
NCHRP 09-23BIntegrating the National Database of Subgrade Soil-Water Characteristic Curves and Soil Index Properties With the MEPDGCompleted
NCHRP 09-25Requirements for Voids in Mineral Aggregate for Superpave MixturesCompleted
NCHRP 09-26Precision Statements for AASHTO T312 and other Laboratory Test MethodsCompleted
NCHRP 09-26AData Mining and Interlaboratory Studies to Prepare Precision Statements for AASHTO StandardsCompletedWork of this type for the AASHTO Highway Subcommittee on Materials is now conducted in NCHRP Project 10-87.
NCHRP 09-27Relationships of HMA In-Place Air Voids, Lift Thickness, and PermeabilityCompleted
NCHRP 09-29Simple Performance Tester for Superpave Mix DesignCompleted
NCHRP 09-30Experimental Plan for Calibration and Validation of HMA Performance Models for Mix and Structural DesignCompleted
NCHRP 09-30ACalibration of Rutting Models for HMA Structural and Mix DesignCompletedThe project final report is available as NCHRP Report 719.
NCHRP 09-31Air Void Requirements for Superpave Mix DesignCompleted
NCHRP 09-33A Mix Design Manual for Hot Mix AsphaltCompletedThe mix design manual is available as NCHRP Reports 673 and 714.
NCHRP 09-33AAdapting SPT Specification Criteria to HMA Mix DesignCompletedThe final report is available as NCHRP Web-Only Document 157.
NCHRP 09-34Improved Conditioning Procedure for Predicting the Moisture Susceptibility of HMA PavementsCompleted
NCHRP 09-35Aggregate Properties and Their Relationship to the Performance of Superpave-Designed HMA: A Critical ReviewCompleted
NCHRP 09-36Improved Procedure for Laboratory Aging of Asphalt Binders in PavementsCompletedThe project final report is available as NCHRP Project 709.
NCHRP 09-37Using Surface Energy Measurements To Select Materials for Asphalt PavementsCompleted
NCHRP 09-38Endurance Limit of Hot Mix Asphalt Mixtures to Prevent Fatigue Cracking in Flexible PavementsCompletedThe project final report is available as NCHRP Report 646.
NCHRP 09-39Procedure for Determining Mixing and Compaction Temperatures of Asphalt Binders in Hot Mix AsphaltCompletedThe project final report is available as NCHRP Report 648.
NCHRP 09-40Optimization of Tack Coat for HMA PlacementCompletedThe project final report is available as NCHRP Report 712.
NCHRP 09-41Performance and Maintenance of Permeable Friction CoursesCompleted
NCHRP 09-42History of Superpave: Documenting the Research Program and Implementation ProcessCompletedThe project final report is available as NCHRP Web-Only Document 186.
NCHRP 09-43Mix Design Practices for Warm Mix AsphaltCompletedThe project final report is available as NCHRP Reports 691 and 714.
NCHRP 09-44Developing a Plan for Validating an Endurance Limit for HMA PavementsCompleted
NCHRP 09-44AValidating an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements: Laboratory Experiment and Algorithm DevelopmentCompletedThe project final report is available as NCHRP Report 762.
NCHRP 09-45Test Methods and Specification Criteria for Mineral Filler Used in HMACompletedA summary of the project final report is available as NCHRP Research Results Digest 357.
NCHRP 09-46Improved Mix Design, Evaluation, and Materials Management Practices for Hot Mix Asphalt with High Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement ContentCompletedThe project final report is available as NCHRP Report 752.
NCHRP 09-47Engineering Properties, Emissions, and Field Performance of Warm Mix Asphalt TechnologiesCompletedPhase II of this project will be accomplished as NCHRP Project 9-47A.
NCHRP 09-47AProperties and Performance of Warm Mix Asphalt TechnologiesCompleted
NCHRP 09-48Field versus Laboratory Volumetrics and Mechanical PropertiesCompleted
NCHRP 09-49Performance of WMA Technologies: Stage I--Moisture SusceptibilityCompletedThe project final reports are available as NCHRP Reports 763 and 817.
NCHRP 09-49APerformance of WMA Technologies: Stage II--Long-Term Field PerformanceCompleted
NCHRP 09-50Performance-Related Specifications for Asphaltic Binders Used in Preservation Surface TreatmentsCompleted
NCHRP 09-51Material Properties of Cold In-Place Recycled and Full-Depth Reclamation Asphalt Concrete for Pavement DesignCompleted
NCHRP 09-52Short-Term Laboratory Conditioning of Asphalt MixturesCompleted
NCHRP 09-53Properties of Foamed Asphalt for Warm Mix Asphalt ApplicationsCompleted
NCHRP 09-54Long-Term Aging of Asphalt Mixtures for Performance Testing and PredictionCompleted
NCHRP 09-55Recycled Asphalt Shingles in Asphalt Mixtures with Warm Mix Asphalt TechnologiesCompleted
NCHRP 09-56Identifying Influences on and Minimizing the Variability of Ignition Furnace Correction FactorsCompleted
NCHRP 09-56AIdentifying Influences on and Minimizing the Variability of Ignition Furnace Correction FactorsFinal
NCHRP 09-57Experimental Design for Field Validation of Laboratory Tests to Assess Cracking Resistance of Asphalt MixturesCompleted
NCHRP 09-57ARuggedness of Laboratory Tests to Assess Cracking Resistance of Asphalt MixturesFinal
NCHRP 09-57BField Validation of Laboratory Cracking Tests of Asphalt MixturesActiveResearch in progress
NCHRP 09-58The Effects of Recycling Agents on Asphalt Mixtures with High RAS and RAP Binder RatiosCompleted
NCHRP 09-59Relating Asphalt Binder Fatigue Properties to Asphalt Mixture Fatigue PerformanceFinalPublished as NCHRP Research Report 982
NCHRP 09-60Addressing Impacts of Changes in Asphalt Binder Formulation and Manufacture on Pavement Performance through Changes in Asphalt Binder SpecificationsActiveResearch in progress
NCHRP 09-61Short- and Long-Term Binder Aging Methods to Accurately Reflect Aging in Asphalt MixturesCompleted
NCHRP 09-62Rapid Tests and Specifications for Construction of Asphalt-Treated Cold Recycled PavementsFinalAvailable as WOD 376
NCHRP 09-63A Calibrated and Validated National Performance-Related Specification for Emulsified Asphalt BinderActiveResearch in progress
NCHRP 09-64Developing Laboratory Methods and Specifications to Test Tack Coat MaterialsFinalReport available as Web-Only Document.
NCHRP 09-65Capturing Durability of High Recycled Binder Ratio (RBR) Asphalt MixturesFinal
NCHRP 09-66Performance Properties of Laboratory Produced Recycled Plastic Modified (RPM) Asphalt Binders and MixturesFinal
NCHRP 09-67New Materials & Technology Deployment in Asphalt Pavement Structural DesignAnticipated
NCHRP 09-68Recycled Asphalt Materials: Binder Availability and Its Impact on Mix PerformanceActiveResearch in progress
NCHRP 09-69Verifying Quantities of Materials Used in Asphalt Mixtures at Production FacilitiesActive
NCHRP 09-70Guidelines for Incorporating Aging Effects on Balanced Mix Design for Quality AssuranceActiveResearch In Progress
NCHRP 09-71Framework for Design, Production, and Placement of Balanced Asphalt MixturesPending
NCHRP 09-72Sensitivity Evaluation of Balanced Mix Design Performance Tests Pending
NCHRP 09-73Guidelines for Storage of Asphalt Mixture and Performance Test SpecimensPending
NCHRP 10-100Procedures and Guidelines for Validating Contractor Test DataFinal
NCHRP 10-101Improving Mid-Term, Intermediate, and Long-Range Cost Forecasting: Guidance for State Departments of TransportationFinal
NCHRP 10-102A Guidebook for Risk-Based Construction InspectionFinalThe final deliverables have been published as NCHRP Research Report 1039 and NCHRP Web-Only Document 344
NCHRP 10-103Improving Guidance of AASHTO R 80/ASTM C 1778 for Alkali-Silica Reactivity (ASR) Potential and Mitigation Final
NCHRP 10-104Recommendations for Revision of AASHTO M 295 Standard Specification to Include Marginal and Unconventional Source Coal Fly Ashes Final
NCHRP 10-105Verification of Traffic Speed Deflection Devices’ (TSDDs) MeasurementsCompleted
NCHRP 10-106Update of AASHTO Standard Practice for Certification of Inertial Profiling Systems (R 56)Completed
NCHRP 10-107Guide for Implementing Performance SpecificationsCompletedExpired.
NCHRP 10-108Manual for Incorporating Nondestructive Testing (NDT) in Quality Assurance of Highway Pavement ConstructionFinal
NCHRP 10-109Modern Solutions to Safe and Efficient Work Zone TravelCompletedResearch is complete. Report and guide to be published as WOD 418 and Research Report 1142, respectively.
NCHRP 10-1103D Modeling Guide for Construction InspectionFinalContinued under NCHRP 10-110A.
NCHRP 10-110AGuide to Using 3D Models for Construction Inspection ActiveResearch is progress.
NCHRP 10-111Guide for 3D Model Viewers for Construction InspectionActiveResearch in progress.
NCHRP 10-112Guide for Remote Virtual Inspection for Highway Construction Infrastructure ProjectsActiveResearch in progress.
NCHRP 10-113Quality Management for 3D Model-Based Project Development and DeliveryCompletedThe final deliverables have been received. A publication decision is pending.
NCHRP 10-114Developing Performance and Safety Specifications for Rejuvenating SealsActiveResearch in progress.
NCHRP 10-115Guide on Progressive Design-Build for Transportation ProjectsActiveResearch in progress.
NCHRP 10-116Quantifying Variability in Quality Characteristics of PavementsActive
NCHRP 10-117Design and Repair of Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer Concrete Bridge BarriersActive
NCHRP 10-118Effective Timelines and Contractual Strategies for Accelerated Bridge Construction ProjectsActiveResearch In Progress
NCHRP 10-119Guidance for Implementing Utility Investigations in Alignment with Project DeliveryActive
NCHRP 10-120Guide for Incorporating Right-of-Way and Utilities into Value Engineering StudiesActiveResearch in progress.
NCHRP 10-121Guidelines for the Application of Ground Modification Methods for Highway StructuresActiveResearch In Progress
NCHRP 10-122Cost Estimating Practices for Highway ProjectsActiveResearch in progress.
NCHRP 10-123Incorporating Quality Assurance into Green Public Procurement Practices Active
NCHRP 10-124Development of a Field Test to Determine Chip Seal Aggregate EmbedmentActiveResearch in progress.
NCHRP 10-125Update Bridge Construction RequirementsActiveResearch In Progress
NCHRP 10-126Field-Cured Products and Water Quality: A Guide for Screening and Risk MitigationActive
NCHRP 10-127Impact of Bolt Holes on the Performance of Steel GirdersActiveResearch In Progress
NCHRP 10-128Multiple-Sensor Weigh-In-Motion Systems to Enhance Data Accuracy and ReliabilityActiveResearch is progress.
NCHRP 10-129Field Studies of Steel Girder Fit-UpActiveResearch In Progress
NCHRP 10-13Ultrasonic Measurement of Weld Flaw SizeCompleted
NCHRP 10-130Guide for Using Alternative Contracting Methods for Small Highway ProjectsActive
NCHRP 10-131Laboratory Test Method for Estimating the Contribution of Geosynthetics to Pavement PerformancePending
NCHRP 10-132Understanding the Interaction Between Total Scour ComponentsActiveResearch In Progress
NCHRP 10-133Research Plan for Assessing Friction of Pavement MarkingsActiveResearch In Progress
NCHRP 10-134Guidelines for the Selection of Performance-Related Tests for the Acceptance of Preservation TreatmentsPending
NCHRP 10-135Guide for Subsurface Utility Engineering and Digital As-Built Data ManagementPendingContract pending at this time.
NCHRP 10-136Right-of-Way and Utility Risk Identification and ManagementPendingContract pending at this time.
NCHRP 10-137Movable Bridge Construction RequirementsActiveResearch In Progress
NCHRP 10-138Guide for Early Right-of-Way Engineering InvolvementPendingContract pending at this time.
NCHRP 10-139Enhancing Pavement Management GuidanceActiveResearch In Progress
NCHRP 10-140Guide for Right-of-Way Management with a Utility AwarenessPendingContract pending at this time.
NCHRP 10-141Guide for Digital Project Delivery: Integrating Design and ConstructionPending
NCHRP 10-142Guide for Integrating Digital Construction Inspection TechnologiesPending
NCHRP 10-143Field Verification Processes for Utility Installation and Relocation: A GuidePending
NCHRP 10-144Using Pay Adjustment Systems to Incentivize Quality Highway ConstructionPending
NCHRP 10-145Asphalt Emulsion-Based High Friction Surface TreatmentsPending
NCHRP 10-146Quality Assurance Procedures for Traffic Speed Deflection DevicesPending
NCHRP 10-17Use of Antistripping Additives in Asphaltic Concrete MixturesCompleted
NCHRP 10-20Elastomeric Bearings Design, Construction, and MaterialsCompleted
NCHRP 10-20AHigh-Load, Multi-Rotational Bridge Bearings: Design, Materials, and ConstructionCompleted
NCHRP 10-22The Performance of Weathering Steel in BridgesCompleted
NCHRP 10-25AInstantaneous Determination of Water-Cement Ratio in Fresh ConcreteCompleted
NCHRP 10-26Performance-Related Specifications for Hot-Mix Asphaltic ConcreteCompleted
NCHRP 10-27Determination of Asphaltic Concrete Pavement Structural Properties by Nondestructive TestingCompleted
NCHRP 10-29Anchorage Zone Reinforcement for Post-Tensioned Concrete GirdersCompleted
NCHRP 10-30(3)Nondestructive Methods for Field Inspection of Embedded or Encased High Strength Steel Rods and CablesCompleted
NCHRP 10-31Acceptance Criteria for Steel Bridge WeldsCompleted
NCHRP 10-32ADurability Testing of High-Strength Concrete Containing High-Range Water-Reducing AdmixturesCompleted
NCHRP 10-33Potential Benefits of Geosynthetics in Flexible Pavement SystemsCompleted
NCHRP 10-34Transient Protection, Grounding, and Shielding of Electronic Traffic Control EquipmentFinal
NCHRP 10-35Fatigue Behavior of Welded and Mechanical Splices in Reinforcing SteelCompleted
NCHRP 10-36Evaluation of Weldments Incorporating Backing MaterialsCompleted
NCHRP 10-37Performance of Epoxy-Coated Reinforcing Steel in Highway BridgesCompleted
NCHRP 10-37APerformance of Epoxy-Coated Reinforcing Steel--Laboratory TestingCompleted
NCHRP 10-37BA Protocol for the Evaluation of Existing Bridges Containing Epoxy-Coated Reinforcing SteelCompleted
NCHRP 10-37CRepair and Rehabilitation of Bridge Components Containing Epoxy-Coated ReinforcementCompleted
NCHRP 10-38Fatigue-Resistant Design of Cantilevered Signal, Sign, and Light SupportsCompleted
NCHRP 10-38(2)Fatigue-Resistant Design of Cantilevered Signal, Sign, and Light Supports Completed
NCHRP 10-39Construction Testing and Inspection LevelsCompleted
NCHRP 10-39ATesting and Inspection Levels for Hot-Mix Asphaltic Concrete OverlaysCompleted
NCHRP 10-40Plasma Arc Cutting of Bridge SteelsCompleted
NCHRP 10-41Evaluation of Unbonded Portland Cement Concrete OverlaysCompleted
NCHRP 10-42Constructibility Review Process for Transportation FacilitiesCompleted
NCHRP 10-43Movable Bridge Inspection, Evaluation, and MaintenanceCompleted
NCHRP 10-44Nondestructive Testing to Determine Insitu Material Properties of Pavement LayersCompleted
NCHRP 10-44ADetermination of Insitu Material Properties of Asphalt Concrete Pavement LayersCompleted
NCHRP 10-45Procedures for Evaluating Corrosion-Inhibiting Admixtures for Structural ConcreteCompleted
NCHRP 10-46Corrosion of Steel Piling in Nonmarine ApplicationsCompleted
NCHRP 10-47Guidelines for Longitudinal Pavement Profile MeasurementCompleted
NCHRP 10-48Assessing Pavement Layer Condition Using Deflection DataCompleted
NCHRP 10-49Improved Contracting Methods for Highway Construction ProjectsCompleted
NCHRP 10-50Strategies for Rehabilitating Rigid Pavements Subjected to High-Traffic Volumes Completed
NCHRP 10-50AGuidelines for Selecting Strategies for Rehabilitating Rigid Pavements Subjected to High-Traffic VolumesCompleted
NCHRP 10-51Performance-Related Specifications for Elastomeric Bridge BearingsCompleted
NCHRP 10-52Performance Tests for Modular Bridge JointsCompleted
NCHRP 10-53Condition Evaluation of Prestressed Steel Strands in Concrete BridgesCompleted
NCHRP 10-54Quality-Based Performance Rating of Contractors for Prequalification and Bidding PurposesCompleted
NCHRP 10-55Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites for Concrete Bridge Deck Reinforcement Completed
NCHRP 10-56Accelerated Pavement Testing: Data GuidelinesCompleted
NCHRP 10-57Structural Safety Evaluation Guidelines for Suspension Bridge Parallel-Wire CablesCompleted
NCHRP 10-58Construction Engineering and Management Research ProgramCompleted
NCHRP 10-58(01)Time-Related Incentive and Disincentive Provisions in Highway Construction ContractsCompletedNCHRP Report 652 Time-Related Incentive and Disincentive Provisions in Highway Construction Contracts.
NCHRP 10-58(02)Using Contractor-Performed Tests in Quality AssuranceCompletedNCHRP Research Results Digest 323: Using the Results of Contractor-Performed Tests in Quality Assurance
NCHRP 10-59AConstruction Specifications for Bonded Repair and Retrofit of Concrete Structures Using FRP CompositesCompleted
NCHRP 10-60Avoiding Delays in Constructing Highway Projects (CANCELED)Completed
NCHRP 10-61Best-Value Procurement Methods for Highway Construction ProjectsCompletedNCHRP Report 561: Best-Value Procurement Methods for Highway Construction Projects
NCHRP 10-62Acceptance Tests for Surface Characteristics of Steel Strands in Pre-Stressed ConcreteCompletedThe project final report is available as NCHRP Report 621.
NCHRP 10-63Heat-Straightening Repair of Damaged Steel Bridge Girders: Fatigue and Fracture PerformanceCompletedThe project final report is available as NCHRP Report 604.
NCHRP 10-64Field Inspection of In-Service FRP Bridge DecksCompleted
NCHRP 10-65Nondestructive Testing Technology for Quality Control and Acceptance of Flexible Pavement ConstructionCompletedThe project final report is available as NCHRP Report 626, NDT Technology for Quality Assurance of HMA Pavement Construction.
NCHRP 10-66Predicting In-Service Performance of Flexible Pavements from Accelerated Pavement TestingCompleted
NCHRP 10-67Texturing of Concrete PavementsCompleted
NCHRP 10-68Guidelines for the Use of Highway Pavement WarrantiesCompletedNCHRP Report 699: Guidelines for the Use of Highway Pavement Warranties
NCHRP 10-69Guidelines for Dowel Alignment in Concrete PavementsCompleted
NCHRP 10-70Cost-Effective Connection Details for Highway Sign, Luminaire, and Traffic Signal StructuresFinal
NCHRP 10-71Evaluation of CIP Reinforced Joints for Full-Depth Precast Concrete Bridge Decks Final
NCHRP 10-72Bridge Deck Design Criteria and Testing ProceduresCompleted
NCHRP 10-73Guide Specification for the Design of Externally Bonded FRP Systems for Repair and Strengthening of Concrete Bridge ElementsCompleted
NCHRP 10-74Development of Fatigue Loading and Design Methodology for High-Mast Lighting PolesFinalPublished as NCHRP Report 718
NCHRP 10-75Guide for Pavement-Type SelectionCompleted
NCHRP 10-76Methodologies for Evaluating Pavement Strategies and Barriers for Noise MitigationCompleted
NCHRP 10-77Use of Automated Machine Guidance (AMG) within the Transportation IndustryFinal
NCHRP 10-78Nighttime Construction Impacts on Safety, Quality, and ProductivityCompletedNCHRP Report 726: A Guidebook for Nighttime Construction: Impacts on Safety, Quality, and Productivity
NCHRP 10-79Guidelines for Quality-Related Pay Adjustment Factors for PavementsCompleted
NCHRP 10-80New Specifications for Structural Supports for Highway Signs, Luminaires, and Traffic Signals Final
NCHRP 10-81Fuel Usage Factors in Highway and Bridge ConstructionCompletedThe project final report is available as NCHRP Report 744.
NCHRP 10-82Performance-Related Specifications for Pavement Preservation Treatments - Phase ICompleted
NCHRP 10-82APerformance-Related Specifications for Pavement Preservation TreatmentsCompleted
NCHRP 10-83Alternative Quality Management Systems for Highway ConstructionFinalCompleted. Published as NCHRP Report 808..
NCHRP 10-84Modulus-Based Construction Specification for Compaction of Earthwork and Unbound AggregateCompleted
NCHRP 10-85A Guidebook for Construction Manager-at-Risk Contracting for Highway ProjectsFinalCompleted. The Contractor's Final Report was published by AASHTO.
NCHRP 10-86Bidding Alternative Drainage Pipe SystemsCompleted
NCHRP 10-86ASoftware for Bidding Alternative Drainage Pipe SystemsCompleted
NCHRP 10-87Precision Statements for AASHTO Standard Methods of TestCompleted
NCHRP 10-88Developing Precision and Bias Statements for AASHTO Standard Methods of Test TP 98 and TP 99Completed
NCHRP 10-89Best Practices Guidebook for Optimal Construction InspectionCompletedProject terminated. No report.
NCHRP 10-91ASustainable Highway Construction PracticesFinal
NCHRP 10-92Optimizing the Risk and Cost of Materials QA ProgramsCompleted
NCHRP 10-93Measuring, Characterizing, and Reporting Pavement Roughness of Low-Speed and Urban RoadsCompleted
NCHRP 10-94Mitigation of Weldment Cracking of Highway Steel Structures due to the Galvanizing ProcessFinal
NCHRP 10-95Toughness Requirements for Heat-Affected Zones of Welded Structural Steels for Highway Bridges - Phase ICompleted
NCHRP 10-95AToughness Requirements for Heat-Affected Zones of Welded Structural Steels for Highway BridgesCompleted
NCHRP 10-96Guide for Civil Integrated Management (CIM) in Departments of TransportationFinal
NCHRP 10-97Detection and Remediation of Soluble Salt Contamination Prior to Coating Steel Highway StructuresCompleted
NCHRP 10-98Protocols for Network-Level Macrotexture MeasurementFinalFinal report published as NCHRP Research Report 964.
NCHRP 10-99Guidebook for Implementing Constructability Across the Entire Project Development Process: NEPA to Final DesignFinalPublished as NCHRP WOD 388.
NCHRP 11-07National Data-Management System for Highway Tort ClaimsCompleted
NCHRP 11-08Guide to Acquire Utility Property Interests and Reimburse Utility Relocation CostsFinalThe Guide was published as NCHRP Research Report 1054. The Final Report was published as NCHRP WOD 360.
NCHRP 12-100Guidelines for Maintaining Small Movement Bridge Expansion JointsFinalPublished as AASHTO Guidelines for Maintaining Small Movement Bridge Expansion Joints, 1st Edition
NCHRP 12-101Seismic Evaluation of Bridge Columns with Energy Dissipating MechanismsFinalTwo Volumes: Volume 1: Research Overview and Volume 2: Guidelines
NCHRP 12-102Recommended AASHTO Guide Specification for ABC Design and ConstructionFinal
NCHRP 12-102AAASHTO Guide Specification for ABC Design and Construction--Implementation WorkshopsFinalThe agency’s training modules are available for download.
NCHRP 12-103Bridge Superstructure Tolerance to Total and Differential Foundation MovementsFinal
NCHRP 12-104Guidelines to Improve the Quality of Element-Level Bridge Inspection DataFinal
NCHRP 12-105Proposed AASHTO Seismic Specifications for ABC Column Connections Final
NCHRP 12-106Proposed Guidelines for Performance-Based Seismic Bridge DesignFinal
NCHRP 12-107Proposed AASHTO Bridge Guidelines for Use of ASTM A1010 SteelFinalAASHTO Special Committee on Research and Innovation (R&I) decided to cancel this project and reallocate project funds to other NCHRP projects
NCHRP 12-108Guide Specification for Service Life Design of Highway BridgesFinal
NCHRP 12-109Use of 0.7-in. Diameter Strands in Precast Pretensioned GirdersFinalPublished as NCHRP Research Report 994
NCHRP 12-110Proposed New AASHTO Load Rating Provisions for Implements of HusbandryFinal
NCHRP 12-111Evaluating the Effectiveness of Vibration-Mitigation Devices for Structural Supports of Signs, Luminaires, and Traffic SignalsFinalFinal Contractor's Report is available on the project webpage.
NCHRP 12-112Update of the AASHTO LRFD Movable Highway Bridge Design SpecificationsFinal
NCHRP 12-113Proposed Modification to AASHTO Cross-Frame Analysis and DesignFinalPhase I is published as NCHRP Research Report 962. Phase II is published as NCHRP Research Report 1045.
NCHRP 12-114Guidance on Seismic Site Response Analysis with Pore Water Pressure GenerationFinalThe final deliverable has been published as NCHRP Report 1092 and NCHRP Web-Only Document 383
NCHRP 12-115Guidelines for Risk-Based Inspection and Strength Evaluation of Suspension Bridge Main Cable SystemsFinalThe Final Report has been published as NCHRP Web-Only Document 353. The Guidelines have been forwarded to AASHTO COBS Technical Committee on Bridge Management.
NCHRP 12-116Proposed AASHTO Specifications for Design of Piles for DowndragFinalFurther work will be conducted under NCHRP 12-116A in 2020
NCHRP 12-116AProposed AASHTO Specifications for Design of Piles for DowndragFinalPublished as NCHRP Research Report 1112 and NCHRP Web-Only Document 398
NCHRP 12-117Guidelines for Corrosion Protection of Steel Bridges Using Duplex Coating SystemsFinalThe Final Report is published as NCHRP Report 1048. The Guidelines have been forwarded to AASHTO COBS Technical Committee on Bridge Preservation
NCHRP 12-118Design and Construction Specifications for Bonded and Unbonded Post-Tensioned Concrete Bridge ElementsCompleted
NCHRP 12-119MASH Railing Load Requirements for Bridge Deck OverhangFinalPublished as NCHRP Research Report 1078
NCHRP 12-120Stainless Steel Strands for Prestressed Concrete Bridge ElementsActiveResearch In Progress
NCHRP 12-121Guidelines for the Design of Prestressed Concrete Bridge Girders Using FRP Auxiliary ReinforcementActiveResearch In Progress
NCHRP 12-122Proposed AASHTO Guidelines for Applications of Unmanned Aerial Systems Technologies for Element-Level Bridge InspectionFinalPublished as NCHRP Research Report 1114
NCHRP 12-123Proposed AASHTO Guideline for Load Rating of Segmental BridgesFinalThe final deliverable has been published as NCHRP Report 1128
NCHRP 12-124Design of Stud Shear Connectors in Composite Steel BridgesActiveResearch In Progress
NCHRP 12-125Earthquake-Induced Bridge DisplacementsActiveResearch In Progress
NCHRP 12-126Design and Testing of High-Load Multi-Rotational Disc Bearings for BridgesPendingA research agency has been selected for the project. The contracting process is underway.
NCHRP 12-127Load Rating and Posting of Long-Span BridgesActiveResearch In Progress
NCHRP 12-128Flexural Resistance of Skewed and Curved Steel I-Girder BridgesPending
NCHRP 12-129Evaluating Concrete Girders with Noncompliant Shear DetailsPending
NCHRP 12-15(5)Fatigue Behavior of Variable Loaded Bridge Details Near the Fatigue LimitFinal
NCHRP 12-23Recommended Revisions to the AASHTO Manual for Maintenance Inspection of BridgesCompleted
NCHRP 12-26(2)Distribution of Wheel Loads on Highway BridgesCompleted
NCHRP 12-27Welded Repair of Cracks in Steel Bridge MembersCompleted
NCHRP 12-28(01)Load Capacity Evaluation of Existing BridgesCompleted
NCHRP 12-28(02)Bridge Management SystemsCompleted
NCHRP 12-28(02)ABridge Management Systems SoftwareCompleted
NCHRP 12-28(02)BBridge Management Systems SoftwareCompleted
NCHRP 12-28(02)CConversion of BRIDGIT Bridge Management Software to WindowsCompleted
NCHRP 12-28(03)Fatigue Evaluation Procedures for Steel BridgesCompleted
NCHRP 12-28(06)Distortion-Induced Fatigue Cracking in Steel BridgesCompleted
NCHRP 12-28(07)Guidelines for Evaluating Corrosion Effects in Existing Steel BridgesCompleted
NCHRP 12-28(10)Guidelines for Determining Redundancy in Steel BridgesCompleted
NCHRP 12-28(11)Development of Site-Specific Load Models for Bridge RatingCompleted
NCHRP 12-28(12)Inelastic Rating Procedures for Steel Beam and Girder BridgesCompleted
NCHRP 12-28(13)Nondestructive Load Testing for Bridge Evaluation and RatingCompleted
NCHRP 12-28(13)A Bridge Rating Through Nondestructive Load TestingCompleted
NCHRP 12-29Design of Simple-Span Precast Prestressed Bridge Girders Made ContinuousCompleted
NCHRP 12-30Fatigue of Cables in Cable-Stayed BridgesCompleted
NCHRP 12-31Notch Toughness Variability in Bridge Steel PlatesFinal
NCHRP 12-33Development of a Comprehensive Bridge Specification and CommentaryCompleted
NCHRP 12-33ADevelopment of a Comprehensive Bridge Specification and Commentary---Timber Structures and Code CalibrationCompleted
NCHRP 12-33BDevelopment of a Comprehensive Bridge Specification and Commentary---Concrete StructuresCompleted
NCHRP 12-33CDevelopment of a Comprehensive Bridge Specification and Commentary---Soil-Structure Interaction SystemsCompleted
NCHRP 12-34Update of AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges: Division II---ConstructionCompleted
NCHRP 12-35Recommended Specifications for the Design of Foundations, Retaining Walls, and SubstructuresCompleted
NCHRP 12-36Redundancy in Highway Bridge SuperstructuresCompleted
NCHRP 12-36(2)Redundancy in Highway Bridge Superstructures: Phase 2Completed
NCHRP 12-37Transverse Cracking in Newly Constructed Bridge DecksCompleted
NCHRP 12-38Improved Design Specifications for Horizontally Curved Steel Girder Highway BridgesCompleted
NCHRP 12-39Design Specifications for Debris Forces on Highway BridgesCompleted
NCHRP 12-40Fatigue Criteria for Modular Bridge Expansion JointsFinal
NCHRP 12-41Rapid Replacement of Bridge DecksCompleted
NCHRP 12-42LRFD Bridge Design Specifications SupportCompleted
NCHRP 12-43Life-Cycle Cost Analysis for BridgesCompleted
NCHRP 12-44Recommended Specifications for the Design of Movable Highway BridgesCompleted
NCHRP 12-45Recommended Specifications for Large-Span CulvertsCompleted
NCHRP 12-46Manual for Condition Evaluation and Load Rating of Highway Bridges Using Load and Resistance Factor PhilosophyCompleted
NCHRP 12-47Redundancy in Highway Bridge SubstructuresCompleted
NCHRP 12-48Design of Highway Bridges for Extreme EventsCompleted
NCHRP 12-49Comprehensive Specification for the Seismic Design of BridgesCompleted
NCHRP 12-50Bridge Software-Validation Guidelines and ExamplesCompleted
NCHRP 12-51Effect of Truck Weight on Bridge Network CostsCompleted
NCHRP 12-52LRFD Specifications for Horizontally Curved Steel Girder Highway BridgesCompleted
NCHRP 12-53Connection Between Simple-Span Precast Concrete Girders Made ContinuousCompleted
NCHRP 12-54Integral Connections of Steel Bridge StructuresCompleted
NCHRP 12-55Load and Resistance Factors for Earth Pressures on Bridge Substructures and Retaining WallsCompleted
NCHRP 12-55ALoad and Resistance Factors for Earth Pressures on Bridge Substructures and Retaining WallsCompleted
NCHRP 12-56Application of the LRFD Bridge Design Specifications to High-Strength Structural Concrete: Shear ProvisionsCompleted
NCHRP 12-57Extending Span Ranges of Precast, Prestressed Concrete GirdersCompleted
NCHRP 12-58Effective Slab Width for Composite Steel Bridge MembersCompleted
NCHRP 12-59Design and Construction of Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil (GRS) Abutments for Bridge SupportCompletedNCHRP Report 556: Design and Construction Guidelines for Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil Bridge Abutments with a Flexible Facing
NCHRP 12-59(01)Seismic Design of Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil (GRS) Bridge Abutments with Flexible FacingCompleted
NCHRP 12-60Transfer, Development, and Splice Length for Strand/Reinforcement in High-Strength ConcreteCompleted
NCHRP 12-61Simplified Shear Design of Structural Concrete MembersCompleted
NCHRP 12-62Simplified Live-Load Distribution-Factor EquationsCompleted
NCHRP 12-62ASimplified Live Load Distribution-Factor Equations-Phase IICompleted
NCHRP 12-63Legal Truck Loads and AASHTO Legal Loads for PostingCompleted
NCHRP 12-64Application of the LRFD Bridge Design Specifications to High-Strength Structural Concrete: Flexure and Compression ProvisionsCompleted
NCHRP 12-65Full-Depth, Precast-Concrete Bridge Deck Panel SystemsCompleted
NCHRP 12-66AASHTO LRFD Specifications for Serviceability in the Design of Bridge FoundationsFinalContract was terminated on October 24, 2008
NCHRP 12-67Multiple-Objective Optimization for Bridge Management SystemsCompleted
NCHRP 12-68Improved Rotational Limits of Elastomeric BearingsCompleted
NCHRP 12-69Design and Construction Guidelines for Long-Span Decked Precast, Prestressed Concrete Girder BridgesCompleted
NCHRP 12-70Seismic Analysis and Design of Retaining Walls, Buried Structures, Slopes, and EmbankmentsFinal
NCHRP 12-71Design Specifications and Commentary for Horizontally Curved Concrete Box-Girder Highway BridgesCompleted
NCHRP 12-72Blast-Resistant Highway Bridges: Design and Detailing GuidelinesFinal
NCHRP 12-73Design Guidelines for Durability of Bonded CFRP Repair/Strengthening of Concrete BeamsCompleted
NCHRP 12-74Development of Precast Bent Cap Systems for Seismic RegionsFinal
NCHRP 12-75Design of FRP Systems for Strengthening Concrete Girders in ShearCompleted
NCHRP 12-76Protocols for Collecting and Using Traffic Data in Bridge DesignFinal
NCHRP 12-77Structural Concrete Design with High-Strength Steel ReinforcementFinal
NCHRP 12-78Evaluation of Load Rating by Load and Resistance Factor RatingFinal
NCHRP 12-79Guidelines for Analytical Methods and Erection Engineering of Curved and Skewed Steel Deck-Girder BridgesFinalPublished as NCHRP Report 725
NCHRP 12-80LRFD Minimum Flexural Reinforcement RequirementsFinal
NCHRP 12-81Evaluation of Fatigue on the Serviceability of Highway BridgesFinalPublished as NCHRP Report 721
NCHRP 12-82Developing Reliability-Based Bridge Inspection PracticesFinalNCHRP 12-82(01)—Phase II started on November 26, 2012 and has an anticipated termination date of March 25, 2014. Phase II Funds is $149,542
NCHRP 12-82(01)Developing Reliability-Based Bridge Inspection Practices: Case StudiesFinal
NCHRP 12-83Calibration of LRFD Concrete Bridge Design Specifications for ServiceabilityFinal
NCHRP 12-84Guidelines for the Load and Resistance Factor Design and Rating of Riveted and Bolted Gusset-Plate Connections for Steel BridgesFinal
NCHRP 12-85Highway Bridge Fire Hazard AssessmentFinalThe agency's final deliverables are available for download
NCHRP 12-86Bridge System Safety and RedundancyFinal
NCHRP 12-87Fracture-Critical System Analysis for Steel BridgesFinal
NCHRP 12-87AFracture-Critical System Analysis for Steel BridgesFinal
NCHRP 12-88Synthesis on System Performance of Accelerated Bridge Construction Connections in Moderate-to-High Seismic RegionsFinal
NCHRP 12-89Recommended AASHTO LRFD Tunnel Design and Construction SpecificationsFinal
NCHRP 12-90Guidelines for Shielding Bridge Piers FinalThe research report published as NCHRP Research Report 892
NCHRP 12-91Strand Debonding for Pretensioned GirdersFinal
NCHRP 12-92Proposed LRFD Bridge Design Specifications for Light Rail Transit LoadsFinal
NCHRP 12-93Contribution of Steel Casing to Single Shaft Foundation Structural ResistanceFinal
NCHRP 12-94LRFD Minimum Flexural Reinforcement RequirementsFinal
NCHRP 12-95Connection Details of Adjacent Precast Concrete Box Beam Bridges FinalA decision was made to discontinue work on the project beyond Phase I. The remaining work will be conducted in 2017 under NCHRP 12-95A.
NCHRP 12-95AProposed AASHTO Guidelines for Adjacent Precast Concrete Box Beam Bridge SystemsFinalThe final deliverable has been published as NCHRP Report 1026
NCHRP 12-96Simplified Full-Depth Precast Concrete Deck Panel Systems Final
NCHRP 12-97Guide Specification for the Design of Concrete Bridge Beams Prestressed with CFRP SystemsCompleted
NCHRP 12-98Recommended Guidelines for Prefabricated Bridge Elements and Systems Tolerances and Dynamic Effects of Bridge MovesFinal
NCHRP 12-99Guidelines for Calculating Dynamic Effects in Large-Scale Bridge MovesFinalNCHRP Project 12-98 has been expanded in scope and budget to include this project.
NCHRP 13-02Guidelines for Selection and Application of Warning Lights on Roadway-Operations EquipmentCompleted
NCHRP 13-03Decision Making for Outsourcing and Privatization of Vehicle and Equipment Fleet Maintenance - Phase ICompleted
NCHRP 13-03ADecision Making for Outsourcing and Privatization of Vehicle and Equipment Fleet MaintenanceCompleted
NCHRP 13-04Guide for Optimal Replacement Cycles of Highway Operations EquipmentCompleted
NCHRP 13-05Guide for Utilization Measurement and Management of Fleet EquipmentFinal
NCHRP 13-06Guide for the Formulation of Long-Range Plans for Replacement Needs and Budget of Highway Operations Equipment - Phase ICompleted
NCHRP 13-06AGuide for the Formulation of Long-Range Plans and Budgets for Replacement of Highway Operations EquipmentCompleted
NCHRP 13-07Guide to Calculating Ownership and Operating Costs of Department of Transportation Vehicle and Equipment FleetFinal
NCHRP 13-08Guideline for Decision-Making for Repair vs. Replacement of Highway Maintenance EquipmentCompleted
NCHRP 13-09Maximizing Proceeds from the Fleet Asset Disposal Sales ProcessFinal
NCHRP 13-10Guidelines for Maintenance of Uncrewed Aircraft Systems Used in Transportation InfrastructurePending
NCHRP 14-07Interactive Microcomputer Network for Innovative Maintenance OperationsCompleted
NCHRP 14-08Chip Seal Coats for High-Traffic-Volume Asphalt Concrete PavementsCompleted
NCHRP 14-08AChip Seal Coats for High-Traffic-Volume Asphalt Concrete PavementsCompleted
NCHRP 14-09(1)Effective Maintenance Budget StrategiesCompleted
NCHRP 14-09(2)Incorporation of Maintenance Considerations in Highway DesignCompleted
NCHRP 14-09(3)Maintenance ContractingCompleted
NCHRP 14-09(4)Role of Highway Maintenance in Integrated Management SystemsCompleted
NCHRP 14-09(5)Impacts of Environmental, Health, and Safety Regulations on Highway MaintenanceCompleted
NCHRP 14-09(6)Professional Development of Maintenance Engineers and ManagersCompleted
NCHRP 14-10Improvements in Data Acquisition Technology for Maintenance Management SystemsCompleted
NCHRP 14-11Effective Motivation of Highway Maintenance PersonnelCompleted
NCHRP 14-11(2)Enhancement to Program for Effective Motivation of Highway Maintenance PersonnelCompleted
NCHRP 14-12Highway Maintenance Quality AssuranceCompleted
NCHRP 14-13Customer-Driven Benchmarking for Highway Maintenance ActivitiesCompleted
NCHRP 14-14Guide for Optimal Timing of Pavement Preventive Maintenance Treatment ApplicationsCompleted
NCHRP 14-15Developing a National Database System for Maintenance Actions on Highway BridgesCompleted
NCHRP 14-16Guidelines for Vegetation ManagementCompletedThe final report has been received and provided to AASHTO for ballot.
NCHRP 14-17Manual for Emulsion-Based Chip Seals for Pavement PreservationCompleted
NCHRP 14-18Determining Highway Maintenance CostsCompleted
NCHRP 14-19Culvert Rehabilitation to Maximize Service Life While Minimizing Direct Costs and Traffic DisruptionFinal
NCHRP 14-20Consequences of Delayed Maintenance - Phase ICompleted
NCHRP 14-20AConsequences of Delayed Maintenance of Highway AssetsCompleted
NCHRP 14-21Resource Allocation Framework to Meet Highway Asset Preservation NeedsFinal
NCHRP 14-22Effective Removal of Pavement MarkingsFinalCompleted. Published as NCHRP Report 759
NCHRP 14-23Practical Bridge Preservation Actions and Investment StrategiesFinalA decision was made to discontinue work on the project beyond Phase II. Further research related to bridge preservation actions will be performed under NCHRP Project 14-36.
NCHRP 14-24Guidance for Communicating the Value of Highway System Maintenance and PreservationFinal
NCHRP 14-25Guide for Selecting Level-of-Service Targets for Maintaining and Operating Highway AssetsCompleted
NCHRP 14-26Culvert and Storm Drain System Inspection ManualFinal
NCHRP 14-27A Guide for the Preservation of Highway Tunnel SystemsFinal
NCHRP 14-28Inspection Guidelines for Bridge Post-Tensioning and Stay Cable Systems Using NDE MethodsFinal
NCHRP 14-29Assessing, Coding, and Marking of Highway Structures in Emergency SituationsCompleted
NCHRP 14-30Spot Painting to Extend Highway Bridge Coating LifeFinal
NCHRP 14-31Developing a Pavement-Maintenance Database SystemCompleted
NCHRP 14-32Proposed Revisions to the AASHTO Movable Bridge Inspection, Evaluation, and Maintenance ManualFinal
NCHRP 14-33Pavement Performance Measures that Consider the Contributions of Preservation TreatmentsCompleted
NCHRP 14-34Guide for Performance Measures in Snow and Ice Control OperationsCompleted
NCHRP 14-35Acceptance Criteria of Complete Joint Penetration Steel Bridge Welds Evaluated Using Enhanced Ultrasonic MethodsFinal
NCHRP 14-36Proposed AASHTO Guide for Bridge Preservation ActionsFinalPublished as NCHRP Research Report 950
NCHRP 14-36(01)Implementation of Bridge Preservation ActionsActiveResearch In Progress
NCHRP 14-37Guide Specifications for the Construction of Chip Seals and MicrosurfacingCompleted
NCHRP 14-38Guide for Timing of Asphalt-Surfaced Pavements PreservationCompleted
NCHRP 14-39Using Vegetated Compost Blankets to Achieve Highway Runoff Volume and Pollutant ReductionFinalPublished as NCHRP Research Report 1040.
NCHRP 14-40Transforming Roadside Management and Technology Practices for the Benefit of Safety, Ecology, and EconomyFinal
NCHRP 14-41Permanent Vegetation Control Treatments for RoadsidesFinal
NCHRP 14-42Determining the Impact of Connected and Automated Vehicle Technology on State DOT Maintenance ProgramsFinalNCHRP Research Report 1084 and NCHRP Research Report 1119 are now available.
NCHRP 14-43Construction Guide Specifications for Cold Central Plant Recycling and Cold In-Place RecyclingFinalReport Published as NCHRP Web-Only-Document 363
NCHRP 14-44Guide Specifications for the Construction of Slurry Seals, Scrub Seals, and Tack CoatsCompleted
NCHRP 14-45Guidelines for Response Planning, Assessment, and Rapid Restoration of Service of Bridges in Extreme EventsCompleted
NCHRP 14-46Guidelines for the Maintenance and Construction of Rumble StripsActive
NCHRP 14-47Tools and Technology for Roadside Landscape Asset ManagementCompletedResearch is complete. Final report under review.
NCHRP 14-48Guidance for the Construction of Sand Seals and Ultra-thin Bonded Wearing CoursesCompleted
NCHRP 15-10Development of a Design/Graphics Interface SystemCompleted
NCHRP 15-11Computer-Aided Analysis of Highway Encroachments on Mobile Boundary StreamsCompleted
NCHRP 15-11ABRI-STARS Maintenance Support and EnhancementCompleted
NCHRP 15-12Roadway Widths for Low Traffic Volume RoadsCompleted
NCHRP 15-13Long-Term Performance of Geosynthetics in Drainage ApplicationsCompleted
NCHRP 15-14(1)Intersection Sight DistanceCompleted
NCHRP 15-14(2)Median Intersection DesignCompleted
NCHRP 15-15Collection and Presentation of Roadway Inventory DataCompleted
NCHRP 15-16Superelevation Distribution Methods and Transition DesignsFinal
NCHRP 15-16ASuperelevation Distribution Methods and Transition DesignsFinal
NCHRP 15-17Geometric Design Consistency on Higher-Speed, Non-Urban, Two-Lane RoadsFinal
NCHRP 15-18Design Speed and Operating SpeedFinal
NCHRP 15-19Application of Context-Sensitive Design PrinciplesFinal
NCHRP 15-20Planning, Design, and Operation of Pedestrian FacilitiesFinal
NCHRP 15-21Review of Truck Characteristics as Factors in Roadway DesignCompleted
NCHRP 15-22Safety Consequences of Flexibility in Highway DesignCompleted
NCHRP 15-23Recommended Unit Conversions and Updates of the AASHTO Model Drainage Manual and Highway Drainage Guidelines CompletedUpdated versions of the AASHTO Highway Drainage Guidelines and the AASHTO Model Drainage Guidelines delivered to AASHTO
NCHRP 15-24Hydraulic Loss Coefficients for CulvertsCompletedNCHRP Report 734 Hydraulic Loss Coefficients for Culverts
NCHRP 15-25Alternatives to Design Speed for Selection of Roadway Design CriteriaCompleted
NCHRP 15-26Passing Sight Distance CriteriaFinal
NCHRP 15-27Safety Impacts of Design Element Trade-OffsCompletedThe final report is available as NCHRP Report 633.
NCHRP 15-28Modernize and Upgrade CANDE for Analysis and Design of Buried StructuresCompleted
NCHRP 15-29Recommended Design Specifications for Live Load Distribution to Buried StructuresFinal
NCHRP 15-30Median Intersection Design for Rural High-Speed Divided HighwaysFinal
NCHRP 15-31Design Guidance for Freeway Mainline Ramp TerminalsCompletedContinued as NCHRP 15-31A
NCHRP 15-31ADesign Guidance for Freeway Mainline Ramp TerminalsFinal
NCHRP 15-32Context Sensitive Solutions: Quantification of the Benefits in TransportationCompletedThe project final report is available as NCHRP Report 642: Quantifying the Benefits of Context Sensitive Solutions.
NCHRP 15-32AFacilitating Implementation of the Guidelines for Quantifying the Benefits of Content Sensitive SolutionsCompleted
NCHRP 15-33Guide for Transportation Landscape and Environmental DesignCompletedThe final report has been received and is being held for further revision.
NCHRP 15-34Performance-Based Analysis of Geometric Design of Highways and StreetsCompleted
NCHRP 15-34APerformance-Based Analysis of Geometric Design of Highways and StreetsFinal
NCHRP 15-35Geometric Design of DrivewaysCompletedNCHRP Report 659: Guide for the Geometric Design of Driveways and the Contractor's Final Report NCHRP Web-Only Document 151: Geometric Design of Driveways are available.
NCHRP 15-36Estimating Joint Probabilities of Design Coincident Flows at Stream ConfluencesFinalCompleted. Published as NCHRP Web Only Report 199
NCHRP 15-37Revising the AASHTO Guide for the Development of Bicycle FacilitiesCompletedThe final report has been distributed to AASHTO for ballot.
NCHRP 15-38Structural Design Requirements for Culvert JointsFinalThe contractor's final report available online as NCHRP Web-Only Document 190
NCHRP 15-39Superelevation Criteria for Sharp Horizontal Curves on Steep GradesFinalCompleted. Published as NCHRP Report 774.
NCHRP 15-40Design Guidance for High-Speed to Low-Speed Transition Zones for Rural HighwaysFinal
NCHRP 15-41Sag Vertical Curve Design Criteria for Headlight Sight DistanceFinal
NCHRP 15-42Recommended Bicycle Lane Widths for Various Roadway CharacteristicsCompleted
NCHRP 15-43Second Edition of the TRB Access Management ManualFinalCompleted. Published by TRB as the Second Edition of the TRB Access Management Manual
NCHRP 15-44Guidelines for the Use of Mobile LIDAR in Transportation ApplicationsCompletedThe guide is available as NCHRP Report 748.
