The National Academies

NCHRP 20-136 [Pending]

Leveraging Original Equipment Manufacturer Vehicle Sensor Data for Pavement Management

  Project Data
Funds: $750,000
Contract Time: 30 months
Staff Responsibility: Sadaf Khosravifar


As vehicle sensing technology advances, application of existing sensing capabilities in vehicles presents a promising opportunity for enhanced pavement condition monitoring. Data from original equipment manufacturer (OEM) vehicle sensors have the potential to supplement conventional pavement condition surveys conducted with specialized equipment.

However, challenges remain in extracting consistent and reliable pavement condition data collected from different sensors, multiple data sources, and over time as vehicles travels. Research is needed to help state departments of transportation (DOTs) gain deeper insights into vehicle sensing technology and its potential to supplement their pavement management efforts, including maintenance and condition evaluation.


The objective of this research is to assess the potential of OEM-integrated vehicle sensing technologies and data to complement pavement management efforts. At the minimum, the research shall include the identification of potential applications and associated strategies to assist stakeholders (e.g., state DOTs, local governments) to integrate this data into pavement management, including condition evaluation and maintenance planning.

Accomplishment of the project objective will require at least the following tasks.


PHASE I – Planning

Task 1. Conduct a detailed literature review of existing OEM-integrated vehicle sensing technologies and potential crowd-sourced solutions for pavement management, including condition evaluation and maintenance planning. Information may be obtained from published and unpublished sources, and through contacts with public and private organizations, vehicle OEMs, and OEM data providers.

Task 2. Based on the review conducted in Task 1, identify and evaluate the critical issues associated with the use of data from crowd-sourced, OEM-integrated vehicle sensing technologies in relation to pavement management. These issues should be addressed in the final product or the recommended future research, as budget permits.

Task 3. Propose the research plan to be executed in Phases II and III to achieve the research objective. At a minimum, the research plan shall include:

  • An engagement plan with three to four vehicle OEMs and/or OEM data providers to gather relevant information such as:
    • existing sensor hardware and software,
    • on-board processing systems,
    • data processing and analysis techniques for extracting pavement condition data from OEM-integrated vehicle sensors,
    • methods for collating crowd-sourced data across vehicles and fleets,
    • communication technologies for accessing processed data for pavement condition evaluation,
    • data privacy and security issues, and
    • data quality assurance plans.
  • A proof-of-concept investigation comparing pavement condition data from conventional dedicated pavement condition data collection equipment with crowd-sourced OEM-integrated vehicle sensing technologies across a range of pavement types.
  • A framework to (1) assess the repeatability and reproducibility of crowd-sourced measurements from OEM-integrated vehicle sensing technologies with respect to reference measurements, (2) establish protocols and transformations needed to augment current pavement evaluation methods, and (3) address other critical issues.
  • Development of a document to support adoption and implementation. It shall include discussion of the feasibility of using OEM-integrated vehicle sensor data and its minimum requirements for pavement applications, associated strategies, estimated costs, use cases, and potential benefits to stakeholders.

Task 4. Prepare Interim Report No. 1 that documents Tasks 1 through 3 and provides an updated work plan for the remainder of the research. The updated plan must describe the process and rationale for the work proposed for Phases II and III.


PHASE II – Execution

Task 5. Execute the research plan according to the approved Interim Report No. 1.

Task 6. Prepare Interim Report No. 2 that documents Task 5 and provides an updated work plan for the remainder of the research. The updated work plan must describe the process and rationale for the work proposed for Phase III.


PHASE III – Final Deliverables

Task 7. Prepare a stand-alone document titled “Research Outcomes Brief” to summarize the objectives, tasks, and the outcomes and/or findings of the project.

Task 8. Prepare a stand-alone technical memorandum titled “Implementation of Research Findings and Products”.

Task 9. Prepare presentation materials, in PowerPoint or other formats, for webinars to facilitate the use and adoption of the research findings. 

Task 10. Submit the draft final deliverables, including (1) a final report that documents the entire research effort, (2) the Research Outcomes Brief, (3) the Implementation of Research Findings and Products technical memorandum, and (4) the presentation materials.


STATUS: Proposals have been received in response to the RFP. The project panel will meet to select a contractor to perform the work.

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