NCHRP 15-45Completed
NCHRP 15-46Design-Management Guide for Design-Build and Construction Manager/General Contractor ProjectsFinal
NCHRP 15-47Developing an Improved Highway Geometric Design ProcessFinal
NCHRP 15-48Guidelines for Designing Low- and Intermediate-Speed Roadways that Serve All UsersFinal
NCHRP 15-49Guidelines for Implementing Managed Lanes Completed
NCHRP 15-50Guidelines for Integrating Safety and Cost-Effectiveness into Resurfacing, Restoration, and Rehabilitation ProjectsFinalPublished as NCHRP Report 876
NCHRP 15-50(01)Implementation Assessment of 3R Design GuidelinesFinalPublished as NCHRP Report 876
NCHRP 15-51Pre-construction Services Cost Estimating GuidebookFinal
NCHRP 15-52Developing a Context-Sensitive Functional Classification System for More Flexibility in Geometric DesignFinalPublished as NCHRP Report 855
NCHRP 15-53Roadside Barrier Designs Near Bridge Ends with Restricted Rights of WayFinalPublished as NCHRP Research Report 1013 and NCHRP WOD 334.
NCHRP 15-54Proposed Modifications to AASHTO Culvert Load Rating SpecificationsFinalAvailable as NCHRP Web-only Document 268 in January 2020
NCHRP 15-55Guidance to Predict and Mitigate Dynamic Hydroplaning on RoadwaysFinal
NCHRP 15-56Guidelines for Selecting Ramp Design SpeedsFinalPublished as NCHRP Web-Only Document 313
NCHRP 15-57Highway Capacity Manual Methodologies for Corridors Involving Freeways and Surface StreetsFinal
NCHRP 15-58An Assessment of Safety and Geometric Design Criteria for Diverging Diamond InterchangesFinalPublished as NCHRP Report 959
NCHRP 15-59Horizontal Sightline Offset Design Criteria, Exceptions, and Mitigation StrategiesFinalPublished as NCHRP Research Report 910.
NCHRP 15-60Proposed Update of the AASHTO Guide for the Development of Bicycle FacilitiesCompletedIn AASHTO balloting process.
NCHRP 15-61Applying Climate Change Information to Hydrologic and Hydraulic Design of Transportation InfrastructureCompleted
NCHRP 15-61AHydrologic and Hydraulic Design Guide to Incorporate Climate Science in Transportation InfrastructureActiveResearch in progress
NCHRP 15-62Design and Access Management Guidelines for Truck RoutesFinalPublished as NCHRP Research Report 943.
NCHRP 15-63Guidance to Improve Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety at IntersectionsFinalPublished as NCHRP Research Report 926
NCHRP 15-64Guidelines for the Design of Unsignalized Median Openings in Close Proximity to Signalized IntersectionsFinal
NCHRP 15-66Operational Performance and Safety Effects of Arterial Weaving SectionsFinal
NCHRP 15-67Wind Drag Coefficients for Highway Signs and Support StructuresFinalThe final deliverable has been published as NCHRP Report 1012
NCHRP 15-68Effective Low-Noise Rumble StripsFinalThe remaining tasks will be completed under NCHRP 15-68(01).
NCHRP 15-68(01)Effective Low-Noise Rumble StripsFinalPublished as NCHRP Research Report 1107.
NCHRP 15-69Utility Conflict Impacts During Highway ConstructionFinalThe report and guide have been published as NCHRP WOD 396 and NCHRP Research Report 1110, respectively.
NCHRP 15-70Valuation and Compensation for Accommodating Utility and Communications Installations in Public Rights of WayFinal
NCHRP 15-71Contingency Factors to Account for Risk in Early Construction Cost Estimates for Transportation Infrastructure ProjectsFinal
NCHRP 15-72Identification of AASHTO Context ClassificationsFinalPublished as NCHRP Research Report 1022.
NCHRP 15-73Design Options to Reduce Turning Motor Vehicle – Bicycle Conflicts at Controlled IntersectionsFinalPublished as NCHRP Research Report 1125
NCHRP 15-74Safety Evaluation of On-Street Bicycle Facility Design FeaturesCompleted
NCHRP 15-75Update of the Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets Guidance on Acceleration/Deceleration and Stopping Sight Distance CriteriaFinal
NCHRP 15-76Designing for Target SpeedCompletedContinued as NCHRP 15-76(01)
NCHRP 15-76(01)Designing for Target SpeedActiveResearch in progress.
NCHRP 15-77Aligning Geometric Design with Roadway ContextFinal
NCHRP 15-78Guidebook for Urban and Suburban Roadway Cross-Sectional ReallocationFinal
NCHRP 15-79Development of Guidance for Non-Standard Roadside Hardware InstallationsActive
NCHRP 15-80Design Guide and Standards for Infrastructure ResilienceActiveResearch in progress.
NCHRP 15-81Guideline for Depicting Existing and Proposed Utility Facilities in Design PlansActive
NCHRP 15-82Relationship of Speed, Roadway Geometrics, and Crashes on High-Speed Rural HighwaysActive
NCHRP 15-83Strategic Research Agenda for Geometric Design of Highways and StreetsPending
NCHRP 15-84Roadside Design for the Safety and Comfort of Nonmotorized and Micromobility UsersPending
NCHRP 15-85Improved Superelevation Design Based on Advancing TechnologiesAnticipatedIn development
NCHRP 15-86Assessing Pedestrian Sight Distance for Crossing DecisionsPending
NCHRP 16-04Design Guidelines for Safe and Aesthetic Roadside Treatments in Urban AreasCompleted
NCHRP 16-05Guidelines for Cost-Effective Safety Treatments of Roadside Ditches Final
NCHRP 17-06AService Vehicle Lighting and Traffic Control Systems for Short-Term and Moving Work Zones (Phase II)Completed
NCHRP 17-07Guidelines for Converting STOP to YIELD Control at IntersectionsFinal
NCHRP 17-08Traffic Barrier and Control Treatments for Restricted Work ZonesCompleted
NCHRP 17-09Effect of Highway Standards on SafetyCompleted
NCHRP 17-09(2)Impacts of Resurfacing Projects With and Without Additional Safety ImprovementsCompleted
NCHRP 17-10Structural Supports for Highway Signs, Luminaires, and Traffic SignalsCompleted
NCHRP 17-10(2)Structural Supports for Highway Signs, Luminaires, and Traffic SignalsCompleted
NCHRP 17-100Leveraging Artificial Intelligence and Big Data to Enhance Safety AnalysisCompletedPublication decision pending.
NCHRP 17-101Applying the Safe System Approach to Transportation Planning, Design, and Operations in the United StatesCompleted
NCHRP 17-102Safety Performance for Active Transportation Modes Using Exposure ModelsActive
NCHRP 17-103A Guide and Toolkit for Strategic Decision-Making to Improve Traffic SafetyActiveResearch in progress
NCHRP 17-104Enhancement of Roadside Design Safety Prediction Models for the Highway Safety ManualActiveResearch in progress
NCHRP 17-105MASH Crashworthiness of Luminaire PolesFinalThis project is combined with NCHRP Project 22-43
NCHRP 17-106Motorist Behavior and Safety Impacts on Bicyclists from Centerline and Shoulder Rumble Strips on High-Speed Two-Lane HighwaysActive
NCHRP 17-107Guide for Work Zone Intrusion Prediction and PreventionActiveResearch in progress
NCHRP 17-108Developing Crash Modification Factors for Alternative IntersectionsActive
NCHRP 17-109Crash Modification Factors for Automated Traffic Signal Performance MeasuresActiveResearch in progress
NCHRP 17-11Determination of Safe/Cost Effective Roadside Slopes and Associated Clear DistancesCompleted
NCHRP 17-11(02)Development of Clear Recovery Area GuidelinesCompleted
NCHRP 17-11(03)Development of Clear Recovery Area GuidelinesFinal
NCHRP 17-110Vehicle-Based Telemetric Data for State and Local Transportation AgenciesActiveResearch in progress.
NCHRP 17-111Speed Management Strategies to Improve Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety on Arterials and Higher-Speed RoadwaysActiveResearch in progress
NCHRP 17-112Enhancing Crash Modification Factors and Safety Performance Functions for Pedestrian and Bicyclist Countermeasures ActiveResearch in progress
NCHRP 17-113Incorporating Safe System Approach into the NCHRP Report 500 SeriesActiveResearch underway
NCHRP 17-114Integrated Strategies for Managing Excessive Travel Speed to Improve Safety PerformanceActive
NCHRP 17-115Guide for Marked Crosswalk Design, Spacing, Placement, and Safety ActiveResearch in progress
NCHRP 17-116Practical Approaches to Quantifying Safe System ConceptsActive
NCHRP 17-117Advancing Safety Prediction Methodologies for Horizontal CurvesActive
NCHRP 17-118Understanding the Impacts of Operational Changes on Safety PerformanceActiveResearch in progress
NCHRP 17-119Conflict-Based Crash Prediction Method for IntersectionsActiveResearch in progress
NCHRP 17-12Improved Safety Information to Support Highway DesignCompleted
NCHRP 17-120A Method to Link Crash, Emergency Medical Service, and Trauma Registry DataActiveResearch underway
NCHRP 17-121Using Advanced Technologies to Reduce Commercial Motor Vehicle Crashes in Work ZonesActiveResearch is progress.
NCHRP 17-122Strategies and Technologies for Warning, Detection, and Prevention of Trespassing in the Vicinity of Highway-Rail Grade Crossings: State of the Practice and Research NeedsPending
NCHRP 17-123Guide for Evaluating the Safety Performance of Shared Railway–Highway InterfacesActive
NCHRP 17-124Effectiveness of Speed Reduction in Work ZonesActiveResearch underway
NCHRP 17-125Guide for Applying Safe System Principles in the Road Safety Audit ProcessActive
NCHRP 17-126Crash Prediction Models for Alternative and Unconventional IntersectionsActive
NCHRP 17-127Guide for Applying Quantitative Highway Safety Analysis MethodsActive
NCHRP 17-128Reducing Adverse Driving Behaviors in Work Zones: Strategies and GuidelinesActiveResearch in progress
NCHRP 17-129Assessing Safety Performance of Atypical Service InterchangesPending
NCHRP 17-13Strategic Plan for Improving Roadside SafetyCompleted
NCHRP 17-130Training Program to Apply Quantitative Highway Safety Analysis MethodsPending
NCHRP 17-131A Guide on Alternative Intersections and InterchangesPending
NCHRP 17-132Toolkit to Support Implementation of the Safe System ApproachPending
NCHRP 17-133Applicability of the 85th Percentile for Setting Speed Limits on Freeways, Expressways, and Rural Highways Pending
NCHRP 17-134Center Line Buffer Areas for Safety: Implementation Guidelines and ToolPending
NCHRP 17-135Imagery Reference Illustrating Data Elements for Crash Prediction MethodologyPending
NCHRP 17-136Safe System Approach for Including Trees in Urban and Suburban Roadway ContextsPending
NCHRP 17-137Crash Prediction Methods for Long-Duration Work ZonesPending
NCHRP 17-138Pavement Marking Selection for Bridge and Pavement Preservation TreatmentsPending
NCHRP 17-14Improved Guidelines for Median SafetyFinal
NCHRP 17-15Accident Mitigation on Congested Rural and Exurban Two- and Three-Lane HighwaysFinal
NCHRP 17-16Accident Warrant for Traffic SignalsFinal
NCHRP 17-17Development of Guidelines for Nighttime Road Work to Improve Safety and OperationsCompleted
NCHRP 17-17(2)Development of Guidelines for Nighttime Road Work to Improve Safety and OperationsCompleted
NCHRP 17-18AASHTO Strategic Highway Safety Plan Implementation SupportCompleted
NCHRP 17-18(02)Web Site DevelopmentCompleted
NCHRP 17-18(03)Guidance for Implementation of the AASHTO Strategic Highway Safety PlanCompleted
NCHRP 17-18(04)Highway Safety ManualCompleted
NCHRP 17-18(05)Integrated Management Process to Reduce Highway Injuries and Fatalities StatewideCompleted
NCHRP 17-18(05)BIntegrated Safety Management Process - Technical SupportCompleted
NCHRP 17-18(07)AASHTO Strategic Highway Safety Plan--Technology Transfer PlanCompleted
NCHRP 17-18(08)Comprehensive Human Factors Guidelines for Road SystemsCompleted
NCHRP 17-18(09)ACoordination of Safety ResearchCompleted
NCHRP 17-18(10)Safe Landscape Awareness CourseCompleted
NCHRP 17-18(11)Implementation Plan and ProductsCompleted
NCHRP 17-18(14)Lane Departure VideoCompleted
NCHRP 17-18(15)Local Highway Agency Safety GuidesCompleted
NCHRP 17-18(19)White Paper on Alternate Strategies for Safety Improvement InvestmentsCompleted
NCHRP 17-20Technical Support for the AASHTO Task Force on Roadside Safety (TFRS)Completed
NCHRP 17-21Safety of U-Turns at Unsignalized Median OpeningsCompleted
NCHRP 17-22Identification of Vehicular Impact Conditions Associated with Serious Ran-Off-Road CrashesCompleted
NCHRP 17-23Safety Impacts and Other Implications of Raised Speed Limits on High-Speed RoadsCompleted
NCHRP 17-24Use of Event Data Recorder (EDR) Technology for Roadside Crash Data AnalysisCompleted
NCHRP 17-25Crash Reduction Factors for Traffic Engineering and ITS ImprovementsCompleted
NCHRP 17-26Methodology to Predict the Safety Performance of Urban and Suburban ArterialsCompleted
NCHRP 17-27Parts I and II of the Highway Safety ManualCompleted
NCHRP 17-28Pavement Marking Materials and Markers: Safety Impact and Cost-EffectivenessCompleted
NCHRP 17-29Methodology to Predict the Safety Performance of Rural Multilane HighwaysCompleted
NCHRP 17-30Traffic Safety Evaluation of Nighttime and Daytime Work ZonesCompleted
NCHRP 17-31Human Factors Guidelines for Road Systems--Phase 2Completed
NCHRP 17-32Guidance for the Design and Application of Shoulder and Centerline Rumble StripsCompleted
NCHRP 17-33Effectiveness of Behavioral Highway Safety CountermeasuresCompleted
NCHRP 17-34Prepare Parts IV and V of the Highway Safety ManualCompleted
NCHRP 17-35Evaluation of Safety Strategies at Signalized IntersectionsCompleted
NCHRP 17-36Production of the First Edition of the Highway Safety ManualCompleted
NCHRP 17-37Pedestrian Predictive Crash Methodology for Urban and Suburban ArterialsCompleted
NCHRP 17-38Highway Safety Manual Implementation and Training MaterialsCompleted
NCHRP 17-40Model Curriculum for Highway Safety Core CompetenciesCompleted
NCHRP 17-41Human Factors Guidelines for Road Systems - Phase IIICompleted
NCHRP 17-42Development of Information and Data to Support Improved Safety Management and Communication of Safety NeedsCompleted
NCHRP 17-43Long-Term Roadside Crash Data Collection ProgramFinal
NCHRP 17-44Factors Contributing to Median Encroachments and Cross-Median CrashesFinal
NCHRP 17-45Enhanced Safety Prediction Methodology and Analysis Tool for Freeways and InterchangesFinal
NCHRP 17-46Comprehensive Analysis Framework for Safety Investment DecisionsFinal
NCHRP 17-47Human Factors Guidelines for Road SystemsFinal
NCHRP 17-48Highway Infrastructure and Operations Safety Research NeedsCompletedPublished as NCHRP Report 756.
NCHRP 17-49Guide for Effective Tribal Crash Reporting CompletedFinal report published as NCHRP Report 788.
NCHRP 17-50Lead States Initiative for Implementing the Highway Safety ManualFinal
NCHRP 17-51(03)Communication Plan for the National Highway Safety StrategyCompleted
NCHRP 17-51(04)Development of a National Strategy on Highway Safety — TZD FrameworkFinal
NCHRP 17-52Using Peer Exchanges to Improve the Effectiveness of a State's Strategic Highway Safety PlanFinal
NCHRP 17-53Evaluation of the 13 Controlling Criteria for Geometric DesignFinal
NCHRP 17-54Consideration of Roadside Features in the Highway Safety ManualFinal
NCHRP 17-55Guidelines for Slope TraversabilityFinalPublished as NCHRP Research Report 911
NCHRP 17-56Development of Crash Modification Factors for Uncontrolled Pedestrian Crossing TreatmentsFinal
NCHRP 17-57Development of a Comprehensive Approach for Serious Traffic Crash Injury Measurement and Reporting SystemsFinal
NCHRP 17-58Safety Prediction Models for Six-Lane and One-Way Urban and Suburban ArterialsFinal
NCHRP 17-59Safety Impacts of Intersection Sight DistanceCompleted
NCHRP 17-60Benefit-Cost Methodology for Behavioral Highway Safety CountermeasuresActive
NCHRP 17-61Work Zone Crash Characteristics and Countermeasure GuidanceFinal
NCHRP 17-62Improved Prediction Models for Crash Types and Crash SeveritiesFinal
NCHRP 17-63Guidance for the Development and Application of Crash Modification FactorsFinal
NCHRP 17-64Guidance for the Implementation of the Toward Zero Deaths National Strategy on Highway SafetyFinal
NCHRP 17-65Improved Analysis of Two-Lane Highway Capacity and Operational Performance Final
NCHRP 17-66Guidance for Selection of Appropriate Countermeasures for Opposite Direction CrashesFinalPublished as NCHRP Research Report 995.
NCHRP 17-67Identification of Factors Contributing to the Decline of Traffic Fatalities in the United StatesActive
NCHRP 17-68Intersection Crash Prediction Methods for the Highway Safety ManualFinal
NCHRP 17-69A Strategic Approach to Transforming Traffic Safety Culture to Reduce Deaths and InjuriesFinalThe contractor's report is available as NCHRP Web-Only Document 252
NCHRP 17-70Development of Roundabout Crash Prediction Models and MethodsFinal
NCHRP 17-71Proposed AASHTO Highway Safety Manual, Second EditionFinalBeing completed by NCHRP Project 17-71A
NCHRP 17-71AProposed AASHTO Highway Safety Manual, Second EditionFinalPublished as NCHRP Research Report 1140
NCHRP 17-72Update of Crash Modification Factors for the Highway Safety ManualFinal
NCHRP 17-73Systemic Pedestrian Safety AnalysisFinal
NCHRP 17-74Application of Crash Modification Factors for Access ManagementFinalFinal report has been published as NCHRP Research Report 974 Volumes 1 and 2
NCHRP 17-75Leveraging Big Data to Improve Traffic Incident ManagementFinalPublished as NCHRP Research Report 904.
NCHRP 17-76Guidance for the Setting of Speed LimitsFinal
NCHRP 17-77Guide for Quantitative Approaches to Systemic Safety AnalysisFinal
NCHRP 17-78Understanding and Communicating Reliability of Crash Prediction ModelsFinal
NCHRP 17-79Safety Effects of Raising Speed Limits to 75 mph and HigherFinal
NCHRP 17-80Expansion of Human Factors Guidelines for Road Systems, Second EditionCompleted
NCHRP 17-81Proposed Macro-Level Safety Planning Analysis Chapter for the Highway Safety ManualFinalThe Final Report was published as NCHRP Research Report 1044. The guide was published as NCHRP WOD 348.
NCHRP 17-82Proposed Guidance for Fixed Objects in the Roadside Design GuideFinal
NCHRP 17-83Briefings and Training Materials for Implementation of the Highway Safety Manual, Second EditionFinalProject Cancelled
NCHRP 17-84Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Performance Functions for the Highway Safety ManualFinalPublished as NCHRP Research Report 1064.
NCHRP 17-85Development and Application of Crash Severity Models for the Highway Safety ManualFinal
NCHRP 17-86Estimating Effectiveness of Safety Treatments in the Absence of Crash DataFinal
NCHRP 17-87Enhancing Pedestrian Volume Estimation and Developing HCM Pedestrian Methodologies for Safe and Sustainable CommunitiesFinalPublished as NCHRP WOD 312 and NCHRP Research Report 992
NCHRP 17-88Roadside Encroachment Database Development and AnalysisCompletedPublication decision pending.
NCHRP 17-89Safety Performance of Part-Time Shoulder Use on FreewaysCompleted
NCHRP 17-89AHOV/HOT Freeway Crash Prediction Method for the Highway Safety ManualFinal
NCHRP 17-89BSafety Performance of Part-Time Shoulder Use on FreewaysAnticipatedCancelled.
NCHRP 17-90Evaluation of Roadside Crash Injury Metrics in MASHCompletedAgency report available on project's webpage
NCHRP 17-91Assessing the Impacts of Automated Driving Systems (ADS) on the Future of Transportation SafetyFinalPublished as NCHRP Research Report 1001/BTSCRP Research Report 2
NCHRP 17-92Developing Safety Performance Functions for Rural Two-Lane Highways that Incorporate Speed MeasuresCompletedPublication decision pending.
NCHRP 17-93Updating Safety Performance Functions for Data-Driven Safety AnalysisFinal
NCHRP 17-95Crash Modification Factors (CMFs) for Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) ApplicationsCompletedExpired.
NCHRP 17-96Traffic Safety Culture Research RoadmapFinal
NCHRP 17-97Strategies to Improve Pedestrian Safety at NightCompleted
NCHRP 17-98Guide for Intersection Control EvaluationCompleted
NCHRP 17-99Assessing Safety Effectiveness of Treatments and Technologies at Highway-Rail Grade CrossingsActive
NCHRP 18-03Silica Fume Concrete for Bridge DecksCompleted
NCHRP 18-04ADurability of "Early-Opening-to-Traffic" Portland Cement Concrete for Pavement Rehabilitation: Background and Plan for EvaluationCompleted
NCHRP 18-04BDurability of "Early-Opening-to-Traffic" Portland Cement Concrete for Pavement RehabilitationCompleted
NCHRP 18-05Relationship of Portland Cement Characteristics to Concrete DurabilityCompleted
NCHRP 18-06Service Life of Corrosion-Damaged Reinforced Concrete Bridge Superstructure ElementsCompleted
NCHRP 18-06AService Life of Corrosion-Damaged Reinforced Concrete Bridge Superstructure ElementsCompleted
NCHRP 18-07Prestress Losses in Pretensioned High-Strength Concrete Bridge GirdersCompleted
NCHRP 18-08Supplementary Cementitious Materials to Enhance Durability of Concrete Bridge DecksCompleted
NCHRP 18-08ASupplementary Cementitious Materials to Enhance Durability of Concrete Bridge DecksCompleted
NCHRP 18-09AGuidelines for Reducing Premature Deterioration of Hydraulic Cement Concrete Pavements: Background and Research PlanCompleted
NCHRP 18-10Procedures for Evaluating Air-Entraining Admixtures for Highway ConcreteCompleted
NCHRP 18-11Improved Specifications and Protocols for Acceptance Tests on Processing Additions in Cement ManufacturingCompleted
NCHRP 18-12Self-Consolidating Concrete for Precast, Prestressed Concrete Bridge ElementsCompleted
NCHRP 18-13Specifications and Protocols for Acceptance Tests of Fly Ash Used in Highway ConcreteCompleted
NCHRP 18-14Evaluation and Repair Procedures for Precast/Prestressed Concrete Girders with Longitudinal Cracking in the WebFinal
NCHRP 18-15High-Performance/High-Strength Lightweight Concrete for Bridge Girders and DecksCompleted
NCHRP 18-16Self-Consolidating Concrete for Cast-in-Place Bridge ComponentsCompleted
NCHRP 18-17Entrained Air Void System for Durable Highway ConcreteFinal
NCHRP 18-18Design and Construction of Deck Bulb Tee Girder Bridges with UHPC ConnectionsFinalPublished as NCHRP Research Report 999
NCHRP 18-19Rating Concrete Water Permeability Based on Resistivity MeasurementsCompleted
NCHRP 18-20AASHTO LRFD Design, Installation, and Standard Practice of Testing for Cured In-Place Pipe LinersFinalPhases I and II have been completed and the remaining tasks have been transferred to NCHRP Project 18-20(01)
NCHRP 18-20(01)Guide for Design, Installation, and Testing of Cured In-Place Pipe LinersPending
NCHRP 18-21Utilization of Alternative Supplementary Cementitious Materials in Highway ApplicationsPendingContract pending at this time.
NCHRP 18-22Concrete Shrinkage Measurement and Cracking MitigationPending
NCHRP 19-04A Review of DOT Compliance with GASB 34 RequirementsCompleted
NCHRP 19-05Assessing and Mitigating Future Impacts to the Federal Highway Trust Fund such as Alternative Fuel ConsumptionFinal
NCHRP 19-06Identifying and Quantifying Rates of State Motor Fuel Tax EvasionCompleted
NCHRP 19-07GASB 34--Methods for Condition Assessment and PreservationFinal
NCHRP 19-08Costs of Alternative Revenue-Generation SystemsCompleted
NCHRP 19-10AASHTO Partnering Handbook, Second EditionCompletedDraft final report received August 7, 2017.
NCHRP 19-11Applying Risk Analysis, Value Engineering, and other Innovative Solutions for Project DeliveryCompleted
NCHRP 19-12Guide for Financial Planning and Management in Support of Transportation Asset ManagementFinal
NCHRP 19-13Guidance for Use of Land Value Return and Recycling to Fund TransportationFinal
NCHRP 19-14Right-Sizing Transportation Investments--Methods for Planning and ProgrammingCompleted
NCHRP 19-15Guidebook for Effective Policies and Practices for Managing Surface Transportation DebtFinalNCHRP Report 990 has been published
NCHRP 19-16Federal Funding Uncertainty in State, Local, and Regional Departments of Transportation: Impacts, Responses, and Adaptation Final
NCHRP 19-17Federal Funding Flexibility: Use of Federal Aid Highway Fund Transfers by State DOTsFinal
NCHRP 19-18Transitioning Fuel Tax Assessments to a Road Usage ChargeFinal
NCHRP 19-19Sustaining Zero-Fare Public Transit in a Post COVID-19 World: A Guide for State DOTsFinalPublished as NCHRP Research Report 1126 on 9/26/2024
NCHRP 19-20Interdependence of Federal, State, and Local Transportation Funding and OwnershipActive
NCHRP 19-21Selecting Revenue Models for Electric Vehicle ChargingActiveResearch in progress
NCHRP 19-22Equity Impacts of Transportation Revenue Mechanisms and Changing TrendsFinalProject was canceled on January 29, 2025
NCHRP 19-23Revenue-Related Strategies for New Mobility OptionsActive
NCHRP 19-24A Guide for Implementing Price Adjustment Clauses to Balance Risk Sharing in Construction ProjectsActive
NCHRP 19-25Funding Needs for Maintenance and Preservation of Transportation Assets ActiveResearch in Progress
NCHRP 19-26Modernizing Fuel Tax Revenue Forecasting Active
NCHRP 20-05Synthesis of Information Related to Highway PracticesActive
NCHRP 20-06Legal Problems Arising out of Highway ProgramsActiveHyperlinks to each LRD published since 1999 appear below (Topic 10-03 forward).
NCHRP 20-06/Topic 17-01Update of Selected Studies in Transportation, Volume One: Transportation Contract LawCompleted
NCHRP 20-06/Topic 17-02Tort Liability Defense Practices for Design FlexibilityFinal
NCHRP 20-06/Topic 17-03First RespondersCompleted
NCHRP 20-06/Topic 17-04Legal Aspects of Performance-Based Specifications for Highway Construction and Maintenance ContractsFinal
NCHRP 20-06/Topic 17-05The Ramifications of Post-Kelo Legislation on State TransportationFinal
NCHRP 20-06/Topic 18-01Legal Aspects of Conservation Easements—A Primer for Transportation AgenciesFinal
NCHRP 20-06/Topic 18-02Enforceability of Local Hire Preference ProgramsFinal
NCHRP 20-06/Topic 18-03Legal Issues Surrounding the Use of Digital Intellectual Property on Design and Construction ProjectsFinal
NCHRP 20-06/Topic 19-01Eminent Domain and Fair Market Value in a Depressed Real Estate MarketFinal
NCHRP 20-06/Topic 19-02Legal Aspect of Environmental Permitting in the Emergency Response EnvironmentFinalCompleted. Published as NCHRP LRD 64.
NCHRP 20-06/Topic 19-03Effect of MUTCD on Tort Liability of Government Transportation AgenciesFinalCompleted. Published as NCHRP Legal Research Digest No. 63, Eminent Domain and Fair Market Value in a Depressed Real Estate Market,
NCHRP 20-06/Topic 19-04Use of Social Media in Transportation AgenciesCompleted
NCHRP 20-06/Topic 20-02Liability of Design Builders for Design, Construction and Acquisition ClaimsFinalCompleted and published as NCHRP LRD 68
NCHRP 20-06/Topic 20-03Permissible Arranges in Scope of Work for Construction ContractsFinalCompleted. Published as NCHRP LRD 67
NCHRP 20-06/Topic 20-04Due Diligence for Insurance Coverage in Transportation Construction ContractsFinalCompleted and Published as NCHRP LRD 66
NCHRP 20-06/Topic 21-01A Look at the Legal Environment for Driverless VehiclesFinalCompleted. Published as NCHRP LRD 69.
NCHRP 20-06/Topic 21-02Claims Related to Stormwater DischargesFinalPublished as Research Results Digest 395: Claims Related to Stormwater Discharge.
NCHRP 20-06/Topic 21-03Takings and MitigationFinalCompleted. Published as NCHRP Legal Research Digest 70
NCHRP 20-06/Topic 21-04Liability of Transportation Entity for the Unintentional Release of Secure Data or the Intentional Release of Monitoring Data on Movements or Activities of the PublicFinalCompleted; Published as NCHRP Legal Research Digest 71
NCHRP 20-06/Topic 22-01Legal Requirements for State DOT Participation in Conservation PlansCompletedCompleted. Published as NCHRP Legal Research Digest, Issue 75
NCHRP 20-06/Topic 22-02Liability of State Departments of Transportation for Design ErrorsCompleted NCHRP Legal Research Digest 74, Issue 74
NCHRP 20-06/Topic 22-03Primer on Patentability and Use of Ideas Developed by Contractors Performing Work for State and Federal Transportation and Local Planning AgenciesCompletedCompleted- published as Legal Research Digest 73
NCHRP 20-06/Topic 22-04Summary of Federal Law Restricting Use of Highway Safety Data in Tort LitigationCompletedCompleted.
NCHRP 20-06/Topic 23-01Condemnation Hierarchy-Competing Public Uses FinalCompleted-Published as Legal Research Digest 78
NCHRP 20-06/Topic 23-04The Effectiveness of State False Claims Acts in Protecting State Transportation FundingCompletedComplete - published as LRD 79
NCHRP 20-06/Topic 23-05Update of Selected Studies in Transportation Law: Volume Eight, Section 3: Indian Transportation LawFinalCompleted; Published as NCHRP 76
NCHRP 20-06/Topic 23-06Update of Selected Studies in Transportation Law: Volume Eight, Section 1: Transportation Agencies and Civil RightsFinalCompleted. Published as NCHRP Report
NCHRP 20-06/Topic 24-01Buy America Requirements For Federal Highway ProjectsFinalCompleted. Published as NCHRP LRD 80.
NCHRP 20-06/Topic 24-02Potential Liability Associated with Unstable Slope Management ProgramsFinalCompleted. Published as NCHRP LRD 82.
NCHRP 20-06/Topic 24-03Guidelines for Drafting Liability Neutral Transportation Engineering DocumentsFinalCompleted. Published as NCHRP LRD 83
NCHRP 20-06/Topic 24-04The Legal Issues Concerning the Use of Transportation Facilities to Generate Revenue for State DOTsFinalCompleted. Published as NCHRP LRD 81.
NCHRP 20-06/Topic 24-05Fix It, Sign It, or Close It: State of Good Repair in an Era of Budget ConstraintsCompletedCompleted. Published as TCRP LRD 57 and NCHRP LRD 84.
NCHRP 20-06/Topic 25-01Public Liabilities Relating to Driveway PermitsFinalCompleted - Published as NCHRP LRD 85.
NCHRP 20-06/Topic 25-03Managing Enhanced Risk in the Mega Project EraFinalCompleted - Published as NCHRP LRD 86.
NCHRP 20-06/Topic 25-04Laws Governing Homeless Encampments in Transportation Rights-of-WayFinalCompleted - Published as NCHRP LRD 87.
NCHRP 20-06/Topic 25-05The Legal Issues Associated with Consequential Damages Provisions in Construction ContractsFinalCompleted. Published as NCHRP LRD 88.
NCHRP 20-06/Topic 25-06Legal Issues and Strategies for Best-Value Procurement for Highway ConstructionCompletedCompleted. Published as NCHRP Legal Research Digest 90.
NCHRP 20-06/Topic 25-07Review of Statutory and Case Law on Planning and Environmental LinkagesFinalCompleted. Published as NCHRP LRD 89.
NCHRP 20-06/Topic 26-01Effects of Indian Treaties on Development and Operation of Transportation FacilitiesFinalResearch Completed. Published as NCHRP Legal Research Digest 94
NCHRP 20-06/Topic 26-02Analysis of Arbitration and Holdings in Construction DisputesFinalCompleted. Published as NCHRP Legal Research Digest 92 .
NCHRP 20-06/Topic 26-03Multistate Coordination and Harmonization for AV LegislationFinalResearch Completed. Published as NCHRP LRD 91.
NCHRP 20-06/Topic 26-04Pandemics and Contractual IssuesFinalResearch Completed. Published as Legal Research Digest 93.
NCHRP 20-06/Topic 27-01Transportation Agency Liability for Roadside Safety HardwareActiveResearch in progress.
NCHRP 20-06/Topic 27-02State and Local Suspension and Debarment Programs of ContractorsAnticipatedIn development
NCHRP 20-06/Topic 27-03Environmental and Planning Law and Transportation ActiveResearch is in Progress.
NCHRP 20-06/Topic 27-04Managing Performance for Innovative Technology ContractsFinalCancelled.
NCHRP 20-06/Topic 27-05Addressing Liability Issues of Proactive Safety ImprovementsActiveResearch is in Progress.
NCHRP 20-07Research for AASHTO Standing Committee on HighwaysFinal
NCHRP 20-07/Task 001The Development of a Cost-Effectiveness Approach to the Programming of Roadside Safety ImprovementsCompletedCompleted---Published as NCHRP Report 148
NCHRP 20-07/Task 002The Relation of Side-Slope Design to Highway SafetyCompletedCompleted---Published as NCHRP Report 158
NCHRP 20-07/Task 003The Development of an Effective Earth-Berm Vehicle DeflectorCompletedCompleted---Summarized in NCHRP Research Results Digest 77
NCHRP 20-07/Task 004Lateral Acceleration and Lateral Tire-Pavement Forces in a Vehicle Traversing Curves Relating to Available Pavement Skid-Resistant MeasuresCompletedCompleted---Summarized in NCHRP Research Results Digest 55
NCHRP 20-07/Task 005Effect of Curb Geometry and LocationCompletedCompleted---Published as NCHRP Report 150
NCHRP 20-07/Task 006Development of Impact Attenuators Utilizing Waste MaterialsCompletedCompleted---Published as NCHRP Report 157
NCHRP 20-07/Task 007Safety at Narrow Bridge SitesCompletedCompleted---Published as NCHRP Report 203
NCHRP 20-07/Task 008Energy and Transportation SystemsCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 009Review of Highway Management Studies Co-Sponsored by AASHTO and HUFSAMCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 010Review of Vehicle Weight/Horsepower Ratio as Related to Passing-Lane Design CriteriaCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 011Longitudinal Occupancy of Freeways by UtilitiesCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 012Guidelines for Citizen Participation in Transportation PlanningCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 013Guidelines for Safety Criteria for Low-Volume RoadsCompletedCompleted---Published as NCHRP Report 214
NCHRP 20-07/Task 014A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and StreetsCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 015Development of a Simplified Pavement Management SystemCompletedCompleted---Published as NCHRP Report 215
NCHRP 20-07/Task 016Regulation of Movement of Hazardous CargoesCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 017Evaluation of AASHO Road Test Satellite and Environmental StudiesCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 018Standard Specifications for Highway BridgesCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 019The Engineering Aspects of Highway Traffic Safety in an Age of Limited ResourcesCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 020Vehicle Acceleration and Deceleration CharacteristicsCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 021Need for Pavement Markings on Low-Volume RoadsCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 022Encasement of Pipelines Through Highway and Railroad RoadbedsCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 023Contracting Practices and Payment ProceduresCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 024AASHTO Pavement Design GuideCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 025STRS Support TaskCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 026Research and Development Needs in Construction Engineering ManagementCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 027Relationships Between Vehicle Configurations and Highway DesignCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 028AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Structures - Training ProgramCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 029Pavement Roughness and Rideability - Field EvaluationCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 030Manual on Subsurface InvestigationsCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 031Development of Comprehensive Bridge Specifications and CommentaryCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 032Design and Construction Specifications for Segmental Concrete BridgesCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 033AASHTO Evaluation of FHWA Research ProgramCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 034AASHTO/AWS Bridge Welding Code Commentary and Draft Fracture Control PlanCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 035Review of Traffic Signal Intensity StandardsCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 036Assessment of Research on High Pressure Truck Tires - Pavement Performance InteractionCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 037Development of an Asphalt Paving HandbookCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 038AASHTO Guidelines for Pavement Management SystemsCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 039Revision of AASHTO Pavement Overlay Design ProceduresCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 040AASHTO Contribution to Support of the Highway Research Coordinating CouncilCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 041AASHTO Guide for Recruitment and Retention of Transportation ProfessionalsCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 042Truck Size and Weight Research and PolicyCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 043Revision of the AASHTO Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and StreetsCompletedTask cancelled
NCHRP 20-07/Task 044Division 100 Revision of the AASHTO Guide Specifications for Highway ConstructionCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 045Revision to the AASHTO Completed
NCHRP 20-07/Task 046AASHTO Guidelines for Bridge Management SystemsCompletedCompleted---Summarized in NCHRP Research Results Digest 186
NCHRP 20-07/Task 047Support for the Joint Committee on Truck Size and WeightCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 048Development of a System for the Uniform Location of Subject Matter Within Standard SpecificationsCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 049Follow-up on USA Asphalt Study Tour of EuropeCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 050White Paper on the Feasibility of Longer Combination Vehicles (LCV)Completed
NCHRP 20-07/Task 051Synthesis of the Impacts of Truck Size and Weight on the Transportation System and the EconomyCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 052Support for the Joint Committee on Domestic Freight PolicyCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 053Profilograph Limitations, Correlation, and Calibration for Effective Performance Based SpecificationsCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 054Impacts of Conversion to the Metric SystemCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 055Support for National Quality InitiativesCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 056Review of AASHTO Completed
NCHRP 20-07/Task 057Joint Task Force on Pavements' Workshop on SHRP LTPP Data and AnalysisCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 058Information and Evaluation of Asphalt Rubber ResearchCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 059Transportation Investment and Economic Expansion: Case StudiesCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 060Support for Implementing the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990Completed
NCHRP 20-07/Task 061Assessment of AASHTO Needs for Metric Conversions & Design of Metrication ClearinghouseCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 062Rewrite of AASHTO Construction Guide Specifications into Imperative Mood and MetricCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 063Development of a Manual for State Transportation ResearchCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 064Review and Update of the AASHTO Guide for Bridge Maintenance Management, the AASHTO Manual for Bridge Maintenance, and the AASHTO Maintenance ManualCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 065Recommended Practices for Sampling, Handling, and Testing of Pavement SamplesCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 066Development and Training of Pavement Engineering PersonnelCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 067AASHTO Publications in CD-ROM FormatCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 068Polyethylene Pipe SpecificationsCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 069Recommended Revisions to Construction Specifications for Highway BridgesCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 070Developing Commentary for the ANSI / AASHTO / AWS D1.5-95 Bridge Welding Code Including the Fracture Control PlanCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 071Co-Sponsorship of Winter Maintenance ProgramCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 072Materials Characterization for Input to AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement StructuresCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 073High Strength Metric Fasteners for Bridge ApplicationsCompletedTask cancelled
NCHRP 20-07/Task 074Manual for Scientific Inquiry into Transportation Problems: Research MethodologiesCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 075Geometric and Roadside Safety for Very Low Volume RoadsCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 076Installation of Fiber Optic Facilities on Highway and Freeway Rights of WayCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 077Improved Pavement Design WorkshopCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 078Developing a Measurement System for the AASHTO/TRAC ProgramCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 079Incorporating Canadian Projects into TRISCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 080Information Clearinghouse for Continuous Quality ImprovementCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 081Effect of Headlamp Design on Retroreflective Signs and Pedestrian SafetyCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 082Enhancement to the Special Products Evaluation ListCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 083Guide for Snow and Ice ControlCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 084Developing a Model for Effective Transfer of Innovative TechnologiesCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 085Report on Forum on Economic Returns of Transportation InvestmentsCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 086Potential Credit Reform: Accessing Unobligated Highway Trust Fund BalancesCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 087Investigate the Need for Research on the Performance of Portland Cement ConcreteCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 088LRFD Specifications for Retaining WallsCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 089LRFD Specifications for Plastic Pipe and CulvertsCompletedCompleted---Published as NCHRP Report 438
NCHRP 20-07/Task 090The Next Generation of TRAC PAC - A Hands-On Educational ProgramCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 091Transportation Implications of Proposed Changes to the National Ambient Air Quality StandardsFinalCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 092Durability of Precast Segmental BridgesCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 093AASHTO Subcommittee Process EvaluationCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 094Mitigating Nighttime Construction Noise, Vibrations, and Other NuisancesCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 095Support for the AASHTO 350 Task ForceCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 096Techniques for Acquiring ITS SoftwareCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 097Bridge Performance MeasuresCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 098Shear Design Methodology for Prestressed ConcreteCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 099LRFD Design Criteria for Cotton Duck Pad (CDP) Bridge BearingsCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 100Safety Appraisal of Suspension Bridge Main CablesCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 101Lead States Web SiteCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 102Project-Development Policies and PracticesCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 103Development of AASHTO Committee Web SitesCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 104Support for the Year 2000 National Conference on PavementsCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 105Planning, Design, and Operation of Pedestrian FacilitiesCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 106Thermal Movement Design Procedure for ConcreteCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 107Shear Design Guidelines for Skewed Multi-Beam BridgesCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 108Geometric Design Policy for Very Low-Volume Local Roads (<400 ADT)CompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 108AGeometric Design Policy for Very Low-Volume Local Roads (<400 ADT)FinalCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 109Improved Contracting Methods for Highway Construction ProjectsCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 110Support AASHTO Participation in Forum on Transportation Investments and Economic GrowthCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 111Support for the AASHTO Task Group on Retroreflectivity StandardsCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 112Geosynthetic Reinforcement in Roadway SectionsCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 113Corrosion of Metals Above the Ground Surface: Transportation Related IssuesCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 114Context Sensitive Design for Integrating Highway and Street Projects with Communities and the EnvironmentCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 115Effective Practices in Consultant Usage by State Departments of TransportationCompletedCompleted---Report provided to AASHTO for distribution
NCHRP 20-07/Task 116User's Guide for Evaluating Sign RetroreflectivityCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 117Benefit/Cost Study of RWIS and Anti-icing TechnologiesCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 118A Supplemental Guideline for Highway Design to Accommodate Older Drivers and PedestriansCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 119Environmental Best Practices CompetitionCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 120Asset ManagementCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 121Strategic Plan for Bridge Engineering ResearchCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 122Load Rating by Load and Resistance Factor Evaluation MethodCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 123Production of a U.S. Customary System of Units Version of the Year 2000 Highway Capacity ManualCompletedFunds shifted to Project 03-55(06) contract
NCHRP 20-07/Task 124Cost/Benefits of Constructability ReviewsCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 125Summary of Research Peer Exchange Findings and RecommendationsCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 126Production of the Year 2000 AASHTO Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and StreetsCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 127A Strategic Plan (Road Map) for Pavement ResearchCompletedCompleted---Summarized in NCHRP Research Results Digest 276
NCHRP 20-07/Task 128Partnerships in Highway Development and Design for Shaping and Enhancing CommunitiesCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 129Synthesis of Project Delivery TimesCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 130Development of a Detailed Test Procedure by FTIR Identification for Structural Steel CoatingsCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 131AASHTO Internet Applications InfrastructureCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 131AAASHTO Model Committee Web SiteCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 131CAASHTO Transportation Web Portal ConceptsCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 132Final Review and Acceptance of LRFD Specification for WallsCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 133Improved Live Load Deflection Criteria for Steel BridgesCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 134Asset Management Education and Communication MaterialsCompletedCompleted as 20-24(11)
NCHRP 20-07/Task 135Geometric Design Guide for Transit Facilities on Highways and Streets - Phase IFinal
NCHRP 20-07/Task 136Support for SCOH Task Force on Forest Development RoadsCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 137Synthesis of R&T Partnership Working Group ReportsCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 138Recommended Procedures for the Testing of Rock-Fall BarriersCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 139Application of European 2+1 Roadway DesignsCompletedCompleted---Summarized in NCHRP Research Results Digest 275
NCHRP 20-07/Task 140TEA-21 Stewardship ReportCompletedResearch in progress
NCHRP 20-07/Task 141Conformity Problems Caused by the Mismatch in SIP/Transportation Plan TimeframeFinal
NCHRP 20-07/Task 142Scoping Study for a National Strategic Plan for Managing Transportation InformationCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 143Synthesis of Practice: AASHTO's National Transportation Product Evaluation Program (NTPEP)CompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 144Delegations of Authority to Expedite Environmental StreamliningCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 145Update of the AASHTO Guide for Transportation Landscape and Environmental DesignCompletedCancelled
NCHRP 20-07/Task 146Development of a Standard Protocol for Evaluating Hydrologic and Hydraulic Engineering Software ModelsCompletedResearch in progress
NCHRP 20-07/Task 147Update of the Design Guidelines for the Control of Blowing and Drifting SnowCompletedResearch in progress
NCHRP 20-07/Task 148Evaluation of Potential Impacts on the State DOTs of the US Access Board's Recommendations on Public Rights-of-WayCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 149Evaluation of 3D Computer Modeling and Electronic Information Transfer for Efficient Design and Construction of Steel BridgesCompletedResearch in progress
NCHRP 20-07/Task 150Electronic NTPEP Report: A First Generation Query-Based Program to Aid in the Assessment of Pavement Markings and Sign Sheeting MaterialsCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 151ATransportation Security: Highway Emergency Response HandbookCompletedResearch in progress
NCHRP 20-07/Task 151BTransportation Security: Highway Vulnerability Assessment GuideCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 151CTransportation Security: Sharing Information & Task Force SupportCompletedResearch in progress
NCHRP 20-07/Task 152Project Cost Estimating A Synthesis of Highway PracticeCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 153Update of the AASHTO Transportation GlossaryCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 154Update of the HOV and Park-and-Ride Facilities Design GuidesCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 155Signing Standards for Two-Lane Exit Ramps with an CompletedResearch in progress
NCHRP 20-07/Task 156Finalize Two Design Examples for AASHTO Guide Specifications for Horizontally Curved Steel Highway BridgesCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 157Materials Information Management System Software ReviewCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 158Survey of State DOT Practice: Outsourcing and Private Sector UtilizationCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 159Privatization and Commercial Use of Public Rights-of-WayCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 160Two-Lane Road Analysis Methodology in the Highway Capacity ManualCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 161Revision of the Draft AASHTO Guide for the Planning, Design, and Operation of Pedestrian FacilitiesCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 162Guidelines for the Correlation of Test Results from Bench-Scale and Large-Scale Testing on Rolled Erosion Control Products (RECP)CompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 163Innovative Practices in Workforce Development for State Departments of TransportationCompletedTerminated
NCHRP 20-07/Task 163AInnovative Practices in Workforce Development for State Departments of TransportationCompletedResearch in progress
NCHRP 20-07/Task 164Revision of AASHTO R9-97 CompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 165A Policy Synthesis on the Economic Benefits of NTPEPCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 166Acceleration of Environmental Stewardship Best Practices for Maintenance and ConstructionCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 167Development of Recommended Revisions to Draft ADA Guidelines for Accessible Rights-of-WayCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 168Determination of Appropriate Railing Heights for BicyclistsCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 169Resolution of Comments submitted on the Draft AASHTO Guide for Context Sensitive DesignCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 169BResolution of Comments submitted on the Draft AASHTO Guide for Context Sensitive Design: Liability ChapterCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 170Review and Revision of the AASHTO Maintenance Manual for Roadways and BridgesCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 171Identification of Conflicts with AASHTO Publications Related to Clear ZoneCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 172Recommended AASHTO Design-Build Procurement GuideCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 173Measuring and Communicating the Effects of Incident Management ImprovementsCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 174Use of Positive Protection in Work ZonesCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 176Update of Exhibits for the AASHTO Green BookCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 177Synthesis of Maintenance and Durability Information for Detectable Warnings on SidewalksCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 178Evaluation and Update of NCHRP Project 24-08, CompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 179Development of Operating Procedures for the Standing Committee on HighwaysCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 180Summary of International Practice on Bridge Girder and Deck Strengthening with Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) CompositesCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 181Multi-State Transportation Operations Program: Status & Critical IssuesCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 182Evaluation of Highway Innovative Technology Evaluation Center (HITEC)CompletedResearch in progress
NCHRP 20-07/Task 183LRFD Foundation Design Implementation and Specification DevelopmentCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 184Development of a Pavement Preservation Synthesis, Research Plans, and InitiativesCompletedResearch in progress
NCHRP 20-07/Task 185Implementation of Flashing Yellow Arrow Display for Protected/Permissive Left Turn ControlCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 186Updating the Calibration Report for the AASHTO LRFD CodeCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 187Updating the AASHTO Guide for the Development of Bicycle FacilitiesCompletedResearch in progress
NCHRP 20-07/Task 188Mainstreaming Operations in State DOTsCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 189Advancing Strategic Highway Safety Plans: Safety Leadership Forum IICompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 190Develop Strategy for the Testing and Evaluation of Durable Striping Materials for High Traffic Areas and Mountain PassesCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 191Product Evaluation and Plant Certification of HDPE PipeCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 192Update of Barrier Hardware GuideCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 193LRFD Guidelines for the Seismic Design of Highway Bridges, Version 2CompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 194Consistency of Titles for AASHTO PublicationsCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 195Development and Performance of Web Based Joint Salary SurveyCompletedThe web-based survey has been developed and submitted to AASHTO for implementation.
NCHRP 20-07/Task 196Development of a Guide to Crashworthy Bridge Rail SystemsCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 197Development of a Test Method for Optical Sizing and Roundness Determination of Glass Beads Utilized in Traffic MarkingCompletedWork will be accomplished under Project 20-07 Task 243.
NCHRP 20-07/Task 198Standard Practice for Independent Assurance ProgramsCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 199Update of the Strategic Plan for Bridge EngineeringCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 200Synthesis of Vehicle Based Winter Maintenance TechnologiesCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 201Use of Warranties in Highway ConstructionCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 202Guide to Benchmarking Operations Performance MeasuresCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 203Update of AASHTO Maintenance Manual to Include Systems Operations and ManagementCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 204Pavement Noise Intensity Testing in Europe for Comparison to the United StatesCompletedCancelled
NCHRP 20-07/Task 205Project Delivery Workforce Management ReviewCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 206A Model Guide for Condition Assessment SystemsCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 207Update of the AASHTO Guide Specifications for Highway ConstructionFinalCompleted, See 20-07/Task 220
NCHRP 20-07/Task 208Update of Recommendations on Crest Vertical CurvesCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 209Incorporation of Research Findings into AASHTO's Standard Specifications for Structural Supports for Highway Signs, Luminaries and Traffic SignalsCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 210Guidelines for the Selection of Cable Barrier SystemsCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 211Scoping study for an AASHTO Guide on Accelerating Project DeliveryCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 212Development of a Model Drivers License HandbookCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 213Requirements for Minimum Maintained Retroreflectivity of Pavement MarkingCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 214Update of A Guide to Small Sign Support HardwareCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 215Statewide Incident Reporting SystemsCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 216Application of LRFD Bridge Design Specifications to High-Strength Structural Concrete: Final Project – Phase ICompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 217Verification and Implementation of Strut-and-Tie Model in LRFD Bridge Design SpecificationsCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 218Performance-Based Maintenance ContractingFinalCancelled, refer to NCHRP Synthesis 389, Performance-Based Contracting for Maintenance
NCHRP 20-07/Task 219Testing American Traffic Marking Systems on the Spanish (AETEC) Traffic Marking Wear SimulatorCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 220Update of the AASHTO Guide Specifications for Highway ConstructionCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 221Traffic Incident Management + Program for Worker SafetyCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 222Evaluation of the Field Implementation of the Flashing Yellow Arrow Permissive Left-Turn IndicationCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 223Update Business Needs for Pavement EngineeringCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 224Update of the AASHTO Guide for Contracting, Selecting, and Managing Consultants in Preconstruction EngineeringCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 225Best Practices in the Management of Design Errors and OmissionsCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 226Review and Update of Human Factors and Operations Issues in the AASHTO Green BookCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 227Technology Transfer Guidebooks for Implementation of Innovative TechnologiesCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 228Update the United States Numbered Highways (1989 Edition) and Document Current U.S. RoutesCompletedThe revised final products have been accepted and provided to AASHTO.
NCHRP 20-07/Task 229Bridge Construction Practices Using Incremental LaunchingCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 230Safety and Security in Roadway TunnelsCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 231Laboratory Testing of Proposed Roundabout Traffic Control OptionsCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 232Development of a Guide to Update ADA Transition PlansCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 233Development of a Toolkit to Assist State DOTs and Contractors in Uniformly Handling DBE requirementsCompletedThe project is completed and the final products delivered to AASHTO.
NCHRP 20-07/Task 234Guidelines for Selection of Bridge Deck Overlays, Sealers, and TreatmentsCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 235Development of Testing Protocols for Surface Applied Concrete Sealers TreatmentsCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 236Modification and Stabilization of Soils and Base for Use in Pavement StructuresCompletedThe project final report is available as NCHRP Web Only Documents 144 and 145.
NCHRP 20-07/Task 237Incorporation of Lane Management and Toll Plaza Design Issues in the AASHTO Green BookFinal
NCHRP 20-07/Task 238Conceptual Development of an AASHTO Guide to Systems Operations and ManagementCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 239Identification and Delineation of Incident Management and Multi-Agency Emergency Response FunctionsFinalCombined with another NCHRP Project
NCHRP 20-07/Task 240Update of AASHTO Roadside Design GuideCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 241Capacity Creation Through Innovative DesignFinalCancelled
NCHRP 20-07/Task 242Cost Analysis of Rehabilitation/Reconstruction of the Nation's Highway InfrastructureFinal
NCHRP 20-07/Task 243Development of a Test Method for Optical Sizing and Roundness Determination of Glass Beads Utilized in Traffic MarkingsCompletedThe project final report has been published as NCHRP Research Results Digest 346 and NCHRP Web-Only Document 156.
NCHRP 20-07/Task 244Modifications for AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications to Incorporate or Update the Guide Specifications for Design of Pedestrian BridgesFinal
NCHRP 20-07/Task 245Updating AASHTO Design and Construction Specifications ffor Temporary Works used in Bridge Construction CompletedThe final report has been provided to AASHTO.
NCHRP 20-07/Task 246Replacement Process for LED (Light Emitting Diode) Traffic SignalsCompletedPublished
NCHRP 20-07/Task 247Outdoor Advertising Sign Regulation StudyCompletedCompleted final report submitted to AASHTO
NCHRP 20-07/Task 248Guidelines for Utility Encasement Policy for Highway CrossingsCompletedCompleted final report submitted to AASHTO
NCHRP 20-07/Task 249Asset Management Approaches to ADA ComplianceCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 250Update AASHTO ''Guide for Snow and Ice Control''Completed
NCHRP 20-07/Task 251Consideration of Pavement Preservation in the AASHTO Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design GuideCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 252Guidelines for Implementing Quality Control and Quality Assurance for Bridge InspectionFinal
NCHRP 20-07/Task 253Subcommittee on Systems Operations and Management Strategic Plan UpdateCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 254Vehicle Size and Weight Management (VSW) Technology Transfer/Best PracticesFinal
NCHRP 20-07/Task 255Development of a Test Method To Determine the Ability of Adhesive Anchors To Resist Sustained Tensile LoadCompletedThe project final report is available as NCHRP Report 639.
NCHRP 20-07/Task 256Safety Impacts of the Emerging Digital Display Technology for Outdoor Advertising SignsCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 257Crash Tested Precast Concrete Barrier Designs and Anchoring MethodsCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 258Identification of Cross-Cutting Issues Related to the Development, Management, and Delivery of Transportation Projects and ProgramsFinalThe final report has been submitted to AASHTO.
NCHRP 20-07/Task 259Assessment of State-of-the-Practice for Identifying Earth Retaining Structure (ERS)Final
NCHRP 20-07/Task 260Development of Guidelines for Conducting Effective Customer Surveys Related to Highway Maintenance OperationsCompletedThe project has been completed and the final report submitted to AASHTO
NCHRP 20-07/Task 261Best Practices for Implementing Quality Control and Quality Assurance for Tunnel InspectionFinal
NCHRP 20-07/Task 262Review and Update of the AASHTO Guide Specifications for Seismic Isolation DesignFinal
NCHRP 20-07/Task 263Update of the AASHTO Guide for the Planning, Design, and Operation of Pedestrian FacilitiesCompleted The final report has been accepted and forwarded to AASHTO.
NCHRP 20-07/Task 264Guidance for Design and Selection of PipesCompletedCompleted final report submitted to AASHTO.
NCHRP 20-07/Task 265Electronic Publications Delivery System: AASHTO’s Next StepCompletedThe project has been completed and the final report submitted to AASHTO
NCHRP 20-07/Task 266Development of an Alternative Calibration Method for AASHTO T 153Completed
NCHRP 20-07/Task 267Potential for Saving Lives with Various Countermeasures to Meet AASHTO’s New Safety GoalCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 268SCOM Strategic Planning WorkshopCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 269Feasibility of Using Incentives to Facilitate Utility RelocationsCompletedCompleted final report submitted to AASHTO
NCHRP 20-07/Task 270Application of AASHTO LRFD Specifications to Design of Sound BarriersFinal
NCHRP 20-07/Task 271Graphical Traffic Signal Design Aid Based on the MUTCDCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 272Rheological Characterization of Flow Table Reference MaterialCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 273Update of the AASHTO Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets (Green Book)Completed
NCHRP 20-07/Task 274Price Indexing in Transportation Construction ContractsCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 275SCOH Strategic Plan Support CompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 276Development of Guidelines for Rehabilitation of Existing highway and Rail Transit TunnelsFinal
NCHRP 20-07/Task 277Update to AASHTO 'Pavement Management Guide'Completed
NCHRP 20-07/Task 278Production of the new AASHTO Guide to EstimatingCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 279Development of a Work Plan for the 2nd Edition of the Highway Safety ManualCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 280AASHTO MATERIALS “C” SPECIFICATIONSCompletedAASHTO HSCOM has received the project deliverables.
NCHRP 20-07/Task 281Strategic Plan for the Development and Maintenance of AASHTO Standards by AASHTO Member Departments Completed
NCHRP 20-07/Task 282Research Needs Assessment for Roadside Workers and Vehicle SafetyCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 283Evaluation of the Flashing Yellow Arrow (FYA) Permissive Left Turn in Shared Yellow Signal SectionsFinal
NCHRP 20-07/Task 284Establish Test Methods for 100-Year Service Life for HDPE Thermoplastic Pipe in the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design SpecificationsFinalCanceled. Related research conducted under NCHRP Project 10-86
NCHRP 20-07/Task 285Recalibration of the LRFR Load Factors in the AASHTO Manual for Bridge EvaluationFinal
NCHRP 20-07/Task 286Finalization of a new AASHTO Drainage Manual - Volume 1, Policy; Volume 2, ProceduresCompletedCompleted final report submitted to AASHTO for publishing.
NCHRP 20-07/Task 287Roadmap for Winter Maintenance ResearchCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 288National Calibration of MEPDG Rigid Pavement Models Based on Corrected CTE ValuesCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 289Comparative Performance Evaluation of Pavement Marking Materials at the NTPEP Test FacilityCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 290Highway Safety Training Synthesis/RoadmapCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 291Transportation Operations Research Communications, Awareness Needs Assessment & Implementation Plan for State DOTsFinal
NCHRP 20-07/Task 292SCOH Strategic Plan: Completion, implementation planning, and governanceCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 294Continuation of Funding of 20-07 Task 245 - Update Bridge Temporary WorksFinal
NCHRP 20-07/Task 295Survey of Existing XML Schemas for Incorporation into TransXMLCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 296Alignment of the Draft AASHTO Transit Guide with the AASHTO Green BookFinal
NCHRP 20-07/Task 297Analysis of usRAP Completed
NCHRP 20-07/Task 298Operations Center of ExcellenceFinal
NCHRP 20-07/Task 299Resolution of Comments on the Draft AASHTO Bike GuideCompletedThe final report has been provided to AASHTO for final balloting.
NCHRP 20-07/Task 300Methods for Estimating the Benefits for Winter Maintenance OperationsCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 301Measuring Cement Particle Size and Surface Area by Laser DiffractionCompletedThe project final report is available as NCHRP Research Results Digest 382.
NCHRP 20-07/Task 302Value Analysis for Linear Referencing SystemsFinalFinal report submitted to AASHTO TIG
NCHRP 20-07/Task 303Synthesis of Truck Size and Weight ResearchFinal
NCHRP 20-07/Task 304AASHTO Publications - Future Road MapFinalThe project is canceled
NCHRP 20-07/Task 305Analysis of New Highway Lighting TechnologiesFinal
NCHRP 20-07/Task 306Revision of Strut-and-Tie Provisions in the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design SpecificationsFinal
NCHRP 20-07/Task 307Updated Research for Collision Damage and Repair of Prestessed Concrete BeamsFinal
NCHRP 20-07/Task 308Completion of the new AASHTO A Practical Guide to Estimating, Part 2FinalNCHRP Proejct 20-07/Task 278 has been expanded in scope and budget to include this project
NCHRP 20-07/Task 309Challenges and Opportunities: A Strategic Plan for Equipment Management ResearchCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 310Determination of Current Levels of Retroreflectance Attained and Maintained by the State Departments of TransportationCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 311Development of a Warm Mix Asphalt Technology Evaluation ProgramCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 312Successful Practices for Automating Utility PermitsFinal
NCHRP 20-07/Task 313Safety Checklists and Design Guidelines for Evaluation of Outdoor Advertising Signs and Permit Locations by Departments of Transportation (DOTs)FinalThe project is canceled
NCHRP 20-07/Task 314Recommended Protocol for Developing Crash Modification FactorsCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 315Transportation Asset Management for Ancillary StructuresCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 316Establishment of Appropriate Guidelines for Use of the Direct and Indirect Design Methods for Reinforced Concrete PipeFinal
NCHRP 20-07/Task 317Update of AASHTO Publication MEPDG-1Completed
NCHRP 20-07/Task 318Revised Chapter 8, Winter Maintenance Operations and Salt, Sand, and Chemical Management, of the Final Report on NCHRP Project 25-25(04) Completed
NCHRP 20-07/Task 319Evaluating Applicability of the Dual-Ring Test Procedure for Assessing the Cracking Tendency of Repair MaterialsCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 320Advanced GIS Visualization Techniques for Geospatial Business Intelligence and Information IntegrationFinal
NCHRP 20-07/Task 321Developing a Framework for Emergency Responder/Roadside Worker Struck-by/Near-miss DatabaseCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 322State of Readiness of the Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) Spectrum for Early deployment of Connected Vehicle Transportation SystemsFinalCombined with another NCHRP Project 03-101
NCHRP 20-07/Task 323Developing a Long-Range Strategic Plan for the MUTCDFinal
NCHRP 20-07/Task 324NCHRP's Role in Maintaining AASHTO Guidelines and SpecificationsCompletedRecommendations provided to AASHTO SCOR and SCOH
NCHRP 20-07/Task 325Updating the AASHTO LRFD Wind Loads ProvisionsFinal
NCHRP 20-07/Task 326Review and Update of the AASHTO Movable Bridge Inspection, Evaluation and Maintenance Manual, 1st Edition - Scoping StudyFinalProject is canceled, and the allocated funds will supplement NCHRP Project 14-32
NCHRP 20-07/Task 327Developing Recalibrated Concrete Pavement Performance Models for the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement DesignCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 328Update of the 1995 AASHTO/AGC/ARTBA ‘A Guide to Standardized Highway Barrier Hardware’ (1995 Guide)CompletedFinal report submitted to AASHTO SCOE
NCHRP 20-07/Task 329Alternative Delivery Methods for Winter OperationsCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 330Waterproofing of Bridge Decks Using Pavement Preservation Products AnticipatedProject cancelled.
NCHRP 20-07/Task 331Report On the Methods and Standards to Measure the Permeability of ConcreteCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 332User’s Guide to Develop Highway Safety Manual Safety Performance Function Calibration FactorsCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 333Comparing the Corrosion Protection of Hot Dip Versus Continuously Galvanized W-Beam Guardrail SectionsCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 334Primer on the Joint Use of the HSM and HFGFinal
NCHRP 20-07/Task 335Updating the Strategic Plan for the AASHTO Highway Subcommittee on Bridges and StructuresFinal
NCHRP 20-07/Task 336Emergency Exit Signs Within Highway TunnelsFinalProject is canceled, and the allocated funds will supplement NCHRP Project 20-59 (47)
NCHRP 20-07/Task 337Proposed AASHTO Guidelines for Complex Bridge Inspection Final
NCHRP 20-07/Task 338Hydrology for Water Quality Analysis and DesignCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 339Best Practices for Cracking Sealing and Crack Filling of Asphalt PavementsCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 340National Training: Challenges and OpportunitiesCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 341Guidelines for the Development HSM Part C Predictive Methods ChaptersFinalNCHRP Project 17-71 has been expanded in scope and budget to include this project
NCHRP 20-07/Task 342Wind Turbulence-Structure Interaction and Aeroelastic Instability for Long-Span Flexible Girder SystemsFinalNCHRP Project 20-07/Task 325 has been expanded in scope and budget to include this project
NCHRP 20-07/Task 343An Update to AASHTO’s Guidelines for Geometric Design of Very Low-Volume Local RoadsFinalNCHRP Proejct 15-47 has been expanded in scope and budget to include this project
NCHRP 20-07/Task 344Practical Cost Estimating: Development of TrainingFinal
NCHRP 20-07/Task 345Planning for Transportation System Management & OperationsFinal
NCHRP 20-07/Task 346Completion of the Update to the AASHTO Guide for Transportation Landscape and Environmental DesignFinal
NCHRP 20-07/Task 347Test Methods of Watertightness of Culvert JointsFinal
NCHRP 20-07/Task 348Review of the AASHTO LRFD Movable Highway Bridge Design Specifications for future updatesFinal
NCHRP 20-07/Task 349Guidelines for Developing Materials Acceptance Plans for Alternative Contracting MethodsCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 350U.S. Bicycle Route Guide SigningFinal
NCHRP 20-07/Task 351Update to AASHTO’s Visualization in Transportation: A Guide for Transportation AgenciesFinalCompleted.
NCHRP 20-07/Task 352Next Generation AASHTO Transportation System Management & Operations Strategic DirectionFinal
NCHRP 20-07/Task 353Development of a Strategic Research Plan for SCOHTSFinal
NCHRP 20-07/Task 354Work Zone Speed Limits and Crash Data PracticesFinal
NCHRP 20-07/Task 355Guidelines for Reliable Fit-Up of Steel I-Girder BridgesFinal
NCHRP 20-07/Task 356Strategic Plan for Prioritization and Selection of Research Proposals for Hydrology and HydraulicsFinal
NCHRP 20-07/Task 357Guidelines for Collecting, Processing, and Managing Roadway Asset Inventory DataCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 358Reducing Risks to Worker Safety in Work Zones Due to Distracted DriversFinal
NCHRP 20-07/Task 359Next Generation National Transportation System Management & Operations (TSM&O) Research FrameworkFinal
NCHRP 20-07/Task 360Development of a Strategic Plan for the Technical Committee on Roadside Safety (TCRS)Final
NCHRP 20-07/Task 361Hamburg Wheel-Track Test Equipment Requirements and Improvements to AASHTO T 324Completed
NCHRP 20-07/Task 362Quantifying the Costs and Benefits of Partnering on Projects Delivered Using Traditional and Alternative Contracting MethodsFinal
NCHRP 20-07/Task 363Guidelines for Emergency Ventilation Smoke Control in Roadway TunnelsFinal
NCHRP 20-07/Task 364Revision of AASHTO PP-74 Test Method for Optical Sizing and Roundness Determination of Glass Beads Utilized in Traffic MarkingsCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 365Strategic Transportation Systems Management & Operations Program Planning Lead States Initiative Development & EvaluationCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 366Accessing Information about Transportation Systems Management and Operations Performance MeasurementFinal
NCHRP 20-07/Task 367Analysis of Crash Contributing Factors to Determine Appropriate CountermeasuresAnticipated
NCHRP 20-07/Task 368Development of a Roadmap for Use of SHRP2 Safety Data to Enhance Existing PublicationsFinal
NCHRP 20-07/Task 369Update of SCOH Strategic PlanFinalThe project is canceled
NCHRP 20-07/Task 370Development of a Strategic Plan for the Subcommittee on Traffic Engineering (SCOTE)Final
NCHRP 20-07/Task 371DOT Technical Assistance in Using the HFGFinalThe project is canceled
NCHRP 20-07/Task 372Evaluation of MASH Test VehiclesFinal
NCHRP 20-07/Task 373Utility Coordination Best Practices for Design-Build and Alternative Contracting ProjectsFinalCompleted.
NCHRP 20-07/Task 374Guidelines for Selecting Sign Sheeting Materials for AASHTO M268Final
NCHRP 20-07/Task 375Improvements to the Dry Back Procedure of AASHTO T 209Completed
NCHRP 20-07/Task 376Transportation Agency ITS Infrastructure Decisions Considering V2I Deployment Completed
NCHRP 20-07/Task 377Standardized Format for Bridge and Structure Information Models Final
NCHRP 20-07/Task 378Assessing Risk for Bridge ManagementFinal
NCHRP 20-07/Task 379AASHTO Highway Subcommittee on Maintenance Strategic Plan UpdateCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 380Proposed AASHTO Manual for the Maintenance of Roadways and Bridges Final
NCHRP 20-07/Task 381Rating Concrete Permeability Based on Resistivity MeasurementsFinalNCHRP Project 18-19 has been expanded in scope and budget to include this project
NCHRP 20-07/Task 382Longer Pavement Life from Increased In-Place Density of Asphalt PavementsCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 383Review and update of the AASHTO Roadside Design GuideFinal
NCHRP 20-07/Task 384Core Competencies for Key Safety AnalysesFinal
NCHRP 20-07/Task 385Traffic Incident Management Technical Advisory Group (TIMTAG) Business PlanFinal
NCHRP 20-07/Task 386Update to AASHTO “Guide Specifications for Highway Construction”Completed
NCHRP 20-07/Task 387Maintenance Actions to Address Fatigue Cracking in Steel Bridge Structures Final
NCHRP 20-07/Task 388Guidelines for Design and Construction of Temporary BridgesFinal
NCHRP 20-07/Task 389Implications of State Departments of Transportation (DOTs) Participation in the One Call Process as an Underground Facility OperatorCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 390Parametric Study & Cost Effects for the USDOT Truck Size & Weight Study VehiclesFinal
NCHRP 20-07/Task 391Energy Criteria for Maintaining Fully Animated Particles of Loose Asphalt in AASHTO T 209 TestingCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 392Plan for an AASHTO Operations GuideFinal
NCHRP 20-07/Task 393Motor Vehicle Safety Countermeasures: Impacts on Pedestrian and Bicyclist SafetyFinal
NCHRP 20-07/Task 394Development of Performance-Based Geometric Design Content for the Next Edition of the AASHTO Green BookFinal
NCHRP 20-07/Task 395MASH Equivalency of NCHRP 350-Approved Bridge Railings Final
NCHRP 20-07/Task 396Updating the AASHTO Seismic Hazard Maps and Site CoefficientsFinalNCHRP Project 12-106 has been expanded in scope and budget to include this project
NCHRP 20-07/Task 397Characteristics of Decommissioned BridgesFinal
NCHRP 20-07/Task 398Development of Performance-Based Geometric Design Content for the Next Edition of the AASHTO Green BookFinal
NCHRP 20-07/Task 399Identifying Bridge Maintenance and Preservation Activities which Minimize Environmental ImpactFinal
NCHRP 20-07/Task 400Effect of Elevation on Rolling Thin Film Oven Aging of Asphalt BindersCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 401Addressing Roadside Safety: A Systemic Approach to Hardware Replacement Analysis to Support MASH ImplementationFinal
NCHRP 20-07/Task 402Proposed Modification to AASHTO LRFD Reinforced Concrete Interface Shear Design and DetailingFinalThe project is Canceled
NCHRP 20-07/Task 403Develop Detailed Elements for Movable Bridge Inspection and ManagementFinalThe project is canceled
NCHRP 20-07/Task 404Reevaluation of the Side Friction Values used to Determine Horizontal Curve Radii Using Crash DataFinalThe project is canceled
NCHRP 20-07/Task 405Reevaluation of the Perception and Reaction Time and Deceleration Rates for Stopping FinalThe project is canceled
NCHRP 20-07/Task 406Development of a Framework for Balanced Asphalt Mixture DesignCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 407Utility Coordination Efficiency, Safety, Cost, and Schedule Impacts using various Contracting MethodsFinalFinal
NCHRP 20-07/Task 408Transportation System Management and Operations (TSMO) Workforce: Skills, Positions, Recruitment, Retention, and Career DevelopmentFinal
NCHRP 20-07/Task 409ITS Communications Integration Needs for Legacy and Emerging Programs Including FinalThe project is canceled
NCHRP 20-07/Task 410Load Rating for the Fast Act Emergency Vehicles Ev-2 and Ev-3Final
NCHRP 20-07/Task 411Review and Update of AASHTO Standard Practice R 87Completed
NCHRP 20-07/Task 412Adjustments to the Superpave Volumetric Mixture Design Procedure for Selecting Optimum Asphalt ContentCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 413Relocation and Acquisition of Outdoor Advertising Signs Impacted by State Highway Projects: Time and Cost ComparisonFinal
NCHRP 20-07/Task 414Benefits of Adaptive Traffic Control Deployments -- A Review of Evaluation StudiesFinalFinal Report and (AT)2C tool available for download.
NCHRP 20-07/Task 415Proposed AASHTO Guidelines for Bottom Flange Limits of Steel Box GirdersFinal
NCHRP 20-07/Task 416Alternative Technologies for Mitigating the Risk of Injuries and Deaths in Work ZonesFinal
NCHRP 20-07/Task 417Reorganization and Strategy to Update the AASHTO Drainage ManualCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 418An Impact and Value Analysis of Requiring Geo-spatial Locations for Utility Installation As-builtsFinalFinal contractor's report is available for download.
NCHRP 20-07/Task 419Accommodation of Small Cell Sites within Public Rights-of-Way (ROW)Final
NCHRP 20-07/Task 420Road User Understanding of Bicycle Signal Symbol IndicationsFinal
NCHRP 20-07/Task 421Review and Update of AASHTO Standard Methods of Test T27 and T30Final
NCHRP 20-07/Task 422User Review of the AASHTO Guide for Local Calibration of the MEPDGCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 423Planning for a Comprehensive Update and Restructuring of AASHTO’s A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets (8th Edition)Final
NCHRP 20-07/Task 424AASHTO Guidelines for the Operation of Movable Bridges from Remote LocationsFinal
NCHRP 20-07/Task 425Emerging LED Technologies and Use within TunnelsFinal
NCHRP 20-07/Task 426Challenges and Opportunities: A Strategic Plan for Equipment Management ResearchCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 427Developing a Recommended AASHTO Standard Practice for Selection of Temperature-Measuring DevicesCompleted
NCHRP 20-07/Task 428Update of the 2012 AASHTO Guide Specification for Design of Bonded FRP Systems for Repair and Strengthening of Concrete Bridge ElementsCompleted
NCHRP 20-100Return on Investment in Transportation Asset Management Systems and PracticesFinal
NCHRP 20-101Guidelines to Incorporate the Costs and Benefits of Adaptation Measures in Preparation for Extreme Weather Events and Climate ChangeCompleted
NCHRP 20-102Impacts of Connected Vehicles and Automated Vehicles on State and Local Transportation Agencies--Task-Order SupportActive
NCHRP 20-102(01)Policy and Planning Actions to Internalize Societal Impacts of CV and AV Systems into Market Decisions Final
NCHRP 20-102(02)Impacts of Regulations and Policies on CV and AV Technology Introduction in Transit OperationsFinalPublished as Web-Only Document 239
NCHRP 20-102(03)Challenges to CV and AV Application in Truck Freight OperationsFinalPublished as Web-Only Document 231
NCHRP 20-102(04)Evaluation Guidance for Automated Vehicle Pilot and Demonstration ProjectsFinal
NCHRP 20-102(05)Strategic Communications Plan for NCHRP Project 20-102FinalCanceled as the research objective is part of the NCHRP communication plan efforts
NCHRP 20-102(06)Road Markings for Machine VisionFinal
NCHRP 20-102(07)Implications of Automation for Motor Vehicle CodesFinal
NCHRP 20-102(08)Dedicating Lanes for Priority or Exclusive Use by CVs and AVsFinal
NCHRP 20-102(09)Updating Regional Transportation Planning and Modeling Tools to Address Impacts of Connected and Automated VehiclesFinal
NCHRP 20-102(10)Cybersecurity Implications of CV/AV Technologies on State and Local Transportation AgenciesFinalThis project is incorporated into NCHRP Project 03-127
NCHRP 20-102(11)Mobility-on-Demand and Automated Driving Systems: A Framework for Public-Sector AssessmentCompletedPublished as NCHRP Research Report 1009 and NCHRP Web-Only Document 331; publication expected Fall 2022.
NCHRP 20-102(12)Business Models to Facilitate Deployment of CV Infrastructure to Support AV OperationsFinalResearch Report is available as NCHRP Web-Only Document 289
NCHRP 20-102(13)Planning Data Needs and Collection Techniques for CV/AV ApplicationsFinalNCHRP Project 08-119 has been expanded in scope and budget to include this project
NCHRP 20-102(14)Data Management Strategies for CV/AV Applications for OperationsFinalNCHRP Project 08-119 has been expanded in scope and budget to include this project
NCHRP 20-102(15)Impacts of Connected and Automated Vehicle Technologies on the Highway Infrastructure Final
NCHRP 20-102(16)Impacts of Connected, Automated Vehicle Technologies on Traffic Incident Management ResponseCompleted
NCHRP 20-102(17)Deployment Guidance for CV Applications in the Open Source Application Development PortalFinalProject Cancelled
NCHRP 20-102(18)Minimum Safety Data Needed for Automated Vehicle Operations and Crash AnalysisFinalNCHRP 17-91 has been expanded in scope and budget to include this project
NCHRP 20-102(19)Update AASHTO’s Connected Vehicle/Automated Vehicle Research RoadmapFinalNCHRP 20-102(19)B will update this project
NCHRP 20-102(19)BUpdated Research Roadmap for NCHRP 20-102, Impacts of Connected Vehicles and Automated Vehicles on State and Local Transportation AgenciesFinal
NCHRP 20-102(20)Preparing the Transportation Workforce for the Deployment of Emerging TechnologyActive
NCHRP 20-102(21)Infrastructure Modifications to improve the Operational Domain of Automated VehiclesFinalThe scope of this task is combined with NCHRP 20-102(24).
NCHRP 20-102(22)State and Local Impacts of Automated Freight Transportation SystemsFinal
NCHRP 20-102(23)Potential Impacts of Highly Automated Vehicles and Shared Mobility on Traveler BehaviorFinalTCRP B-47 has been expanded in scope and budget to include this project
NCHRP 20-102(24)Infrastructure Modifications to Improve the Operational Conditions of Automated VehiclesActiveResearch in progress.
NCHRP 20-102(25)Readiness and Effectiveness of Freeway-Based Corridor V2X Applications for Improving Congestion and SafetyFinalProject Cancelled
NCHRP 20-102(26)Dynamic Curbside Management: Keeping Pace with New and Emerging Mobility and Technology in the Public Right of Way Final
NCHRP 20-102(27)Realistic Timing Estimates for Automated Vehicle Implementation FinalFinal report published as NCHRP Research Report 1049.
NCHRP 20-102(28)Preparing Transportation Agencies for Connected and Automated Vehicles in Work ZonesFinal
NCHRP 20-102(29)Incorporating New Mobility Options into Travel Demand Forecasting and ModelingFinal
NCHRP 20-102(30)Equity Impacts of Shared AVs on Transportation Disadvantaged CommunitiesFinalTCRP B-47 has been expanded in scope and budget to include this project
NCHRP 20-102(31)Unintended Consequences of AVs on Infrastructure Owner-OperatorsFinalNCHRP Project 23-15 has been expanded in scope and budget to include this project.
NCHRP 20-102(32)Safety Implications in a Mixed Vehicle EnvironmentFinalNCHRP 17-91 and BTSCRP BTS-07 have been expanded in scope and budget to include this project
NCHRP 20-102(33)A Guide to Enhancing the Safety of Vulnerable Road Users in a CAV FutureCompletedCancelled
NCHRP 20-102(34)Toolbox for Navigating the Land-Use Impacts of the Automated Vehicle EcosystemCompletedFinal deliverables pending
NCHRP 20-102(35)C/AV Applications for IOO FleetsFinalNCHRP 14-42 has been expanded in scope and budget to include this project
NCHRP 20-103Guidance for Development and Management of Sustainable Information PortalsFinal
NCHRP 20-104Capturing and Learning Essential Consultant-Developed Knowledge within Departments of TransportationFinal
NCHRP 20-105Development of Course Outlines for Ahead of the Curve Training Program: Mastering the Management of Transportation Research Completed
NCHRP 20-105BDevelopment of Course Outlines for Ahead of the Curve Training Program: Mastering the Management of Transportation ResearchFinal
NCHRP 20-106Framing Surface Transportation Research for the Nation's FutureFinal
NCHRP 20-107Effective Construction Project Staffing Strategies for Transportation AgenciesFinalPublished as NCHRP Research Report 923..
NCHRP 20-108Guide to Sustaining a Culture of Innovation within Departments of TransportationFinal
NCHRP 20-109Enhancement of the Transportation Research ThesaurusFinalPublished as NCHRP Research Report 874: The Transportation Research Thesaurus: Capabilities and Enhancements
NCHRP 20-110A Guide to Ensure Access to the Publications and Data of Federally Funded Transportation-Related ResearchCompleted
NCHRP 20-111GBest Practices for State DOT Research Program Peer ExchangesFinal
NCHRP 20-111JSuccessful Practices for State Transportation Research Office's Complying with 2 CFR 200FinalComplete. Final report posted.
NCHRP 20-112A Research Roadmap for Transportation and Public HealthFinal
NCHRP 20-113Research Roadmap -- Transformational Technologies (other than CV/AV)Final
NCHRP 20-113ASupport for TRB Symposium on Transformational Technologies Affecting TransportationFinal
NCHRP 20-113FTopical White Papers for the TRB Forum on Automated Vehicles and Shared MobilityFinal
NCHRP 20-114Multimodal Freight Transportation Research RoadmapFinalSubmitted to the AASHTO Special Committee on Freight
NCHRP 20-116An Emergency Management Playbook for State Transportation AgenciesFinal
NCHRP 20-117Deploying Transportation Resilience Practices in State DOTsFinal
NCHRP 20-118Benchmarking and Comparative Measurement for Effective Performance Management by Transportation AgenciesFinal
NCHRP 20-119Evaluating the Suitability of Roadway Corridors for Use by Monarch ButterfliesCompletedA pre-publication of the final report is available at
NCHRP 20-120Next Generation Transportation Pooled Fund (TPF) WebsiteActive
NCHRP 20-121State DOT Contributions to the Study, Investigation, and Interdiction of Human TraffickingFinalPhase II will be conducted under NCHRP 20-121A
NCHRP 20-121ACountering Human Trafficking: A Toolkit for State DOTsActiveResearch in progress
NCHRP 20-122Rural Transportation Issues: Research RoadmapFinal
NCHRP 20-123Support for AASHTO Committees and CouncilsActiveIndividual task hyperlinks available below.
NCHRP 20-123(01)Transportation Asset Management Strategic Planning and Research Roadmap DevelopmentFinalFinal products may be found on
NCHRP 20-123(02)Research Roadmap for the AASHTO Council on Active TransportationFinal
NCHRP 20-123(03)Staying Nimble: Organizational Development for the Cutting EdgeFinalCombined with NCHRP 20-44( 11)
NCHRP 20-123(04)Development of a Risk Management Strategic Plan and a Research RoadmapFinal
NCHRP 20-123(05)Support for Review of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) Notice of Proposed Amendments (NPA)FinalThis project was canceled
NCHRP 20-123(06)Merging and Updating AASHTO Policy on the Accommodation of Utilities within Freeway Right-of-Way and AASHTO Guide for Accommodating Utilities within Highway Right-of-Way Final
NCHRP 20-123(07)Update proposed Manual for the Maintenance of Roadways and BridgesFinal
NCHRP 20-123(08)Scoping Study to Update User and Non-User Benefit Analysis for HighwaysActive
NCHRP 20-123(09)Feasibility Study for a Platform to Capture Innovations from State Departments of TransportationFinal
NCHRP 20-123(10)AASHTO Committee on Bridges and Structures Strategic Plan, Operating Guidelines, and Research Roadmap DevelopmentFinalThe final deliverables have been forwarded to AAHSTO COBS for their use.
NCHRP 20-123(11)High-Value Research Marketing and Communications for 2020Final
NCHRP 20-123(12)System Mobility and Emerging Technologies (SMET): Strategic Planning Session and Research Roadmap DevelopmentFinalFinal deliverables have been shared with AASHTO for use by the SMET Subcommittee.
NCHRP 20-123(13)Strategic Plan and Research Roadmap for the AASHTO Committee on PlanningFinalFinal Strategic Plan and Research Roadmap has been delivered to the AASHTO Committee on Planning
NCHRP 20-123(14)Scoping Study for the Development of a Platform for State DOT and AASHTO Committee SurveysFinal
NCHRP 20-123(15)Support for AASHTO Approval of the Transportation Operations ManualFinalThis project was combined with NCHRP Project 03-126
NCHRP 20-123(16)Roadmap for the Transformation to Computer Simulation-Based Assessment of Bridge RailingsFinalThis project has been replaced with NCHRP 20-123(16)A
NCHRP 20-123(16)ARoadmap for the Transformation to Computer Simulation-Based Assessment of Bridge RailingsActiveResearch In Progress
NCHRP 20-123(17)Highway Safety Manual Development and RoadmapActiveResearch underway
NCHRP 20-123(18)Development of a New Transportation System Operations Strategic PlanActive
NCHRP 20-123(19)A Research Roadmap for Institutionalizing Transportation Equity FinalProject was canceled on January 29, 2025
NCHRP 20-123(20)Roadmap to Update Bridge Deck Design RequirementsActiveResearch In Progress
NCHRP 20-123(21)Roadmap to Update Bridge EvaluationPending
NCHRP 20-123(22)Development of Modern Active Transportation Research RoadmapPending
NCHRP 20-123(23)A Strategic Plan for Equipment Management ResearchPending
NCHRP 20-123(24)Roadmap for Integrated Selection of Multimodal FacilitiesPending
NCHRP 20-124Deploying Transportation Security Practices in State DOTsFinal
NCHRP 20-125Strategies for Incorporating Resilience into Transportation NetworksCompletedFinal deliverables are in the editorial and publication process.
NCHRP 20-126Support for Critical Issues in Transportation and Commitment to the Future IHSFinal
NCHRP 20-126(01)Programmatic Issues of Future System PerformanceFinalPublished as NCHRP Web-Only Document 346
NCHRP 20-126(02)State Transportation Agency Multifaceted Decision-Making for Future System PerformanceFinal
NCHRP 20-126(03)Advancing Practices of In Situ Nondestructive Evaluation of Highway System Asset Foundational Condition and Capability FinalPublished as NCHRP Research Report 1041
NCHRP 20-127Business Case and Communications Strategies for State DOT Resilience EffortsFinal
NCHRP 20-128Emergency Response: Organizational and Operational Models Used by State DOTsFinal
NCHRP 20-129Guide for Addressing Encampments on State Transportation Rights-of-WayCompletedPhase I only.
NCHRP 20-130Incorporating Human Factors Guidelines into Transportation Projects, Programs, and PracticesPending
NCHRP 20-131Qualitatively Valuing Research for Transportation Agencies: A GuidePending
NCHRP 20-132Electric Vehicle Fire Mitigation and Response ToolkitPending
NCHRP 20-133Toolkit for Implementation of AI-Based Solutions for State Departments of TransportationPending
NCHRP 20-134Guide for Conducting Right-of-Way Research in the Project Delivery ProcessPending
NCHRP 20-135Incorporating Public Health Outcomes into the Transportation Planning and Decision-Making ProcessPending
NCHRP 20-136Leveraging Original Equipment Manufacturer Vehicle Sensor Data for Pavement ManagementPending
NCHRP 20-137FinalThis project was cancelled on February 21, 2025
NCHRP 20-138Defining, Assessing, and Monitoring Transportation System Health: GuidePending
NCHRP 20-19(2)Pedestrian Safety and Convenience on Suburban and Rural Highways---Implementation PhaseFinal
NCHRP 20-23Kinematic Differential GPS Satellite SurveyingCompleted
NCHRP 20-24Administration of Highway and Transportation AgenciesActive
NCHRP 20-24(001)Using Market Research to Improve the Management of Transportation SystemsCompleted
NCHRP 20-24(002)Executive Management Information Systems for State Departments of TransportationCompleted
NCHRP 20-24(003)Expanding the Civil Engineering PoolCompleted
NCHRP 20-24(003)ACivil Engineering Careers in Transportation---Outreach ProgramCompleted
NCHRP 20-24(005)Public Outreach in Transportation ManagementCompleted
NCHRP 20-24(006)APerformance Measures for State Highway and Transportation AgenciesCompleted
NCHRP 20-24(006)BBusiness Systems Plan for Highway Engineering InformationCompleted
NCHRP 20-24(006)CInformation Systems for Transportation AgenciesCompleted
NCHRP 20-24(007)Alternatives to Motor Fuel Taxes for Financing Surface Transportation ImprovementsCompleted
NCHRP 20-24(007)AAlternative Approaches to the Taxation of Heavy VehiclesCompleted
NCHRP 20-24(008)Project 20-24 Series---RevisitedCompleted
NCHRP 20-24(009)State Departments of Transportation---Strategies for ChangeCompleted
NCHRP 20-24(010)Customer-Based Quality in TransportationCompleted
NCHRP 20-24(011)Asset Management Guidance for Transportation AgenciesCompleted
NCHRP 20-24(012)Avoiding Delays During the Construction Phase of Highway ProjectsCompleted
NCHRP 20-24(013)Innovative Financing ClearinghouseCompleted
NCHRP 20-24(014)Managing Change in State Departments of TransportationFinal
NCHRP 20-24(018)Outsourcing of State DOT Delivery of Capital ProgramsCompleted
NCHRP 20-24(019)State DOTs and E-BusinessCompleted
NCHRP 20-24(020)Using Performance Measures to Manage Change in State Departments of TransportationCompleted
NCHRP 20-24(021)Characteristics of the 21st Century Operations-Oriented State DOTCompleted
NCHRP 20-24(023)Assessing the Importance of Transportation for Major Industries and Sectors of the U.S. EconomyFinal
NCHRP 20-24(024)Transportation Mobility, Access and Safety for an Aging PopulationCompleted
NCHRP 20-24(029)CEO Leadership ForumCompleted
NCHRP 20-24(030)Performance Measurement in Context Sensitive DesignCompleted
NCHRP 20-24(031)Effective Program Delivery in a Constrained Fiscal EnvironmentCompletedThe final report has been submitted to AASHTO.
NCHRP 20-24(033)Transportation Vision 2010 and BeyondCompleted
NCHRP 20-24(034)Commuting in AmericaCompleted
NCHRP 20-24(035)Communicating Urban Congestion InformationCompleted
NCHRP 20-24(036)AASHTO Strategic Plan SupportCompleted
NCHRP 20-24(037)Measuring Performance among State DOTs: Sharing Good PracticesCompleted
NCHRP 20-24(037)AMeasuring Performance among State DOTs: Sharing Good Practices -- Construction Project Cost and ScheduleCompleted
NCHRP 20-24(037)BMeasuring Performance among State DOTs: Sharing Good Practices based on the International Roughness IndexCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-24(037)CMeasuring Performance Among State DOTs, Sharing Best Practices -- SafetyFinal
NCHRP 20-24(037)DMeasuring Performance Among State DOTs, Sharing Best Practices--Operations Performance Using Incident Response TimeFinal
NCHRP 20-24(037)EMeasuring Performance Among State DOTs, Sharing Best Practices— Preservation: Comparative Analysis of Bridge ConditionsFinal
NCHRP 20-24(037)FEstablishment of Comparative Performance Measures Program Infrastructure to Support National System Performance Data Collection and AnalysisCompleted
NCHRP 20-24(037)GTechnical Guidance for Deploying National Level Performance MeasurementsCompleted
NCHRP 20-24(037)HWorkshop on Transportation-System Performance Measures Suitable for National UseCompleted
NCHRP 20-24(037)IMeasuring Performance among State DOTs: Sharing Good Practices -- CongestionCompleted
NCHRP 20-24(037)JMeasuring Performance among State DOTs: Sharing Good Practices – Pavement HealthCompleted
NCHRP 20-24(037)KMeasuring Performance among State DOTs: Sharing Good Practices -- Serious Crash InjuryCompleted
NCHRP 20-24(037)LNational Report on Transportation System Performance -- State DOTs Telling the StoryCompleted
NCHRP 20-24(038)CEO Engagement OptionsCompleted
NCHRP 20-24(039)Alternative Organizational Designs for State Transportation DepartmentsFinal
NCHRP 20-24(040)Analysis and Benchmarking of State DOT Recruitment and Hiring PracticesCompleted
NCHRP 20-24(041)Project Summaries for State DOT CEOsCompleted
NCHRP 20-24(042)Guidelines for State DOT quality management systemsCompleted
NCHRP 20-24(043)Innovative Contracting for Major Transportation Projects WorkshopCompletedThe workshop was the deliverable
NCHRP 20-24(044)Highway Safety Leadership Organizational Issues; A Survey of States and Recommendations for Sustaining ProgrssCompleted
NCHRP 20-24(045)Executive Seminar, Coordinating Transportation and Land DevelopmentFinal
NCHRP 20-24(046)Freight Transportation: New Roles for State DOTsFinal
NCHRP 20-24(047)Racial and Gender Diversity in State DOTs and Transit Agencies: Phase I Benchmark ScopingCompleted
NCHRP 20-24(048)Analysis and Benchmarking of State DOT Human Resource ActivitiesFinal
NCHRP 20-24(049)Future Financing Options to Meet Highway and Transit NeedsCompleted
NCHRP 20-24(050)In-Service Training Needs for State DOTsCompleted
NCHRP 20-24(051)State DOT Leadership Forum--2006Completed
NCHRP 20-24(052)Future Options for the National System of Interstate and Defense HighwaysFinal
NCHRP 20-24(053)Twenty-First Century Leadership and Management Techniques for State DOTsFinalThe project has been completed and the products provided to AASHTO for distribution.
NCHRP 20-24(054)2006 Bottom Line Report State and National Investment Analysis: HighwaysCompleted
NCHRP 20-24(054)G2006 AASHTO Bottom Line ScopingCompleted
NCHRP 20-24(055)National Summit on Future Transportation Funding and Finance Strategies: States and Metropolitan RegionsCompleted
NCHRP 20-24(056)National Leadership Retreat for State and Local Officials to Advance a Vision of the Transportation System Required to Meet Future NeedsCompleted
NCHRP 20-24(058)Toward Developing Performance Based Federal-Aid ProgramsCompleted
NCHRP 20-24(059)Strategies for Reducing the Impacts of Surface Transportation on Global Climate ChangeCompleted
NCHRP 20-24(060)Updating AASHTO's Strategic Plan in CY 2008Completed
NCHRP 20-24(061)Issues and Practices in Performance-Based Maintenance and Operations ManagementCompleted
NCHRP 20-24(062)Communication Strategies To Increase Understanding of Funding and Revenue Needs for the Nation’s Transportation SystemCompletedThis project was part of the initial NCHRP 20-24A task-order procurement.
NCHRP 20-24(063)Partnership Approaches to Identify, Promote, and Implement Congestion Management StrategiesFinal
NCHRP 20-24(064)Implications of Performance Standards, Conformity-Style Approaches, and Other Mechanisms for Assessing Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Reduction Strategies and Integrating GHG Objectives into Transportation Decision MakingCompletedThe project was administered under the NCHRP 20-24A task-order system.
NCHRP 20-24(065)Strengthened Economic Basis for Systematic Selection of Highway and Transit ProjectsFinalThis project was removed from the NCHRP 20-24 program.
NCHRP 20-24(066)Update of Technology and Alternative Fuels AssessmentFinalThis project was removed from the NCHRP 20-24 program.
NCHRP 20-24(067)State DOT CEO Leadership Forum- Spring/Summer 2009; Pilot Study of State Driven Performance Based Management ReportingFinal
NCHRP 20-24(068)Estimating the Costs to State Governments Due to Highway-Related Debilitating Injury and Fatal CrashesCompleted
NCHRP 20-24(069)Implementable Strategies for Shifting to Direct Usage-Based Charges for Transportation FundingFinalThe project is administered under the NCHRP 20-24A task-order system.
NCHRP 20-24(070)Update the 2003 Report Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from U.S. TransportationCompletedReport was published by the Pew Center.
NCHRP 20-24(071)Expediting NEPA Decisions and Other Practitioner Strategies for Addressing High Risk Issues in Project DeliveryFinal
NCHRP 20-24(072)Maximizing Highway Operational Strategies to Reduce Greenhouse Gas (GHG) EmissionsFinalThe project was cancelled in October 2011; funds were reassigned to other projects.
NCHRP 20-24(073)Economic and Employment Benefits of Highway Investments in Response to Economic Downturns: A Scoping StudyFinalStudy was conducted by TRB's Studies and Special Programs Division
NCHRP 20-24(074)Executive Strategies for Risk Management by State Departments of TransportationCompleted
NCHRP 20-24(075)Development of a Performance Management RoadmapFinalThe project was cancelled in October 2011 and funds reassigned.
NCHRP 20-24(076)Developing Surface Transportation Funding and Financing Solutions for the Coming DecadeFinalThis project was cancelled and the funds reallocated to other activities.
NCHRP 20-24(077)Support for a TRB-sponsored conference on Strategies for Meeting Critical Data Needs for State and Metropolitan Transportation AgenciesCompletedAll work was conducted by TRB staff.
NCHRP 20-24(079)Specifications for a National Study of the Future 3R, 4R, and Capacity Needs of the Interstate SystemCompleted
NCHRP 20-24(080)Assessing the Economic Benefit of Transportation Infrastructure Investment in a Mature Surface Transportation SystemFinal
NCHRP 20-24(081)Leading in Lean Times: Maximizing Resources in a Constrained EnvironmentCompleted
NCHRP 20-24(082)Increasing Consistency in the Highway Performance Monitoring System for Pavement ReportingCompleted
NCHRP 20-24(083)Alternative State DOT Organizational Models for Delivering ServicesCompleted
NCHRP 20-24(084)State DOT CEO Leadership Forum 2013Final
NCHRP 20-24(086)Critical Assessment for Future Surface Transportation Needs Analyses (Refresh the Policy Capacity of the Bottom Line/C&P)Final
NCHRP 20-24(087)State DOT Administration of Local Road Safety AidFinal
NCHRP 20-24(089)Role and Value of Transportation for U.S. Industries and SectorsFinal
NCHRP 20-24(091)State DOT CEO Safety Leadership Forum (Support)Completed
NCHRP 20-24(092)Evaluation of State-of-the-Art Transportation Funding and Finance MethodsFinal
NCHRP 20-24(093)Public CommunicationFinal
NCHRP 20-24(094)Support for Development of AASHTO’s Strategic PlanFinal
NCHRP 20-24(095)Ensuring Essential Capability for the Future Transportation AgencyFinal
NCHRP 20-24(097)Advancing Performance Management under a National FrameworkFinal
NCHRP 20-24(098)Connected/Automated Vehicle Research Roadmap for AASHTOFinal
NCHRP 20-24(099)CEO Peer Exchange on Agency Management and Emerging Issues (2015)Final
NCHRP 20-24(100)State DOT CEO Leadership Forum – a Focus on Transportation FuturesFinal
NCHRP 20-24(101)An Introduction to Knowledge Management and Workforce Issues for CEOs: A CEO Leadership WorkshopFinalCombined with NCHRP 20-24(95)
NCHRP 20-24(102)Executive Strategies to Deliver Practical DesignFinal
NCHRP 20-24(103)Transportation Investment for Economic Development: Making the Case (Peer Exchange)Final
NCHRP 20-24(104)State DOT Implementation of MAP21 Performance Measure RulesFinal
NCHRP 20-24(105)Launching U.S. Transportation Enterprise Risk Management ProgramsFinal
NCHRP 20-24(106)Evaluation Guidance for Automated Vehicle Pilot and Demonstration ProjectsFinalThis research was conducted as NCHRP Project 20-102(04). Refer to that project for information.
NCHRP 20-24(107)Update to Transportation Governance: A 50-State Review of State Legislatures and Departments of TransportationFinal
NCHRP 20-24(108)CEO Peer Exchange on Agency Management and Emerging Issues (2016)Final
NCHRP 20-24(110)Development of Resources to Support State DOT Communications on SafetyFinal
NCHRP 20-24(111)State DOT CEO Leadership Forum on Connected & Autonomous Vehicles and Transportation Infrastructure Readiness in conjunction with 2017 ITSWC, Montreal, CanadaFinal
NCHRP 20-24(112)Connected Road Classification System (CRCS) DevelopmentFinalContractor's Final report and summary presentation are available for download and use.
NCHRP 20-24(113)CEO Orientation and Peer Exchange Workshop 2017Final
NCHRP 20-24(116)Guidance on Roles and Responsibilities in Operation of Automated VehiclesFinalProject was cancelled
NCHRP 20-24(119)Strategic Research in Support of the Connected and Automated Vehicle Executive Leadership TeamAnticipated
NCHRP 20-24(12)AImproving the Time Performance of Highway Construction ContractsCompleted
NCHRP 20-24(121)Road Usage Charge: Applying Lessons Learned in New Zealand to the United StatesFinal
NCHRP 20-24(122)A Comprehensive Study of Future Competencies for Transportation PlannersFinal
NCHRP 20-24(124)Performance Management Reporting Peer ExchangeFinal
NCHRP 20-24(125)Scoping Study to Develop the Basis for a Highway Standard to Conduct an All-Hazards Risk and Resilience AnalysisCompleted
NCHRP 20-24(126)National Automation Readiness Framework: Coast-to-Coast Automated MobilityFinalProject was cancelled
NCHRP 20-24(127)Performance Management Implementation Concerns, Issues and ChallengesFinal
NCHRP 20-24(128)State-of-the-Art Review of Cooperative Automated Transportation (CAT) SystemsFinal
NCHRP 20-24(129)CEO Peer Exchange and Strategy Forum (2019)Completed
NCHRP 20-24(130)Support for Development of AASHTO’S 2021-2026 Strategic PlanFinal
NCHRP 20-24(131)Mapping the Common Interests of AASHTO CommitteesFinal
NCHRP 20-24(132)Understanding Knowledge Management in Context with Other Organizational PracticesAnticipatedThis research will be conducted as NCHRP Project 23-18.
NCHRP 20-24(133)Update to Transportation Governance: A 50-State Review of State Legislatures and Departments of TransportationFinal
NCHRP 20-24(134)Practices for Transportation Agency Procurement and Management of Advanced TechnologiesFinalConducted as NCHRP Project 23-19
NCHRP 20-24(135)Operational Oversight of Drones - UAS Development and Deployment: Jurisdictional Issues and OptionsFinalProject Fund was transferred to NCHRP 23-20
NCHRP 20-24(136)Enabling Knowledge Management through Leadership Strategy and CultureFinalProject fund was transferred to NCHRP Project 23-21
NCHRP 20-24(137)Assessing and Communicating the Economic and Quality of Life Benefits of Transportation Infrastructure Investments: Message TestingFinal
NCHRP 20-24(138)Collective and Individual Actions for State Departments of Transportation Envisioning and Realizing the Next Era of America’s Transportation Infrastructure – Phase IFinal
NCHRP 20-24(138)ACollective and Individual Actions to Envision and Realize the Next Era of America’s Transportation Infrastructure—Phase 2Active
NCHRP 20-24(139)Into the 2020s: A Peer Exchange Series for State Department of Transportation CEOsActive
NCHRP 20-24(141)Advancing the Art and Science of Decision-MakingCompletedIn publication process
NCHRP 20-24(144)Enhancing State DOTs Agility in Project Development and DeliveryActive
NCHRP 20-24(145)Harnessing the Safe System Approach to Improve Traffic SafetyActive
NCHRP 20-24(146)Guide to Supporting and Sustaining Transportation Grant Programs for Local Governments and TribesActiveResearch in progress
NCHRP 20-24(147)Identify Best Practices for Automated Driving Systems and Other Emerging Technologies Active
NCHRP 20-24(148)Transportation Climate Adaptation Through Asset Management Prioritization of Resilient RoutesCompletedThis project is cancelled as the scope of work will be conducted under NCHRP 23
NCHRP 20-24(149)Recruiting and Retaining Talent in the Transportation Industry: GuidePendingA research agency has been selected for the project. The contracting process is underway.
NCHRP 20-24(150)A Framework for Data Exchanges Between Transportation Agencies and Third-Party Mapping OrganizationsPending
NCHRP 20-24(151)Implementation of Artificial Intelligence Programs in State and Local Departments of TransportationAnticipatedIn development
NCHRP 20-24(152)Current Workforce Challenges to Recruit and Retain Construction InspectorsAnticipatedIn development
NCHRP 20-24(153)Roadmap to Addressing State DOT Workforce Planning and Development NeedsAnticipatedIn development
NCHRP 20-24ATask-Order Support for Research on the Administration of Highway and Transportation AgenciesFinal
NCHRP 20-24BResearch Supporting the NCHRP Project Panel on Administration of Highway and Transportation AgenciesCompleted
NCHRP 20-25Training Needs for Highway Construction PersonnelCompleted
NCHRP 20-25(2)Training for Highway Construction PersonnelCompleted
NCHRP 20-25(3)Development of Training Material for Highway Construction PersonnelCompleted
NCHRP 20-26Bond and Insurance Coverages for Highway Construction ContractorsCompleted
NCHRP 20-27Adaptation of Geographic Information Systems for TransportationCompleted
NCHRP 20-27(2)Development of System and Application Architectures for Geographic Information Systems in TransportationCompleted
NCHRP 20-27(3)Guidelines for the Implementation of Multimodal Transportation Location Referencing SystemsCompleted
NCHRP 20-28Hazardous Wastes in Highway Rights-of-WayCompleted
NCHRP 20-29Development of a Multimodal Framework for Freight Transportation Investment: Consideration of Rail and Highway Trade-offsCompleted
NCHRP 20-29(2)Development of a Computer Model for Multimodal, Multicriteria Transportation Investment Analysis Completed
NCHRP 20-31Public Policy for Surface Freight TransportationCompleted
NCHRP 20-32Development of a Comprehensive Thesaurus for Transportation ResearchCompleted
NCHRP 20-32(2)Refinement of Transportation Research Thesaurus and Implementation of Updated TRIS Keyword IndexCompleted
NCHRP 20-33Facilitating the Implementation of Research FindingsCompleted
NCHRP 20-33(2)The Role of Procurement and Contracting Approaches in Facilitating the Implementation of Research FindingsCompleted
NCHRP 20-34Developing Measures of Effectiveness for Truck Weight Enforcement ActivitiesCompleted
NCHRP 20-35Plan for SHRP Follow-Up StudiesCompleted
NCHRP 20-36Highway Research and Technology -- International Information SharingActive
NCHRP 20-37Strategic Direction for the NCHRP and Other AASHTO Research ActivitiesCompleted
NCHRP 20-38Development of a Manual for State Transportation ResearchCompleted
NCHRP 20-39Improved User Access to TRIS Through the AASHTO VANCompleted
NCHRP 20-39(2)Improved Transportation Research-In-Progress Data SystemFinal
NCHRP 20-40Conversion of AASHTO Publications to Metric UnitsCompleted
NCHRP 20-41Approaches for Increasing Private-Sector Involvement in Highway Innovation ProcessCompleted
NCHRP 20-42Sustainable TransportationCompleted
NCHRP 20-43Application of CD-ROM Technology for AASHTO Technical DocumentsFinal
NCHRP 20-44NCHRP Implementation Support ProgramActive
NCHRP 20-44(01)Increasing WMA Implementation by Leveraging the State-Of-The-KnowledgeFinal
NCHRP 20-44(02)Implementation of the AASHTO Guide for Enterprise Risk Management Final
NCHRP 20-44(03)Dissemination of NCHRP Report 799: Management Guide to Intellectual Property for State Departments of TransportationFinal
NCHRP 20-44(04)Implementing Products from NCHRP Research on Adhesive Anchor SystemsCompleted
NCHRP 20-44(05)Dissemination of “NCHRP Domestic Scan 14-01: Leading Management Practices in Determining Funding Levels for Maintenance and Preservation”Final
NCHRP 20-44(06)Consultant Support for Massachusetts DOT’s Commission on the Future of Transportation in the CommonwealthFinal
NCHRP 20-44(08)NCHRP Comprehensive Communications PlanFinal
NCHRP 20-44(09)Quantitative and Qualitative Methods for Capturing the Impacts and Value of NCHRP ResearchFinal
NCHRP 20-44(11)Advancing practices for data governance, information management, and managing the impact of digitization on DOT workforcesFinal
NCHRP 20-44(12)Building Capacity for Self-Assessment of Data Effectiveness for Agency Business NeedsFinal
NCHRP 20-44(13)Implementation of NCHRP Research Report 893: The Oregon DOT Statewide Pedestrian and Bicycle PlanFinal
NCHRP 20-44(14)Implementation of NCHRP Research Report 887 - Guidance for Underwater Installation of Filter SystemsFinal
NCHRP 20-44(15)Consultant Support for implementation of Design Hydrology for Stream Restoration and Channel Stability at Stream CrossingsFinal
NCHRP 20-44(16)Implementation of IDEAL Cracking Test for Asphalt Mix Design QC/QAFinal
NCHRP 20-44(17)Implementing the Results of NCHRP Project 20-68A, Domestic Scan 17-01: Successful Approaches for the Use of Unmanned Aerial Systems by Surface Transportation AgenciesFinal
NCHRP 20-44(18)Validation of the PFC Performance-Based Mix Design MethodCompleted
NCHRP 20-44(19)Implementation of Proposed AASHTO Standards for Asphalt Binders and MixturesCompletedProject complete.
NCHRP 20-44(21)Synthesis of State Peer Exchanges and RPPM Final
NCHRP 20-44(22)Right Sizing Transportation InvestmentsFinalImplementation Program for NCHRP 19-14
NCHRP 20-44(23)Pilot Test of Climate Change Design Practices Guide for Hydrology and HydraulicsCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-44(24)Pilot Test of Proposed Standard Practice for Recycling Agents in Asphalt Mixtures Incorporating RAP and RASFinal
NCHRP 20-44(25)Workshop to Introduce Proposed Changes to AASHTO M 320 and M 332 to Key Stakeholder GroupsCompleted
NCHRP 20-44(26)Implementing Guide Specifications for the Construction of Chip Seals, Micro Surfacing, and Fog SealsFinalProject Complete.
NCHRP 20-44(27)Facilitating Balanced Mix Design ImplementationCompletedProject complete.
NCHRP 20-44(28)Development of a Technology Transfer Plan for State Departments of Transportation Research ProgramsFinal
NCHRP 20-44(29)Training for Highway Construction Noise Prediction Model-RCNM2.0CompletedTerminated.
NCHRP 20-44(30)Measuring the Effectiveness of Public Involvement at Five State Departments of Transportation: Implementation of the NCHRP Research Report 905 ToolkitFinal
NCHRP 20-44(32)Guidelines for Selecting Travel Forecasting Methods and Techniques—ImplementationFinal
NCHRP 20-44(33)Implementing NCHRP Project 20-119: Evaluating the Suitability or Roadway Corridors for Use by Monarch ButterfliesFinal
NCHRP 20-44(34)Successful Practices for State Transportation Research Office's Complying with 2 CFR 200 (NCHRP 20-111J)FinalResearch is complete. A Contractor's Report is available on the project web page.
NCHRP 20-44(35)Implementation for NCHRP Research Report 948—Guide for Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety at Alternative Intersections and InterchangesFinal
NCHRP 20-44(36)Workshops on Long-Range Strategic Issues Affecting Preservation, Maintenance, and Renewal of Highway InfrastructureFinal
NCHRP 20-44(36)AWorkshops on Long-Range Strategic Issues Affecting Preservation, Maintenance, and Renewal of Highway InfrastructureActive
NCHRP 20-44(37)Workshops on Performance Measures in Snow and Ice Control OperationsCompleted
NCHRP 20-44(39)Consultant Support for Implementation of Guidebook for Managing Data from Emerging TechnologiesFinal
NCHRP 20-44(40)Implementing the Agency Capability Building Framework to Activate Organizational ChangeActive
NCHRP 20-44(41)Deploying Transportation Resilience Practices in State DOTs: ImplementationActive
NCHRP 20-44(42)Agency Implementation of the Design-Build and Contract Manager/General Contractor Guidebooks for Post-Award Contract AdministrationFinalPublished as Web-Only Document
NCHRP 20-44(43)Implementing the Benefits of Green Infrastructure for Effective Roadside Water ManagementActive
NCHRP 20-44(44)Implementing the Design Practices Guide for Applying Climate Change Information to Hydrologic and Coastal Design of Transportation InfrastructureActive
NCHRP 20-44(45)Supporting State DOT Adoption of Knowledge Management PracticesActive
NCHRP 20-44(46)Implementing the Asset Valuation Guide Developed Through NCHRP Project 23-06Active
NCHRP 20-44(47)UAS Operations Practical Skills Pilot Program for State DOTs Active
NCHRP 20-44(48)Peer Exchanges on Data Management and Governance PracticesActive
NCHRP 20-44(49)Research Implementation - Strategies for Overcoming BarriersActive
NCHRP 20-44(50)Implementation of Asphalt Pavement Raveling Detection AlgorithmActive
NCHRP 20-44(51)Developing Training Materials to Implement Context ClassificationsActive
NCHRP 20-44(52)Implementing a Guide for Urban and Suburban Roadway Cross-Section ReallocationActive
NCHRP 20-44(53)Implementing the Areawide Approach to Roadway Safety Management and Safety PlanningActive
NCHRP 20-44(54)Training Program for the Emergency Management PlaybookActive
NCHRP 20-44(55)Implementing NCHRP Guides on Pollinator Habitat Conservation along RoadwaysPending
NCHRP 20-44(56)Implementation Project to Measure and Communicate the Value of Access ManagementPending
NCHRP 20-44(57)Implementing Scenario Planning Across Transportation AgenciesPending
NCHRP 20-44(58)Helping MPOs and State DOTs Implement Innovative Strategies from NCHRP Research Report 1002 Pending
NCHRP 20-44(59)Implementing the research results of NCHRP Research Report 1080, Using Cooperative Automated Transportation Data for Freeway Operational StrategiesAnticipatedIn development
NCHRP 20-44(60)Implementation of NCHRP Project 09-65: Capturing Durability of High Recycled Binder Ratio (RBR) Asphalt MixturesAnticipatedIn development
NCHRP 20-45Scientific Approaches for Transportation ResearchCompleted
NCHRP 20-46Systems Approach to Evaluating Innovations for Integration into Highway PracticeFinal
NCHRP 20-47(1)Quality and Accuracy of Positional Data in TransportationCompleted
NCHRP 20-48Accessibility of Non-English Language Transportation InformationCompleted
NCHRP 20-48(01)Making the Business Case for Translating Non-English Transportation InformationCompleted
NCHRP 20-49Support for LTPP Advisory StructureCompleted
NCHRP 20-50(1)LTPP Data Analysis: Data Availability and FacilitationCompleted
NCHRP 20-50(10&16)LTPP Data Analysis: Influence of Design and Construction Features on the Response and Performance of New Flexible and Rigid PavementsCompleted
NCHRP 20-50(10)LTPP Data Analysis: Factors Affecting the Performance of Flexible and Rigid PavementsCompleted
NCHRP 20-50(14)LTPP Data Analysis: Significance of "As-Constructed" AC Air Voids to Pavement PerformanceCompleted
NCHRP 20-50(17)Final
NCHRP 20-50(18)LTPP Data Analysis: Significance of As-Constructed Asphalt Pavement Air Voids to Pavement PerformanceCompleted
NCHRP 20-50(19)LTPP Data Analysis: Feasibility of Using LTPP Data to Develop Relationships Between Laboratory- and Field-Derived Properties of Unbound MaterialsCompleted
NCHRP 20-50(2)LTPP Data Analysis: Relative Performance of Jointed Plain Concrete Pavements with Sealed and Unsealed JointsCompleted
NCHRP 20-50(20)LTPP Data Analysis: Develop Practical Tools and Procedures to Improve WIM Data QualityFinalPublication pending. Report to be published as Research Report:WOD-370 and Practical Guide: Report 1070
NCHRP 20-50(21)Enhancements of Climatic Inputs and Related Models for Pavement ME Using LTPP Climate Tool (MERRA-2)FinalThe remaining tasks will be completed under NCHRP 20-50(21)A.
NCHRP 20-50(21)AEnhancements of Climatic Inputs and Related Models for Pavement ME Using LTPP Climate Tool (MERRA-2)CompletedResearch is complete. Final report under review.
NCHRP 20-50(22)LTPP Data Analysis: Feasibility of Using LTPP Data to Improve Use of FWD and Longitudinal Profile MeasurementsFinal
NCHRP 20-50(22)ALTPP Data Analysis: Guidelines to Improve Use of FWD and Longitudinal Profile MeasurementsCompleted
NCHRP 20-50(3&4)LTPP Data Analysis: Effectiveness of Maintenance and Rehabilitation OptionsCompleted
NCHRP 20-50(5)LTPP Data Analysis: Variations in Pavement Design InputsCompleted
NCHRP 20-50(7&12)LTPP Data Analysis: Daily and Seasonal Variations in Insitu Material PropertiesCompleted
NCHRP 20-50(8&13)LTPP Data Analysis: Factors Affecting Pavement SmoothnessCompleted
NCHRP 20-50(9)LTPP Data Analysis: Feasibility of Using FWD Deflection Data to Characterize Pavement Construction QualityCompleted
NCHRP 20-51(1)LTPP Product Development: National Workshop on Pavement SmoothnessCompleted
NCHRP 20-51(2)LTPP Product Development: PCC Pavement Practice Manual and WorkshopCompleted
NCHRP 20-51(3)LTPP Product Development: Pavement Smoothness Specification for Approaches to WIM Equipment SitesCompleted
NCHRP 20-52TRAC PAC2 -- A Hands-on Educational ProgramCompleted
NCHRP 20-52(01)Implementing TRAC PAC2 -- A Hands-on Educational ProgramCompleted
NCHRP 20-53Using Customer Needs to Drive Transportation DecisionsCompleted
NCHRP 20-54Final
NCHRP 20-55TRB Study on Future Surface Transportation Agency Human Resource Needs: Strategies for Recruiting, Training, and Retaining PersonnelCompleted
NCHRP 20-56New Services for AASHTO's World Wide Web SiteFinal
NCHRP 20-57Analytic Tools to Support Transportation Asset ManagementCompleted
NCHRP 20-58Oversight Panel a Future Strategic Highway Research ProgramPending
NCHRP 20-58(1)Detailed Planning for Research on Accelerating the Renewal of America's Highways (Completed
NCHRP 20-58(2)Detailed Planning for Research on Making a Significant Improvement in Highway Safety ("Safety")Completed
NCHRP 20-58(3)Detailed Planning for Research on Providing a Highway System with Reliable Travel Times (Final
NCHRP 20-58(4)Detailed Planning for Research on Providing Highway Capacity in Support of the Nation's Economic, Environmental, and Social Goals ("Capacity")Completed
NCHRP 20-59Final
NCHRP 20-59(01)AASHTO Security Research Workshops and ForumCompleted
NCHRP 20-59(02)Bridge/Tunnel/Highway Infrastructure Vulnerability WorkshopsCompleted
NCHRP 20-59(03)Support for the FHWA/AASHTO Blue Ribbon Panel on Bridge and Tunnel SecurityCompleted
NCHRP 20-59(04)White Paper on Highway Security Issues for ReauthorizationCompleted
NCHRP 20-59(05)National Needs Assessment for Ensuring Transportation Infrastructure SecurityCompleted
NCHRP 20-59(06)Responding to Threats: A Field Personnel ManualCompleted
NCHRP 20-59(06)A&BSystem Security Awareness for Transportation EmployeesCompleted
NCHRP 20-59(07) & 20-59(07)ATransportation Security Information Clearinghouse & White PaperCompleted
NCHRP 20-59(08)Emergency Transportation Operations Preparedness and Response Workshop: Adaptations for Rural and International Border Crossing SituationsCompleted
NCHRP 20-59(09)Methods for Determining Transportation and Economic Consequences of Terrorist AttacksCompleted
NCHRP 20-59(10)Secure Communication InfrastructureCompleted
NCHRP 20-59(11)Emergency Traffic Operations ManagementCompleted
NCHRP 20-59(12)Security and Emergency Response 2003 Survey of State Transportation AgenciesCompleted
NCHRP 20-59(14)Research Support for the AASHTO Special Committee on Transportation SecurityCompleted
NCHRP 20-59(14)BResearch Support for the AASHTO Special Committee on Transportation Security and Emergency Management (SCOTSEM)Completed
NCHRP 20-59(14)CStrategic Plan Implementation Support Services for SCOTSEMCompleted
NCHRP 20-59(16)Preparation of Educational Materials: OutreachCompleted
NCHRP 20-59(16)ASecurity Funding Resources: A Reference Guide for State Transportation AgenciesCompleted
NCHRP 20-59(16)BSecurity Framework: Fundamentals of Transportation Security for DOTsCompleted
NCHRP 20-59(17)Guide to Risk Management of Multimodal Transportation InfrastructureCompleted
NCHRP 20-59(18)Guidelines for Transportation Emergency Training Drills and ExercisesCompleted
NCHRP 20-59(19)Transportation Response Options: Scenarios of Infectious Disease, Biological Agents, Chemical, Biological, Radiological, or Nuclear ExposureCompleted
NCHRP 20-59(21)Continuity of Operations Plans for Transportation AgenciesCompleted
NCHRP 20-59(22)A Guide to Emergency Quarantine and Isolation Controls of Roads in Rural AreasCompleted
NCHRP 20-59(23)A Guide to Emergency Response Planning at State Transportation AgenciesCompleted
NCHRP 20-59(24)A Guide to Transportation and Hazards ResourcesCompleted
NCHRP 20-59(25)Security Research PlanCompleted
NCHRP 20-59(26)National Needs Assessment for Ensuring Transportation Infrastructure Security (2009-2015)Completed
NCHRP 20-59(28)Security 101: Physical Security Standards for TransportationCompleted
NCHRP 20-59(30)Incident Command System (ICS) Training for Field Level Transportation Supervisors and Staff Completed
NCHRP 20-59(30)AIncident Command System (ICS) Training for Field Level Transportation Supervisors and StaffFinal
NCHRP 20-59(32)A Transportation Guide for All-Hazards Emergency EvacuationCompleted
NCHRP 20-59(33)Pre-Event Planning to Support Transportation Infrastructure Recovery Completed
NCHRP 20-59(34)Methodologies to Estimate the Economic Impacts of Disruptions to the Goods Movement SystemFinalPublished as NCHRP Report 732.
NCHRP 20-59(36)Managing Catastrophic Transportation Emergencies: A Guide for Transportation Executives Completed
NCHRP 20-59(37)Debris Management Handbook for Local and State DOTsCompleted
NCHRP 20-59(41)Legal Definition of 'First Responder'Completed
NCHRP 20-59(42)A Guide to Regional Transportation Planning for Disasters, Emergencies, and Significant EventsCompleted
NCHRP 20-59(43)Incorporating Transportation Security Awareness into Routine State DOT Operations and Training Completed
NCHRP 20-59(44)A Guide for Public Transportation Pandemic Planning and ResponseCompleted
NCHRP 20-59(47)Emergency Exit Signs and Marking Systems for Highway TunnelsFinal
NCHRP 20-59(48)Effective Practices for the Protection of Transportation Infrastructure from Cyber IncidentsCompleted
NCHRP 20-59(50)Mainstreaming Transportation Hazards and Security Risk Management: CAPTA Update and Implementation Completed
NCHRP 20-59(51)ASecurity 101: A Physical & Cyber Security Primer for Transportation AgenciesCompleted
NCHRP 20-59(51)BA Guide to Emergency Management at State Transportation Agencies, Second EditionCompleted
NCHRP 20-59(51)CResearch Support for Implementing Security, Emergency Management, and Infrastructure Protection at State Transportation AgenciesCompleted
NCHRP 20-59(52)Communications Worker Credentialing RequirementsCompleted
NCHRP 20-59(53)FloodCast: A Framework for Enhanced Flood Event Decision Making for Transportation ResilienceCompleted
NCHRP 20-59(53)AA Guide to Flood Forecasting for Transportation ResilienceCompleted
NCHRP 20-59(54)Transportation System Resilience: Research Roadmap and White PapersCompleted
NCHRP 20-59(55)Transportation System Resilience: CEO Primer & EngagementFinal
NCHRP 20-59(56)Support for State DOT Transportation Systems Resilience and All-Hazards ProgramsFinal
NCHRP 20-60Performance Measures and Targets for Transportation Asset ManagementCompleted
NCHRP 20-61Transportation of Radioactive WasteFinalCompleted and published as National Research Council Report, Going the Distance
NCHRP 20-62Long-Term Viability of Fuel Taxes for Transportation FinanceCompleted
NCHRP 20-63Performance Measurement Tool Box and Reporting System for Research Programs and ProjectsCompletedFinal Report Received and Published.
NCHRP 20-63BPerformance Measurement Tool Box and Reporting System for Research Programs and ProjectsActiveResearch in Progress, website deployed, maintenance ongoing
NCHRP 20-64XML Schemas for Exchange of Transportation Data (TransXML)Completed
NCHRP 20-65Research for the AASHTO Standing Committee on Public TransportationActive
NCHRP 20-65/Task 13State Public Transportation Division Involvement in State Emergency Planning, Response, and RecoveryFinalThe report has been published as NCHRP Research Results Digest 326.
NCHRP 20-65/Task 14Current Practice and Future Guidance on the Development of SAFETEA-LU- Required Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Transportation PlanFinalCompleted--summarized in Research Results Digest 331.
NCHRP 20-65/Task 15Updated Research Agenda for State DOT Public Transportation Divisions and NCHRP Project 20-65FinalResearch has been completed.
NCHRP 20-65/Task 16Current State Eligibility Requirements for Grantees to Qualify for Federal Section 5310 and 5311 FundsFinalThe research is completed and will be available as a Web-only document.
NCHRP 20-65/Task 17Compliance Monitoring ToolsFinalThis has been completed and published as NCHRP Research Results Digest 341
NCHRP 20-65/Task 18State DOT Best Practices for Developing a Title VI Civil Rights Program DocumentFinalThis research has been completed. Published as NCHRP Research Results Digest 340
NCHRP 20-65/Task 19Utilization by States of the Flexibility to Transfer Federal Funds Among Eligible Federal ProgramsFinalCompleted. The final report has been published as RRD 338.
NCHRP 20-65/Task 20Analysis of Rural Intercity Bus StrategyFinalPublished as Research Results Digest 356
NCHRP 20-65/Task 21Cost/Benefit Analysis of Converting a Lane for Bus Rapid TransitFinalCompleted. The report has been published as RRD 336.
NCHRP 20-65/Task 22Cost/Benefit Analysis of Converting a Lane for Bus Rapid TransitFinalPublished as NCHRP Research Results Digest 352
NCHRP 20-65/Task 23Identification of State and Local Matching Fund Requirements for State Administered Federal, and Non-Federal, Public Transportation ProgramsFinalThis research is completed and has been published as Research Results Digest 353
NCHRP 20-65/Task 24State DOT Role in the Implementation of Transportation Demand Management ProgramsFinalPublished as NCHRP Research Results Digest 348
NCHRP 20-65/Task 25Evaluate Requirements for the Utilization of Section 5311(f) Funds for Intercity Bus ServiceFinalThe final report is completed and published as Research Results Digest 356
NCHRP 20-65/Task 26A Review of Human Services Transportation Plans and Grant ProgramsFinalThis report is published as Research Results Digest 354
NCHRP 20-65/Task 27Innovative Financing Techniques and Best Practices for Providing Match on Federal Transit Administration ProjectsFinalCompleted.
NCHRP 20-65/Task 28An Analysis of Automated Transit Data Collection and Analysis Processes in State DOT Transit Units and a Toolkit for Next Generation Transit Data AnalysisFinalCompleted--Published as NCHRP Research Results Digest 373
NCHRP 20-65/Task 29Public Transportation Performance Measures: State of the Practice and Future NeedsFinalResearch completed. Published as Research Results Digest 361
NCHRP 20-65/Task 30Local Practices in Developing Coordination Partnerships with Taxicab CompaniesFinalCompleted. Published as Research Results Digest 366
NCHRP 20-65/Task 31Transporting Oversize WheelchairsFinalCompleted.
NCHRP 20-65/Task 32Models to Support State-owned Park and Ride Lots and Intermodal FacilitiesFinalCompleted --Published as Research Results Digest 359
NCHRP 20-65/Task 33Determination of State DOT Financial Auditing Requirements for their Public Transportation Assistance ProgramsFinalCompleted. Published as Research Results Digest 368
NCHRP 20-65/Task 34Statewide Transit Goal SettingFinalCompleted. Published as Research Results Digest 358
NCHRP 20-65/Task 35Development of Appropriate Tools to Evaluate the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Selected Specialized Public Transportation ProgramsFinalCompleted
NCHRP 20-65/Task 36Data Needs for Assessing Rural Transit Needs, Benefits, and Levels of ServiceFinalCompleted. Published as NCHRP Research Results Digest 376.
NCHRP 20-65/Task 37Best Accounting Practices in Sub-recipient Recording and Reporting of Program IncomeFinalCompleted.
NCHRP 20-65/Task 38Estimated Impact of Selected State DOT Cost Reduction Initiatives on the Administration of State Public Transportation ProgramsFinalPublished as NCHRP Research Results Digest 379
NCHRP 20-65/Task 39Impacts of the New Health Care Bill on Mass TransitCompletedCompleted. Published as NCHRP Research Results Digest 383.
NCHRP 20-65/Task 40Construction Management Practices for Rural Projects--An AssessmentFinalCompleted-- Published as NCHRP Research Results Digest 381
NCHRP 20-65/Task 41Survey of State Funding for Public Transportation--Ways to Improve itCompletedCompleted and published as NCHRP Web-Only Document 188.
NCHRP 20-65/Task 42Rural Public Transportation Strategies for Responding to the Livable and Sustainable Communities InitiativeFinalCompleted. Published as NCHRP Research Results Digest 375
NCHRP 20-65/Task 43Best Practices in the Electronic Administration of Federal and State Transit GrantsCompleted
NCHRP 20-65/Task 44Curriculum for New State DOT Transit Grant Managers in Administering Federal and State Transit Grant ProgramsFinal
NCHRP 20-65/Task 45New Small Urbanized Area System: A Guidance BriefCompletedCompleted.
NCHRP 20-65/Task 46Successful Methods to Acquire and Oversee the Outsourcing of Tasks and Projects Related to State DOT Management of Transit Grant ProgramsCompleted
NCHRP 20-65/Task 47MTAP Survey Tool Used to Assess FTA Contractor Performance of State DOT Triennial and Other FTA Reviews--An UpdateCompleted
NCHRP 20-65/Task 48Condition of State and Federally Funded Transit AssetsCompleted
NCHRP 20-65/Task 49Impact Assessment Indicators for Administration of Public Transportation GrantsCompleted
NCHRP 20-65/Task 50Strategic Plan for the Standing Committee on Public TransportationCompleted
NCHRP 20-65/Task 51Approaches To Improving the Grant Approval Processes for Transit ProjectsCompleted
NCHRP 20-65/Task 52Selected Indirect Benefits of State Investment in Public TransportationCompleted
NCHRP 20-65/Task 53Independent Cost Estimates for Design and Construction of Rural and Small Urban Transit FacilitiesFinalPublished as NCHRP RRD 397
NCHRP 20-65/Task 55Estimating the Long Term Impacts of MAP-21 on the Nation's Local Rural Transit Bus InfrastructureFinalCompleted--RRD 394
NCHRP 20-65/Task 56Best Practices in Rural Regional MobilityCompleted
NCHRP 20-65/Task 57Assessment of State DOT Transit Vehicle Procurement ModelsCompleted
NCHRP 20-65/Task 58Documentation of FTA Section 5310 Recipients and Projects Before the Enactment of Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21)Completed
NCHRP 20-65/Task 59The Determination of How Federal Section 5316 Funds Were Used Under the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy For Users (SAFETEA-LU) and The Transportation Equity Act For The 21st Century (TEA 21)Completed
NCHRP 20-65/Task 60The National Mobility Management Initiative: State DOTs Connecting Users and Rides for Specialized TransportationCompletedCompleted--NCHRP Report 832 Pre-Publication Draft—Subject to Revision
NCHRP 20-65/Task 61Determine the Degree To Which JARC And New Freedom Activities are Being Continued or Initiated Under Map-21Completed
NCHRP 20-65/Task 62The National Perspective –An Assessment of Section 5310 Program Administration Under MAP-21Completed
NCHRP 20-65/Task 63DOT Oversight of Facility Projects CompletedResearch completed.
NCHRP 20-65/Task 64Health and Human Services (particularly Medicaid) Revenue as MatchCompleted
NCHRP 20-65/Task 65Best Practices for State DOTs to Meet Rural Bus Fleet Replacement and Expansion NeedsCompleted
NCHRP 20-65/Task 66States and Local Use of Administrative Resources Provided by the Federal Transit AdministrationCompleted
NCHRP 20-65/Task 67Multi-Modal Project PlanningCompleted
NCHRP 20-65/Task 68Successful Mobility Management Practices for Improving Transportation Services in Small Urban and Rural Areas Completed
NCHRP 20-65/Task 69Consolidation of Rural Transit SystemsCompleted
NCHRP 20-65/Task 70Cross Modal InvestmentCompleted
NCHRP 20-65/Task 71Transit Network Balance; Efficiency and EquityCompleted
NCHRP 20-65/Task 72Small System Alternative Fuel StrategiesCompleted
NCHRP 20-65/Task 73Best Practices and Marketing to Increase Rural Transit Ridership and Investment Completed
NCHRP 20-65/Task 74Best Practices and Tools for Addressing Transportation Needs and Public Transit Demands to Support the Integration of the Olmstead Population In Community SettingsCompleted
NCHRP 20-65/Task 75Baseline Research on Allowable In-Kind and Local Match SourcesCompleted
NCHRP 20-65/Task 76Opportunities for State DOTs (and Others) to Encourage Shared Use Mobility Practices in Rural Areas Completed
NCHRP 20-65/Task 77Lessons Learned and Impacts to Date of State DOT Implementation of New Federal Transit Asset Management and Public Transportation Agency Safety Requirements Completed
NCHRP 20-65/Task 78 Impact of Decline in Volunteerism on Rural Transit SystemsCompletedCompleted - Final Report posted to the web.
NCHRP 20-65/Task 79Program Management Insights for the 5310 Program (Including Sub-Grantee Consolidation and Urban 5310)CompletedPublished as NCHRP Research Results 403.
NCHRP 20-65/Task 80Capacity Building Options for DOT Transit StaffCompletedCompleted - Final Report posted to the web.
NCHRP 20-65/Task 81Best Practices in Rural Service AssessmentCompletedCompleted - Final Report posted to the web.
NCHRP 20-65/Task 82Issues Associated with Providing Customized, Client-Based Transportation ServicesCompletedCompleted - Final Report posted to the web.
NCHRP 20-65BResearch for the AASHTO Standing Committee on Public TransportationPending
NCHRP 20-66Strategic Plan for Transportation Information ManagementCompleted
NCHRP 20-67Making Transportation Tunnels Safe and SecureCompleted
NCHRP 20-68US Domestic Scan Program -- Business PlanFinalThe Domestic Scan Program has been initiated as a continuing NCHRP activity. Refer to NCHRP 20-68A.
NCHRP 20-68(01)U.S. Domestic Scan Program PilotFinalThe Doestic Scan Program has been initiated as a continuing activity, NCHRP 20-68A.
NCHRP 20-68AUS Domestic Scan Program - Phase 1ActiveCompletion date refers to 3rd phase program, NCHRP Project 20-68D. All scans are listed on this page.
NCHRP 20-68A(02)US Domestic Scan Program - Phase 2Final
NCHRP 20-68BAccelerating the Rate of Innovation Among State DOTsFinal
NCHRP 20-68B(01)Accelerating the Rate of Innovation Among State DOTs—Tracing Domestic Scan ImpactsFinalThe initial project budget and time were extended to enable tracing of impact for additional scans.
NCHRP 20-68CResearch on Innovation Networks--Domestic ScansFinal
NCHRP 20-68DU.S. Domestic Scan Program (Phase 3)ActivePhase 3 of the program is planned for 6 years, subject to continued availability of funds and satisfactory performance.
NCHRP 20-68EPlanning and Executing the NCHRP U.S. Domestic Scan ProgramPending
NCHRP 20-69Guidance for Transportation Project ManagementCompleted
NCHRP 20-70Transportation Research Thesaurus ImprovementsCompleted
NCHRP 20-71Effective Experimental Design and Data Analysis in Transportation ResearchFinal
NCHRP 20-72Tools to Aid State DOTs in Responding to Workforce ChallengesFinalNCHRP supported additional work to develop a prototype web-based implementation of the toolbox.
NCHRP 20-73Accelerating Transportation Program and Project Delivery: Conception to CompletionCompleted
NCHRP 20-74Developing an Asset-Management Framework for the Interstate Highway SystemCompleted
NCHRP 20-74ADevelopment of Service Levels for the Interstate Highway SystemCompleted
NCHRP 20-75Implementing Transportation Knowledge NetworksCompletedProject completed
NCHRP 20-76Guidelines for Conducting a Disparity and Availability Study for the Federal Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program. CompletedCompleted - final report can be purchased or downloaded at the link below.
NCHRP 20-77Transportation Operations Training FrameworkFinal
NCHRP 20-78Communicating the Value of ResearchCompleted
NCHRP 20-79Expansion of the Transportation Research ThesaurusCompletedThe project has been completed and the thesaurus has been updated with AASHTO definitions.
NCHRP 20-81Guide to Implementing Strategies to Attract and Retain a Capable Transportation Workforce Completed
NCHRP 20-82Next Generation Transportation Pooled Fund (TPF) WebsiteCompleted
NCHRP 20-83Long-Range Strategic Issues Facing the Transportation IndustryActiveFor more information, see each individual project in this series.
NCHRP 20-83(01)Economic Changes Driving Future Freight TransportationFinalPublished as NCHRP Report 750: Volume 1
NCHRP 20-83(02)Expediting Future Technologies for Enhancing Transportation System PerformanceFinal
NCHRP 20-83(03)Long-Range Strategic Issues Affecting Preservation, Maintenance, and Renewal of Highway InfrastructureCompleted
NCHRP 20-83(03)ALong-Range Strategic Issues Affecting Preservation, Maintenance, and Renewal of Highway InfrastructureCompleted
NCHRP 20-83(04)Preparing State Transportation Agencies for an Uncertain Energy FutureFinal
NCHRP 20-83(05)Climate Change and the Highway System: Impacts and Adaptation ApproachesCompletedThe final project deliverables are available as NCHRP Report 750, Volume 2.
NCHRP 20-83(06)Effects of Socio-Demographics on Travel DemandCompleted
NCHRP 20-83(07)Sustainability as an Organizing Principle for Transportation AgenciesFinal
NCHRP 20-83ALong-Range Strategic Issues Facing the Transportation Industry: December 2010 Workshop ReportFinal
NCHRP 20-83BCommunicating the Results of NCHRP Strategic Transportation Issues ResearchActive
NCHRP 20-84Improved Right-of-Way Procedures and Business PracticesCompletedCompleted. Published as NCHRP Report 771 with CRP-CD 154
NCHRP 20-85Renewable Energy Guide for Highway Maintenance FacilitiesCompletedThe Renewable Energy Guide is available as NCHRP Report 751.
NCHRP 20-86Attracting, Recruiting, and Retaining Skilled Staff for Transportation System Operations and ManagementCompleted
NCHRP 20-89Intellectual Property Management Guide for State Departments of TransportationFinal
NCHRP 20-90Improving Management of Transportation InformationFinal
NCHRP 20-92Improving Access to International Transportation Research InformationCompleted
NCHRP 20-93Development of a Guide for Transportation Technology TransferFinal
NCHRP 20-94Development of a Formalized Process for the Adoption, Development, Maintenance, and Enhancement of TransXML SchemasCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 20-95Identifying Successful Practices in the FHWA Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) ProgramCompletedProject cancelled; Resumed at NCHRP Project 20-95A
NCHRP 20-95ACompendium of Successful Practices, Strategies, and Resources in the FHWA Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) ProgramFinalPubished as NCHRP Report 913
NCHRP 20-96Leadership Guide for Strategic Information Management for State Departments of TransportationFinal
NCHRP 20-97Improving Findability and Relevance of Transportation InformationFinalNCHRP Projects 20-97 and 20-97A are included here.
NCHRP 20-98A Guide to Agency-Wide Knowledge Management for State Departments of TransportationFinal
NCHRP 20-99Completed
NCHRP 21-03Instrumentation for Measuring Scour at Bridge Piers and AbutmentsCompleted
NCHRP 21-04Sealing Geotechnical Exploratory Holes to Protect the Subsurface EnvironmentCompleted
NCHRP 21-05Determination of Unknown Subsurface Bridge FoundationsCompleted
NCHRP 21-05(2)Unknown Subsurface Bridge Foundation TestingCompleted
NCHRP 21-06Corrosion in the Soil Environment: Soil Resistivity and pH MeasurementsCompleted
NCHRP 21-07Development of Portable Scour Monitoring EquipmentCompletedNCHRP Report 515 Portable Scour Monitoring Equipment
NCHRP 21-08Assessment of Innovative Load Testing of Deep FoundationsCompletedNCHRP Web-Only Document 84 Innovative Load Testing Systems
NCHRP 21-09Intelligent Soil Compaction SystemsCompletedNCHRP Report 676 Intelligent Soil Compaction Systems
NCHRP 21-10Manual on Subsurface Investigations -- UpdateFinalThe Final Report is available as NCHRP Web-Only Document 258
NCHRP 21-11Improved Test Methods and Practices for Characterizing Steel Corrosion Potential of Earthen MaterialsCompleted
NCHRP 22-05Develop Performance Standards and Hardware for Low Service Level Guardrail SystemsCompleted
NCHRP 22-05AWarrants for the Installation of Low Service Level Guardrail SystemsCompleted
NCHRP 22-06Roadside Safety Design for Small VehiclesCompleted
NCHRP 22-07Update of "Recommended Procedures for Safety Performance Evaluation of Highway Appurtenances"Completed
NCHRP 22-08Evaluation of Performance Level Selection Criteria for Bridge RailingsCompleted
NCHRP 22-09Improved Procedures for Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Roadside Safety FeaturesCompleted
NCHRP 22-10Updated Materials for a Traffic Barrier/Small Sign Support Hardware GuideCompleted
NCHRP 22-11Evaluation of Roadside Features to Accommodate Vans, Mini-Vans, Pickup Trucks, & 4-Wheel Drive VehiclesCompleted
NCHRP 22-12Guidelines for the Selection, Installation, and Maintenance of Highway-Safety FeaturesCompleted
NCHRP 22-12(02)Selection Criteria and Guidelines for Highway Safety FeaturesCompleted
NCHRP 22-12(03)Recommended Guidelines for the Selection of Test Levels 2 Through 5 Bridge RailsCompleted
NCHRP 22-13Performance of Roadside BarriersCompleted
NCHRP 22-13(2)Expansion and Analysis of In-Service Barrier Performance Data and Planning for Establishment of a DatabaseCompleted
NCHRP 22-14Improvement of the Procedures for the Safety-Performance Evaluation of Roadside FeaturesCompleted
NCHRP 22-14(02)Improved Procedures for Safety-Performance Evaluation of Roadside FeaturesCompleted
NCHRP 22-14(03)Evaluation of Existing Roadside Safety Hardware Using Updated CriteriaCompleted
NCHRP 22-14(04)Testing of Cable Median Barrier in a Narrow DitchCompleted
NCHRP 22-15Improving the Compatibility of Vehicles and Roadside Safety HardwareCompleted
NCHRP 22-16Development of an Improved Roadside Barrier SystemCompleted
NCHRP 22-17Recommended Guidelines for Curbs and Curb-Barrier CombinationsCompleted
NCHRP 22-18Crashworthy Work-Zone Traffic Control DevicesCompleted
NCHRP 22-19Aesthetic Concrete Barrier and Bridge Rail DesignsCompleted
NCHRP 22-20Design of Roadside Barrier Systems Placed on MSE Retaining WallsCompleted
NCHRP 22-20(02)Design Guidelines for TL-3 through TL-5 Roadside Barrier Systems Placed on Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) Retaining WallsFinal
NCHRP 22-21Median Cross-Section Design for Rural Divided HighwaysFinal
NCHRP 22-22Placement of Traffic Barriers on Roadside and Median SlopesFinal
NCHRP 22-22(02)Effectiveness of Traffic Barriers on Non-Level TerrainFinal
NCHRP 22-23Criteria for Restoration of Longitudinal BarriersCompleted
NCHRP 22-24Guidelines for Verification and Validation of Crash Simulations Used in Roadside Safety ApplicationsCompleted
NCHRP 22-25Development of Guidance for the Selection, Use, and Maintenance of Cable Barrier SystemsCompleted
NCHRP 22-26Factors Related to Serious Injury and Fatal Motorcycle Crashes with Traffic BarriersFinal
NCHRP 22-27Roadside Safety Analysis Program (RSAP) UpdateFinal
NCHRP 22-28Criteria for Restoration of Longitudinal Barriers, Phase IIFinal
NCHRP 22-29Performance of Longitudinal Barriers on Curved, Superelevated Roadway SectionsCompletedThe project was terminated due to the departure of several key staff.
NCHRP 22-29AEvaluating the Performance of Longitudinal Barriers on Curved, Superelevated Roadway SectionsCompleted
NCHRP 22-29BEvaluating the Performance of Longitudinal Barriers on Curved, Superelevated Off-RampsCompletedPublication decision pending.
NCHRP 22-30In-Service Performance Evaluation of W-beam End TerminalsCompletedCompleted - published as TRB Special Report 323
NCHRP 22-31Recommended Guidelines for the Selection and Placement of Test Levels 2 through 5 Median BarriersFinalPublished as NCHRP Research Report 996.
NCHRP 22-32Development of Methods to Evaluate Side Impacts for Next Edition MASHCompleted
NCHRP 22-32ADevelopment of Methods to Evaluate Side Impacts – Phase IIActive
NCHRP 22-33Multi-State In-Service Performance Evaluations of Roadside Safety HardwareFinal
NCHRP 22-34Determination of Zone of Intrusion Envelopes under MASH Impact Conditions for Barrier AttachmentsFinalResearch is complete. Final Report is published as NCHRP Report 1018
NCHRP 22-35Evaluation of Bridge Rail Systems to Confirm AASHTO MASH ComplianceFinalPublished as NCHRP Research Report 1024
NCHRP 22-36Synthesis of the Performance of Portable Concrete Barrier SystemsFinal
NCHRP 22-36(01)A Guideline for Connection Details Between Portable Concrete Barrier SegmentsFinalNCHRP canceled this project and reallocated project funds to NCHRP Program
NCHRP 22-37Development of a MASH Barrier to Shield Pedestrians, Bicyclists, and Other Vulnerable Users from Motor VehiclesFinal
NCHRP 22-38Development of MASH TL-3 Deflection Reduction Guidance for 31-inch GuardrailFinal
NCHRP 22-39Guardrail Performance at Various Offsets from Curb MASH TL-3 ApplicationsFinal
NCHRP 22-40Investigation of Material Requirements for Highway Guardrail SpecificationsCompletedResearch is complete. Final report under review.
NCHRP 22-41Proposed Modification to AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, Section 13—RailingFinalPublished as NCHRP Research Report 1109
NCHRP 22-42AImpact Performance Assessment of Barrier Performance at High SpeedsActive
NCHRP 22-43Proposed AASHTO Guidelines for Implementation of MASH for Sign Supports, Breakaway Poles, and Work Zone Traffic Control DevicesActiveNCHRP Projects 22-43 and 17-105 are combined. NCHRP Project 22-43 is completed, and research is underway for NCHRP Project 17-105.
NCHRP 22-44A Transportation Agency Data Collection Practice for Use with In-Service Performance Evaluations (ISPEs)Final
NCHRP 22-45Informing the Selection of Countermeasures by Evaluating, Analyzing, and Diagnosing Contributing Factors that Lead to Crashes FinalResearch completed
NCHRP 22-46Human Factors Guidelines for Road Systems, Proposed 4th EditionCompleted
NCHRP 22-47AIncorporating Driver Behavior and Characteristics into Safety Prediction MethodsActiveResearch in progress
NCHRP 22-48Development of Crash Prediction Models for Short-Term DurationsFinalResearch is complete. Published as NCHRP research Report 1073
NCHRP 22-49The Effect of Vehicle Mix on Crash Frequency and Crash SeverityFinalResearch is complete. Final report and guide published as NCHRP Research Report 1103 and NCHRP WOD 393, respectively
NCHRP 22-50Crashworthiness of Roadside Hardware on Curbed RoadwaysActive
NCHRP 22-51Impact of Soil Stiffness on the Performance of Crash Testing and Roadside SafetyActiveResearch in Progress
NCHRP 22-52Development of a Crashworthy Tangent End Treatment for Low-Speed and Curbed RoadwaysActive
NCHRP 22-53Delineation of Linear Roadside Hardware Systems and Roadside ObstaclesActive
NCHRP 22-54MASH Hardware Evaluation with New Proposed Test VehiclesActive
NCHRP 22-55Implementation of MASH Surrogate Test Vehicles for Sign Supports, Breakaway Poles, and Work Zone Traffic Control DevicesActive
NCHRP 22-56Development of Non-proprietary Prefabricated Solutions for Concrete Barrier Systems for Accelerated Bridge ConstructionActiveResearch In Progress
NCHRP 22-57Procedures for Development of MASH Full-Scale Test Matrices for Additional Roadside Safety DevicesActive
NCHRP 22-58National In-Service Performance Evaluation Guidelines for Defining Acceptable Roadside Safety HardwareActive
NCHRP 22-59Safety Risks of Occupant Compartment Damage During CrashesActiveResearch in progress
NCHRP 22-60Guidelines for Crash Testing Roadside Safety Hardware for MotorcyclesActive
NCHRP 22-61Crashworthiness of Roadside Hardware Impacted by Battery Electric VehiclesActive
NCHRP 22-62Tool for Estimating the Deflection of Temporary Traffic Barriers with Reduced Impact AnglesActive
NCHRP 22-63Verification and Validation Guidelines to Use Simulation as a Alternative to Full-scale Crash TestingActiveResearch in progress
NCHRP 22-64Method for Using ISPEs in Crash-Testing ProtocolsPending
NCHRP 22-65Examination of Current U.S. and EU Crash Test Evaluation Criteria for Sign and Luminaire Support Structures and Work Zone DevicesPending
NCHRP 22-66Determining Critical Impact Points and Angles for Assessing Roadside Safety HardwarePending
NCHRP 22-67Investigation and Validation of V-Ditch Traversability Related to Crash Testing Cable Barrier Systems Pending
NCHRP 23-01Assessing and Communicating the Economic and Quality of Life Benefits of Transportation Infrastructure InvestmentFinal
NCHRP 23-02Guidelines on Collaboration and Information Security for State DOTsFinal
NCHRP 23-03Guidelines for State Transportation Agency Chief Executive Officers on Cybersecurity Issues and Protection StrategiesFinalFinal deliverables are published as NCHRP WOD 355, Volumes 1 and 2
NCHRP 23-04Statewide Insurance Pooling for Public TransitFinal
NCHRP 23-05Guidance for Training and Certification of Construction Inspectors for Transportation InfrastructureFinal
NCHRP 23-06A Guide to Computation and Use of System Level Valuation of Transportation AssetsFinal
NCHRP 23-07Effective Methods for Setting Transportation Performance TargetsFinal
NCHRP 23-08A Guide for Incorporating Maintenance Costs into a Transportation Asset Management PlanFinal
NCHRP 23-09Scoping Study to Develop the Basis for a Highway Standard to Conduct an All-Hazards Risk and Resilience AnalysisFinal
NCHRP 23-10Evaluation and Synthesis of Connected Vehicle Communication TechnologiesFinal
NCHRP 23-11Transportation Emergency Management and Security Summit and ExchangeActive
NCHRP 23-12Artificial Intelligence Opportunities for State and Local DOTs – A Research RoadmapFinal
NCHRP 23-13Transportation Research Related to COVID-19ActiveIndividual task hyperlinks are available.
NCHRP 23-13(01)Telecommuting, Remote Work, and Hybrid Schedules: Managing the Shift to a Flexible Work Future Final
NCHRP 23-13(02)Employee Safety during COVID-19Final
NCHRP 23-13(03)Guide on Truck Rest and Service Areas for Critical Supply Chain DeliveryPendingContract pending at this time.
NCHRP 23-13(04)Scoping Supply Chain Challenges and Solutions amid COVID-19ActiveResearch is progress.
NCHRP 23-13(05)Regulatory Relief of Commercial Vehicle Weight Requirements for Emergency Transportation of Critical CommoditiesFinal
NCHRP 23-13(06)Assessing the Equity and Workforce Mobility Implications of the Expansion of E-Commerce and Direct-to-Consumer Delivery ServicesCompletedFinal deliverables pending
NCHRP 23-14Research Roadmap for Knowledge ManagementFinal
NCHRP 23-15Guidance on Risks Related to Emerging and Disruptive Transportation TechnologiesCompleted
NCHRP 23-16Implementing and Leveraging Machine Learning at State Departments of TransportationFinal
NCHRP 23-17Assessing and Measuring the Business Value of Knowledge ManagementActive
NCHRP 23-18Incorporating Knowledge Management into DOT Business PracticesFinalThis project has been combined with NCHRP 23-21 and is being conducted as NCHRP 23-17
NCHRP 23-19Practices for Transportation Agency Procurement and Management of Advanced TechnologiesCompletedResearch is complete. Report and guide to be published as WOD 422 and Research Report 1145, respectively.
NCHRP 23-20Guidebook for Implementation of UAS Operational CapabilitiesCompletedThe final deliverables will be published as NCHRP Research Report 1147 and NCHRP Web-Only Document 424
NCHRP 23-21Enabling Knowledge Management through Leadership Strategy and CultureFinalThis project has been combined with NCHRP 23-18 and is being conducted as NCHRP 23-17
NCHRP 23-22Alternative Project Delivery Methods: Assessing and Allocating Risk to Increase CompetitionActive
NCHRP 23-23Data Governance Design and Implementation — Links Between Governance Approaches and Performance Effects in DOTsFinal
NCHRP 23-24Methods to Allow Agencies to Incorporate Quantitative Risk Assessment at Project and Network LevelActiveResearch is progress.
NCHRP 23-25Architecture for an Information System for Reporting and Sharing Truck Regulatory Requirements DataActive
NCHRP 23-26Measuring Impacts and Performance of State DOT Resilience EffortsCompletedResearch is complete. Publication decision is pending.
NCHRP 23-27Strategies for Developing and Using Data Ontologies for Data-Driven Decision-MakingActiveResearch in progress
NCHRP 23-28Planning for 4.9 GHz Spectrum Changes — What Transportation Agencies Need to KnowActiveResearch in progress
NCHRP 23-29Transportation Enterprise Data Warehouse Implementation GuideActiveResearch in progress.
NCHRP 23-30Strategies to Improve Application of Research Results in the Research Life CycleActive
NCHRP 23-31Strategies to Foster Implementation of Knowledge ManagementFinalCancelled. The research will be conducted under NCHRP 23-31A.
NCHRP 23-31AStrategies to Foster the Implementation of Knowledge ManagementActive
NCHRP 23-32Transportation Asset Risk and ResilienceActiveResearch In Progress
NCHRP 23-33Managed Retreat To Address Extreme Weather, Natural Hazards, and Climate ImpactsActiveResearch is progress.
NCHRP 23-34Performance Measures for Community-Centered Transportation Outcomes: A GuideActive
NCHRP 23-35A Guide for Program-Level Risk Management Performance MetricsActiveResearch in progress
NCHRP 23-36Development of a Knowledge Capture Toolkit for State DOTsActive
NCHRP 23-37Integrating Performance Management, Risk Management, and Process Improvement: A GuideActive
NCHRP 23-38Incorporating Risk Management into Roadway Infrastructure Maintenance PracticesActive
NCHRP 23-39A Guide to Developing Construction Inspector Career Path ProgramsActive
NCHRP 23-40Optimizing Maintenance Technician Staffing Levels for Highway Maintenance FleetsActive
NCHRP 23-41Using Emerging and Established Technologies for Asset Management: A GuideActiveResearch in Progress
NCHRP 23-42Identifying Curriculum Needs for Workforce Development in Transportation Asset ManagementPending
NCHRP 23-43Build America Buy America Requirements in Utility Relocations: A Guide for Transportation AgenciesPending
NCHRP 23-44Improving Relationships Between DOTs and Utility CompaniesPending
NCHRP 23-45A Knowledge Management Manual for Transportation AgenciesPending
NCHRP 23-46AI Integration and Workforce Transformation for State DOTsPending
NCHRP 23-47Guidelines for Pavement Preventive Maintenance Inspector TrainingPending
NCHRP 23-48A Guide to Assess, Measure, and Communicate the Public Value of TransportationPending
NCHRP 23-49Anticipatory Knowledge Delivery for Transportation AgenciesPending
NCHRP 24-03Laboratory Evaluation of Piles Installed with Vibratory DriversCompleted
NCHRP 24-04Load Factor Design Criteria for Highway Structure FoundationsCompleted
NCHRP 24-05Downdrag on Bitumen-Coated PilesCompleted
NCHRP 24-06Expert System for Stream Stability and Scour EvaluationCompletedNCHRP Report 426 CAESAR: An Expert System for Evaluation of Scour and Stream Stability
NCHRP 24-07Countermeasures to Protect Bridge Piers from ScourCompleted
NCHRP 24-07(2)Countermeasures to Protect Bridge Piers from ScourCompletedNCHRP Report 593 Countermeasures to Protect Bridge Piers from Scour
NCHRP 24-08Scour at Bridge Foundations: Research NeedsCompleted
NCHRP 24-09Static and Dynamic Lateral Loading of Pile GroupsCompleted
NCHRP 24-10Thermally Sprayed Metallic Coatings to Protect Steel PilingsCompleted
NCHRP 24-11Guidelines for Geofoam Applications in Embankment ProjectsCompletedNCHRP Report 529 Guideline and Recommended Standard for Geofoam Applications in Highway Embankments and Web-Only Document 65 Geofoam Applications in the Design and Construction of Highway Embankments
NCHRP 24-11(02)Guidelines for Geofoam Applications in Slope Stability ProjectsCompletedResearch Results Digest. 380: Guidelines for Geofoam Applications in Slope Stability Projects
NCHRP 24-12Controlled Low-Strength Material For Backfill, Utility Bedding, Void Fill, and Bridge ApproachesCompleted
NCHRP 24-12(01)Controlled Low-Strength Material For Backfill, Utility Bedding, Void Fill, and Bridge ApproachesCompleted
NCHRP 24-13Evaluation of Metal Tensioned Systems in Geotechnical ApplicationsCompleted
NCHRP 24-14Scour at Contracted Bridge SitesCompletedNCHRP Web-Only Document 83 Scour at Contracted Bridges
NCHRP 24-15Complex Pier Scour and Contraction Scour in Cohesive SoilsCompletedNCHRP Report 516 Pier and Contraction Scour in Cohesive Soils
NCHRP 24-15(2)Abutment Scour in Cohesive MaterialsCompletedAn unedited, completed final report for this project has been posted on the web with a link to it in the “Product Availability” section of this page. For more information see the “Status” section of this page.
NCHRP 24-16Methodology for Predicting Channel Migration CompletedNCHRP Report 533 Handbook for Predicting Stream Meander Migration.
NCHRP 24-17LRFD Deep Foundation DesignCompleted
NCHRP 24-18Countermeasures to Protect Bridge Abutments from ScourCompletedTerminated due to PI relocation.
NCHRP 24-18ACountermeasures to Protect Bridge Abutments from ScourCompletedNCHRP Report 587 Countermeasures to Protect Bridge Abutments from Scour.
NCHRP 24-19Environmentally Sensitive Channel- and Bank-Protection MeasuresCompletedNCHRP Report 544 Environmentally Sensitive Channel- and Bank-Protection Measures
NCHRP 24-20Prediction of Scour at Bridge AbutmentsCompletedAn unedited, completed final report for this project has been posted on the web with a link to it in the “Product Availability” section of this page. For more information see the “Status” section of this page.
NCHRP 24-20(02)Evaluation of Abutment-Scour Equations from NCHRP Projects 24-15(2) and 24-20 Using Field DataCompletedCompleted. An uncorrected draft, as submitted by the Contractor, is posted on line with a link in the Product Availability section at the bottom of this page.
NCHRP 24-21LRFD Soil-Nailing Design and Construction SpecificationsCompletedNCHRP Report 701: Proposed LRFD Specifications for Soil Nailing Design and Construction.
NCHRP 24-22Selecting Backfill Materials for MSE Retaining WallsCompletedCompleted. An uncorrected draft, as submitted by the Contractor, will be posted on line with a link in the product availability section at the bottom of this page.
NCHRP 24-23Riprap Design Criteria, Specifications, and Quality ControlCompletedNCHRP Report 568 Riprap Design Criteria, Recommended Specifications, and Quality Control.
NCHRP 24-24Criteria for Selecting Numeric Hydraulic Modeling SoftwareCompletedNCHRP Web-Only Document 106 Criteria for Selecting Hydraulic Models
NCHRP 24-25Guidelines for Risk-Based Management of Bridges with Unknown FoundationsCompletedNCHRP Web-Only Document 107 Risk-Based Management Guidelines for Scour at Bridges with Unknown Foundations
NCHRP 24-26Effects of Debris on Bridge-Pier ScourCompletedNCHRP Report 653: Effects of Debris on Bridge Pier Scour
NCHRP 24-27(01)Evaluation of Bridge Scour Research: Pier Scour Processes and PredictionsCompletedThe project final report is available as NCHRP Web-Only Document 175.
NCHRP 24-27(02)Evaluation of Bridge-Scour Research: Abutment and Contraction Scour Processes and Predictions CompletedThe project final report is available as NCHRP Web-Only Document 181.
NCHRP 24-27(03)Evaluation of Bridge-Scour Research: Geomorphic Processes and PredictionsCompletedThe project final report is available as NCHRP Web-Only Document 177.
NCHRP 24-28LRFD Metal Loss and Service-Life Strength Reduction Factors for Metal-Reinforced Systems in Geotechnical ApplicationsCompletedThe project final report is available as NCHRP Report 675.
NCHRP 24-29Scour at Bridge Foundations on RockCompletedNCHRP Report 717: Scour at Bridge Foundations on Rock
NCHRP 24-30Design Guidelines for Increasing the Lateral Resistance of Highway Bridge Pile Foundations by Improving Weak SoilsFinal
NCHRP 24-31LRFD Design and Construction of Shallow Foundations for Highway Bridge Structures Final
NCHRP 24-32Scour at Wide Piers and Long Skewed PiersCompleted
NCHRP 24-33Development of Design Methods for In-Stream Flow Control StructuresFinalCompleted. Published as NCHRP Report 795.
NCHRP 24-34Risk-Based Approach for Bridge Scour PredictionFinal
NCHRP 24-35Guidelines for Certification and Management of Flexible Rockfall Protection SystemsCompletedCompleted. Published as NCHRP Report 823
NCHRP 24-36Scour at the Base of Retaining Walls and Other Longitudinal StructuresFinal
NCHRP 24-37Combining Individual Scour Components to Determine Total ScourFinalFinal Research Report is available online as NCHRP Web-Only Document 249
NCHRP 24-38Development of Bridge Foundation Movement Criteria-- Phase I FinalNCHRP terminated the awarded contract; The remaining work is completed under NCHRP Project 12-103
NCHRP 24-39Evaluation and Assessment of Environmentally Sensitive Stream Bank Protection MeasuresCompletedCompleted. Published as NCHRP Report 822.
NCHRP 24-40Design Hydrology for Stream Restoration and Channel Stability at Stream CrossingsFinal
NCHRP 24-41Defining the Boundary Conditions for Composite Behavior of Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil (GRS) StructuresFinalNCHRP Web-Only Document 260 is now available.
NCHRP 24-42Underwater Installation of Filters Systems for Scour and Other Erosion Control CountermeasuresFinalThe final report will be published in August 2018
NCHRP 24-43Relationship Between Erodibility and Properties of SoilsFinalNCHRP Report 915 is now available.
NCHRP 24-44Guidelines for Managing Geotechnical Risks in Design-Build ProjectsFinal
NCHRP 24-45Evaluating Mechanical Properties of Earth Material During Intelligent CompactionFinalNCHRP Report 933 is now available.
NCHRP 24-46Development of an Implementation Manual for Geotechnical Asset Management for Transportation AgenciesFinalNCHRP Research Report 903 Volumes 1 and 2 available.
NCHRP 24-47Revised Clear-Water and Live-Bed Contraction Scour AnalysisFinalResearch is complete. Published as Research Report NCHRP 971 and WOD 294 Training Manual.
NCHRP 24-48Develop a Formula for Determining Scour Depth around Structures in Gravel-bed RiversFinalFinal report published as NCHRP Research Report 1031.
NCHRP 24-49Guidelines for Selection and Application of Manning’s Roughness Values in Two-Dimensional Hydraulic ModelsFinalThe Final Report is published as NCHRP Research Report 1077
NCHRP 24-50Rewrite of the AASHTO Drainage ManualFinal
NCHRP 24-51Effects of Construction Installation Methods on the Design and Performance of Drilled Shaft FoundationsActiveResearch in progress.
NCHRP 24-52Guidelines for Resilient Erosion- and Sediment-Control PracticesActiveResearch in progress
NCHRP 25-02Predicting Stop-and-Go Traffic Noise LevelsCompleted
NCHRP 25-03Guidelines for the Development of Wetland Replacement AreasCompleted
NCHRP 25-04Determining Economic Impacts on Adjacent Businesses Due to Restricting Left TurnsCompleted
NCHRP 25-05Remote Sensing and Other Technologies for the Identification and Classification of WetlandsCompleted
NCHRP 25-06Intersection Air Quality ModelingCompleted
NCHRP 25-07Improving Transportation Data for Mobile Source Emissions EstimatesCompleted
NCHRP 25-08Impact of Highway Capacity Improvements on Air Quality and Energy ConsumptionCompleted
NCHRP 25-09Environmental Impact of Construction and Repair Materials on Surface and Ground WatersCompleted
NCHRP 25-09(01)Environmental Impact of Construction and Repair Materials on Surface and Ground Waters -- Outreach and TrainingCompleted
NCHRP 25-10Estimating the Indirect Effects of Proposed Transportation ProjectsCompleted
NCHRP 25-10(2)Desk Reference for Estimating the Indirect Effects of Proposed Transportation ProjectsCompleted
NCHRP 25-11Development of a Modal-Emissions ModelCompleted
NCHRP 25-12Wet Detention Pond Design for Highway Runoff Pollution ControlCompletedReport not published.
NCHRP 25-13 and 25-13(2)Assessments of Impacts of Bridge Deck Runoff Contaminants on Receiving WatersCompleted
NCHRP 25-14Heavy-Duty Vehicle EmissionsCompleted
NCHRP 25-15Short-Term Monitoring for Compliance with Air Quality StandardsFinalCompleted and published as NCHRP Report 479
NCHRP 25-16Guidance for Selecting Compensatory Wetland Mitigation OptionsCompleted
NCHRP 25-17Transportation Effects of the 1997 Changes to the National Ambient Air Quality Standards FinalCompleted --- Agency report available on request
NCHRP 25-18Particulate-Matter (PM2.5 and PM10) Apportionment for On-Road Mobile SourcesFinal
NCHRP 25-19Evaluation of Methods, Tools, and Techniques to Assess the Social and Economic Effects of Transportation ProjectsCompleted
NCHRP 25-20Management of Runoff from Surface Transportation Facilities--Synthesis and Research PlanCompleted
NCHRP 25-20(01)Evaluation of Best Management Practices for Highway Runoff ControlCompleted
NCHRP 25-20(02)Identification of Research Needs Related to Highway Runoff ManagementCompleted
NCHRP 25-21Predicting Short-Term and Long-Term Air Quality Effects of Traffic-Flow Improvement ProjectsFinal
NCHRP 25-22Technologies to Improve Consideration of Environmental Concerns in Transportation DecisionsCompletedReport available as CRP-CD-14
NCHRP 25-22(02)Technologies to Improve Consideration of Environmental Concerns in Transportation DecisionsFinal
NCHRP 25-23Environmental Information Management and Decision Support System for TransportationCompleted
NCHRP 25-23(2)Software for an Environmental Information Management and Decision Support SystemCompleted
NCHRP 25-24Monitoring, Analyzing, and Reporting on the Environmental Streamlining Pilot ProjectsFinal
NCHRP 25-25Research for the AASHTO Committee on Environment and SustainabilityFinal
NCHRP 25-25/Task 001Synthesis on Data Needs for EA and EIS DocumentationCompleted
NCHRP 25-25/Task 002Transportation Impacts and 'Smart Growth' InitiativesCompleted
NCHRP 25-25/Task 003Assessment and Mitigation Strategies for Land Development Impacts of Transportation ImprovementsCompleted
NCHRP 25-25/Task 004Environmental Stewardship Practices, Policies, and Procedures for Road Construction and Maintenance Completed
NCHRP 25-25/Task 005Assessing the Current State of the NEPA Environmental Review ProcessCompleted
NCHRP 25-25/Task 006Preparing State DOTs for Implementation of the 8-hour Ozone and PM2.5 StandardsCompleted
NCHRP 25-25/Task 007Evaluation of Mobile Models: MOBILE 6.1, MOBILE 6.2 and MOBILE6/CNGCompleted
NCHRP 25-25/Task 008Developing Performance Data Collection Protocol for Stream RestorationCompleted
NCHRP 25-25/Task 009Use of Existing Data in Decision MakingCompletedCancelled
NCHRP 25-25/Task 010Alternative Mitigation Strategies/Early Mitigation: Streamlining and Achieving Net Benefits for the Natural EnvironmentCompleted
NCHRP 25-25/Task 011Secondary/Indirect and Cumulative Effects AnalysisCompleted
NCHRP 25-25/Task 012Design-Build Environmental Compliance Process and Level of Detail RequiredCompleted
NCHRP 25-25/Task 013Agency Use and Approach to FHWA Approved Programmatic AgreementsCompleted
NCHRP 25-25/Task 014A Summary of Existing Research on Dam Removal ProjectsCompleted
NCHRP 25-25/Task 015Historic BridgesCompleted
NCHRP 25-25/Task 016State Transportation Agency Strategies to Address NPDES Phase II RequirementsCompleted
NCHRP 25-25/Task 017Assessment of Greenhouse Gas Analysis Techniques for Transportation ProjectsCompleted
NCHRP 25-25/Task 018Recommended Approaches to Communicating Air Toxics Issues and Transportation Project-Related Analyses in NEPA DocumentsCompleted
NCHRP 25-25/Task 019Historic Bridge Rehabilitation / Replacement Decision MakingCompleted
NCHRP 25-25/Task 020The Role of State DOTs in Support of Transit Oriented Development (TOD)Completed
NCHRP 25-25/Task 021Assessment of Geophysical Remote Sensing Opportunities at State Departments of Transportation for Incorporation into Archaeological InvestigationsCompleted
NCHRP 25-25/Task 022Land Use Forecasting for Indirect Impacts AnalysisCompleted
NCHRP 25-25/Task 023Environmental performance measurements related to transportation project planning, design, construction, maintenance and operationsCompleted
NCHRP 25-25/Task 024Climate Change and U.S. TransportationCompleted
NCHRP 25-25/Task 025Modification and Amendment of Environmental Permits on Design-Build ProjectsCompleted
NCHRP 25-25/Task 026Integration of Charrette Processes into Project PlanningFinalCancelled
NCHRP 25-25/Task 027Project Management and NEPACompletedCompleted
NCHRP 25-25/Task 028Reevaluations of NEPA documentsCompleted
NCHRP 25-25/Task 029Best Practices Library from the Environmental Stewardship Practices in Construction and Maintenance CompendiumCompleted
NCHRP 25-25/Task 030Section 404 Permitting and Roadside Ditches as Jurisdictional WatersCompletedCancelled
NCHRP 25-25/Task 031Cost Effective Tools for Achieving PM 2.5 Transportation Air Quality ConformityCompletedCancelled
NCHRP 25-25/Task 032Linking Environmental Resource and Transportation Planning – The Current State of PracticeFinalThis project is completed and results are available at the links below.
NCHRP 25-25/Task 033National Register of Historic Places EligibilityCompleted
NCHRP 25-25/Task 034Streamlined Carbon Monoxide Hot Spot Screening / Modeling ToolCompletedCancelled
NCHRP 25-25/Task 035Water Quality Analyses for NEPA Documents: Selecting Appropriate MethodologiesCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 25-25/Task 036Recurring Community ImpactsFinalThe final report has been submitted to AASHTO
NCHRP 25-25/Task 037Effective Organizational Structures and Management Practices for Achieving Environmental Stewardship in Transportation AgenciesFinalFinal Report sent to AASHTO.
NCHRP 25-25/Task 038Guide to Use of Tier I Environmental Impact Statements for Transportation ProjectsCompletedThe draft final report has been accepted and distributed to AASHTO.
NCHRP 25-25/Task 039Improving Project Environmental Cost EstimatesFinalThe project is completed and the final report has been submitted to AASHTO.
NCHRP 25-25/Task 040New Noise Barrier Products & Noise Barrier Approval Research & GuidelinesCompletedCompleted.
NCHRP 25-25/Task 041Implementation of Community & Cultural Resource CommitmentsFinalThis project is completed and the final report has been submitted to AASHTO.
NCHRP 25-25/Task 042Determine alternative calculations for fine particulate emission factors other than AP-42 applicable to calculate re-entrained dust on transportation projectsFinalThe project has been completed and the final report submitted to AASHTO
NCHRP 25-25/Task 043Guidance on legal sufficiency criteria for adequate cumulative and secondary impacts analysis in EIS documentsFinalThe project has been completed and the final report submitted to AASHTO
NCHRP 25-25/Task 044Development and Implementation of a Transportation and Climate Change ClearinghouseFinalThe clearinhouse has been completed and transferred to the U.S. DOT.
NCHRP 25-25/Task 045Transportation Program Responses to Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Reduction Initiatives and Energy Reduction ProgramsFinalThe project has been completed and the final report submitted to AASHTO
NCHRP 25-25/Task 046Compendium of Best Practices for Environmental Compliance and Stewardship at Transportation Maintenance FacilitiesFinalThe project has been completed and the final report submitted to AASHTO
NCHRP 25-25/Task 047Compendium of Best Practices for Incorporating Environmental Commitments into Transportation Project Construction Contract DocumentsFinalThe project has been completed and the final report submitted to AASHTO.
NCHRP 25-25/Task 048Compendium of Environmental Fieldwork Technologies FinalThe project has been completed and the final report submitted to AASHTO
NCHRP 25-25/Task 049Effective Practices for Considering Historic Preservation in Transportation Planning and Early Project DevelopmentFinalCompleted and final report sent to AASHTO SCOE.
NCHRP 25-25/Task 050Finding the Carrot Instead of the Stick - Incentive-based Approaches for Environmental Compliance FinalThe project has been completed and the final report submitted to AASHTO
NCHRP 25-25/Task 051Asset Management of Environmental Mitigation FeaturesFinalThe project has been completed and the final report submitted to AASHTO.
NCHRP 25-25/Task 052Informational Requirements for Jurisdictional Determinations to be Issued by the Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) Under the Clean Water Act (CWA) FinalThe project has been completed and the final report submitted to AASHTO.
NCHRP 25-25/Task 053Stormwater Treatment with Vegetated BuffersFinalThe project has been completed and the final report submitted to AASHTO.
NCHRP 25-25/Task 054Evaluate Colorado's Area-wide Cumulative Effects Assessment (ACEA) Methodology as a Mechanism for Cumulative Impacts Analysis of Regional Transportation PlansFinalThe project has been completed and the final report submitted to AASHTO.
NCHRP 25-25/Task 055Design, Organize and Implement a Training Program for Mainstreaming Environmental Stewardship and Enhancement Activities into Planning and Project DevelopmentFinalThe project has been completed and the final report submitted to AASHTO.
NCHRP 25-25/Task 056Cost and Benefit of Transportation Specific MS4 and Construction PermittingFinalFinal report submitted to AASHTO SCOE
NCHRP 25-25/Task 057Integrated State and Local Government Policy Approaches to Transportation and ClimateFinalCompleted - Final Report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 25-25/Task 058Methods to Address Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Transportation Construction/Maintenance/Operations ActivitiesFinalCompleted and submitted to AASHTO SCOE
NCHRP 25-25/Task 059Evaluate the Interactions between Transportation-Related Particulate Matter, Ozone, Air Toxics, Climate Change, and Other Air Pollutant Control StrategiesFinalFinal Report submitted to AASHTO SCOE.
NCHRP 25-25/Task 060Increased Use of Environmentally Preferable, Non-Toxic Products to Reduce Costs, Liabilities, and Pollution at DOT Offices, Maintenance Facilities and Rest StopsFinalFinal Report submitted to AASHTO.
NCHRP 25-25/Task 061Best Practices for Establishing and Maintaining Statewide Cultural Resource Databases at State DOTsFinalFinal Report submitted to AASHTO SCOE
NCHRP 25-25/Task 062Improving the Effectiveness of Outreach to Traditional and Non-Traditional Groups by Integrating the Expertise of Existing and Emerging Citizen Coalitions into Transportation Analysis and Decision MakingFinalFinal Report submitted to AASHTO SCOE
NCHRP 25-25/Task 063Transportation Corridor Environmental Management FrameworkFinalThe project has been completed and the final report submitted to AASHTO
NCHRP 25-25/Task 064Feasibility Study of Using Solar or Wind Power for Transportation InfrastructureFinalCompleted. Final Report Submitted to AASHTO SCOE.
NCHRP 25-25/Task 065Synthesis of Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventory Methodologies for State Transportation DepartmentsFinalCompleted. Final report submitted to AASHTO.
NCHRP 25-25/Task 066Best Practices and Lessons Learned on the Preservation and Rehabilitation of Historic BridgesCompletedFinal report delivered to AASHTO SCOE
NCHRP 25-25/Task 067Optimizing Conservation and Improving Mitigation Cost/BenefitFinalCompleted. Final Report submitted to AASHTO SCOE
NCHRP 25-25/Task 068Implementing Measures to Reduce Highway Impacts on Habitat FragmentationFinalCompleted and Final report submmited to AASHTO SCOE
NCHRP 25-25/Task 069Identification of Tools and Techniques to Define Community Context as Part of the Transportation Project Planning and Development ProcessCompletedFinal Report submitted to AASHTO SCOE
NCHRP 25-25/Task 070Assessment of Quantitative Mobile Source Air Toxics in Environmental DocumentsCompletedCompleted and report submitted to AASHTO SCOE
NCHRP 25-25/Task 071Templates for Project-Level Analyses Using MOVES and AERMODCompletedCompleted and report submitted to AASHTO SCOE
NCHRP 25-25/Task 072Current Practices to Address Construction Vibration and Potential Effects to Historic Buildings Adjacent to Transportation ProjectsCompletedCompleted and report submitted to AASHTO SCOE
NCHRP 25-25/Task 073Improved Environmental Performance of Highway MaintenanceCompletedCompleted and final report submitted to AASHTO SCOE
NCHRP 25-25/Task 074Meeting the New EPA Effluent Limitations Guideline for Construction Site Discharge Turbidity: Effectiveness of Different Turbidity Control Systems and Monitoring MethodsCompletedCompleted and submitted to AASHTO SCOE
NCHRP 25-25/Task 075Nationwide Evaluation of Transfer of Compensatory Wetland Creation Sites for Transportation Projects to Private Conservation Organizations or Government Conservation AgenciesCompletedCompleted. Report Submitted to AASHTO SCOE
NCHRP 25-25/Task 076Synthesis of Climate Change and Transportation Research Efforts at State DOTs, State Universities, and the Federal LevelFinalCompleted. Final Report submitted to AASHTO SCOE.
NCHRP 25-25/Task 077Strategic Options of Inventorying and Updating Environmental Guidance and LinksCompletedCompleted and final report submitted to AASHTO SCOE
NCHRP 25-25/Task 078Programmatic Agreements for Project-Level AirQuality Analyses Using MOVES, CAL3QHC/R and AERMODCompletedCompleted--final deliverables available for AASHTO use
NCHRP 25-25/Task 079Successful Practices for Effective Tribal ConsultationCompletedCompleted and report submitted to AASHTO SCOE
NCHRP 25-25/Task 080Potential Use of Social Media Impact in the NEPA ProcessCompletedReport completed and submitted to AASHTO SCOE
NCHRP 25-25/Task 081Federal Compliance for Projects Utilizing Alternative Funding StrategiesCompletedCompleted and report submitted to AASHTO SCOE
NCHRP 25-25/Task 082Permeable Shoulders with Stone ReservoirsCompletedCompleted and report submitted to AASHTO SCOE
NCHRP 25-25/Task 083Current Practice of Post- Construction Structural Stormwater ControlCompletedCompleted and final report submitted to AASHTO SCOE
NCHRP 25-25/Task 084Development of Construction Guidelines for Wildlife Fencing and Associated Escape and Lateral Access Control MeasuresCompletedFinal deliverable available for AASHTO use
NCHRP 25-25/Task 085Nutrient (Nitrogen/Phosphorous) Management and Source ControlCompletedFinal deliverables available for AASHTO use
NCHRP 25-25/Task 086Toxicological Effects of Chloride Based Deicers in the Natural EnvironmentCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 25-25/Task 087Coordination of Section 106 and Long Range Transportation PlanningCompletedFinal deliverables available for AASHTO use
NCHRP 25-25/Task 088Giving Away the Bridge: A National Synthesis of on Transferring Ownership of Historic BridgesCompletedFinal deliverables available for AASHTO use
NCHRP 25-25/Task 089Establishing Representative Background Concentrations for Quantitative Hot-spot Analyses for Particulate MatterCompletedFinal deliverables available for AASHTO use
NCHRP 25-25/Task 090Application of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for Historic PropertiesFinal
NCHRP 25-25/Task 091Synthesis of Transportation Exclusions to Section 106 ReviewCompletedFinal deliverables available for AASHTO use
NCHRP 25-25/Task 092Transferability of Post-Construction Stormwater Quality BMP Effectiveness StudiesCompletedCompleted--Final deliverables available for AASHTO use
NCHRP 25-25/Task 093Long-Term Construction and Maintenance Cost Comparison for Road Stream Crossing Hydraulic Design vs. Bankfull Width DesignFinal
NCHRP 25-25/Task 094Integrating Climate Change and Extreme Weather Into Transportation Asset Management PlansFinal
NCHRP 25-25/Task 095SCOE Strategic Plan and Research Plan for SCOE Areas of InterestCompletedCompleted--Final deliverable available for AASHTO use
NCHRP 25-25/Task 096Quick Reference Guide for Traffic Modelers for Generating Traffic and Activity Data for Project-Level Air Quality AnalysesFinal
NCHRP 25-25/Task 097Historic Roads: A Synthesis of Identification and Evaluation Practices Final
NCHRP 25-25/Task 098Practical Guide for Developing Effective Scopes of Work for the Geophysical Investigation of Cemeteries Final
NCHRP 25-25/Task 099Lessons Learned from State DOT NEPA AssumptionFinal
NCHRP 25-25/Task 100Compilation of Existing Data on Northern Long-Eared and Other Cave-Dwelling Bat Habitat and the Roadside EnvironmentFinalProject cancelled
NCHRP 25-25/Task 101Stormwater Monitoring Program Goals, Objectives and Protocols for State Departments of TransportationFinal
NCHRP 25-25/Task 102Artificial Bat Roost Mitigation Designs and Standardized Monitoring CriteriaFinal
NCHRP 25-25/Task 103Administration of Categorical Exclusions by State Departments of Transportation under NEPAFinal
NCHRP 25-25/Task 104Streamlining Carbon Monoxide Project-Level Air Quality Analyses with Programmatic AgreementsFinal
NCHRP 25-25/Task 105A Guidebook for Communications between Transportation and Public Health CommunitiesFinal
NCHRP 25-25/Task 106Highway Noise and Historic Properties: A National Review of Effects and Mitigation PracticesFinal
NCHRP 25-25/Task 107Section 106 Delegation Programmatic Agreements: Review and Best PracticesFinal
NCHRP 25-25/Task 108Creating Lookup Tables to Streamline the Determination of Emission Reductions for CMAQ Projects Final
NCHRP 25-25/Task 109Successful Practices for Environmental Commitments in Public/Private Partnerships (P-3) and Design-Build (D-B) ContractsFinal
NCHRP 25-25/Task 110Review of Historic Property Identification Surveys and Strategies for Managing Post-World War II Housing in Transportation ProjectsFinal
NCHRP 25-25/Task 111Environmental Management System Perspectives For State DOTsFinal
NCHRP 25-25/Task 112Enhancing the International Stormwater BMP Database to Serve as a Highway Specific BMP DatabaseFinalCancelled.
NCHRP 25-25/Task 113Road Passages and Barriers for Small Terrestrial Wildlife: Summary and Repository of Design ExamplesFinal
NCHRP 25-25/Task 114Integrating Tribal Expertise into Processes to Identify, Evaluate, and Record Cultural ResourcesFinal
NCHRP 25-25/Task 115Estimates of Emissions Reductions from Future Fleet Changes for Use in Air Quality ModelsFinal
NCHRP 25-25/Task 116Potential Section 106 Exempted Categories or Program Comments for Federal Highway Administration Projects: National Streamlining OpportunitiesFinal
NCHRP 25-25/Task 117Valuing Wildlife Crossing Enhancements for Mitigation CreditsFinal
NCHRP 25-25/Task 118Context-Sensitive Design Options for Workhorse Bridges in Rural Historic DistrictsFinal
NCHRP 25-25/Task 119Enhancing the International Stormwater BMP Database to Serve as a Highway Specific BMP DatabaseFinal
NCHRP 25-25/Task 120Use of the State Department of Transportation Portal to the International Stormwater BMP DatabaseFinal
NCHRP 25-25BResearch for the AASHTO Standing Committee on the EnvironmentActive
NCHRP 25-27Evaluation of the Use and Effectiveness of Wildlife CrossingsCompleted
NCHRP 25-28Predicting and Mitigating Hydroacoustic Impacts on Fish from Pile InstallationCompletedThe final report has been published as Research Results Digest 363.
NCHRP 25-29Developing Design and Management Guidelines for Historic Road CorridorsCompleted
NCHRP 25-29AGuidelines for Design and Management of Historic RoadsCompletedThe project final report is available as NCHRP Web-Only Document 189.
NCHRP 25-30Temporary Bridging to Avoid or Minimize Impacts to Waters and Wetlands During Highway ConstructionFinalThe results of this study have been published in NCHRP Research Results Digest 330 .
NCHRP 25-31Guidelines for Evaluating and Selecting Modifications to Existing Roadway Drainage Infrastructure to Improve Water Quality in Ultra-Urban AreasCompleted
NCHRP 25-32Measuring and Removing Dissolved Metals from Storm Water in Highly Urbanized AreasCompletedResearch completed; to be published as NCHRP report 767
NCHRP 25-33Evaluating Methodologies for Visual Impact AssessmentsFinalFinal report published as Report 741
NCHRP 25-34Supplemental Guidance on the Application of FHWA's Traffic Noise Model (TNM)Final
NCHRP 25-35Guidebook for Designing and Managing Rights-of-Way for Carbon Sequestration and Biomass Generation CompletedCompleted. Published as NCHRP Report 804 with CRP-CD-165
NCHRP 25-36Impacts of Land Use Strategies on Travel Behavior in Small Communities and Rural AreasFinalAgency's Handbook is available as NCHRP Web-only Document 211
NCHRP 25-37A Watershed Approach to Mitigating Stormwater ImpactsFinal
NCHRP 25-38Input Guidelines for Motor Vehicle Emissions Simulator ModelFinalFinal deliverables are available as individual volumes of NCHRP Web-only Document 210
NCHRP 25-39Environmental Performance Measures for State Departments of TransportationFinal
NCHRP 25-40Long-Term Performance and Life-Cycle Costs of Stormwater Best Management PracticesCompletedFinal report published as NCHRP Report 792.
NCHRP 25-41Guidance for Achieving Volume Reduction of Highway Runoff in Urban AreasCompleted
NCHRP 25-42Bridge Stormwater Runoff Analysis and Treatment OptionsFinal
NCHRP 25-43Navigating Multi-Agency NEPA Processes to Advance Multimodal Transportation ProjectsFinal
NCHRP 25-44Field Evaluation of Reflected Noise from a Single Noise BarrierFinal
NCHRP 25-45Mapping Heavy Vehicle Noise Source Heights for Highway Noise AnalysisCompleted
NCHRP 25-46Deploying Clean Truck Freight StrategiesFinalPublished as NCHRP Report 862
NCHRP 25-47How to Measure and Communicate the Value of Access ManagementFinal
NCHRP 25-48Combined Interface for Project Level Air Quality Analysis Final
NCHRP 25-49Development of a Highway Construction Noise Prediction ModelFinalComplete. Final report available on project webpage and FHWA website.
NCHRP 25-50Prioritization Procedure for Proposed Road-Rail Grade Separation Projects along Specific Rail CorridorsFinalPublished as NCHRP Report 901
NCHRP 25-51Limitations of the Infiltration Approach to Stormwater Management in the Highway EnvironmentFinalPublished as NCHRP Research Report 922
NCHRP 25-52Meteorological Effects on Roadway NoiseFinal
NCHRP 25-53Approaches for Determining and Complying with TMDL Requirements Related to Roadway Stormwater Runoff Final
NCHRP 25-54Field Testing of BMPs Using Granulated Ferric Oxide Media to Remove Dissolved Metals in Roadway Stormwater RunoffFinal
NCHRP 25-55Assessment of Regulatory Air Pollution Dispersion Models to Quantify the Impacts of Transportation Sector EmissionsFinal
NCHRP 25-56Methods for State DOTs to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions from the Transportation SectorFinal
NCHRP 25-57Breaking Barriers: Alternative Approaches to Avoiding and Reducing Highway Traffic Noise ImpactsFinal
NCHRP 25-58Commercial Properties from 1945 to 1980: Guidance for State DOTs and Their Partners for Historic Context Development, Identification, and EvaluationFinalProject cancelled.
NCHRP 25-59Pollinator Habitat Conservation Along RoadwaysFinal
NCHRP 25-60Watershed Approach to Mitigating Hydrologic Impacts of Transportation ProjectsFinal
NCHRP 25-61Development of On-Bridge Stormwater Treatment PracticesFinal
NCHRP 25-62Improving the Efficiency and Consistency of Section 106 Compliance for State DOTs: Strategies for Project-Level Programmatic Agreements and Postwar Commercial Properties Final
NCHRP 25-63Handbook on Deterring and Excluding Bats from Transportation StructuresActiveResearch in progress
NCHRP 25-64Considering Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Climate Change in Environmental Reviews: Resources for State DOTsFinalPublished as NCHRP WebResource 3 and NCHRP Web-Only Document 400 on 7/15/2024
NCHRP 25-65Preparing Successful No-Effect and No-Adverse-Effect Section 106 Determinations: A Handbook for Transportation Cultural Resource PractitionersCompletedIn publication process
NCHRP 25-66Reviewing the REMEL Noise Database to Accommodate the Current Vehicle FleetActive
NCHRP 25-67Guide to Mitigation of Adverse Effects on Cultural ResourcesActive
NCHRP 25-68Documenting and Verifying Environmental CommitmentsActive
NCHRP 25-69Guide to Increasing and Sustaining Native Flora in Roadside VegetationActiveResearch in progress
NCHRP 25-70Evaluating Carbon Reduction in Project Selection and PlanningActiveResearch in progress
NCHRP 25-71Prevention and Control of Wildfires Through Roadside Vegetation ManagementPending
NCHRP 25-72Methods to Measure Emerging Contaminants in StormwaterPending
NCHRP 25-73Guide to Managing Community Impacts During ConstructionPending
NCHRP 25-74Evaluating the Effects of Transportation Investments on Greenhouse Gas EmissionsPending
NCHRP 25-75A Streamlined, Risk-Based Approach for National Environmental Policy Act Air Quality AnalysesPending
NCHRP 70-01Private-Sector Provision of Congestion DataCompleted
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 001Development of a Full-Scale Prototype for On-Line Real-Time Measurement and Control of Aggregate Gradation in Asphalt PlantsCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 002Development of a Method for Measuring Water Stripping Resistance of Asphalt-Siliceous Aggregate Mixtures Completed (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 003Development of Guidelines for Low-Cost Sprayed Zinc Galvanic Anode for Control of Corrosion of Reinforcing Steel in Marine Bridge Substructures Completed (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 004Replacing Latex with Asphalt Emulsion Completed (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 005Investigation of Magnetic Resonance TechnologyCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 006Composite Pavement LayerCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 007Strategy for Coating Structural Steel without Stringent Blasting RequirementsCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 008Conservation Traffic Control Load SwitchCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 009Corrosion-Resistant Steel Reinforcing BarsCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 010Low-Cost Corrosion Resistant Coating for Steel Rebars and ComponentsCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 011Rehabilitation of Steel Bridges through the Application of Advanced Composite MaterialsCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 012Advanced Testing of an Automatic NDE System for Highway Pavement Surface Condition AssessmentCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 013New Additives for Improved Durability of Concrete and Prevention of Reinforcing CorrosionCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 014Unreinforced, Centrally Prestressed Concrete Columns and PilesCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 015A Road Crew Portable Laser Warning System Concept Development and DemonstrationCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 016Laser Removal of Paint on PavementCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 017Development of a Self-Contained Portable Device for SHRP Binder Testing: Field QC/QA Testing with the DuomorphCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 018Development of New Principles of Design of Tools for Repair and Removal of Pavements based on the Effect of Lateral Propagation of Cracks under Contact LoadingCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 019Aluminum Bronze Alloy for Corrosion Resistant RebarCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 020Carbon Dioxide Cleaning (Dry Ice)-Removing Highway/Road Markings and StripesCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 021The Development of Light Emitting Delineation SystemCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 022Use of Phase Change Materials to Prevent Overnight Freezing of BridgeCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 023Paint Removal from Steel StructuresCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 024Development of a Novel Fiber Optic Strain Sensor System for Long-Term Monitoring of Highway StructuresCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 025Advanced Concept Concrete Using Basalt Fiber Composite ReinforcementCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 026Conservation Control Load Switch Operational TestsCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 027Automated Bridge Deck Anti- and De-Icing SystemCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 028New Corrosion-Resistant Low Carbon Dual Phase Steels for ConcreteCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 029Superelasticity-Based Rehabilitation and Post-Tensioning of Bridge StructuresCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 030Rapid Replacement Composite Bridge No. 1Completed (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 031Cost-Effective Microwave Sensing of Highway Road ConditionsCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 032Testing and Deployment of a Cost-Effective and Real-Time Asphalt Pavement Quality Indicator SystemCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 033Evaluation of New Rehabilitation Technology for Bridge Piers with Composite MaterialsCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 034The Highway Guardrail Infrastructure: Safer Terminal DesignCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 037In-Service Repair of Highway Bridges and Pavements by Internal Time-Release of Repair ChemicalsCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 038Paint Removal from Steel StructuresCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 040Loading Attributes of Truck in Motion Using Bridge Strain DataCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 041Duomorph Asphalt Rheology TesterCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 042Dual Core Fiber Optics Weigh-in Motion SystemCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 043Robotic System for Underwater Bridge Inspection and Scour EvaluationCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 044Real Time Microwave Asphalt Pavement Quality SensorCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 045Performance Evaluation of Basalt Fibers and Composite Rebars as Concrete ReinforcementCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 046Testing and Evaluation of Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Honeycomb Composite Panels in Bridge Deck ApplicationsCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 047Pavement Quality Indicator -- Field Operational Testing and Marketing DevelopmentCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 048Field Trials of Superelasticity-Based Bridge Rehabilitation SystemCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 049Operational Testing of Roadwriter SystemCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 050Adaptation of Intrinsically Damping Fillers for Suppression of Bridge Stay CableCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 051Application of Advanced Composites to Steel Bridge RetrofittingCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 052Environmentally Friendly Passivating Coatings for RebarCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 054A Novel Approach for Predicting the Remaining Life of Concrete Bridge StructureCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 055Design, Development, and Verification of an Advanced In-Situ Shear Strength Test Facility for Asphalt Concrete PavementsCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 056Bridge Inspection with Serpentine RobotsCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 057Landslide Stabilization Using Wick DrainsCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 058Long Gage-Length Interferometric Fiber Optic Sensors for Condition Assessment of Bridge StructuresCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 059Control System for Live Load and Live Load Effects on BridgesCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 060Product Application of a Hybrid-Composite Bridge Beam SystemCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 061Development of an Automated Continuous Pavement Thickness Density MeterCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 062A new Technique for Characterizing Pavement Surface Profiles and TexturesCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 063Manufacture and Testing of a Filament Wound Composite Bridge SuperstructureCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 064Quantitative Characterization of Asphalt Concrete Using High Resolution X-Ray Computer TomographyCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 065Application of Shape Memory Alloys in Seismic Rehabilitation of BridgesCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 066Development of an Innovative Connector System for Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Bridge Deck to Steel StringerCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 067An All Composite Bridge SidewalkCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 068Geocomposite Capillary Barrier Drain for Limiting Moisture Changes in Pavement Subgrades and Base CoursesCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 069Conductivity Spectrum Probe for Predicting Chloride Penetration in ConcreteCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 070Flamespray Coating as an Environmentally Acceptable Pavement Marking TechniqueCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 071Field Implementation of Tuned Dampers for Suppression of Bridge Stay Cable VibrationsCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 072Improved Filtration of Wash Water Generated during Bridge Maintenance PaintingCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 073Development of a Screed to Detect and Measure Segregation in HMA PavementsCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 074Adhesion Tool for Overcoating Risk-Reduction AnalysisCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 075Automated Mobile Highway Sign Retroreflectivity MeasurementCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 076Stabilization of Landslides Using Wick Drains - Field Trials and ImplementationCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 077The Development of a Computer-Controlled Image Analysis System for Measuring Aggregate Shape PropertiesCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 078Aggregate Shape Characterization Using Digital Image ProcessingCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 079Concrete Recycler Final Machine Development through Prototype Build and TestCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 080Development of a Generic Connector System for Attaching Conventional Bridge Rails to RFP Composite Bridge DecksCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 081Automated Real-Time Pavement Crack Deflection/Classification SystemCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 082Development and Field Verification of Torsional Cylindrical Impulse Shear TestCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 083Development of a Wide Area Optical Surface Contamination Detection System for Public Transportation ApplicationsCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 084Mechanics-Based Asphalt Binder Test Method for Low Temperature Performance PredictionCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 085Waterproofing Concrete HighwaysCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 086Basalt Fiber Composite Rebar for Concrete ReinforcementCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 087An In-Situ Shear Strength Test Facility for Asphalt Concrete PavementsCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 088Automated Pavement Distress Survey through StereovisionCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 089US-Specific Self-Compacting Concrete for BridgesCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 090Robotic Safety MarkersCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 091Application of Shape Memory Alloys in Seismic Rehabilitation of BridgesCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 092Development of an Adaptive Damper for Cable Vibration ControlCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 093Advanced Traffic Sensor for Work Zone and Incident Management SystemsCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 094Liquefaction Mitigation Using Vertical Composite Drains: Full Scale TestingCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 095Concrete Road RecyclerCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 096Algorithm for Using Ultrasound of MHz Frequency for Testing ConcreteCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 097Fiber-Reinforced Plastics for Seismic Bridge RestrainersCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 098Void Detection in Post-Tensioning Ducts Using Time-Domain ReflectometryCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 099Development of Asphalt Binder Cracking DeviceCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 100Evaluation of Al-Zn-In Alloy for Galvanic Cathodic Protection of Bridge DecksCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 101Active Heating Infrared Thermography for Detection of Subsurface Bridge Deck DeteriorationCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 102Nondestructive Evaluation Method for Determination of Internal Grout Conditions inside Bridge Post-Tensioning Ducts using Rolling Stress WavesCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 103Liquefaction Mitigation Using Vertical Composite Drains: Full-Scale Testing for Pile ApplicationsCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 104Development of a Fracture Mechanics-Based Asphalt Binder Test Method for Low Temperature Performance PredictionCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 105Evaluation of New Methods to Measure Water-To-Cement Ratio of Fresh ConcreteCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 106Pavement Performance Evaluation and Prediction using Automated Real-Time Crack Detection Classification SystemCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 107Mobile Geophysical Technology: A Subsurface Scoping Tool for Reducing Unforeseen Roadblocks in Project DeliveryCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 1083D-Centric Model for Integrated Design and Construction of Highway BridgesCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 109Smart Antenna Array for NDE of FRP-Wrapped Concrete Bridge MembersCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 110A 3-D Specimen and Multiple Functional Digital Tester for Performance Evaluation of Asphalt MixesCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 111Automated Pavement Distress Survey through Stereovision Field Evaluation and ImplementationCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 112Cone Penetrometer Equipped with Piezoelectric Sensors for Measurement of Soil Properties in Highway PavementCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 113Geocomposite Capillary Barrier Drain for Limiting Moisture Changes in Pavements: Product ApplicationCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 114A Methodology for Predicting Pavement Microtexture using Image Analysis of Aggregate ShapeCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 115Development of a Second Generation Detection Control System for Safer Operation of High-Speed Signalized IntersectionsCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 116Seismic Response of Bridge Columns with Engineered Cementitious Composites and Shape Memory Alloys in Plastic Hinge ZoneCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 117Self-Powered Sensors and Actuators for BridgesCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 118The BCD: A New Instrument for Compaction ControlCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 119Three-Dimensional Digital Imaging for the Identification, Evaluation, and Management of Unstable Highway SlopesCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 120Active Sensing for Online Highway Bridge MonitoringCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 121Use of Image Pattern Recognition Algorithms for Processing Video Log to Enhance Roadway Infrastructure Data CollectionCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 122A 3-D Specimen and Multiple Functional Digital Tester for Performance Evaluation of Asphalt MixesCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 123Long-Term Remote Sensing System for Bridge PiersCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 124Novel Fiber Optic Sensors for Monitoring Bridge Structural IntegrityCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 125An Autonomous and Self-Sustained Sensing System to Monitor Water Quality Near HighwaysCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 126Developing Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) Instrument for Fresh Concrete and Early Stage ConcreteCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 127Instrumentation to Aid in Steel Bridge FabricationCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 128Underwater Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Repair of Corroding Piles Incorporating Cathodic ProtectionCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 129Developing Embedded Wireless Strain/Stress/Temperature Sensors Platform for Highway ApplicationsCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 130Rapid, Self-Contained in Situ Permeameter for Field QC/QA of Pavement Base/Subbase MaterialsCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 131Smart Sensor for Autonomous Noise MonitoringCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 132Vehicle-Mounted Bridge Deck ScannerCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 133Development of a Simple Test to Determine the Low Temperature Creep Compliance of Asphalt MixturesCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 134Investigation of a Full-Lane Acoustic Scanning Method for Bridge Deck NDECompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 135Active Confinement of Bridge Piers Using Shape Memory AlloysCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 136Development of a Second Generation Neutron-Based Detector for Chloride in Concrete Completed (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 137Real-Time Remote Evaluation of Post-Event Residual Capacity of Highway Bridges Completed (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 138Scanning Capacitive Arrays for Real-Time, In-Situ Imaging of Density and Thickness in HMA Roadways Completed (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 139Development of Sensing Methodology for Intelligent and Reliable Work Zone Hazard Awareness Completed (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 140Computer Vision Traffic Sensor for Fixed and Pan-Tilt-Zoom CamerasCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 141Reducing Fatigue in Wind-Excited Traffic Signal Support Structures using Smart Damping Techniques Completed (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 142A Shape Memory Polymer Based Self-Healing Sealant for Expansion Joint Completed (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 143The Guayule Plant: A Renewable Domestic Source of Binder Materials for Flexible Pavement Mixtures Completed (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 144An Acoustic Emission-Based Test to Determine Asphalt Binder and Mixture Embrittlement TemperatureCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 145Extraction of Layer Properties from Intelligent Compaction DataCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 146Advanced Methods for Mobile Retroreflectivity Measurement on Pavement MarkingCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 147Shape Memory Alloy Enhanced SMART Bridge Expansion JointsCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 148Cleaning Mechanism to Remove Debris and Chemicals for Crack/Joint SealingCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 149Use of Energy Absorbing Breakaway Posts for W-Beam Guardrail in Frozen Soil ConditionsCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 150Automated Laser Spectrographic Pattern Matching for Aggregate IdentificationCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 151Development of a Simple Test to Determine the Low Temperature Strength of Asphalt MixturesCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 152Bridge Cable Inspection with Long-Range UltrasoundCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 153Laser Measurement Accelerated Retrofit SystemCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 154A Hybrid Sensor for Rapid Assessment of Sulfate-Induced Heaving in Stabilized SoilsCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 155Corrosion-Resistant, Structurally Reinforced Thermal Spray Coatings for In-Situ Repair of Load Bearing StructuresCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 156Novel Coating Technology for Improving the Corrosion Resistance and Mechanical Properties of Reinforcing Steel in ConcreteCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 157Development of an Intrinsically Conductive Polymer-Based Low-Cost, Heavy-Duty, and Environmentally-FriendlyCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 158The Identification of Stress State of Critical Bridge Components Using Nonlinear AcousticsCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 159Advanced Cleaning Device to Remove Debris and Chemicals for Crack/Joint SealingCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 160Super-Weathering Steel for Infrastructure ApplicationsCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 161Tools for Determining Yield Stress of In-Service Gusset PlatesCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 162Full-Scale Prototype Testing and Manufacturing and Installation Plans for New Scour-Vortex-Prevention scAUR and VorGAUR Products for a Representative Scour-Critical BridgeCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 163Development of an Asphalt Pavement Raveling Detection Algorithm using Emerging 3-D Laser Technology and Macrotexture Analysis Completed (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 164Laser Spectroscopy for Rapid Profiling of Steel Bridge Coatings, Corrosion, and Heavy Metals Completed (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 165Battery-Less Wireless Weigh-in-Motion SensorCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 166Guidelines for the Waste Concrete FinesCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 167Exploratory Analysis of Augmented Reality Visualization of Right-of-Way Excavation SafetyCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 168Prototype Development: Automated and Continuous Aggregate Sampling and Laser Targeting SystemCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 169An Inexpensive Vision-Based Approach for the Autonomous Detection, Localization, and Quantification of Pavement DefectsCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 170Development and Implementation of the Asphalt Embrittlement AnalyzerCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 171Producing a Sustainable and Bio-Based Alternative for Petroleum-Based AsphaltCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 172Bidiretional-Ductile End Diaphragms for Seismic Performance and Substructure ProtectionCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 173Graphene Nano-Platelet (GNP) Reinforced Asphalt Mixtures: A Novel Multifunctional Pavement Material Completed (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 174Enhanced Performance Zinc Coating for Steel in Concrete Completed (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 175Rapid Detection of Fatigue Cracking in Steel Anchor Rods using the Impulse Response MethodCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 176Contactless Electrode for Fast Survey of Concrete Reinforcement Corrosion Completed (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 177Automated Turning Movement Counts for Shared Lanes Completed (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 178Development of Renewable Polymers for Use in Asphalt PavementsCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 179Development of a Portable Total-Stress Measurement Instrument Completed (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 180Drained Timber Pile Ground Improvement for Liquefaction MitigationCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 181Development of a Small Specimen Geometry for Asphalt Mixture Performance TestingCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 182Reducing Stormwater Runoff and Pollutant Loading with Biochar Addition to Highway GreenwaysCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 183A Radiofrequency Identification (RFID) Detection System for Assessing Scour Countermeasures and the Stability of Hydraulic StructuresCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 184Synthetic Household Travel Data Using Consumer and Mobile Phone DataCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 185CurvePortal for Automated Identification and Extraction of Horizontal Curve InformationCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 186Development of an Electrical Probe for Rapid Assessment of Ground ImprovementCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 187A Low-Cost Mobile Proximity Warning System in Highway Work Zone SafetyCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 188A Class of V-Connectors for Bridge Deck-Pier and Pier-Footing Joints with Combined Advantage of Integrated Design and Seismic Isolation while Enabling ABCCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 189A Novel Vision Sensor for Remote Measurement of Bridge DisplacementCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 190Self-Deicing LED Signal for Railroad and Highway IntersectionsCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 191Testing of In-Service Bridges Using Automated Ultrasonic Testing MethodsCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 192Application of Microbial-Facilitated Stabilization for Sustainable Improvement of Expansive Pavement SubgradesCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 193DART Field Validation and Prototype RefinementCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 194Producing Bio-Modified Rubber (BMT) Asphalt; A Sustainable and Bio-Based Alternative for Petroleum-Based AsphaltCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 195Development of an IDEAL Cracking Test for Asphalt Mix Design, Quality Control, and Quality AssuranceCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 196Smart Installation and Monitoring System for Large Anchor Bolts of Support Structure for Highway Signs, Luminaires, and Traffic SignalsCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 197Hexagonal Boron Nitride Reinforced Multifunctional Concrete for Transportation InfrastructureCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 198Prototype Development for Obtaining Automated Turning Movement Counts for Shared LanesCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 199Using Medical X-Ray Machines to Determine the Service Life of Concrete Completed (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 200Rapid Rehabilitation of Highway Slopes using Seeded Microbial Bio-Cement Completed (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 201Development of a Novel Aerodynamic Solution to Mitigate Large Vibrations in Traffic Signal Structures Completed (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 202Vertical Impedance Scanner for Concrete Bridge Deck Assessment without Direct Rebar Attachment Completed (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 203Safer Cushions Completed (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 204Biomimetic Antifreeze Polymers: A Novel Biodegradable Deicing Salt Alternative Completed (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 205Bio-Inspired "MRI" of Concrete Bridges using Waveform-based Ultrasonic TomographyCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 206From Location Tracking to Continuous Interpretation: Rule-Based Automated Safety Work Zone SafetyCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 207MILDGLASS: GFRP Strand for Resilient Mild Pre-Stressed Concrete Completed (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 208Determining Bridge Deck Chloride Quantities with Ground Penetrating RadarCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 209An Automated System for Pedestrian Facility Data Collection from Aerial Images Completed (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 210Material Characteristics of Cu-Based Superelastic Alloys for Applications in Bridge Columns to Improve Seismic Performance Completed (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 211Reducing Stormwater Runoff and Pollutant Loading with Biochar Addition to Highway Greenways Completed (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 212Non-Gating Guardrail End TerminalsCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 213SEAHIVE – Sustainable Estuarine and Marine RevetmentCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 214An Enhanced Network-Level Curve Safety Assessment and Monitoring Using Mobile DevicesCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 215Achieving Resilient Multi-Span Bridges by using Buckling-Restrained BracesCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 216The Portable Single Lane Traffic Counting DeviceCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 217A Real-Time Proactive Intersection Safety Monitoring and Visualization System Based on Radar Sensor DataCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 218Development of a Fast and Cost Effective Asphalt Mixture Fatigue Test SystemCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 219A Novel Durable, Healable and Conveniently Removable Pavement Marking Material Suitable for Both Permanent and Temporary Marking UsesCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 220Bridge Deck Sealant Monitor: Thermal SealcheckCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 221Development of In-Situ Cyclic Borehole Shear Soil Test DeviceCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 222Mixed Reality Assisted Infrastructure InspectionsCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 223Fatigue Crack Inspection Using Computer Vision and Augmented Reality Completed (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 224Development of an Automated and Rapid Conditioning and Testing Device for Cracking and Rutting Completed (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 225An Automated System for Large-Scale Intersection Marking Data Collection and Condition AssessmentCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 226A Smart IoT Proximity Alert System for Highway Work Zone Safety Completed (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 227Adjustable Cross-frames for the Erection of Steel Girder BridgesCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 228A Retroreflective Road Lane Marking Tape 1,000X Brighter Than Existing Technology Completed (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 229Lab Dielectric Measurement System for Asphalt Mixture Bulk Specific Gravity Determination Completed (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 230Automated Data and Feature Extraction from Bridge Plan Completed (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 231Al Analyzer for Revealing Insights of Traffic CrashesCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 232Measuring Concrete Permeability with CHIP Completed (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 233Development of an Innovative Bio-Mediated Self-Healing Concrete Technology Completed (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 234Field Test & Evaluation of A Solar Snow FenceCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 235High Bond Steel Fibers for Ultra High Performance Concrete (UHPC)Completed (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 236A Practical Method to Determine Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement Binder AvailabilityCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 237Machine Learning-Based Tool to Predict the Retroreflectivity of Pavement Markings in the U.S.Completed (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 238Low-Cost Sensing System for the Detection and Classification of Wide Base Tire Types and Distribution at the Network Level Completed (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 239A Real-Time Ice Warning System Empowered by Dielectric Ice Sensors for BridgesCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 240Stainless Steel Coated Rebar for Chloride Resistant Concrete Highways and Bridges Completed (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 241Producing DynaSignal: A Novel Aerodynamic Solution for Traffic Signal Lights to Mitigate Large Vibrations and Fatigue-Related Issues in Structural Supports of Traffic SignalsActive (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 242Development of an AI-Powered Dynamic Modulus Test with a Low-Cost Loading Frame Active (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 243Establishing NDE Protocols for Use in Early Age Bridge Deck Preservation Strategies Completed (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 244Development of a Compaction Quality Control Standard for the Small Diameter PressuremeterCompleted (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 245Simple and Rapid Tests for Assessing Quality and Consistency of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) for Recycled Asphalt Mixture ApplicationsActive (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 246Developing a Method for Selecting Low-Energy Mixing and Compaction Temperatures for Asphalt Mixtures Considering Asphalt Lubrication and Aggregate CharacteristicsActive (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 247Augmenting the Hearing of Safety-Critical Sounds for Highway Workers using Artificial IntelligenceActive (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 248An Enhanced Network-level Curve Safety Assessment and Monitoring Using Low-cost Mobile Devices – Refinement and Field EvaluationActive (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 249A High-Performance, Sustainable, Ultra-High-Performance Concrete Material for Highway Bridge ApplicationsActive (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 250Device to Optimize Crashworthiness of Breakaway Sign Support System to Meet AASHTO MASHActive (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 251AI-Based Tool for Fixing Inconsistencies in Traffic Crash ReportsActive (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 252A Novel Constrained Layer Damper for Wind-Induced Vibration Mitigation of High-Mast Illumination PolesActive (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 253North American Road Safety CalculatorActive (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 256Low-Cost Internet of Things Sensors to Support Avalanche Monitoring ProgramsActive (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 258Automated Data and Feature Extraction from Bridge PlansActive (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 259Sieve Analysis Procedure to Quantify Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement Binder AvailabilityActive (IDEA)
NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 260Bridges to the Future: Training Inspectors With Augmented Reality Intelligent Interactive StorytellingActive (IDEA)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 03-03Telecommunications Systems for Highway Administration and OperationsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 03-03Radio Spectrum Frequency ManagementFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 03-05Pavement Traffic Marking: Materials and Application Affecting ServiceabilityFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 04-04Rest AreasFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 04-06Highway Location Reference MethodsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 04-09Treatment of Soft Foundations for Highway EmbankmentsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 05-01Reconditioning High-Volume Freeways in Urban AreasFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 05-02Design and Control of Freeway Off-Ramp TerminalsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 05-03Acquisition and Use of Geotechnical InformationFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 05-04Design of Pile FoundationsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 05-05Partial-Lane Pavement WideningFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 05-07Effect of Weather on Highway ConstructionFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 05-08Highway Tunnel OperationsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 05-13Effects of Studded TiresFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 06-01Instrumentation and Equipment for Testing Highway Materials, Products, and PerformanceFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 06-02Statistically Oriented End-Result SpecificationsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 06-05Rapid-Setting Materials for Patching ConcreteFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 07-01Consolidation of Concrete for Pavements, Bridge Decks, and OverlaysFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 07-02Staffing and Management for Social, Economic, and Environmental Impact AssessmentsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 07-04Recording and Reporting Methods for Highway Maintenance ExpendituresFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 07-05Energy Effects, Efficiencies, and Prospects for Various Modes of TransportationFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 07-06Joint-Related Distress in PCC Pavement: Cause, Prevention, and RehabilitationFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 07-07Priority Programming and Project SelectionFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 08-01Recycling Materials for HighwaysFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 08-02Construction Contract StaffingFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 08-03Design and Use of Highway ShouldersFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 08-05Precast Concrete Elements for Transportation FacilitiesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 08-06Storage and Retrieval Systems for Highway and Transportation DataFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 08-08Management and Selection Systems for Highway Maintenance EquipmentFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 08-09Open-Graded Friction Courses for HighwaysFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 08-10PhotologgingFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 08-11Relationship of Asphalt Cement Properties to Pavement DurabilityFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 08-12Bituminous Patching MixturesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 09Construction of EmbankmentsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 09-03Changeable Message SignsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 09-05Quality AssuranceFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 09-06Alternative Work Schedules: Impacts on TransportationFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 09-07Direction Finding from Arterials to DestinationsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 09-08Failure and Repair of Continuously Reinforced Concrete PavementFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 09-09State Resources for Financing Transportation ProgramsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 09-10Design of Sedimentation BasinsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 09-11Glare Screen GuidelinesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 10-01Consequences of Deferred MaintenanceFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 10-03Formulating and Justifying Highway Maintenance BudgetsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 10-04Motor Vehicle Size and Weight Regulations, Enforcement, and Permit OperationsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 10-05Collection and Use of Pavement Condition DataFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 10-06Bridge Drainage SystemsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 10-08Underwater Inspection and Repair of Bridge SubstructuresFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 10-11State Transit-Management Assistance to Local CommunitiesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 10-21Effects of Traffic-Induced Vibrations on Bridge Deck RepairsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 11Getting Research Findings into PracticeFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 11-01Transportation Needs Study and Financial ConstraintsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 11-02Value Engineering in Preconstruction and ConstructionFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 11-03Value Engineering in Preconstruction and ConstructionFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 11-04Minimizing Reflection Cracking of Pavement OverlaysFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 11-06Geotechnical Instrumentation for Monitoring Field PerformanceFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 11-07Pavement Subsurface Drainage SystemsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 11-08Evaluation of Pavement Maintenance StrategiesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 11-09Transit Boards-Composition, Roles, and ProceduresFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 11-10Contract Time DeterminationFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 11-13Bus Transit Accessibility for the Handicapped in Urban AreasFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 11-14Experiences in Transportation System ManagementFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 12-01Evaluation Criteria and Priority Setting for State Highway ProgramsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 12-02Criteria for Evaluation of Truck Weight Enforcement ProgramsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 12-03Highway Accident Analysis SystemsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 12-04Resealing Joints and Cracks in Rigid and Flexible PavementsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 12-06Shallow Foundations for Highway StructuresFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 12-07Highway Noise BarriersFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 12-08Coordination of Transportation System Management and Land Use ManagementFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 12-09Energy Involved in Construction Materials and ProceduresFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 12-11Bridge Designs to Reduce and Facilitate Maintenance and RepairFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 12-12New-Product Evaluation ProceduresFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 13-01Construction Contract Claims: Causes and Methods of SettlementFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 13-02Methods of Cost-Effectiveness Analysis for Highway ProjectsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 13-03Managing State Highway FinanceFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 13-04Resurfacing with Portland Cement ConcreteFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 13-05Statewide Transportation PlanningFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 13-06Transit Ownership/Operation Options for Small Urban and Rural AreasFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 13-07Storm Water Management for Transportation FacilitiesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 13-08Bridge Weight-Limit Posting PracticeFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 13-10Risk Assessment Processes for Hazardous Materials TransportationFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 13-11Historic Bridges-Criteria for Decision MakingFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 14-01Practical Guidelines for Minimizing Tort LiabilityFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 14-02Management of Traffic Signal MaintenanceFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 14-03Reducing Construction Conflicts Between Highway and UtilitiesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 14-04Asphalt Overlay Design ProceduresFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 14-05Material Certification and Material-Certification EffectivenessFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 14-06Maintenance Management SystemsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 14-07Maintenance Activities Accomplished by ContractFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 14-08Criteria for Use of Asphalt Friction SurfacesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 14-09Energy Conservation in TransportationFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 14-11Administration of Research, Development, and Implementation Activities in Highway AgenciesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 14-12Highway Uses of Epoxy with ConcreteFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 14-22Distribution of Wheel Loads on Highway BridgesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 15-01Toll Highway FinancingFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 15-02Durability of Prestressed Concrete Highway StructuresFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 15-03Detecting Defects and Deterioration in Highway StructuresFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 15-04Equipment for Obtaining Pavement Condition and Traffic Loading DataFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 15-05Effects of Illegal Permit and Illegal Overloads on PavementFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 15-06Methods for Identifying Hazardous Highway ElementsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 15-07Life-Cycle Cost Analysis of PavementsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 15-08Professional Resource Management and ForecastingFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 15-09Protective Coatings for Bridge SteelFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 15-10Prefabricated Bridge Elements and SystemsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 15-11Traffic Data Collection and Analysis: Methods and ProceduresFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 15-19Cost-Effectiveness of Hot-Dip Galvanizing for Exposed SteelFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 16-02Use of Weigh-in-Motion Systems for Data Collection and EnforcementFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 16-03Maintenance Management of Street and Highway SignsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 16-05Freezing and Thawing Resistance of High-Strength ConcreteFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 16-06Wet-Pavement Safety ProgramsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 16-07Use of Fly Ash in ConcreteFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 16-09Managing Urban Freeway MaintenanceFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 16-10Bridge Deck JointsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 17-01System-Wide Safety Improvements: An Approach To Safety ConsistencyFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 17-02Integrated Highway Information SystemsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 17-05Design, Construction, and Maintenance of PCC Pavement JointsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 17-06Recycling Portland Cement Concrete PavementsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 17-08D-Cracking Of Concrete PavementsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 17-09Breaking/Cracking and Seating Concrete PavementsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 17-10Pavement Management PracticesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 17-11Pedestrians and Traffic Control MeasuresFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 17-13Staffing Considerations in Construction Engineering ManagementFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 18-01Use of Consultants for Construction Engineering InspectionFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 18-02Innovative Strategies for Upgrading of Personnel by State Transportation DepartmentsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 18-03Design and Construction of Bridge ApproachesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 18-04Treatment of Problem Foundations for Highway EmbankmentsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 18-05Negotiating And Contracting For Professional Engineering ServicesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 18-06Pavement Markings: Materials and Application for Extended Service LifeFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 18-07Freeway Corridor ManagementFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 18-08Freeway Incident ManagementFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 18-09Cold-Recycled Bituminous Concrete Using Bituminous MaterialsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 18-10Contract Management SystemsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 18-11Evolution and Benefits of Preventive Maintenance StrategiesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 18-12Indicators of Quality in MaintenanceFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 19-01Computer-Aided Design and Drafting SystemsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 19-02Uniformity Efforts in Oversize/Overweight PermitsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 19-03Signal Timing Improvement PracticesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 19-04Compaction of Asphalt PavementFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 19-06Process for Recapitalizing Highway Transportation SystemsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 19-07Freeway Guide Sign Replacement: Policies and CriteriaFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 19-08Technology Transfer in Selected Highway AgenciesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 19-09Moisture Damage in Asphalt ConcreteFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 19-10Transportation TelecommunicationsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 19-12Measurements, Specifications, and Achievement of Smoothness for Pavement ConstructionFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 19-23Partnerships for Innovation: Private-Sector Contributions to Innovation in the Highway IndustryFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 20-01Fabrics in Asphalt Overlays and Pavement MaintenanceFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 20-02Measures to Curtail State Fuel Tax EvasionFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 20-03Signing Policies, Procedures, Practices, and Fees for Logo and Tourist-Oriented Directional SigningFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 20-05Short-Term Responsive Maintenance SystemsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 20-07Removing Concrete from BridgesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 20-08Traffic Signal Control Equipment: State of the ArtFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 20-09Bridge Paint: Removal, Containment, and DisposalFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 20-11In-Service Experience with Traffic Noise BarriersFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 20-12Latex-Modified Concretes and MortarsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 20-22Managing Highway Tort LiabilityFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 21-01Performance Characteristics of Open-Graded Friction CoursesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 21-02Preferential Lane Treatments for High-Occupancy VehiclesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 21-03Management Training and Development ProgramsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 21-08Development and Implementation of Traffic Control Plans for Highway Work ZonesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 21-09Supplemental Advance Warning DevicesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 21-10Hot In-Place Recycling of Asphalt ConcreteFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 21-11Highway Maintenance Procedures Dealing with Hazardous Material IncidentsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 21-12Truck Escape RampsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 21-13Pavement Structural Design PracticesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 21-14Criteria for Qualifying Contractors for Bidding PurposesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 22-01Performance and Operational Experience of Truck-Mounted AttenuatorsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 22-02Uses of Recycled Rubber Tires in HighwaysFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 22-04Underwater Bridge Maintenance and RepairFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 22-07Current Practices in Determining Pavement ConditionFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 22-08Disposal of Roadside Litter MixturesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 22-09Knowledge-Based Expert Systems in TransportationFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 22-10Recycling and Use of Waste Materials and By-Products in Highway ConstructionFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 22-11Photographic Enforcement of Traffic LawsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 22-12Truck Operating CharacteristicsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 22-13Use of Rumble Strips to Enhance SafetyFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 23-01Accident Data QualityFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 23-02Rapid Test Methods for Asphalt Concrete and Portland Cement ConcreteFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 23-03Managing Roadway Snow and Ice Control OperationsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 23-04Multimodal Evaluation in Passenger TransportationFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 23-05Performance-Related Specifications for Highway Construction and RehabilitationFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 23-06Corridor PreservationFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 23-07Use of Warranties in Road ConstructionFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 23-09Severity Indices of Roadside FeaturesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 23-10Portland Cement Concrete ResurfacingFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 23-11Changeable Message SignsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 23-12Reduced Visibility Due to Fog on the HighwayFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 23-13Effective Use of Park-and-Ride FacilitiesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 24-01Resolution of Disputes to Avoid Construction ClaimsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 24-02Road Pricing for Congestion Management: A Survey of International PracticeFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 24-03Performance and Operational Experience of Crash CushionsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 24-04Determination of Contract Time for Highway Construction ProjectsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 24-05Pavement Management Methodologies to Select Projects and Recommend Preservation TreatmentsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 24-06Electronic Toll and Traffic Management (ETTM) SystemsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 24-08Longitudinal Occupancy of Controlled Access Right-of-Way by UtilitiesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 24-11Implementation of Technology From AbroadFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 24-12Sealers for Portland Cement Concrete Highway FacilitiesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 24-13Assessing the Effects of Highway-Widening Improvements on Urban and Suburban AreasFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 25-01Applications of 3-D and 4-D Visualization Technology in TransportationFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 25-02Freight Transportation Planning Practices in the Public SectorFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 25-03Left-Turn Treatments at IntersectionsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 25-04Guardrail and Median Barrier CrashworthinessFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 25-06Collecting and Managing Cost Data for Bridge Management SystemsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 25-07Pavement Subsurface Drainage SystemsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 25-09Waterproofing Membranes for Concrete Bridge DecksFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 25-10Cost-Effective Preventive Pavement Maintenance (Photocopy Edition)Final (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 25-11Toll Plaza DesignFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 25-12Management of Surface Transportation SystemsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 25-13Consideration of the 15 Factors in the Metropolitan Planning ProcessFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 25-14Managing Contract Research ProgramsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 25-15Performance Measurement in State Departments of TransportationFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 25-16Dynamic Effects of Pile Installations on Adjacent StructuresFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 25-21Service Life of Drainage PipeFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 26-01Remediation of Petroleum-Contaminated SoilsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 26-02Variability in Highway Pavement ConstructionFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 26-03Methods for Household Travel SurveysFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 26-04Highway-Rail Grade Crossing SurfacesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 26-05Relationship Between Pavement Surface Texture and Highway Traffic NoiseFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 26-06Land Development Regulations that Promote Access ManagementFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 26-07Application of Full-Scale Accelerated Pavement TestingFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 26-08Ground Penetrating Radar for Evaluating Subsurface Conditions for Transportation FacilitiesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 26-09Evaluating and Measuring the Effectiveness of TrainingFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 26-10Settlement of Bridge Approaches (The Bump at the End of the Bridge)Final (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 26-11Transportation Development ProcessFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 26-12Maintenance Issues and Alternate Corrosion Protection Methods for Exposed Bridge SteelFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 27-01Trenchless Installation of Conduits Beneath RoadwaysFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 27-02Criteria for Highway Routing of Hazardous MaterialsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 27-03Stabilization of Existing Subgrades to Improve Constructibility During Interstate Pavement ReconstructionFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 27-04Methods for Increasing Live Load Capacity of Existing Highway BridgesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 27-05State DOT Management Techniques for Materials and Construction AcceptanceFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 27-06Outsourcing of State Highway Facilities and ServicesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 27-07Managing Product Liability to Achieve Highway InnovationsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 27-08Thin-Surfaced PavementsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 27-09Methods for Capital Programming and Projection SelectionFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 27-10Response of Small Urbanized Area MPOs to ISTEAFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 27-11Traffic Signal Control Systems Maintenance Management PracticesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 27-12Road User and Mitigation Costs in Highway Pavement ProjectsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 27-16Applications of GPS for Surveying and Other Positioning Needs in Departments of TransportationFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 28-01Best Management Practices for Environmental Issues Related to Highway and Street MaintenanceFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 28-02Geotechnical Related Development and Implementation of Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) MethodsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 28-03Project Development Methodologies for Reconstruction of Urban Freeways and ExpresswaysFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 28-04Lead-Based Paint Removal for Steel Highway BridgesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 28-05Dynamic Impact Factors for BridgesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 28-06Methods to Achieve Rut-Resistant Durable PavementsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 28-07Submittal of Bid Proposals in Electronic FormatFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 28-08Historic Highway Bridge Preservation PracticesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 28-09Modern Roundabout Practice in the United StatesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 28-10Transportation Management Center FunctionsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 28-11Tolling Practices for Highway FacilitiesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 28-12Traffic Signal Operations Near Highway-Rail Grade CrossingsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 29-01Seven Keys to Building a Robust Research ProgramFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 29-02Roadway Incident Diversion PracticesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 29-03Performance Survey on Open-Graded Friction Course MixesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 29-04Project Management Information SystemsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 29-05Impact of Narrow Median Widths on Commercial VehiclesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 29-06Consultants for DOT Preconstruction Engineering WorkFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 29-07Management and Selection Systems for Highway Maintenance EquipmentFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 29-08Measuring In-situ Mechanical Properites of Pavement Subgrade SoilsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 30-01Systems Engineering Processes for Developing Traffic Signal SystemsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 30-02Multimodal Aspects of Statewide Transportation PlanningFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 30-03Corridor ManagementFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 30-04Innovative Practices to Reduce Delivery Time for Right-of-Way in Project DevelopmentFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 30-05Current Practices for Assessing Economic Development Impacts from Transportation InvestmentsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 30-06Sleep Deprivation Countermeasures for Motorist SafetyFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 30-07Data Sharing and Data Partnerships for HighwaysFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 30-08Bridge Deck Joint PerformanceFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 30-09Quality Assurance of Structural MaterialFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 30-10Maintenance of Highway EdgedrainsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 30-11Evaluation of Pavement Friction CharacteristicsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 30-12Reducing and Mitigating the Impacts of Lane Occupancy During Construction and MaintenanceFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 31-01A Review of Recent Geometric Design Research for Improved Safety and OperationsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 31-02Statistical Methods in Highway Safety AnalysisFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 31-03Assesment and Rehabilitation of Existing CulvertsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 31-04Performance Measures for Research, Development and Technology ProgramsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 31-05Collecting, Processing, and Integrating GPS Data into GISFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 31-06Facilitating Partnerships in Transportation ResearchFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 31-07Long-term Pavement Marking PracticesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 31-08Impact of New Information/Communications Technology on Transportation AgenciesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 31-09Truck Trip Generation GuideFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 31-10Configuration Management in Transportation Management SystemsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 31-11Building Effective Relationships Between States, Cities and the Federal GovernmentFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 31-12Mitigation of Ecological ImpactsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 32-01Dealing With Truck Parking DemandsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 32-02Stategies for Managing Increasing Truck TrafficFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 32-03Impact of Red Light Camera Enforcement on Crash ExperienceFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 32-04Significant Findings from Full-scale/Accelerated Pavement TestingFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 32-05Driveway Regulation PracticesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 32-06Public Benefits of Highway System Maintenance and OperationsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 32-07Performance Measures of Operational Effectiveness for Highway Segments and SystemsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 32-08Cost Effective Structures for Off-system BridgesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 32-09Transportation Planning and Management for Special EventsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 32-10Compensation for Contractors Home Office OverheadFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 32-11Interaction Between Wildlife Ecology and RoadwaysFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 32-12Owner Controlled Insurance ProgramsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 33-01Design Exception PracticesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 33-02Precast Structural Elements for Bridge ConstructionFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 33-03State Product Evaluation ProgramsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 33-04Integrated Roadside Vegetation ManagementFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 33-05Safe and Quick Clearance of Traffic IncidentsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 33-06Roadway Safety Tools for Local AgemciesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 33-07Safety Management SystemsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 33-08Recruiting and Retaining Professional Staff in State Transportation AgenciesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 33-09Statewide Highway Letting Program ManagementFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 33-10Steel Bridge Erection PracticesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 33-11Integrating Tourism and Recreation Travel with Transportation Planning and Project DeliveryFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 33-12Integrating Freight Facilities and Operations with Community GoalsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 34-01Centerline Rumble StripsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 34-02Road Safety AuditsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 34-03Linking Strategic Planning to Resource and Implementation IssuesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 34-04Automated Pavement Distress Collection TechniquesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 34-05Effective Construction Management of Disadvantaged Business Enterprise IssuesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 34-06Convertible Roadways and LanesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 34-07 Cooperative Agreements for Corridor ManagementFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 34-08Use of Ultra-thin WhitetoppingFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 34-09Concrete Bridge Deck PerformanceFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 34-10Winter Highway OperationsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 34-11Geographic Information System Applications in Pavement ManagementFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 34-12Access Location and Design on Crossroads in the Vicinity of Freeway InterchangesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 35-01State Quality Assurance ProgramsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 35-02Chip Seal Best PracticesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 35-03 Crash Records SystemsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 35-04Value Engineering Practices in TransportationFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 35-05Developing Transportation Agency LeadersFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 35-06Access RightsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 35-07Inspection and Maintenance of Cable-Stayed BridgesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 35-08Comprehensive Investigation of Bridges with Fracture Critical DetailsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 35-09Compliance with National Historic Preservation Act Requirements for Archeological Investigation and MitigationFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 35-10Improving the Safety of Older Road UsersFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 35-11Transportation Implications of Emerging Economic Development TrendsFinal (Synthesis)Research Results Digest
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 35-12Transportation Technology Transfer Successes, Challenges, and NeedsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 36-01Bridge Rating Practices and Polices for Overweight VehiclesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 36-02Monitoring Scour Critical BridgesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 36-03Technologies for Improving Safety DataFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 36-04Visualization for Project DevelopmentFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 36-05Control of Invasive SpeciesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 36-06Pavement Markings- Design and Typical Layout DetailsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 36-07Training Program Policies, Processes, and PracticesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 36-08Use of Geophysics for Transportation ProjectsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 36-09Statewide Travel Forecasting ModelsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 36-10Impact of Intermodal Freight Terminals ClosuresFinal (Synthesis)Withdrawn
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 36-11Estimating Toll Facility Demand and RevenueFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 36-12Use of Rock-Socketed Shafts for Highway Structure FoundationsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 36-16State of Tribal Transportation Programs in the United StatesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 37-01Multi-Disciplinary Teams in Context Sensitive SolutionsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 37-02Preservation of Institutional MemoryFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 37-03Managing Selected Transportation Infrastructure AssetsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 37-05Bridge Inspection PracticesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 37-06Emerging Technologies for Construction DeliveryFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 37-07Bridge Management Systems for Transportation Agency Decision-MakingFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 37-08Crash Reconstruction PracticesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 37-09Performance-Based Contracting for MaintenanceFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 37-10Preserving Freight and Passenge Rail Corridors and ServiceFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 37-11Debt Financing PracticesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 37-12Animal-Vehicle Collision Data CollectionFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 37-14Cone PenetrationTest- State of PracticeFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 38-01Quality Assurance in Design-Build ProjectsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 38-02Information Technology for Efficient Project DeliveryFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 38-03Compilation of Public Opinion Data on Tolls and Road PricingFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 38-04State Highway Cost Allocation StudiesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 38-05LED Traffic Signal Monitoring, Maintenance and Replacemenrt IssuesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 38-06Pre-Overlay Treatment of Existing PavementsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 38-07Forecasting Metropolitan Commercial and Freight TravelFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 38-09Estimating Stiffness of Subgrades and Unbound Materials for Pavement DesignFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 38-10High Speed Weigh-in-Motion System Calibration PracticesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 38-11Changeable Message Sign Displays During Non-Incident, Non-Roadwork PeriodsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 38-12Alternative Contracting Methods to Facilitate Faster Construction and ReconstructionFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 38-13Illuminated, Active, In-Pavement Marker SystemsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 38-15Falling Weight Deflectometer UsageFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 39-01Quality Management of Pavement Distress Data CollectionFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 39-02Improving the Safety of Mobile Lane ClosuresFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 39-03Cathodic Protection for Life Extension of Existing Reinforced Concrete Bridge Elements Final (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 39-04Performance Based Construction Contractor Pre-qualificationFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 39-05Emergency Evacuation and ReentryFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 39-06Public Sector Decision-Making in Public Private PartnershipsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 39-07Reducing Litter on the RoadsidesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 39-08Real Time Traveler Information for the PublicFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 39-09Design Flexibility Considerations for Established CitiesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 39-10Adjacent Precast Box Beam Bridges: Connection Details Final (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 39-11Performance of Thin Polymer Overlays for Bridge Decks Final (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 39-12Identify Promising Technologies for Biological SurveysFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 39-13Pavement Marking Warranty SpecificationsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 40-01Recycled Materials and Byproducts in Highway Applications Final (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 40-02Construction Manager-at-risk Project Delivery for Highway ProgramsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 40-03Adaptive Traffic Control Systems : Domestic and Foreign State of PracticeFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 40-04Utility Location and Highway DesignFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 40-05Effective Public Involvement Using Limited ResourcesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 40-06Advanced Practices in Travel ForecastingFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 40-07Trade-off Considerations in Highway Geometric DesignFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 40-08Effective Speed Reduction Techniques for Rural High to Low Speed TransitionsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 40-09Freight Transportation Surveys- Existing Methods and GuidelinesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 40-10Traffic Signal Retiming Practices in the U.S.Final (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 40-11The State of Practice in Highway Access ManagementFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 40-13Recycling and Reclamation of Asphalt Pavements Using In-Place MethodsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 41-01Geometric Design Practices for Resurfacing, Restoration, and RehabilitationFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 41-02Effective Delivery of Small-Scale Federal Aid ProjectsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 41-03Engineering Economic Analysis Practices for Highway InvestmentFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 41-04Sustainable Pavement Maintenance PracticesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 41-05Design Fires in Road TunnelsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 41-06Accelerating Implementation of Transportation Research ResultsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 41-07Operational and Institutional Agreements that Facilitate Regional Traffic Signal Operations ProgramsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 41-08Implementing Race-Neutral Measures in State Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) ProgramsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 41-09Techniques for Effective Highway Construction Projects in Congested Urban AreasFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 41-10Developing Production Pile Driving Criteria from Test Pile DataFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 41-11Transportation Improvement Program Revision ProcessFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 41-12MicrosurfacingFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 42-01Geotechnical Information Practices in Design-Build ProjectsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 42-02Use of the U. S. Census Bureau’s Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) by States and Metropolitan Planning Organizations Final (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 42-03Practice and Procedures for Site-Specific Evaluation of Earthquake Ground MotionsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 42-04Recent Roadway Geometric Design Research for Improved Safety and OperationsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 42-05Assessing the Long-Term Performance of Mechanically-Stabilized Earth (MSE) Walls Final (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 42-06Performance-Based Highway Maintenance and Operations ManagementFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 42-07Waterproofing Membranes for Concrete Bridge DecksFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 42-08Full-Scale Accelerated Pavement Testing, 2000 – 2011Final (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 42-09Cost-effective and Sustainable Road Slope Stabilization and Erosion ControlFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 42-10Extent of Highway Capacity Manual Use in PlanningFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 42-11Local Policies and Practices that Support Safe Pedestrian Environments Final (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 42-12Practices to Manage Traffic Sign RetroreflectivityFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 43-01Use of Transportation Asset Management Principles in State Highway AgenciesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 43-02High Performance Concrete Specifications and Practices for BridgesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 43-03Practices for Unbound Aggregate Pavement Layers Final (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 43-04Practices and Performance Measures for Local Public Agency Federally-Funded Highway ProjectsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 43-05Practical Design/Practical Solutions PracticesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 43-06Pollutant Load Reductions for Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Reductions for HighwaysFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 43-07Performance Based Seismic Bridge DesignFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 43-08State DOT Small Business ProgramsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 43-09Use of Advanced Geospatial Data Tools, Technologies, and Information in DOT ProjectsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 43-10Active Traffic and Demand Management Strategies for Arterials RoadwaysFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 43-11Expedited Procurement Procedures for Emergency Construction ServicesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 43-12Reducing the Effects of Roadway Deicers on the Natural EnvironmentFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 43-13Forecasting Construction Staffing Requirements for Future ProjectsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 43-14State Department of Transportation Fleet Replacement Management PracticesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 43-15Models for Effective Emergency Medical Services Response to Motor Vehicle Crashes in Rural Areas Final (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 44-01FEMA and FHWA Emergency Relief Funds Reimbursements to State Departments of TransportationFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 44-02Using the Economic Value Created by Transportation to Fund TransportationFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 44-03Outsourcing Winter MaintenanceFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 44-04Pavement Patching PracticesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 44-05Roadway Safety Data Interoperability between Local and State AgenciesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 44-06Implementation of the AASHTO Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide and SoftwareFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 44-07Thin Asphalt Concrete Overlays Final (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 44-08Response to Extreme Weather Impacts on Transportation SystemsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 44-09Alternative Technical Concepts for Contract Delivery MethodsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 44-10Non-Nuclear Methods for Compaction Control of Unbound MaterialsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 44-11Managing Longitudinal Utility Installations on Controlled Access Highway Right-of-WayFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 44-12Interactive Training for All-Hazards Emergency Planning, Preparation, and Response for Maintenance and Operations Field PersonnelFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 44-13Sharing Operational Data Among AgenciesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 44-14Permanent Signs Mounted on Median BarriersFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 44-15State Bridge Load Posting Processes and Practices Final (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 45-01Service Life of CulvertsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 45-02Practices for Developing Transparent Best Value Selection ProceduresFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 45-03Current Practices to Set and Monitor DBE Goals on Design-Build Projects and Other Alternative Project Delivery MethodsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 45-05Design and Load Testing of Large Diameter Open-Ended Driven PilesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 45-06Work Zone Speed ManagementFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 45-07Forecasting Transportation Revenue Sources: Survey of State PracticesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 45-09Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity Contracting PracticesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 45-10The Impacts of Energy Developments on U.S. Roads and BridgesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 45-11Economic and Development Implications of Transportation DisinvestmentFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 45-12Methods and Practice on Reduction and Elimination of Asphalt Mix SegregationFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 45-13Maintenance Quality Assurance Field Inspection PracticesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 45-14Practices for Permitting Superheavy Load Movements on Highway PavementsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 45-15Fiber Additives in Asphalt MixturesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 45-16Alliance Contracting – Evolving Alternative Project DeliveryFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 45-17Visualization of Geotechnical Data for Hazard Mitigation and Disaster ResponseFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 46-01Public Perception of Mileage-Based User FeesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 46-02Roundabout PracticesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 46-03Performance Specifications for Asphalt MixturesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 46-04Influence of Geotechnical Investigation and Subsurface Conditions on Claims, Change Orders and OverrunsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 46-05Use of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement and Recycled Asphalt Shingles in Asphalt MixturesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 46-06Use of Mobile Information Technology Devices in the Field for Design, Construction and Asset ManagementFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 46-07State Practices for Local Road SafetyFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 46-09Extending Bridge Service Life through Field Welded Repair and RetrofitsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 46-10Application of Pedestrian Crossing Treatments for Streets and HighwaysFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 46-11Post-Extreme Event Damage Assessment and Response for Highway BridgesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 46-12Converting Paved Roads to UnpavedFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 46-13Practice of Rumble Strips and Rumble StripesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 46-14Practices for High-Tension Cable Barrier Final (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 46-15Life Cycle Cost Analysis for Management of Highway AssetsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 46-16Minimizing Roadway Embankment Damage from FloodingFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 46-17Training and Certification of Highway Maintenance WorkersFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 47-01Control of Concrete Cracking in BridgesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 47-02Alternate Design/Alternate Bid Process for Pavement Type SelectionFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 47-03Current Practices and Guidelines for the Reuse of Bridge FoundationsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 47-04Leveraging Technology for Transportation Agency Workforce Development and TrainingFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 47-05Data Management and Governance PracticesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 47-06Strategic Program Delivery MethodsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 47-07Evolving Debt Finance Practices for Surface TransportationFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 47-08Pavement Management Systems: Putting Data to WorkFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 47-09Practices for Establishing Contract Completion Dates for Highway ProjectsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 47-10Resource Allocation of Available Funding to Programs of WorkFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 47-12Use of Fiber Reinforced Polymers in Transportation InfrastructureFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 47-13Relationship Between Chemical Makeup of Binders and Engineering PerformanceFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 47-14Effective Utility Coordination: Application of Research and Current PracticesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 47-15Traffic Signal Preemption at Intersections near Highway-Rail Grade CrossingsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 47-16Highway Worker SafetyFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 47-17Statewide and MegaRegional Travel Forecasting Models: Freight and PassengerFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 48-01Practices for Preventing Roadway Departure CrashesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 48-02Tack Coat Specifications, Materials, and Construction PracticesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 48-03Corrosion Protection for Extending Steel Bridge Service Life Final (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 48-04Staffing for Alternative Contracting MethodsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 48-05The Renewal of Stormwater Systems Using Trenchless TechnologiesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 48-06Integrated Transportation and Land Use ModelsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 48-07Investment Prioritization Methods for Low Volume RoadsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 48-08Connected Work Zones - Integrating Technology into Work Zones, Vehicles, and Equipment to Improve Worker, Driver, Pedestrian, and Bicycle SafetyFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 48-09Integration of Roadway Safety Data from State and Local SourcesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 48-10Aggregate Quality Requirements for PavementsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 48-11Practices in One Lane Traffic Control on a Two-Lane Rural HighwayFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 48-12Inertial Profiler Certification for Evaluation of International Roughness Index Final (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 48-13Resilience in Transportation Planning, Engineering, Management, Policy, and AdministrationFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 48-14Analyzing Data for Measuring Transportation Performance by State DOTs and MPOsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 48-15How Transportation Agencies Assess the Value of Added Capacity Highway Projects versus Other Modal Projects and StrategiesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 48-16Construction and Rehabilitation of Concrete Pavements under TrafficFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 49-01Prioritization of Freight Investment ProjectsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 49-02Emerging Technologies for Construction Delivery Final (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 49-03Bridge Demolition PracticesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 49-04Very Short Duration Work Zone Safety for Maintenance and other ActivitiesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 49-05Impact of Asphalt Materials Lift Thickness on Pavement QualityFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 49-06Landscape Development and Management Practices for Urban Freeway RoadsidesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 49-07Managing Transportation Research ProgramsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 49-08Pedestrian Safety Relative to Traffic Speed ManagementFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 49-09Concrete Technology for Transportation ApplicationsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 49-10Transportation Workforce Planning and Development StrategiesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 49-11Practice for Online Public Involvement Final (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 49-12Seismic Design of Non-conventional BridgesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 49-13Leveraging Private Capital for Infrastructure Renewal Final (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 49-14Methods to Acquire Proprietary Data for Transportation ApplicationsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 49-15Automated Pavement Condition SurveysFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 50-01Advancements in Use of Geophysical Methods for Transportation ProjectsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 50-02Highway Hydraulic Engineering State of PracticeFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 50-03Use of Weigh-in-Motion Data for Pavement, Bridge, Weight Enforcement, and Freight Logistics ApplicationsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 50-04Utility Pole Safety and Hazard Evaluation ApproachesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 50-05Incorporating Roadway Access Management into Local OrdinancesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 50-06Advances in Unstable Slope Instrumentation and MonitoringFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 50-07Electronic Ticketing of Materials for Construction ManagementFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 50-08Emerging Challenges to Priced Managed LanesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 50-09Performance Based Pavement Warranty PracticesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 50-10Availability and use of Pedestrian Infrastructure Data to Support Active Transportation PlanningFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 50-11Alternative Intersection Design and SelectionFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 50-12Development and Use of As-Builts Plans by State DOTSFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 50-13Estimating and Contracting Rock Slope Scaling Adjacent to HighwaysFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 50-14Practices for Fabrication Asphalt Specimens for Testing in LaboratoriesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 50-15Asset Management Approaches to Identifying and Evaluating Assets Damaged Due to Emergency EventsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 51-01Practices for Construction-Ready Digital Terrain ModelsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 51-02Practices for Bridge Approach SystemsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 51-03Temporary Pavement Markings Placement and Removal Practices in Work ZonesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 51-04Practices for Selecting Pedestrian and Bicycle ProjectsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 51-05Collaborative Practices for Performance-Based Asset Management Between State DOTs and MPOsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 51-06Use of Vehicle Probe and Cellular GPS Data by State Departments of Transportation Final (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 51-07Practices for Assessing and Mitigating the Moisture Susceptibility of Asphalt PavementsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 51-08Practice and Performance of Cold In-Place Recycling and Cold Central Plant RecyclingFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 51-09Portland Cement Concrete Pavement Joint Sealant Practices and PerformanceFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 51-10Practices for Integrated Flood Prediction and Response SystemsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 51-11Lighting Practices for Isolated Rural IntersectionsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 51-12Night and Weekend Movement of Oversize/Overweight LoadsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 51-13Load Rating of Bridges and Culverts with Missing or Incomplete As-Built InformationFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 51-14Repair and Maintenance of Post-Tensioned Concrete BridgesFinal (Synthesis)Complete. Published as NCHRP Synthesis 562.
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 51-15State DOT Practice for Developing and Implementing TSMO PlansFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 51-16Maintenance and Surface Preparation Activities Prior to Pavement Preservation TreatmentsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 51-17Practices for Closing Out Highway Projects from Substantial Completion to Final PaymentFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 51-18Practices for Project-Level Analyses for Air QualityFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 51-19Performance Metrics for Public-Private PartnershipFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 52-01Highway Infrastructure Inspection Practices for the Digital Age Final (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 52-02Bridge Element Data and UseFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 52-03Practices for Ensuring Bridge Surface Smoothness Final (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 52-04Use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems for Highway Construction Final (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 52-05Implementation of Subsurface Utility Engineering for Highway Design and ConstructionFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 52-06Agency Use of Quality Control Plans for Administering Quality Assurance SpecificationsFinal (Synthesis)Published as NCHRP Synthesis Report 590.
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 52-07Use of Pavement Data Collection Technology for Pavement Data Quality Management and MAP-21 Reporting Final (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 52-08Practices for Balancing Safety Investments in a Comprehensive Safety ProgramFinal (Synthesis)Published as NCHRP Synthesis Report 592.
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 52-09Use of Safety Management Systems in Managing Highway Maintenance Worker SafetyFinal (Synthesis)Published as NCHRP Synthesis Report 591.
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 52-10Subsurface Drainage Practices in Pavement Design, Construction, and Maintenance Final (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 52-11Use of Smart Work Zone Technologies for Improving Work Zone Safety Final (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 52-12Rehabilitation of Culverts and Buried Storm Drain PipesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 52-13Micromobility Policies, Permits, and PracticesFinal (Synthesis)Report published as NCHRP Synthesis 597.
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 52-143D Digital Models as Highway Construction Contract DocumentsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 52-15Measuring Investments in Active Transportation When Accomplished as Part of Other Transportation ProjectsFinal (Synthesis)Published as NCHRP Synthesis Report 596.
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 52-16Visualization of Highway Performance MeasuresFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 52-17Use of Recycling Agents in Asphalt Concrete MixturesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 52-18Design Practices for Rock Slopes and Rockfall ManagementFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 52-19Technological Capabilities of DOTs for Digital Project Management and DeliveryFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 53-01Practices to Promote Equity in Transportation FundingFinal (Synthesis)Final report is published on project page as uncorrected agency report.
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 53-02Practices to Motivate Safe Behaviors with Highway Construction and Maintenance CrewsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 53-03Leveraging Social Media Data for Emergency Preparedness and ResponseFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 53-04Practices for the Collection, Use, and Management of Utility As-Built InformationFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 53-05Practices for Bioretention Stormwater Control MeasuresFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 53-06Local Calibration of LRFD Geotechnical Resistance FactorsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 53-07Curing Practices for Concrete PavementsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 53-08Strategies and Programs For Electric Vehicle ChargingFinal (Synthesis)Published as NCHRP Synthesis Report 605.
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 53-09Use of Unmanned Aerial Systems for Inspection of Stormwater Best Management Practices Final (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 53-10Contrast Pavement Markings PracticesFinal (Synthesis)Completed report can be found at NCHRP Synthesis Report 613.
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 53-11Resilient Design with Distributed Rainfall-Runoff ModelingFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 53-12Practices for Adding Bicycle and Pedestrians Access on Existing Vehicle BridgesFinal (Synthesis)Published as NCHRP Synthesis Report 604.
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 53-13Practices for Steel Bridge Fabrication and Erection TolerancesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 53-14Use of Probe Data for Freight Planning and OperationsFinal (Synthesis)Published as NCHRP Synthesis Report 611: Use of Probe Data for Freight Planning and Operations
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 53-15Coordination of Upgrades and Installation of New Software Required by Traffic Operations and MaintenanceFinal (Synthesis)Project has been cancelled.
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 53-16Critical Findings for Tunnel Functional SystemsFinal (Synthesis)Completed report can be found at NCHRP Synthesis Report 607.
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 53-17Integrating Freight and Active Transportation into Policies, Programs, Plans, and Project DevelopmentFinal (Synthesis)Published as NCHRP Synthesis Report 606.
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 53-18Moisture Measurement for Pavement Foundations and SlopesFinal (Synthesis)Completed report can be found at NCHRP Synthesis Report 612.
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 53-19State DOT Product Evaluation ProcessesFinal (Synthesis)Published as NCHRP Synthesis Report 616
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 54-01Practices to Identify and Mitigate PFAS Impacts on Highway Construction Projects and Maintenance OperationsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 54-02Outsourcing Post-Construction Stormwater Best Management Practice Inspection and Maintenance Activities Final (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 54-03DOT Practices on Road Safety AuditsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 54-04Mobile Devices as a Tool for Digitalized Project Documentation and InspectionFinal (Synthesis)Published as NCHRP Synthesis 635
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 54-05Practices for Statewide and MPO CoordinationFinal (Synthesis)Published as NCHRP Synthesis Report 626
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 54-06Ancillary Asset Data Stewardship and Data ModelsFinal (Synthesis)The synthesis final report is published as NCHRP Synthesis Report 628; a PDF version of the report can be downloaded at
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 54-07Visualization for Public InvolvementFinal (Synthesis)The synthesis final report is published as NCHRP Synthesis Report 632; a PDF version of the report can be downloaded at
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 54-08Practices for Integrating Performance-Based Plans with Long-Range Transportation Plans and Statewide Transportation Investment ProgramsFinal (Synthesis)Published as NCHRP Synthesis Report 631
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 54-09Hydraulic Engineering Practices for Construction and Temporary Facilities in Streams and RiversFinal (Synthesis)The completed report may be found at NCHRP Synthesis Report 619.
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 54-10State Customization of Highway Safety Manual MethodsFinal (Synthesis)Published as NCHRP 634
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 54-11Quality Control Checks for Bridge and Structure Analysis ModelsActive (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 54-12Programmatic Implementation of Alternative Contracting MethodsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 54-13Truck Emergency Escape Ramp Design and OperationActive (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 54-14Artificial Intelligence Applications for Automated Pavement Condition EvaluationFinal (Synthesis)Published as NCHRP Synthesis 636
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 54-15Prevention and Mitigation of Surficial Slope Failures on Highway Embankment SlopesFinal (Synthesis)The completed report may be found at NCHRP Synthesis Report 617.
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 54-16Post-Construction Evaluation Practices for Highway Projects Delivered Using Alternative Final (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 54-17State DOT Innovation Programs and PracticesFinal (Synthesis)The final report of this synthesis has been published as NCHRP Synthesis Report 633; a PDF version of the report can be downloaded at
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 54-18Wintertime Pavement Maintenance PracticesFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 54-19Practices for Controlling Tunnel LeaksFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 54-20Advancing Gender Equity in the DOT WorkforceFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 54-21Practices in the Transportation Planning Process to Address Climate Resilience and GHG Emission Quantification and ReductionFinal (Synthesis)Published as NCHRP Synthesis Report 624
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 54-22Practices for Capturing and Integrating Cost Data in Maintenance SystemsFinal (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 55-01State DOT Policies and Practices on the Use of Corrosion Resistant Reinforcing BarsActive (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 55-02Practices for Collecting, Managing, and Using Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) DataFinal (Synthesis)Research Complete
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 55-03Asset Management Practices for Mechanically Stabilized Earth WallsFinal (Synthesis)Research Complete
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 55-04Current Practices and Guidelines for Full-Depth Reclamation (FDR)Final (Synthesis)This project has beed replaced by NCHRP Project 20-05/Topic 55-04A, in order to accommodate a change in contract vehicles.
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 55-04ACurrent Practices and Guidelines for Full-Depth Reclamation (FDR)Active (Synthesis)This project replaces NCHRP Project 20-05/Topic 55-04, in order to accomodate a change in contract vehicles.
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 55-05Use of Supplementary Cementitious Materials for ConcreteActive (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 55-06State DOT Certification Programs for Materials Sampling and Testing PersonnelActive (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 55-07Stormwater Retrofit Programs and Practices Through Third-Party PartnershipsFinal (Synthesis)Research Complete
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 55-08Construction Strategies and Techniques for Planned Bridge Replacements in Complex ScenariosActive (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 55-09Open-books Pricing Practices for Construction Manager/General Contractor and Progressive Design-Build ProjectsFinal (Synthesis)Research Complete
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 55-10Implementation of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Proven Safety CountermeasuresFinal (Synthesis)Research Complete
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 55-11Construction Stormwater Program Management, Tracking, Reporting, and Compliance Active (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 55-12Bridge Construction Inspection Training Resources and PracticesActive (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 55-13Practices for Operational Traffic Simulation ModelsFinal (Synthesis)Research Complete
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 55-14Maintenance Practices for Wide Cracks and Joints in Flexible and Composite PavementsActive (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 55-15Tracking Safety Leading Indicators to Improve DOT Employee Safety PerformanceFinal (Synthesis)Published as NCHRP Synthesis Report 637
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 55-16Use of Sustainable Materials for Erosion and Sediment Control PracticesFinal (Synthesis)Research Complete
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 55-17Practices to Enhance Resiliency of Existing Roadway and Embankment CulvertsActive (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 55-18Permitting, Design, and Construction Practices for Aquatic Organism PassageActive (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 55-19Documenting the State of Practice in Managing Ancillary Transportation AssetsActive (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 55-20Traffic Capacity Level of Service Adaptations and UsageFinal (Synthesis)Research Complete
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 55-21Funding for Maintenance of Complete StreetsActive (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 56-01Occupational Safety Training and Knowledge Transfer Practices for State DOT EmployeesActive (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 56-02Design, Production, and Placement of High RAP Asphalt MixturesNewIn contracting
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 56-03Current Practices in Pedestrian Safety Enhancements by State DOTsActive (Synthesis)Research in progress
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 56-04Practices on Mental Health, Suicide Prevention, and Addiction Mitigation in Construction and MaintenanceActive (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 56-05Traffic Analysis Practices for Non-Motorized Modes (Vulnerable Road Users)Active (Synthesis)Research in progress
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 56-06Practices for Transitioning to Digital Delivery Systems and Workflows NewIn contracting
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 56-07Practices for Identifying and Incorporating Risk into Bridge Asset Management PlanningActive (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 56-08Using Cathodic Protection to Mitigate Corrosion of Highway StructuresNewIn contracting
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 56-09Staffing Models for Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO)New
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 56-10Practices to Reduce Serious Injuries and Fatalities (SIFs) with Department of Transportation EmployeesNew
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 56-11Practices for Transportation Planning in Non-Metropolitan AreasActive (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 56-12Practices on Management, Operation, and Maintenance of Automated Traffic Signal Performances MeasuresActive (Synthesis)Research in progress
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 56-13Budgetary Practices for State Stormwater Permit Compliance Programs New
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 56-14State DOT Training Programs to Comply with NPDES Stormwater Permit RequirementsActive (Synthesis)Research in progress
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 56-15Practices for Selecting, Installing, Maintaining, Replacing, and Successively Using Complementary Bridge Deck Protection SystemsNewIn contracting
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 56-16Data Collection and Management to Expedite Pothole RepairsNewIn contracting
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 56-17Testing and Modeling Practices for Implementing a Pavement Friction Management ProgramNew
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 56-18Policies, Programs, and Practices for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)Active (Synthesis)
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 56-19Practices on Coordination of HSIP and Highway Safety Office ActivitiesActive (Synthesis)Research in progress
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 56-20Pavement Design and Evaluation of Low Volume Roads with Heavy LoadsNewIn contracting
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 56-21Practices Related to Design and Construction ContingencyNew
NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 56-22State DOT Practices for Recruiting and Retaining Engineering, Planning, and Management EmployeesNew
NCRRP 02-01Comparison of Passenger Rail Energy Consumption with Competing ModesCompleted
NCRRP 03-01Intercity Passenger Rail Service and Development GuideCompleted
NCRRP 03-02Intercity Passenger Rail in the Context of Dynamic Travel MarketsCompleted
NCRRP 06-01Building and Retaining Workforce Capacity for the Railroad IndustryCompleted
NCRRP 07-01Alternative Funding and Financing Mechanisms for Passenger and Freight Rail ProjectsCompleted
NCRRP 07-02Developing Multi-State Institutions to Implement Intercity Passenger Rail ProgramsCompleted
NCRRP 07-03Inventory of State Passenger and Freight Rail ProgramsCompleted
NCRRP 12-01Legal Aspects of Rail ProgramsCompleted
NCRRP 12-02NCRRP Strategic Plan/Research AgendaCompleted
Rail Safety IDEA Project 01Color Corrected Motor Vehicle Headlight, Rearview Mirror, and Windshield for Glare ControlCompleted (IDEA)
Rail Safety IDEA Project 02Auto Radio Override Alert Systems for Trains and Emergency VehiclesCompleted (IDEA)
Rail Safety IDEA Project 04Safety Effects of Seat Cushion Design in Large Commercial VehiclesCompleted (IDEA)
Rail Safety IDEA Project 05Assessment of Driver Safety in Commercial Motor VehiclesCompleted (IDEA)
Rail Safety IDEA Project 06Fiber Optic System to Detect Truck Hunting on Freight RailroadsCompleted (IDEA)
Rail Safety IDEA Project 07Driver Alertness Indication System (DAISY): Quantitative VerificationCompleted (IDEA)
Rail Safety IDEA Project 08Cracked Axle Detection on Moving Freight RailcarsCompleted (IDEA)
Rail Safety IDEA Project 09Driver Feedback Device for Passive Railroad Grade CrossingsCompleted (IDEA)
Rail Safety IDEA Project 10Monitoring Train Position to Improve Emergency ResponseCompleted (IDEA)
Rail Safety IDEA Project 12Development of a Diagnostic System for Air Brakes in TrucksCompleted (IDEA)
Rail Safety IDEA Project 13Sensor Integration for Low-Cost Crash Avoidance Completed (IDEA)
Rail Safety IDEA Project 14Onboard Railroad Wheel Monitoring SystemCompleted (IDEA)
Rail Safety IDEA Project 15Determination of the Longitudinal Stress in RailsCompleted (IDEA)
Rail Safety IDEA Project 16Rail Vehicle Bearing Defect DetectionCompleted (IDEA)
Rail Safety IDEA Project 17Non-Contact Driver Drowsiness Detection SystemCompleted (IDEA)
Rail Safety IDEA Project 18DRIVE-SMART Driver Monitoring and Crash Mitigation System Completed (IDEA)
Rail Safety IDEA Project 19Increasing Truck Driver’s Awareness: Use of In-Vehicle 3D SoundsCompleted (IDEA)
Rail Safety IDEA Project 20Material with Improved Absorption of Collision Forces for Railroad CarsCompleted (IDEA)
Rail Safety IDEA Project 22Laser Cladding of Welds to Improve Railroad Track SafetyCompleted (IDEA)
Rail Safety IDEA Project 23Reducing Wheel Climb at Switch Points to Reduce DerailmentsCompleted (IDEA)
Rail Safety IDEA Project 24High Speed Railroad Bridge Dynamics and RatingsCompleted (IDEA)
Rail Safety IDEA Project 25Dynamic Impact Factors on Existing Long-Span Steel Truss Railroad BridgesCompleted (IDEA)
Rail Safety IDEA Project 26Remote Sensing with Mobile LiDAR and Imaging Sensors for Railroad Bridge InspectionsCompleted (IDEA)
Rail Safety IDEA Project 27Field Evaluation of Ballast Fouling Conditions Using Machine VisionCompleted (IDEA)
Rail Safety IDEA Project 28Field Validation of Inspection Gauges for Wheels Climb Safety at Switch PointsCompleted (IDEA)
Rail Safety IDEA Project 29Self-Deicing LED Signal for Railroad and Highway IntersectionsCompleted (IDEA)
Rail Safety IDEA Project 30Development of Ballast Real Time Information System (BRIS) Based on “SmartRock”Completed (IDEA)
Rail Safety IDEA Project 31Modeling and Validation of Standards for a Sleeper Compartment on Accessible Passenger Rail VehiclesCompleted (IDEA)
Rail Safety IDEA Project 32Railroad Bridge Inspections for Maintenance and Replacement Prioritization Using Unmanned Aerial (UAVs) with Laser Scanning CapabilitiesCompleted (IDEA)
Rail Safety IDEA Project 33Adaptive Prestressing System for Concrete CrosstiesCompleted (IDEA)
Rail Safety IDEA Project 34Prototype System for Managing Enterprise Rail Transport Risk for HazmatCompleted (IDEA)
Rail Safety IDEA Project 35Non-contact Deflection Monitoring System for Timber Railroad BridgesCompleted (IDEA)
Rail Safety IDEA Project 36Onboard High-Bandwidth Fiber Optic Sensing System for Broken Rail DetectionCompleted (IDEA)
Rail Safety IDEA Project 37Measuring Behavior of Railroad Bridges under Revenue Traffic using Lasers and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for Safer Operations: ImplementationCompleted (IDEA)
Rail Safety IDEA Project 38Fatigue Life Extension of Thermite Welds by Porosity MinimizationCompleted (IDEA)
Rail Safety IDEA Project 39Non-contact Scour monitoring for Railroad Bridges Completed (IDEA)
Rail Safety IDEA Project 40Using Light to Reduce Fatigue and Improve Alertness in Railway OperationsCompleted (IDEA)
Rail Safety IDEA Project 41Vibration-based Longitudinal Rail Stress Estimation Exploiting Contactless Measurement and Machine LearningCompleted (IDEA)
Rail Safety IDEA Project 42Railroad Tunnel Inspections for Maintenance and Replacement Prioritization Using Untethered Ground Penetrating Radar and LIDAR Capable Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) Completed (IDEA)
Rail Safety IDEA Project 44Laser-based Non-destructive Spike Defect Inspection SystemCompleted (IDEA)
Rail Safety IDEA Project 45Development of a Fatigue Load for Railway BridgesCompleted (IDEA)
Rail Safety IDEA Project 46Adaptive Prestressing System for Concrete Crossties: Prototype DevelopmentCompleted (IDEA)
Rail Safety IDEA Project 48Autonomous Detection of Compressed Air Leaks on TrainsCompleted (IDEA)
SHRP 2 C01A Framework for Collaborative Decision Making on Additons to Highway CapacityCompleted
SHRP 2 C02A Systems-Based Performance Measurement Framework for Highway Capacity Decision MakingCompleted
SHRP 2 C03Interactions between Transportation Capacity, Economic Systems, and Land Use merged with Integrating Economic Considerations Project DevelopmentCompleted
SHRP 2 C04Improving Our Understanding of How Highway Congestion and Pricing Affect Travel DemandCompleted
SHRP 2 C05Understanding the Contribution of Operations, Technology, and Design to Meeting Highway Capacity Needs Completed
SHRP 2 C06(A)Integration of Conservation, Highway Planning, and Environmental Permitting Using an Outcome-Based Ecosystem Approach Completed
SHRP 2 C06(B)Integration of Conservation, Highway Planning, and Environmental Permitting Through Development of an Outcome-Based Ecosystem-Scale Approach and Corresponding Credit SystemCompleted
SHRP 2 C08Community Visioning Approach to Support the SHRP 2 Collaborative Decision-Making Framework for Additions to Highway Capacity Completed
SHRP 2 C09Incorporating Greenhouse Gas Emissions Into the Collaborative Decision-Making ProcessCompleted
SHRP 2 C10(A)Partnership to Develop an Integrated, Advanced Travel Demand Model and a Fine-Grained, Time-Sensitive NetworkCompleted
SHRP 2 C10(B)Partnership to Develop an Integrated Advanced Travel Demand Model with Mode Choice Capability and Fine-Grained, Time-Sensitive Networks.Completed
SHRP 2 C11Development of Improved Economic Analysis Tools Based on Recommendations from project C03 (2)Completed
SHRP 2 C12The Effect of Public-Private Partnerships and Non-Traditional Procurement Processes on Highway Planning, Environmental Review, and Collaborative Decision Making Completed
SHRP 2 C15Integrating Freight Considerations into Collaborative Decision Making for Additions to Highway Capacity Completed
SHRP 2 C16The Effect of Smart Growth Policies on Travel Demand Completed
SHRP 2 C18(A)Pilot Test the Collaborative Decision-Making Framework with Three DOTS, Including a Self-Assessment MethodCompleted
SHRP 2 C18(B)Pilot Test the Collaborative Decision-Making Framework with Three DOTS, Including a Self-Assessment MethodCompleted
SHRP 2 C18(C)Pilot Test the Collaborative Decision-Making Framework with Three DOTS, Including a Self-Assessment MethodCompleted
SHRP 2 C18(D)Pilot Test the Collaborative Decision-Making Framework with Three DOTS, Including a Self-Assessment MethodCompleted
SHRP 2 C19Add Expedited-Schedule Case Studies to the Collaborative Decision-Making Framework DatabaseCompleted
SHRP 2 C20Freight Demand Modeling and Data Improvement Strategic PlanCompleted
SHRP 2 C21(A)Pilot Test the C06 A&B Approaches to Environmental ProtectionCompleted
SHRP 2 C21(B)Pilot Test the C06 A&B Approaches to Environmental ProtectionCompleted
SHRP 2 C21(C)Pilot Test the C06 A&B Approaches to Environmental ProtectionCompleted
SHRP 2 C21(D)Pilot Test the C06 A&B Approaches to Environmental ProtectionCompleted
SHRP 2 C22Prepare a Decision Makers Guide to the Collaborative Decision Making FrameworkCompleted
SHRP 2 C33(A)Pilot Projects to Validate the Results of T-PICSCompleted
SHRP 2 C37Develop a Marketing and Communications Plan for TCAPPCompleted
SHRP 2 C39Additional Pilot Tests to Improve TCAPPCompleted
SHRP 2 C40(A)Integration of National-Level Geospatial, Ecological Tools and Data Completed
SHRP 2 C40(B)Proof-of-Concept: Application of Geospatial, Ecological Tools and Data in the Planning and Programming (pre-NEPA) Phases of Delivering New Highway CapacityCompleted
SHRP 2 C41TCAPP and Integrated Ecological Framework Pilot Projects: Synthesis of Lessons LearnedCompleted
SHRP 2 C43Second SHRP 2 Freight Modeling and Data Innovation Completed
SHRP 2 C46Resource on Advanced Integrated Models and an Implementation StrategyCompleted
SHRP 2 C55Capacity Implementation SupportCompleted
SHRP 2 L01Integrating Business Processes to Improve ReliabilityCompleted
SHRP 2 L02Establishing Monitoring Programs for Mobility and Travel Time ReliabilityCompleted
SHRP 2 L03Analytic Procedures for Determining the Impacts of Reliability Mitigation Strategies Completed
SHRP 2 L04Incorporating Reliability Performance Measures in Operations and Planning Modeling ToolsCompleted
SHRP 2 L05Incorporating Reliability Performance Measures into the Transportation Planning and Programming ProcessesCompleted
SHRP 2 L06Institutional Architectures to Advance Operational StrategiesCompleted
SHRP 2 L07Evaluation of Cost-Effectiveness of Highway Design Features Completed
SHRP 2 L08Incorporation of Travel Time Reliability into the Highway Capacity ManualCompleted
SHRP 2 L10Feasibility of Using In-Vehicle Video Data to Explore How to Modify Driver Behavior that Causes Non-Recurring CongestionCompleted
SHRP 2 L11Evaluating Alternative Operations Strategies to Improve Travel Time ReliabilityCompleted
SHRP 2 L12Improving Traffic Incident Scene Management Completed
SHRP 2 L13Archive for Reliability and Related DataCompleted
SHRP 2 L13ADesign and Implement a System for Archiving and Disseminating Data from SHRP 2 Reliabilities and Related Studies/ Assistance to Contractors to Archive their Data for Reliability ProjectsCompleted
SHRP 2 L14Traveler Information and Travel Time ReliabilityCompleted
SHRP 2 L15Innovative IDEA ProjectsCompleted
SHRP 2 L16Assistance to Contractors to Archive Their Data for Reliability and Related ProjectsCompleted
SHRP 2 L17A Framework for Improving Travel Time ReliabilityCompleted
SHRP 2 L32(B)e-Learning for Training Traffic Incident Responders and ManagersCompleted
SHRP 2 L32(C)Post-Course Assessment and Reporting Tool for Trainers and TIM Responders Using the SHRP 2 Interdisciplinary Traffic Incident Management CurriculumCompleted
SHRP 2 L33Validation of Urban Freeway ModelsCompleted
SHRP 2 L34e-Tool for Business Processes to Improve Travel Time ReliabilityCompleted
SHRP 2 L35Local Methods for Modeling, Economic Evaluation, Justification and Use of the Value of Travel Time Reliability in Transportation Decision MakingCompleted
SHRP 2 L36Regional Operations Forums for Advancing Systems Operations, Management, and ReliabilityCompleted
SHRP 2 L38Pilot Testing of SHRP 2 Reliability Analytical ProductsCompleted
SHRP 2 L55Reliability Implementation SupportCompleted
SHRP 2 R01Encouraging Innovation in Locating and Characterizing Underground Utilities Completed
SHRP 2 R01(A)Technologies to Support Storage, Retrieval, and Utilization of 3-D Utility Location DataCompleted
SHRP 2 R01(B)Utility Locating Technology Development Utilizing Multi-Sensor Platforms and Innovation in Location of Deep Utility Pipes and TunnelsCompleted
SHRP 2 R01(C)Innovations in Location of Deep UtilitiesCompleted
SHRP 2 R02Geotechnical Solutions for Soil Improvement, Rapid Embankment Construction andCompleted
SHRP 2 R03Identifying and Reducing Worker, Inspector, and Manager Fatigue in Rapid Renewal EnvironmentsCompleted
SHRP 2 R04Innovative Bridge Designs for Rapid Renewal Completed
SHRP 2 R04(A)Innovative Bridge Designs for Rapid Renewal (Bridge Demonstration Project)Completed
SHRP 2 R05Modular Pavement TechnologyCompleted
SHRP 2 R06A Plan for Developing High Speed, Nondestructive Testing Procedures for both Design Evaluation and Construction Inspection Completed
SHRP 2 R06(A)Nondestructive Testing to Identify Concrete Bridge Deck DeteriorationCompleted
SHRP 2 R06(B)Evaluating Applications of Field Spectroscopy Devices to Fingerprint Commonly Used Construction MaterialsCompleted
SHRP 2 R06(C)Using Both Infrared and High-Speed Ground Penetrating Radar for Uniformity Measurements on New HMA LayersCompleted
SHRP 2 R06(D)Nondestructive Testing to Identify Delaminations between HMA Layers Completed
SHRP 2 R06(E)Real-Time Smoothness Measurements on Portland Cement Concrete Pavements During ConstructionCompleted
SHRP 2 R06(F)Development of Continuous Deflection DeviceCompleted
SHRP 2 R06(G)High-Speed Nondestructive Testing Methods for Mapping Voids, Debonding, Delaminations, Moisture, and Other Defects Behind or Within Tunnel LiningsCompleted
SHRP 2 R07Performance Specifications for Rapid RenewalCompleted
SHRP 2 R09Guide for the Process of Managing Risk on Rapid Renewal ContractsCompleted
SHRP 2 R10Project Management Strategies for Complex ProjectsCompleted
SHRP 2 R11Strategic Approaches at the Corridor and Network Level to Minimize Disruption from the Renewal ProcessCompleted
SHRP 2 R15Strategies for Integrating Utility and Transportation Agency Priorities in Highway Renewal Projects Completed
SHRP 2 R15(B)Identification of Utility Conflicts and SolutionsCompleted
SHRP 2 R15(C)Pilot Testing of the Utility Conflict MatrixCompleted
SHRP 2 R16Railroad-DOT Institutional Mitigation StrategiesCompleted
SHRP 2 R16(A)Communicating Railroad-DOT Mitigation StrategiesCompleted
SHRP 2 R16(B)Tools for Communicating Railroad-DOT Mitigation StrategiesCompleted
SHRP 2 R19(A)Bridges for Service Life beyond 100 Years: Innovative Systems, Subsystems, and ComponentsCompleted
SHRP 2 R19(B)Bridges for Service Life Beyond 100 Years: Service Limit State DesignCompleted
SHRP 2 R21Composite Pavement SystemsCompleted
SHRP 2 R23Using Existing Pavement In Place and Achieving Long LifeCompleted
SHRP 2 R26Preservation Approaches for High-Traffic-Volume Roadways Completed
SHRP 2 R31Integrated Delivery of SHRP 2 Renewal Research ProjectsCompleted
SHRP 2 R55Renewal Implementation SupportCompleted
SHRP 2 S01(A)Development of Analysis Methods Using Recent DataCompleted
SHRP 2 S01(B)Development of Analysis Methods Using Recent DataCompleted
SHRP 2 S01(C)Development of Analysis Methods Using Recent DataCompleted
SHRP 2 S01(D)Development of Analysis Methods Using Recent DataCompleted
SHRP 2 S01(E)Development of Analysis Methods Using Recent DataCompleted
SHRP 2 S02Integrate Methods and Develop Analysis PlanCompleted
SHRP 2 S03Roadway Measurement System EvaluationCompleted
SHRP 2 S04(A)Roadway Information Database Development and Technical Coordination and Quality Assurance of the Mobile Data Collection Project (S04B) Completed
SHRP 2 S04(B)Mobile Data CollectionCompleted
SHRP 2 S05Design of the In-Vehicle Driving Behavior and Crash Risk StudyCompleted
SHRP 2 S06Technical Coordination and Quality ControlCompleted
SHRP 2 S07(A)In-Vehicle Driving Behavior Field StudyCompleted
SHRP 2 S07(B)In-Vehicle Driving Behavior Field StudyCompleted
SHRP 2 S07(C)In-Vehicle Driving Behavior Field StudyCompleted
SHRP 2 S07(D)In-Vehicle Driving Behavior Field StudyCompleted
SHRP 2 S07(E)In-Vehicle Driving Behavior Field StudyCompleted
SHRP 2 S07(F)In-Vehicle Driving Behavior Field StudyCompleted
SHRP 2 S08(A)Analysis of In-Vehicle Field Study Data and Countermeasure Implications Completed
SHRP 2 S08(B)Analysis of In-Vehicle Field Study Data and Countermeasure Implications Completed
SHRP 2 S08(C)Analysis of In-Vehicle Field Study Data and Countermeasure Implications Completed
SHRP 2 S08(D)Analysis of In-Vehicle Field Study Data and Countermeasure Implications Completed
SHRP 2 S09Site-Based Video SystemCompleted
SHRP 2 S12(A)DAS Procurement Completed
SHRP 2 S31NDS User Support and Data DisseminationCompleted
SHRP 2 S31AWebsite Usability Testing for Naturalistic Driving Study DatabaseCompleted
SHRP 2 Reliability IDEA L15(A)Providing Origin-to-Destination Travel Time Reliability Information on Google MapCompleted (IDEA)
SHRP 2 Reliability IDEA L15(B)Proximity Information Resources for Special EventsCompleted (IDEA)
SHRP 2 Reliability IDEA L15(C)Online Traffic Simulation Service for Highway Incident ManagementCompleted (IDEA)
SHRP 2 Reliability IDEA L15(D)Urban Travel Reliability Analysis with Consumer GPS DataCompleted (IDEA)
TCRP A-01Fare Policies, Structures, and TechnologiesCompleted
TCRP A-02Service-Delivery Systems for Rural Passenger TransportationCompleted
TCRP A-03Aids for Car Side-Door ObservationCompleted
TCRP A-04Electronic On-Vehicle Passenger Information Displays (Visual and Audible)Completed
TCRP A-05Integration of Light Rail Transit into City StreetsCompleted
TCRP A-05A(1) Active Train Coming/Second Train Coming Sign Demonstration ProjectCompleted
TCRP A-05A(2) Active Train Coming/Second Train Coming Sign Demonstration ProjectCompleted
TCRP A-06Computerized Paratransit DispatchingCompleted
TCRP A-07Operational Analysis of Bus Lanes on ArterialsCompleted
TCRP A-07AOperational Analysis of Bus Lanes on Arterials: Extended Field InvestigationsCompleted
TCRP A-08Rail Transit CapacityCompleted
TCRP A-09Signs and Symbols in Transit FacilitiesCompleted
TCRP A-10Location and Design of Bus Stops on Major Streets and HighwaysCompleted
TCRP A-10AAn Evaluation of Bus Bulbs on Transit, Traffic, and Pedestrian OperationsCompleted
TCRP A-11Transit Scheduling ManualCompleted
TCRP A-12Passenger Information ServicesCompleted
TCRP A-13Light Rail Service: Pedestrian and Vehicular SafetyCompleted
TCRP A-14Potential of Multipurpose Fare Media and Cashless Fare CollectionCompleted
TCRP A-15Development of Transit Capacity and Quality of Service Principles, Practices and ProceduresCompleted
TCRP A-15AUpdate of the First Edition, Transit Capacity and Quality of Service ManualCompleted
TCRP A-15CTransit Capacity and Quality of Service Manual, 3rd EditionFinal
TCRP A-16Improved Traffic Signal Priority for TransitCompleted
TCRP A-16AImproved Traffic Signal Priority for TransitCompleted
TCRP A-17Joint Operation of Light Rail Transit or Diesel Multiple Unit Vehicles with RailroadsCompleted
TCRP A-17AUpdate of TCRP Report 52: Joint Operation of Light Rail Transit or Diesel Multiple Unit Vehicles With RailroadsCompleted
TCRP A-18Effective Practices and Programs to Reduce Bus AccidentsCompleted
TCRP A-19Integrating School Bus and Public Transportation Services in Nonurban CommunitiesCompleted
TCRP A-19A(2)Vehicle Guide for Integrating Non-Urban School and Public Transportation ServicesCompleted
TCRP A-20A(1)Strategies for Improved Traveler InformationCompleted
TCRP A-20B(2)Training for New TechnologyCompleted
TCRP A-21Innovations to Improve the Productivity, Efficiency, and Quality of Public Transportation in Rural and Small Urban AreasCompleted
TCRP A-22Evaluation of Simulators as an Effective Training Tool toImprove Bus Safety and Guidelines for Their ApplicationCompleted
TCRP A-23Implementation Guidelines for Bus Rapid Transit SystemsCompleted
TCRP A-23ACost and Effectiveness of Selected Bus Rapid Transit ComponentsFinal
TCRP A-24A Toolkit for Self-Service, Barrier-Free Fare CollectionCompleted
TCRP A-25Fare Policies, Structures and Technologies (Update)Completed
TCRP A-26Smart Card Interoperability Issues for the Transit IndustryFinal
TCRP A-27Shared Use of Railroad Infrastructure with Non-FRA-Compliant Public Transit Rail VehiclesFinal
TCRP A-28Guidebook for Mitigating Fixed-Route Bus-and-Pedestrian CollisionsCompleted
TCRP A-29Controlling System Costs: Basic and Advanced Scheduling Manuals and Contemporary Issues in Transit SchedulingFinal
TCRP A-30Improving Pedestrian and Motorist Safety Along Light Rail Transit Alignments Final
TCRP A-31Transit, Call Centers, and 511: A Guide for Decision MakersCompleted
TCRP A-32Operation of Light Rail Transit through Ungated Crossings at Speeds over 35 MPHCompleted
TCRP A-33Communication with Vulnerable Populations: A Transportation and Emergency Management ToolkitCompleted
TCRP A-33AUsing Pictograms to Make Transit Easier to Navigate for Customers with Communication BarriersCompletedThis project is a continuation of TCRP Project A-33. Such is reflected in the numbering of the tasks.
TCRP A-34Improving Safety-Related Rule Compliance in the Public Transportation Industry Final
TCRP A-35Improving Safety Culture in Public TransportationFinal
TCRP A-36Command-Level Decision Making for Transportation Emergency ManagersCompleted
TCRP A-36ATransportation Emergency Response Application (TERA): Migration Options Beyond 2020Active
TCRP A-37Paratransit Emergency Preparedness and Operations HandbookCompleted
TCRP A-38Guidebook for Pedestrian Crossings for Public Transit Rail ServicesFinal
TCRP A-39Improving Transportation Network Efficiency Through Implementation of Transit-Supportive Roadway StrategiesCompleted
TCRP A-40Manual to Improve Rail Transit Safety at Platform/Train and Platform/Guideway InterfacesFinal
TCRP A-41Improving the Resiliency of Transit Systems Threatened by Natural DisastersCompleted
TCRP A-42Minutes Matter: A Guide to Bus Transit Service Reliability Final
TCRP A-43Recent Decline in Public Transportation Ridership: Analysis, Causes, ResponsesFinal
TCRP A-44Strategies for Deterring Trespassing on Rail Transit and Commuter Rail Rights-of-WayFinalComplete - Published as TCRP Research Report 233
TCRP A-45Measuring and Managing Fare EvasionFinal
TCRP A-46Quantitative Procedures for Designing and Operating Ferry Transit ServicesFinal
TCRP A-47Transit Capacity and Quality of Service Manual, Fourth EditionActive
TCRP A-48Mitigation Strategies for Deterring Transit AssaultsActiveResearch in Progress
TCRP A-49Fare Policies, Structures, and Technologies -- 2024 UpdatesActive
TCRP A-50Practical Considerations for Developing Transition Plans to Zero-Emission FleetsActive
TCRP A-51Innovative Practices for Technology Implementation at Rural, Small, and Mid-Sized Transit AgenciesActive
TCRP A-52An Assessment of Cybersecurity at Public Transportation AgenciesPending
TCRP A-53Identification of Causal Factors Leading to Transit Bus CollisionsAnticipatedIn development
TCRP A-54Innovations and Best Practices in Transit Fare EnforcementAnticipatedIn development
TCRP A-55Travel Behavior and Financial Impacts of Fare CappingAnticipatedIn development
TCRP B-01Transit Operations for Individuals with DisabilitiesCompleted
TCRP B-02Integrating Market Research into Transit ManagementCompleted
TCRP B-03Demand Forecasting for Rural Passenger TransportationCompleted
TCRP B-04Cost-Effectiveness of Transportation Demand Management (TDM) StrategiesCompleted
TCRP B-05Attracting Paratransit Patrons to Fixed-Route ServicesCompleted
TCRP B-06Improving Transit Connections for Enhanced Suburban MobilityCompleted
TCRP B-07Strategies to Assist Local Transportation Agencies in Becoming Mobility ManagersCompleted
TCRP B-08Effective Methods of Marketing Transit Services to BusinessCompleted
TCRP B-09Market Segmentation Strategies to Increase Transit RidershipCompleted
TCRP B-10Role of Passenger Amenities and Transit Vehicle Characteristics in Building RidershipCompleted
TCRP B-11Customer-Defined Transit Service QualityCompleted
TCRP B-12Update the Traveler Response to Transportation System Changes Handbook (DOT-FH-11-9579)Completed
TCRP B-12A, Phase IIUpdate the Traveler Response to Transportation System Changes Handbook (DOT-FH-11-9579)Completed
TCRP B-13Low-Cost and Cost-Effective Marketing Techniques for Public Transit AgenciesCompleted
TCRP B-14Analyzing the Costs of Operating Small Transit VehiclesCompleted
TCRP B-15Characteristics of Urban Travel DemandCompleted
TCRP B-16Analysis of the Private-for-Hire Vehicle Industry and Its Role in Public TransitCompleted
TCRP B-17Advanced Rural Transportation Systems: Where Do We Start? How Far Should We Go?Completed
TCRP B-18Improving Public Transportation Access to Large AirportsCompleted
TCRP B-18AImproving Public Transportation Access to Large AirportsCompleted
TCRP B-19Improving Public Transportation Options for Older PersonsCompleted
TCRP B-20Enhancing the Visibility and Image of TransitCompleted
TCRP B-21Effective Approaches to Meeting Rural Intercity Bus Transportation NeedsCompleted
TCRP B-22New Paradigms for Rural and Small Urban Transit Service DeliveryCompleted
TCRP B-23Resource Requirements for Demand-Responsive Transportation ServicesCompleted
TCRP B-24Toolkit for Rural Community Coordinated Transportation ServicesCompleted
TCRP B-25Guidelines for Evaluating, Selecting, and Implementing Suburban Transit Services Final
TCRP B-26Carsharing: Where and How It SucceedsCompleted
TCRP B-27Cost Benefit Analysis of Providing Non-Emergency Medical TransportationCompleted
TCRP B-28Improving ADA Complementary Paratransit Demand EstimationFinal
TCRP B-28AImproving ADA Complementary Paratransit Demand Estimation--Phase II: Regional Travel Demand ForecastingFinal
TCRP B-29Transit Market Research: Leveraging ITS and Transit ITS DataFinal
TCRP B-30Optimal Split of Dedicated and Nondedicated Service for Demand-Responsive ParatransitFinal
TCRP B-31Guidebook for Measuring, Assessing, and Improving Performance of Demand-Response TransportationFinal
TCRP B-31AGuidebook for Measuring, Assessing, and Improving Demand Response Transportation in Rural AreasFinal
TCRP B-32Understanding How to Motivate Communities to Support and Ride Public TransportationFinal
TCRP B-33Practical Measures to Increase Transit Industry Advertising RevenuesFinal
TCRP B-34Guidebook for Commingling ADA-Eligible and Other Passengers on ADA-Complementary Paratransit ServicesFinal
TCRP B-35A Guide for Planning and Operating Flexible Public Transportation ServicesFinal
TCRP B-36Methods for Forecasting Demand and Quantifying Need for Rural Passenger TransportationCompleted
TCRP B-37Estimation of Demand for Rural Intercity Bus ServicesFinal
TCRP B-38Guidelines for Providing Access to Public Transportation StationsFinal
TCRP B-39Audience Measurement for Transit AdvertisingFinalCompleted and published as WEB Document Only 57
TCRP B-40Strategy Guide to Enable and Promote the Use of Fixed-Route Transit by People with DisabilitiesFinal
TCRP B-41Travel Training for Older Adults: A HandbookCompleted
TCRP B-42Community Toolbox for Improving Options and Coordination of Transportation for Military Service Members, Veterans, and their FamiliesFinal
TCRP B-43Use of Web-based Customer Feedback to Improve Public Transit ServicesFinalCompleted- This report has been published as TCRP Report 179
TCRP B-44Examining the Effects of Separate Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT) Brokerages on Transportation CoordinationFinal
TCRP B-45Transportation to Dialysis Centers: Health/Transportation Policy IntersectionFinal
TCRP B-46Tactile Wayfinding in Transportation Settings for Travelers Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired Completed
TCRP B-47Impact of Transformational Technologies on Underserved PopulationsFinalPublished as NCHRP Research Report 1101/TCRP Research Report 244
TCRP B-48The Provision of Alternative Services by Transit Agencies: The Intersection of Regulation and Program ObjectivesCompletedCompleted - Pre-publication TCRP Research Report 239
TCRP B-49Improving Public Transportation in Rural Areas and Tribal CommunitiesCompleted
TCRP B-50Accessible Public Bus and Rail Passenger Information for Riders with Vision DisabilitiesActiveResearch in Progress
TCRP B-51Floating Transit Stops and Passengers with Vision DisabilitiesActive
TCRP B-52Intercity Bus: The State Role UpdatedActive
TCRP B-53Addressing Travel Needs of Women and Families on Public TransportationActive
TCRP B-54 Addressing Gaps in Measuring Disability in Transportation Data SystemsActiveResearch in Progress
TCRP B-55Guidelines for Surveying Hard-to-Reach Populations for Small, Medium, and Large Transportation AgenciesPending
TCRP B-56Using Market Segmentation to Increase Transit Ridership: An Updated HandbookPending
TCRP B-57Innovative Marketing and Customer Communication Strategies for Rural TransitAnticipatedIn development
TCRP C-01Personal Mobility Aid Securement and Passenger Restraint on Transit VehiclesCompleted
TCRP C-02Applicability of Low-Floor Light Rail Vehicles in North AmericaCompleted
TCRP C-03Wheel/Rail Noise MitigationCompleted
TCRP C-03AField Testing of Wheel/Rail Noise Control TechnologiesCompleted
TCRP C-04Enhancement of Vehicle Window Glazing for Vandal Resistance and DurabilityCompleted
TCRP C-05Impact of Radio Frequency Refarming on Transit CommunicationsCompleted
TCRP C-06Improved Methods for Increasing Wheel/Rail Adhesion in the Presence of Natural ContaminantsCompleted
TCRP C-06ADemonstration of Improved Methods for Increasing Wheel/Rail Adhesion in the Presence of Natural ContaminantsCompleted
TCRP C-07Technology Assessment of Refueling-Connection Devices for CNG, LNG, and PropaneCompleted
TCRP C-08A Framework for Evaluating Fuel Options for Transit BusesCompleted
TCRP C-09Paratransit Vehicle Specifications and Related Special Maintenance Requirements Completed
TCRP C-10AUnderstanding and Applying Advanced On-Board Bus ElectronicsCompleted
TCRP C-10BHybrid Electric Transit Buses: Status, Benefits, and IssuesCompleted
TCRP C-10CNew Designs and Operating Experiences with Low-Floor BusesCompleted
TCRP C-11Hazard Assessment and Mitigation of Alternative-Fuel-Related Systems in Transit Bus OperationsCompleted
TCRP C-12Configuration Options Supplement to Standard Purchase Specifications for Transit BusesCompleted
TCRP C-1330-Foot Transit Bus Technical SpecificationCompleted
TCRP C-14Technical Assistance for Development of Bus StandardsCompleted
TCRP C-15Assessment of Hybrid-Electric Transit Bus TechnologyCompleted
TCRP C-16Center Truck Performance on Low-Floor Light Rail VehiclesCompleted
TCRP C-17Development of Crash Energy Management Performance Requirements for Light-Rail VehiclesCompleted
TCRP C-18Strategic Plan for Meeting Transit Industry Wireless Communications NeedsCompleted
TCRP C-19Guidebook for Evaluating Fuel Choices for Post-2010 Transit Bus Procurements: Update of TCRP Report 38Completed
TCRP C-20Use of Mobility Devices on Paratransit Vehicles and BusesFinal
TCRP C-22Bus Operator Workstation Design for Improving Occupational Health and SafetyFinal
TCRP C-23Assessing and Mitigating Electrical Fires on Transit VehiclesFinal
TCRP C-24Transit Traction Power Cables: Replacement GuidelinesFinal
TCRP C-25Bus Operator Barrier Design Completed
TCRP D-01Rail-Corrugation Mitigation in TransitCompleted
TCRP D-02Derailment of Transit Vehicles in Special TrackworkCompleted
TCRP D-03Tunnel Track Reconstruction Methods Using Precast Concrete SystemsCompleted
TCRP D-03ATunnel Track Reconstruction Methods Using Precast Concrete SystemsCompleted
TCRP D-04Visual Impact of Overhead Contact Systems for Electric Transit VehiclesCompleted
TCRP D-05Performance of Direct-Fixation Track StructureCompleted
TCRP D-06Track Design Handbook for Light Rail TransitCompleted
TCRP D-07Joint Rail Transit Research with the Association of American Railroads/Transportation Technology Center, Inc.Final
TCRP D-08Improving Pedestrian Safety at Unsignalized Roadway CrossingsCompleted
TCRP D-09Transit Vehicles and Facilities on Streets and HighwaysFinal
TCRP D-10Audible Signals for Pedestrian Safety in Light Rail Transit EnvironmentsCompletedThe revised final report has been published as TCRP Research Results Digest 84 and Web-Only Document 35.
TCRP D-11Design, Operation, and Safety of At-Grade Crossings of Exclusive BuswaysFinal
TCRP D-12Ground-Borne Noise and Vibration in Buildings Caused by Rail Transit Final
TCRP D-13A Guide for Implementing Bus-On-Shoulder (BOS) SystemsCompleted
TCRP D-14Track Design Handbook For Light Rail Transit, Second EditionCompleted
TCRP D-15Effective Practices for the Protection of Transportation Infrastructure from Cyber IncidentsCompleted
TCRP D-16Improving the Safety and Sustainability of Stray Current Control of DC-Powered Rail Transit SystemsFinal
TCRP D-17Final
TCRP D-18A Transit Agency Guide to Evaluating Secondary Train Detection/Protection Systems in Communications-Based Train Control (CBTC) SystemsCompleted
TCRP D-19Detecting and Mitigating Low-Level DC Fault Currents in Transit Systems (Phase II TCRP Project D-17)Active
TCRP D-20Investigation and Mitigation of Insulated Joint Electrical FailureActive
TCRP D-21Planning for the Future of Intermodal Passenger Facilities: Guide and Decision-Making FrameworkFinal
TCRP D-22A Frog Design Primer and Research Roadmap Active
TCRP D-23Manual for Planning and Constructing a Small, Rural, or Tribal Transit FacilityActive
TCRP D-24Determination of Actual Derailment Loads on Transit BridgesActive
TCRP D-25Track Design Handbook for Light Rail Transit, 3rd EditionPending
TCRP D-26A Rational Approach to Performing Rail Structure Interaction (RSI) Analysis and Transit Bridge Design CriteriaPending
TCRP D-27Establishing Design Loads, Load Combinations, and Structural Design Methodology for OCS Poles and FoundationsAnticipatedIn development
TCRP D-28Passenger Station Platform Design Considerations and Innovations for Aesthetics and DurabilityAnticipatedIn development
TCRP E-01Innovative Maintenance Procedures for Transit BusesCompleted
TCRP E-02Artificial Intelligence for Transit Railcar DiagnosticsCompleted
TCRP E-02ADemonstration of Artificial Intelligence Technology for Transit Railcar DiagnosticsCompleted
TCRP E-03Inventory Management for Bus and Rail Public Transit SystemsCompleted
TCRP E-03AApplications for Improved Inventory Management for Public Transit SystemsCompleted
TCRP E-04Guidelines for the Development of Public Transportation Management SystemsCompleted
TCRP E-05A Guidebook for Developing and Sharing Transit Bus Maintenance PracticesCompleted
TCRP E-06Transit Bus Mechanics: Building for Success--The ASE Transit Bus Maintenance Certification Test SeriesCompleted
TCRP E-07Establishing a National Transit Industry Rail Vehicle Technician Qualification Program: Building for SuccessCompleted
TCRP E-08Extending and Deepening National Transit Training StandardsCompleted
TCRP E-09State of Good Repair: Prioritizing the Rehabilitation and Replacement of Existing Capital Assets and Evaluating the Implications for TransitFinal
TCRP E-09AGuidance for Applying the State of Good Repair Prioritization Framework and ToolsFinal
TCRP E-10Maintenance Technician Staffing Levels for Modern Public Transit FleetsFinalCompleted. Published as TCRP Report 184
TCRP E-11The Relationship Between Transit Asset Condition and Service QualityFinal
TCRP E-12Guidance for Calculating the Return on Investment in Transit State of Good Repair Final
TCRP E-13COVID-19 and Transit Air Quality Protections (Insight Event)CompletedInsight Event was hosted in the summer of 2022. Session records are posted online.
TCRP E-14Lithium-Ion Battery Transit Bus Fire Prevention and Risk ManagementActive
TCRP E-15Air Quality Inside BusesActive
TCRP F-01Fitness-for-Duty Testing in the Transit WorkplaceCompleted
TCRP F-02Innovative Labor-Management PracticesCompleted
TCRP F-03Total Quality Management in Public TransportationCompleted
TCRP F-04Bus Operator Workstation Evaluation and Design GuidelinesCompleted
TCRP F-05Closing the Knowledge Gap for Transit Vehicle Maintenance Employees--A Systems ApproachCompleted
TCRP F-06Guidelines for the Effective Use of Uniformed Transit Police/Security PersonnelCompleted
TCRP F-06ADeveloping Useful Transit-Related Crime and Incident DataCompleted
TCRP F-07Part-Time Transit Operators: The Trends and ImpactsCompleted
TCRP F-09Managing Transit's Workforce in the New MillenniumCompleted
TCRP F-10Toolbox for Transit Operator Fatigue Completed
TCRP F-11Positioning the Public Transportation Operating Agency as an Employer of ChoiceFinal
TCRP F-12Employee Compensation Guidelines for Transit Providers in Rural and Small Urban AreasFinal
TCRP F-13Vehicle Operator Recruitment, Retention, and Performance in ADA Complementary Paratransit ServicesCompletedPublished as TCRP Report 142
TCRP F-14Addressing Critical Shortfalls: Recruitment, Development, and Retention of High-Quality Managers for Public Transportation SystemsFinal
TCRP F-15A Practical Guide for Recruiting Minorities for Chief Executive Officers at Public Transportation AgenciesFinalCompleted--Published as TCRP Report 148
TCRP F-16Building a Sustainable Workforce in the Public Transportation Industry—A Systems ApproachFinalCompleted
TCRP F-16ABuilding a Sustainable Workforce in the Public Transportation Industry--A Systems ApproachCompleted
TCRP F-17Improving Transit Bus Operator Health, Wellness, and RetentionFinal
TCRP F-18Policing and Security Practices for Small- and Medium-Sized Public Transit SystemsCompleted
TCRP F-19A National Training and Certification Program for Transit Vehicle Maintenance Instructors Final
TCRP F-20Transit Labor-Management Partnerships: What Makes Them Work? What Makes Them Last?Final
TCRP F-21Tools and Strategies for Eliminating Assaults Against Transit OperatorsCompletedCompleted
TCRP F-22Identifying Best Practices and Sharing Resources for Transit Technical TrainingCompletedCompleted; Published as TCRP Research Report 199: Transit Technical Training, Vol. 1: Guide to Applying Best Practices and Sharing Resources
TCRP F-23Knowledge Management Resource to Support Strategic Workforce Development for Transit AgenciesFinal
TCRP F-24Overcoming Barriers to Implementing Best and Innovative Training Practices for Public Transportation’s Frontline Workforce FinalCompleted; Published as TCRP Research Report 199: Transit Technical Training, Volume 2: Guide to Overcoming Barrier to Implementing Best and Innovative Training
TCRP F-25Improving the Safety, Health, and Productivity of Transit Operators Through Adequate Restroom AccessFinalCompleted. Published as TCRP Research Report 216.
TCRP F-26Improving the Health and Safety of Transit Workers with Corresponding Impacts on the Bottom LineCompleted
TCRP F-26AImproving the Health and Safety of Transit Workers with Corresponding Impacts on the Bottom LineAnticipatedIn development
TCRP F-27Characteristics and Elements of Non-Punitive Employee Safety Reporting Systems for Public Transportation Final
TCRP F-28Practitioner's Guide to Bus Operator Workforce ManagementFinal
TCRP F-29Mental Health, Wellness, and Resilience for Transit System WorkersCompletedResearch is complete.
TCRP F-30Guide for Protecting Transportation Employees and the Traveling Public from Airborne DiseasesFinal
TCRP F-31Modernizing Transit Station Staffing ApproachesActive
TCRP F-32Enhancing Transit Organizational Culture to Improve Employee Psychological Health and Safety, Recruitment, and RetentionPending
TCRP F-33Recruiting, Developing, and Retaining Individuals with Disabilities for Careers in Public TransportationActive
TCRP F-34Licensing Public Transportation Vehicle Operators Pending
TCRP G-01Information Technologies--State-of-the-Art Applications for Transit PropertiesCompleted
TCRP G-02Bar Coding in Transit Operations and MaintenanceCompleted
TCRP G-03Tools for Transit Risk-Exposure Identification and Treatment for Bus SystemsCompleted
TCRP G-04Developing Standards for System and Subsystem Interfaces in Electric Rail Passenger VehiclesCompleted
TCRP G-04A&BDeveloping Standards for System and Subsystem Interfaces in Electric Rail Passenger Vehicles-ExtensionCompleted
TCRP G-05Management Practices at Small Urban and Rural Public Transportation SystemsCompleted
TCRP G-06A Guidebook for Developing a Transit Performance-Measurement SystemCompleted
TCRP G-07Managing Capital Costs of Major Federally Funded Public Transportation ProjectsCompleted
TCRP G-08A Guidebook for the Evaluation of Project Delivery MethodsFinal
TCRP G-09Sharing the Costs of Human Services TransportationCompleted
TCRP G-10Guidebook for Estimating “Soft Costs” for Major Public Transportation Capital Infrastructure ProjectsCompleted
TCRP G-11A Methodology for Performance Measurement and Peer Comparison in the Public Transportation Industry Completed
TCRP G-12Guidebook for Evaluating Fuel Purchasing Strategies for Public Transit AgenciesCompleted
TCRP G-13Developing an ITS Technology Web Portal for Transit System LeadersCompleted
TCRP G-14Contracting Commuter Rail ServicesFinalCompleted; Published as Report 200 Vol. 1 & 2
TCRP G-15Public Transportation Resource for Small- and Medium-Sized P3 Initiatives Final
TCRP G-16Development of Transactional Data Specifications for Demand-Responsive TransportationFinal
TCRP G-17Assessing Lifecycle and Human Costs of Bus Operator Workstation Design and ComponentsFinal
TCRP G-18Improving Access and Management of Transit ITS DataCompleted
TCRP G-19Strategies for Implementing Same-Day Paratransit ServicesAnticipatedIn development
TCRP H-01An Evaluation of the Relationships Between Transit and Urban FormCompleted
TCRP H-02Measuring and Valuing Transit Benefits and DisbenefitsCompleted
TCRP H-03Policy Options to Attract Auto Users to Public TransportationCompleted
TCRP H-04Transit Policy-Related ResearchCompleted
TCRP H-04AStrategies for Influencing Choice of Urban Travel ModeCompleted
TCRP H-04BTransit Markets of the Future--The Challenge of ChangeCompleted
TCRP H-04CInstitutional Barriers to Intermodal Policies and Planning in Metropolitan AreasCompleted
TCRP H-04DThe Role of Transit in Creating Livable Metropolitan CommunitiesCompleted
TCRP H-04D(2)The Role of Street Design and Traffic Management in Supporting Transit and Livable CommunitiesCompleted
TCRP H-04ESustainable TransportationCompleted
TCRP H-05Identification of Research Needs to Increase U.S. Transit RidershipCompleted
TCRP H-06Transit Fare-Pricing Strategy in Regional Transportation SystemsCompleted
TCRP H-07Funding Strategies for Public TransportationCompleted
TCRP H-08Using Public Transportation to Reduce the Economic, Social, and Human Costs of Personal ImmobilityCompleted
TCRP H-09Economic Impact Analysis of Transit InvestmentsCompleted
TCRP H-10The Costs of Sprawl--RevisitedCompleted
TCRP H-11Assessment of the Economic Impacts of Rural Public TransportationCompleted
TCRP H-12Integrated Urban Models for Simulation of Transit and Land-Use PoliciesCompleted
TCRP H-13AConsequences of the Development of the Interstate Highway SystemCompleted
TCRP H-13BTrends in Single-Occupant Vehicles and Vehicle Miles of Travel Growth in the United StatesCompleted
TCRP H-14National Policies and Attitudes Affecting Public Transit: An International ComparisonCompleted
TCRP H-15Projects to Support "Mobility for the 21st Century"Completed
TCRP H-15AWelfare to Work: Integration and Coordination of Transportation and Social ServicesCompleted
TCRP H-16A National Transit Industry Labor-Management Cooperation Program: New Paradigms for Labor-Management Relations in the Transit Industry of the 21st CenturyCompletedCompleted; Three workshops conducted
TCRP H-19Guidebook to Estimate and Present Benefits and Disbenefits of Public TransitCompleted
TCRP H-20Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for Welfare to Work Transportation Planning and Service DeliveryCompleted
TCRP H-21Combating Global Warming Through Sustainable Surface Transportation PolicyCompleted
TCRP H-21ACombating Global Warming Through Sustainable Surface Transportation PolicyCompleted
TCRP H-24Public Transit Boards: Organizations and CharacteristicsCompleted
TCRP H-24AAssessing the Effectiveness of Public Transportation BoardsCompleted
TCRP H-25Strategies for Increasing the Effectiveness of Commuter Choice ProgramsCompleted
TCRP H-25AStrategies for Increasing the Effectiveness of Commuter Choice ProgramsCompleted
TCRP H-26Economic Benefits of Coordinating Human Service Transportation and Transit ServicesCompleted
TCRP H-27Transit-Oriented Development: State of the Practice, and Future BenefitsCompleted
TCRP H-27AEnsuring Full Potential Ridership from Transit-Oriented DevelopmentFinal
TCRP H-28Uses of Archived AVL/APC Data to Improve Transit Performance and ManagementCompleted
TCRP H-29 A New Vision of Mobility: Guidance to Foster Collaborative Multimodal Decision Making Completed
TCRP H-30Strategies to Increase Coordination of Transportation Services for the Transportation DisadvantagedCompleted
TCRP H-31Understanding How Individuals Make Travel and Location Decisions: Implications for Public TransportationFinal
TCRP H-32Determining the Elements Needed to Create High-Ridership Transit SystemsFinal
TCRP H-33State and National Transit Investment Analysis: Quick-Response Analyses for SAFETEA-LU CommissionsFinal
TCRP H-34Local and Regional Funding Mechanisms for Public TransportationFinal
TCRP H-35Role of Public Transportation in Emergency Evacuation (Supplement to SAFETEA-LU NAS/TRB Policy Study)Completed
TCRP H-36Reinventing the Interstate: A 'New Paradigm' for Multimodal Transportation FacilitiesFinal
TCRP H-37Characteristics of Premium Transit Services that Affect Choice of ModeFinal
TCRP H-38Developing, Enhancing, and Sustaining Tribal Transit ServicesCompleted
TCRP H-39Methodology for Determining the Economic Development Impacts of Transit InvestmentsCompleted
TCRP H-40Guidelines for Ferry Transportation Services--A National OverviewCompleted
TCRP H-41Assessing and Comparing Environmental Performance of Major Transit InvestmentsFinal
TCRP H-42Making Effective Fixed-Guideway Transit Investments: Indicators of SuccessCompleted
TCRP H-43Transforming Public Transportation Institutional and Business ModelsCompleted
TCRP H-44Developing Partnerships Between Transportation Agencies and the Disability and Underrepresented CommunitiesFinalCompleted--Published as TCRP Research Results Digest 107
TCRP H-45Livable Transit Corridors: Methods, Metrics, and Strategies Final
TCRP H-46Quantifying Transit’s Impact on GHG Emissions and Energy Use: The Land Use ComponentFinal
TCRP H-47Linking Transit Agencies and Land Use DecisionmakingFinal
TCRP H-49Improving Transit Integration Among Multiple Transit ProvidersCompleted
TCRP H-50Local Economic Development Measurement Tool for TransitFinal
TCRP H-51Understanding Changes in Demographics, Preferences, and Markets for Public Transportation Final
TCRP H-52Decision-Making Toolbox to Plan and Manage Park-and-Ride Facilities for Public TransportationFinal
TCRP H-53Tools for a Sustainable Transit AgencyFinal
TCRP H-54Guide to Equity Analysis in Regional Transportation Planning Processes FinalCompleted. Published as TCRP Research Report 214 Vol. 1 & Vol. 2.
TCRP H-55Guidebook and Research Plan to Help Communities Improve Transportation to Health Care ServicesFinal
TCRP H-56Redesigning Public Transportation Networks for a New Mobility FutureFinal
TCRP H-57Guide to Joint Development for Public Transportation AgenciesCompleted
TCRP H-58Prioritization of Public Transportation InvestmentsFinal
TCRP H-59Racial Equity, Black America, and Public TransportationFinal
TCRP H-60Lessons Learned from Covid-19: Strategies to Enhance Racial and Social Equity Through Public Transportation As a Community LifelineFinal
TCRP H-61A Guide for Resilient Zero-Emission Transit Bus FleetsActive
TCRP H-62Innovative Toolkit for Quantifying Rural Transit BenefitsPendingIn contracting
TCRP H-63Measures of Transit Ambassador and Outreach Program EffectivenessAnticipatedIn development
TCRP J-01Dissemination and Implementation of TCRP Research FindingsActive
TCRP J-02TCRP Strategic Planning Process and Strategic PlanCompleted
TCRP J-03International Transit Studies ProgramActiveContinuing
TCRP J-04Innovations Deserving Exploratory Analysis--The Transit IDEA ProgramActive
TCRP J-05Legal Aspects of Transit and Intermodal Transportation ProgramsActiveContinuing
TCRP J-05/Topic 16-01Updated Guide to Buy America RequirementsCompleted
TCRP J-05/Topic 16-02Legal Issues Concerning Transit Agency Use of Electronic Customer Data, Estimated CompensationCompleted
TCRP J-05/Topic 16-03Public Transit Emergency Preparedness against Ebola and Other Infectious Diseases: Legal Issues Completed
TCRP J-05/Topic 16-04Technology Contracting for Transit Projects Completed
TCRP J-05/Topic 17-01Impact of the Americans with Disabilities Act on Transit Agency LiabilityFinalCompleted; Published as TCRP Legal Research Digest 54: Impacts of the Americans with Disabilities Act on Transit Agency Liability
TCRP J-05/Topic 17-02Legal Implications of Video Surveillance on Transit SystemsCompletedThe report is in publication. It will be published as TCRP Legal Research Digest 52 in late Spring 2018.
TCRP J-05/Topic 17-03Legal Considerations in Relationships Between Transit Agencies and Ride-Sourcing Service ProvidersCompleted
TCRP J-05/Topic 18-01Tax Increment Financing for Transit ProjectsCompletedCompleted. Published as LRD 55.
TCRP J-05/Topic 18-02Codes of Conduct on Transit Vehicles and Property: Legal IssuesCompletedResearch Complete.
TCRP J-05/Topic 18-04Joint Development Agreements Using FTA Funds or FTA-Funded AssetsFinalCompleted. Published as LRD 56.
TCRP J-05/Topic 18-05Fix It, Sign It, or Close It: State of Good Repair in an Era of Budget ConstraintsCompletedCompleted. Published as TCRP LRD 57 and NCHRP LRD 84.
TCRP J-05/Topic 19-01Legal Issues Regarding Multijurisdictional Transit AgenciesPending
TCRP J-05/Topic 19-02Legal Issues and Emerging TechnologiesFinalCompleted. Published as TCRP LRD 59.
TCRP J-05/Topic 19-03Navigating the Complexities of Sensitive Security Information (SSI) and Protected Critical Infrastructure Information (PCII)CompletedResearch Complete.
TCRP J-05/Topic 19-04Transit Sponsor and Contractor Delay Damages and Remedies Due to Third Parties - Transit Facility Improvements-Common Legal Issues and SolutionsPending
TCRP J-05/Topic 19-05Legal Issues Surrounding Disasters and EvacuationsPendingIn Development.
TCRP J-05/Topic 20-01Legal Issues in Transit Mega Projects--Case StudiesFinalCompleted. Published as TCRP LRD 60.
TCRP J-05/Topic 20-02Liability Insurance Issues for Transit Lawyers: A PrimerPending
TCRP J-05/Topic 20-03Policing and Public TransportationFinalCompleted. Published as LRD 58.
TCRP J-05/Topic 21-01Update of Legal Research Digests Regarding Civil Rights, Privacy, and Other Related DigestsPending
TCRP J-05/Topic 21-02Legal Issues in Transit Agencies Providing/Subsidizing Innovative Micromobility ProjectsFinalResearch Completed. Published as TCRP LRD 61.
TCRP J-05/Topic 21-03Update of Selected Studies in Transportation Law, Volume 5, 2014 Supplement (Transit Law)Pending
TCRP J-05/Topic 22-01Bus Stop Design and Location: Legal Impact on Tort and Civil Rights LawsuitsActiveResearch in Progress.
TCRP J-05/Topic 22-02Status of State and Local Suspension and Debarment Programs and Barriers to Creation and Implementation for State and Local ProgramsAnticipatedIn development. Joint project with NCHRP 20-06/27-02.
TCRP J-05/Topic 22-03Legal Aspects of Transit to AirportsActiveResearch in Progress.
TCRP J-05/Topic 22-04Update of Buy AmericaPending
TCRP J-05/Topic 23-01Legal Considerations for Transit Planning and Managing Large-Scale EventsPending
TCRP J-05/Topic 23-02Compliance of Alternate Transit Options with State and Federal RequirementsPending
TCRP J-06Quick Response for Special Needs ActiveContinuing Project
TCRP J-06, Task 21A New Process for Determining TCRP New Paradigms Research TopicsFinal
TCRP J-06, Task 29Options For Financing Public Transportation Capital Projects Completed
TCRP J-06, Task 30Data Collection on Pupil Safety on Transit BusesCompleted
TCRP J-06, Task 33Costs of Meeting Accessibility Requirements for Over-the-Road Buses Completed
TCRP J-06, Task 59Racial and Gender Diversity in State DOTs and Transit Agencies: Phase I Benchmark ScopingFinalCompleted-- Published as TCRP Report 120/NCHRP Report 585.
TCRP J-06, Task 67Strategic Assessment of Wireless Capabilities and Needs for the Public Transportation IndustryCompleted
TCRP J-06/Task 75Guiding the Selection and Application of Wayside Energy Storage Technologies for Rail Transit and Electric UtilitiesCompleted
TCRP J-07Synthesis of Information Related to Transit PracticesActive
TCRP J-08New Paradigms for Public TransitFinal
TCRP J-08ANew Paradigms for Public Transportation: A Scoping StudyCompleted
TCRP J-08BNew Paradigms for Local Public Transportation Organizations Completed
TCRP J-09e-Transit: Electronic Business Strategies for Public Transportation Completed
TCRP J-09, Task 11The e-Zine Technology Knowledge Center for TransitFinalCompleted
TCRP J-09, Task 12eTransit: Electronic Business Strategies for Public TransportationNew and Emerging Information Technologies for Public TransportationFinalCompleted published as TCRP Report 84, Volume 8.
TCRP J-09/Task 13Transit Enterprise Architecture and Planning FrameworkFinalCompleted Published asTCRP Report 84, Volume 9
TCRP J-10Public Transportation Security Research Completed
TCRP J-10A(01)Update of FTA Transit System Security Program Planning Guide and FTA Transit Security HandbookCompleted
TCRP J-10A(02)Security-Related Training and Customer Communications: Lessons Learned from September 11 by Transportation ProvidersCompleted
TCRP J-10A(03)Intrusion Detection for Public Transportation FacilitiesCompleted
TCRP J-10A(04)Scan for Tools for Prioritizing Anti-Terrorist Security MeasuresCompleted
TCRP J-10B(01)Emergency Response Mobilization Strategies and Guidelines for TransitCompleted
TCRP J-10B(02)Use of Portable Explosive Detection DevicesCompleted
TCRP J-10B(03)Robotic DevicesCompleted
TCRP J-10B(04)Communication of ThreatsCompleted
TCRP J-10B(05)Transit Use of DogsCompleted
TCRP J-10CGuidelines for Transportation Emergency Training Drills and ExercisesCompleted
TCRP J-10DDeveloping and Updating Security Plans: A Pilot Course for Rural and Community-based Public Transportation SystemsCompleted
TCRP J-10EA Guide to Transportation and Hazards ResourcesCompleted
TCRP J-10FContinuity of Operations Plans for Transportation AgenciesCompleted
TCRP J-10GMaking Transportation Tunnels Safe and SecureCompleted
TCRP J-10HSecurity Measures for Ferry SystemsCompleted
TCRP J-10JPublic Transportation Passenger Security Inspections: A Guide for Decision MakersCompleted
TCRP J-11Quick-Response Research on Long-Term Strategic IssuesActive
TCRP J-11/Task 17Serving the Mobility Preferences of Generation YFinal
TCRP J-11/Task 21The Impact of New Technology-Enabled Mobility Services on Public TransportationFinal
TCRP J-11/Task 22Value-Capture Financing for Public Transportation ProjectsFinal
TCRP J-11/Task 24Private Transit : Existing Services and Emerging DirectionsFinal
TCRP J-11/Task 25Broadening Understanding of the Interplay between Public Transit, Shared Mobility, and Personal Automobiles Final
TCRP J-11/Task 26Collaborations and Partnerships between Public Transportation and Transportation Network Companies (TNCs)Final
TCRP J-11/Task 27Low-Speed Automated Vehicles (LSAV) in Public TransportationFinal
TCRP J-11/Task 28Analysis of Recent Public Transit Ridership TrendsFinal
TCRP J-11/Task 29Strategic Communications to Improve Support for Transit-Priority ProjectsFinal
TCRP J-11/Task 30Quick-Build Projects to Improve Bus Transportation ServicesFinal
TCRP J-11/Task 33Guidebook for Deploying Zero Emissions Transit BusesFinal
TCRP J-11/Task 34The Effects of Vehicle Automation on the Public Transportation WorkforceCompletedCompleted - Published as TCRP Research Report 232.
TCRP J-11/Task 35Resource Guide for Improving Diversity and Inclusion Programs for the Public Transportation IndustryFinal
TCRP J-11/Task 36An Update on Public Transportation's Impacts on Greenhouse Gas EmissionsFinal
TCRP J-11/Task 37Transit and Micro-Mobility (Bikeshare, Scooter-share, etc.)CompletedResearch is completed. Published as TCRP Report 230.
TCRP J-11/Task 38An Analysis of Green Bond Financing in the Public Transportation IndustryFinalCompleted. Published as TCRP Research Report 222.
TCRP J-11/Task 39Evaluation Framework for Fare-free Public TransportationFinal
TCRP J-11/Task 40Homelessness: A Guide for Public Transportation Final
TCRP J-11/Task 41Pathways to Effective, Inclusive, and Equitable Virtual Public Engagement for Public TransportationFinal
TCRP J-11/Task 42 Transportation for People with Disabilities and Older Adults during COVID-19: Lessons for Emergency Response Final
TCRP J-11/Task 43Analysis of Public Transportation Health Impacts and BenefitsCompleted
TCRP J-11/Task 44Improving Access to Public Transportation Services and Facilities with Transit-Oriented Complete StreetsCompleted
TCRP J-11/Task 45Future of Commuter Rail in North America Active
TCRP J-11/Task 46Zero-Emission Vehicles: New Tech, New Skills, New JobsActive
TCRP J-11/Task 47Affordable Housing and TransitActive
TCRP J-11/Task 48Marijuana Testing Regulations and Employer Policies: Impacts on Public Transportation EmploymentPending
TCRP J-11/Task 49Strategies to Increase Transit Ridership in the Post-Pandemic EraPending
TCRP J-11/Task 50Transit Funding Sources and Governance Models Pending
TCRP J-11/Task 51Enhancing Transit Operations with Artificial IntelligencePendingIn contracting
TCRP J-11/Task 52Integrating Public Transit Equity Impacts into Economic AnalysesFinal
TCRP J-11/Task 53Optimizing Work Schedules for Transit Frontline WorkersAnticipatedIn development
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-01Bus-Route Evaluation StandardsFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-02System-Specific Spare Bus RatiosFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-03System-Specific Spare Rail Vehicle RatiosFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-04AVL Systems for Bus TransitFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-05Customer Information at Bus StopsFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-06Passenger Transfer System ReviewFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-07Changing Roles and Practices of Bus Field SupervisorsFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-08Bus Transit Fare Collection PracticesFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-09Passenger Counting Technologies and ProceduresFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-09AAccessibiity of Automated Fare Vending and Collection for Customers with DisabilitiesFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-10Data Collection for Bus Planning and MonitoringFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-11Transportation on College and University CampusesFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-12Electronic Surveillance Technology on Transit VehiclesFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-13Yield to Bus --State of the PracticeFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-14Real Time Bus Arrival Information SystemsFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-15Computer-Aided Scheduling and Dispatch in Demand-Responsive Transit ServicesFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-16Uses of Higher Capacity Buses in Transit ServiceFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-17AVL Systems for Bus Transit UpdateFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-18Passenger Counting SystemsFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-19Transit Systems in College and University CommunitiesFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-20Light Rail Vehicle Collisions with Vehicles at Signalized Intersections Final (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-22Bus Rail Preferential Treatments in Mixed TrafficFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-23Practices in the Development and Deployment of Downtown CirculatorsFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-24Video Surveillance Uses By Rail Transit AgenciesFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-25Use of Mobile Device Technology for Real-Time Transit InformationFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-26Implementation and Outcomes of Fare-Free Transit SystemsFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-27Off-Board Transit Fare Payment Using Proof-0f-Purchase VerificationFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-28Use of Electronic On-Street Signage in TransitFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-29Energy Savings Strategies for Transit AgenciesFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-30Maintaining Transit Effectiveness under Major Financial ConstraintsFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-31Common Sense Approaches for Improving Transit Bus SpeedsFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-32System-Specific Spare Bus Ratios UpdateFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-33Critical Incident Management and Clearance Practices for Rail TransitFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-34Open Data: Challenges and Opportunities for Transit AgenciesFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-35Better On-Street Bus StopsFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-36OnBoard Camera Applications for BusesFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-37Multi-agency Electronic Fare Payment SystemsFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-38Successful Practices and Training Initiatives to Reduce Accidents and Incidents at Transit AgenciesFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-39Managing Extreme Weather at Bus StopsFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-40Planning and Design for Fire and Smoke Incidents in Underground Passenger Rail SystemsFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-41Battery Electric Buses - State of the PracticeFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-42College Student Transit Pass ProgramsFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-43Transit Service Delivery Evaluation StandardsFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-44Comprehensive Bus Network RedesignFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-45Current Practices In The Use of Onboard Technologies to Prevent Transit Bus Incidents and AccidentsFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-46Mobile Fare APPs Business ModelsFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-47Transit Signal Priority – Current State of the PracticeFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-48Transit Security Preparedness – Current PracticesFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-49Multi-Modal Fare Payment IntegrationFinal (Synthesis)Complete. Published as TCRP Synthesis 144
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-50Cyber Security in Transit SystemsFinal (Synthesis)Completed. Published as TCRP Synthesis 158.
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-51Transit Safety Risk Assessment MethodologiesFinal (Synthesis)Complete. Published as TCRP Synthesis 157.
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-52Assessing Equity and Identifying Impacts Associated with Bus Network RedesignsFinal (Synthesis)Complete. Published as TCRP Synthesis 159.
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-53BRT State of Practice, Experience, and Lessons LearnedFinal (Synthesis)Completed. Published as TCRP Synthesis 164.
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-54Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety in Bus/BRT CorridorsFinal (Synthesis)Completed. Published as TCRP Synthesis 169.
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-55On Street Bus Operations ManagementFinal (Synthesis)Completed. Published as TCRP Synthesis 166.
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-56Use of Automatic Vehicle Monitoring (AVM) and Vehicle Health Monitoring/Diagnostic Systems by Transit AgenciesActive (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-57Statewide Approaches to the Development of Comprehensive Transit Information SystemsFinal (Synthesis)Research Complete. Published as TCRP Synthesis 172.
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-58Analysis of Transit Exclusion Policies in Passenger Transportation SystemsFinal (Synthesis)Research Complete. Published as TCRP Synthesis 173.
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-59Electronic Surveillance of Railroad-Highway Crossings for Collison Avoidance, State of the PracticeActive (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-60Examination of Transit Agency Coordination with Electric UtilitiesFinal (Synthesis)Completed. Published as TCRP Synthesis Report 175.
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-61State of Practice for Transit Recovery in the Aftermath of Severe Weather EventsActive (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-62Planning and Operations Initatives to Support Nighttime Off-Peak Transit RidershipActive (Synthesis)Active
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-63How Transit Operator Health and Wellbeing Affects Workforce StrengthActive (Synthesis)In contracting
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-64Transit Scheduling and Dispatch Practice that Increase Operator Quality of LifeActive (Synthesis)Active
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SB-01Integration of Bicycles and TransitFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SB-02Innovative Suburb-to-Suburb Transit PracticesFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SB-03ADA Paratransit Eligibility Certification PracticesFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SB-04Transit Advertising Revenue: New Sources and StructuresFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SB-05Communicating with Persons with Disabilities in a Multimodal Transit EnvironmentFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SB-06Use of Small Buses in Transit ServiceFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SB-07Customer-Focused TransitFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SB-08Effective Use of Transit Web SitesFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SB-09Operational Experiences With Flexible Transit ServicesFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SB-10Transit Advertising Sales AgreementsFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SB-11Practices in Late Cancellation/No-Show Policies for ADA ParatransitFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SB-12Integration of Bicycles and TransitFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SB-13Transit Agency Participation in Medicaid Transportation ProgramsFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SB-14Methods of Ridership CommunicationFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SB-15Cost Containment for Paratransit Rider ServicesFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SB-16Integration of Paratransit and Fixed Route Transit ServicesFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SB-17Innovative Rural Transit ServicesFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SB-18Strollers, Carts and Other Large Items on Buses and TrainsFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SB-19Ridesharing as a Complement to TransitFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SB-20Uses of Social Media in Public TransportationFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SB-21Transit Station and Stop Adoption ProgramsFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SB-22Use of Customer Market Research Panels in TransitFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SB-23Integrating Passenger Ferry Service with Mass TransitFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SB-24Methods for Title VI Fare and Service Equity AnalysisFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SB-25Practices for Establishing ADA Paratransit Assessment FacilitiesFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SB-26Use of Taxis in Public Transportation for People with Disabilities and Older AdultsFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SB-27Public Transit and BikesharingFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SB-28Administration of ADA Paratransit Eligibility Appeal ProgramsFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SB-29Customer Focused Service Guarantees and Transparency PracticesFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SB-30Microtransit or General Public Demand-Response Transit Services: State of the PracticeFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SB-31Implementing the US DOT Reasonable Modification RuleFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SB-32Use of Agency Trip Agreements in ADA Paratransit Service Delivery Final (Synthesis)Completed. Published as TCRP Research Results Digest 115.
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SB-33Uses of Social Media in Public TransportationFinal (Synthesis)Complete. Published as TCRP Synthesis 156.
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SB-34Coordination of Public Transit Services and Investments with Affordable Housing PoliciesFinal (Synthesis)Complete. Published as TCRP Synthesis 162.
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SB-35Customer Education and Awareness of On-Demand Mobility Final (Synthesis)Completed. Published as TCRP Synthesis 165.
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SB-36Dynamic Optimization on ADA Paratransit ServiceFinal (Synthesis)Completed. Published as TCRP Synthesis 168.
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SB-37Transit Agency Goals and Non-Traditional Performance Indicators Focused on EquityActive (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SB-38Paratransit Fleet ConfigurationsFinal (Synthesis)Research Complete. Published as TCRP Synthesis 174.
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SB-39Improving Transit Customer Perception of Personal SecurityActive (Synthesis)Active
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SB-40Low-Income Transit Discount Provision at Public Transit Agencies in the United StatesActive (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SB-41Microtransit Solutions in Rural Communities: On-Demand Alternatives to Dial-A-Ride Services and Unproductive Coverage RoutesActive (Synthesis)Research Completed. Publication pending.
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SB-42Operational and Service Factors When Integrating/Consolidating ADA Paratransit and On-Demand ServicesActive (Synthesis)Active
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SB-43Transit Agency Responses to Serving Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities on ADA ParatransitActive (Synthesis)Active
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SB-44The State of Art Programs in TransitActive (Synthesis)Research in Progress
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SB-45Synthesis of Transit Agency Customer Experience ProgramsActive (Synthesis)Research in Progress
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SC-01Safe Operating Procedures for Alternative Fuel BusesFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SC-02Waste Control Practices at Bus Maintenance FacilitiesFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SC-03Low-Floor Transit BusesFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SC-04Retrofit of Buses to Meet Clean Air RegulationsFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SC-05Light Rail Vehicle Compression RequirementsFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SC-06Use of Rear-Facing Position For Common Wheelchairs on Transit BusesFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SC-07 Emergency Response Protocols for Natural Gas PoweredTransit VehiclesFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SC-08Use of Mobile Data Terminals (MDTs) in TransitFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SC-09Use of Biodiesel in a Transit FleetFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SD-01Regulatory Impacts of Design and Retrofit on Bus Maintenance FacilitiesFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SD-02Rail Transit Tunnel and Underground Structures Inspection Policy and ProceduresFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SD-03Bus Use of ShouldersFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SD-04Rail Transit Track Inspection PracticesFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SD-05Third Rail Insulator Failures- Current State of the PracticeFinal (Synthesis)Complete. Published as TCRP Synthesis 150.
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SD-06Transit Agency Relationships and Initiatives to Improve Bus Stops Final (Synthesis)Complete. Published as TCRP Synthesis 152.
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SD-07Red Tinted Bus Lanes ExperienceActive (Synthesis)Research in Progress.
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SE-01Transit Bus Service Line and Cleaning FunctionsFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SE-02Maintenance Productivity PracticesFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SE-03Maintenance Staffing Levels for Light Rail Transit SystemsFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SE-04Track Maintenance Costs on Rail Transit PropertiesFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SE-05Preventive Maintenance Intervals for Transit BusesFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SE-06Elevator and Escalator Maintenance PracticesFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SE-07Maintenance Planning for Rail Asset Management – Current PracticesFinal (Synthesis)Complete. Published as TCRP Synthesis 151.
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SE-08Defining and Measuring “State of Good Repair” for Public Transit Assets and InfrastructureNewIn contracting
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SF-01Bus Occupant SafetyFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SF-02Employee Incentive Programs to Improve Transit PerformanceFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SF-03Methods for Reducing Violence and Improving Transit SecurityFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SF-04Monitoring Maintenance PerformanceFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SF-05Emergency Preparedness for Transit Counter TerrorismFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SF-06Practices in Ensuring Employee AvailabilityFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SF-07A Challenged Employment System: Hiring,Training,Performance Evaluation, and Retention of Bus OperatorsFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SF-08Diversity Training InitiativesFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SF-09Training for On-Board Bus ElectronicsFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SF-10Corporate Culture as the Driver of Transit Leadership PracticesFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SF-11Transit Operator Health and Wellness ProgramsFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SF-12Paratransit Manager's Skills, Qualifications, and NeedsFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SF-13Transit Security UpdateFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SF-14Practices to Protect Bus Operators from Passenger AssaultFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SF-15Practices in Wayside Rail Track/Transit Worker Safety ProtectionFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SF-16Improving Bus Transit Safety through Rewards and Discipline Final (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SF-17Transit Bus Operator Distraction Policies and OutcomesFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SF-18Use of Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) Tests Within TransitFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SF-19Addressing Difficult Customer SituationsFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SF-20Managing the Transit Scheduling WorkforceFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SF-21Attracting, Retaining and Advancing Women in TransitFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SG-01Risk Management for Small and Medium Transit AgenciesFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SG-03Management Information SystemsFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SG-04The Role of Performance-Based Measures in Allocating Funding for Transit OperationsFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SG-05Managing Transit Construction Contract ClaimsFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SG-06Paratransit Contracting and Service Delivery MethodsFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SG-07Identifying and Reducing Fraudulent Third Party Tort Claims Against Public Transit AgenciesFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SG-08Information Technology Update for TransitFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SG-10Performance-Based Measures in Transit Fund AllocationFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SG-11Transit Asset Condition Reporting Final (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SG-12Optimizing Bus WarrantyFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SG-13Practices for Utility Coordination in Transit ProjectsFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SG-14ADA Paratransit Service Delivery Models Final (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SG-15Contracting Fixed-Route Bus Transit ServiceFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SG-17The Use and Practice of Intelligent Transportation Systems in Real-Time Headway Based Service Bus OperationsFinal (Synthesis)Complete. Published as TCRP Synthesis 155.
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SG-18The Transit Analyst Toolbox: Analysis and Approaches for Reporting, Communicating, and Examining Transit DataFinal (Synthesis)Complete. Published as TCRP Synthesis 153.
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SG-19Paratransit Service Delivery Models for Small SystemsFinal (Synthesis)Complete. Published as TCRP Synthesis 161.
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SG-20Performance Metrics in Third Party Contracts for Bus Operations and MaintenanceFinal (Synthesis)Research Complete. Published as TCRP Synthesis 171.
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SH-01Transit-Focused DevelopmentFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SH-02Use of Flexible Funding Under ISTEA and TEA-21Final (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SH-03Geographic Information Systems Applications in TransitFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SH-04Strategic Planning and Management in Transit AgenciesFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SH-05On-Board and Intercept Transit Survey TechniquesFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SH-06Fixed Route Transit Ridership Forecasting and Service Planning MethodsFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SH-07Web Based Survey Techniques for TransitFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SH-08Incorporating Bus Transit Service in Planning for New DevelopmentFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SH-09Current Practices of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Savings from TransitFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SH-10Effective Use of Citizen Advisory Committees for Transit Planning and OperationsFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SH-11Pass Fare Arrangements for Public EmployeesFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SH-12Relationships Between Street Cars and the Built EnvironmentFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SH-13Public Participation Strategies for TransitFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SH-14Sub-Allocating FTA Section 5307 Funding Among Multiple Recipients in Metropolitan AreasFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SH-15Transit Supportive Parking Policies and ProgramsFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SH-16Transit Agency Practices in Interacting with People Who are Homeless Final (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SH-17Practices for Evaluating the Economic Impacts and Benefits of Transit Final (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SH-18Public Transit Rider Origin-Destination Survey Methods and TechnologiesFinal (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SH-19Considering the Unbanked in Cashless Fare Payment at Point of Service for Bus/Demand Response ServicesFinal (Synthesis)Completed. Published as TCRP Synthesis 163
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SH-20Innovative Practices for Transit Planning at Small- to Mid-Sized AgenciesFinal (Synthesis)Completed. Published as TCRP Synthesis 154.
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SH-21Transit Fare Capping: Balancing Revenue and Equity ImpactsFinal (Synthesis)Complete. Published as TCRP Synthesis 160.
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SH-22Inclusive Public Participation in Transit Decision MakingFinal (Synthesis)Completed. Published as TCRP Synthesis 170.
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SH-23Partnerships for Equitable Pandemic Response and RecoveryFinal (Synthesis)Completed. Published as TCRP Synthesis 167.
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SH-24Impacts of Fentanyl and Substance Use on TransitActive (Synthesis)Research in Progress.
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SH-25Building Safe, Quality Access to Bus Stops for Rural and Exurban CommunitiesActive (Synthesis)Research in Progress
TFPE 00Evaluations of FHWA Research & Technology Program Projects Active
TFPE 01Evaluation of the Asphalt Binder Quality Tester (TFPE-01)Final
TFPE 02Evaluation of the Exploratory Advanced Research (EAR) Program (TFPE-02)Final
TFPE 03Evaluation of Ultra-High Performance Concrete Connections (TFPE-03) Final
TFPE 04Evaluation of FHWA's Every Day Counts ProgramActive
TFPE 05Evaluation of FHWA's Initiative on Integrating NEPA and PermittingActive
TFPE 06Evaluation of the Transportation Pooled Fund ProgramActive
TFPE 07Evaluation of the Planning and Environment Linkages ProgramActive
TFPE 08Evaluation of FHWA Highway Safety Information Systems (HSIS)RFP
TFPE 09Evaluation of FHWA’s Focus on Reducing Rural Roadway Departures (FoRRRwD) ProgramRFP
TFRS 01Quality Assurance (QA) Aspects of Performance Related Specifications (PRS)CompletedPublication decision pending.
TFRS TFRS-02Lifecycle BIM for Infrastructure: A Business Case for Project Delivery and Asset ManagementFinalPublication under CRP Special Release 4
TORS TO-01Data, Metrics, and Analytic Tools for Assessing Impacts of Surface Transportation Funding ProgramsFinalProject was canceled on January 29, 2025
Transit IDEA J-04/AInnovation in Action: Accomplishments of the Transit IDEA (Innovations Deserving Exploratory Analysis) ProgramCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 001Customer Satisfaction Index for the Mass Transit IndustryCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 002Adaptive Diagnostic System ProjectCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 003Automated Wheel Inspection StationCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 004Management Information Benefits of On-Board Integration of Electronic FareboxesCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 005Improved Passenger Counter and Classification System for Transit ApplicationsCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 007Wheelchair Restraint System, Baylor College of MedicineCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 008Real-Time Transit Date BroadcastCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 009The Independent Transportation Network: Alternative Transportation for the ElderlyCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 010Automatic Data Collection on Transit Users Via Radio Frequency IdentificationCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 011Customers, Conflicts, and You: A Transit Operator's Guide to Problem SolvingCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 013Self Paced PC-Based Track Safety Training SystemCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 014Market Study and Operational Test Results for the Instant Rent-A-Car (IRAC) Station Field TestsCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 015Internet Information Sharing for Transit MaintenanceCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 016Transit Restraint System for Wheel ChairsCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 017Operational Evaluation of a Rail-Based Wheel Gauge Inspection SystemCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 018Pilot Testing Innovative Payment Operations for Independent Transportation Network (ITN)Completed (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 019Field Testing and Evaluation of the Transit Integrated Monitoring SystemCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 020Non-Contact Sensor for Passenger Counting and ClassificationCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 021Smart Parking Lot with Just-in-Time Bus ServiceCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 022Sleeved Column System for Crashworthiness of Light Rail VehiclesCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 024Operational Testing of Intelligent Rail Lubrication SystemCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 028Transit Scrathitti Removal by Controlled Fire PolishingCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 029Fare Machine Tactile/Audio Instruction System (Completed)Completed (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 031A Tool for Evaluating and Optimizing Bus Stop Location DecisionsCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 032Simulation and Animation Model for Planning and Designing Transit FacilitiesCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 033Community Visualization In Design of Light Rail Transit Oriented DevelopmentCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 035Innovative Bioterrorism Detection Technology for Transit SecurityCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 036Cleaning Device for Electrified Third Rail InsulatorsCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 037Bandwidth Expansion and Real-Time Surveillance for Security on Transit BusesCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 038Assessment of Rear Facing Wheelchair Accommodation on BRT Completed (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 039Dynamic Tiimetable Generator from Schedule DataCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 040Counter-Terrorism Chemical Detector for Rail Transit SystemsCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 041Track Geometry/Design Testing for Transit Applications Completed (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 042Detection of Radioactivity in Transit StationsCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 044Cleaning and Recoating Electrified Third Rail Cover BoardsCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 045Chemical and Biological Decontamination System for Rail Transit FacilitiesCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 047Cleaning Device for Electrified Third Rail Insulators Phase 2Completed (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 049SmartSander Enhancement for Commuter RailCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 050Developing Regional Mobility Management CentersCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 052Travel Assistance Device (TAD) to Help Transit RidersCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 053Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation for Transit BusesCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 054Detection of Radioactivity in Transit Stations – Phase 2Completed (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 055Warning Device for Rail Transit Personnel for Approaching TrainsCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 056Detection of Explosives and Weapons in Transit SystemsCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 057Independent Wheelchair SecurementCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 058Google Transit Data Tool for Small Transit AgenciesCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 059Recoating Electrified Third Rail Cover Boards - Phase 2Completed (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 060TCIP Traveler Information Pilot ProjectCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 061Flexible Carpooling to Transit StationsCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 062Development of Maintenance Training Module for Bus Transit TechniciansCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 063Improving Bus Transit On-Time Performance through the Use of AVL DataCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 065A Context Aware Transit NavigatorCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 066Advanced Wayside Energy Storage Systems (WESS) for Rail TransitCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 067Diesel-Electric Locomotive Energy Recovery and ConversionCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 068Light Rail Transit / Street Grade Crossing Safety SystemCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 069Predictive Failure Mode Characterization System for Rail Transit Car EquipmentCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 070Effortless Passenger Identification SystemCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 071Transit Information Access for Persons with Visual or Cognitive ImpairmentsCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 072Handheld Noncontact Electronic Rail Wheel GaugeCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 073Innovative Operating Strategy for Paratransit ServicesCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 074Apparatus for Gap ManagementCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 075Transit Trip Planning Web ApplicationCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 076RideScout Mobile ApplicationCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 077Development of a Prototype Retrofit Bumper for Improved Light Rail Vehicle (LRV) SafetyCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 078Rail Neutral Temperature Monitoring for Rail TransitCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 079Implementation of Smart Card Automatic Fare Collection (AFC) Technology in Small Transit Agencies for Standards DevelopmentCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 080Enhancing Safety and Security of Transit Systems Using Computer VisionCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 081Advanced Locomotive Exhaust Gas simulator to Fine-Tune Energy and Conversion SystemsCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 082Active Safety-Collision Warning Pilot in Washington StateCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 083Track Circuit Monitoring Tool: Standardization and Deployment at Chicago Transit AuthorityCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 084Development of a Mass-Based Automated Passenger CounterCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 085Location Aware Networks Optimizing Use of TransitCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 086Advanced Neutral Temperature Estimation Using Solitary Waves (ANTEUSW)Completed (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 087Development of pathNav: A Pedestrian Navigation Tool that Utilizes Smart Data for Improved Accessibility and WalkabilityCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 088Evaluation of an Automatic, Individual, Computer-Based Operator Education and Training ProgramCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 089Dynamic Vehicle to Infrastructure TCIP Communications Laboratory Proof of ConceptCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 090sUAS-Based GeoINTEL for Commuter Rail Parking in Rual and Suburban AreasCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 091Comprehensive Wayfinding for All (CWall)Completed (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 092Augmented Reality Transit Dispatcher InterfaceCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 093An Open Platform for Transit Agencies to Improve the Quality of Their Real-time DataCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 094Evaluation of Transit Vehicle Brake Inspection Through Ultrasonic Emissions AnalysisCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 095Connected and Automated Parking Feasibility/MDOT MTA Dorsey Run Pilot ProjectCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 096Multi-stage Planning for Electrifying Transit Bus Systems with Multiformat Charging FacilitiesCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 097Open Platform to Attract, Organize, and Coordinate Volunteers for Rural and Small Urban TransitCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 098Safety Assessment of the Interaction Between the Autonomous Shuttle Bus and Vulnerable Road UsersCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 099Bike LoveCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 100TrainMate Robotic System: Making Public Transportation, PublicCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 101Multimodal Transit with CitopiaCompleted (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 102Magnetic Rail Movement Measuring Device (MRMMD)Completed (IDEA)
Transit IDEA J-04/IDEA 103Real-Time Trip Support for Multimodal TravelersActive (IDEA)
TRB/AAMVA 19-01RFQ: Demographic and Technological Trends Impacting the DMV of the FuturePending