The National Academies

NCHRP 10-120 [Active]

Guide for Incorporating Right-of-Way and Utilities into Value Engineering Studies

  Project Data
Funds: $400,000
Staff Responsibility: Christopher McKenney
Research Agency: Texas A&M Transportation Institute
Principal Investigator: Cesar Quiroga
Effective Date: 7/1/2024


According to 23 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 627, value engineering (VE) is a systematic, organized approach that provides necessary functions in a project at the lowest cost without sacrificing performance and quality. VE focuses on the functions of various components and materials by reviewing and assessing a project to (1) identify essential project functions, (2) promote the substitution of materials and methods with less expensive alternatives, (3) optimize the value and quality of the project, and (4) reduce the time to develop and deliver the project.

VE studies have been incorporated into state departments of transportation (DOTs) project development process, typically reflecting federal policies and requirements. State DOTs specification manuals typically include guidance on how to conduct VE studies; however, the body of knowledge has been limited in the area of right-of-way (ROW) and utilities as it relates to VE. This limited body of knowledge increases the risk for VE study teams to obtain the degree of ROW and utility information needed to adequately perform their duties, thereby missing unique opportunities to add value to a project.

Research is needed to identify approaches to incorporate ROW and utilities when conducting VE studies.


The objective of this research is to develop a guide that will assist state DOTs with addressing ROW and utility impacts when conducting VE studies.


PHASE I — Planning and Methodology Development

Task 1. Submit the Amplified Research Plan (ARP) for NCHRP review and approval to confirm the research team’s understanding of the research objectives and scope. The ARP is due within 15 calendar days after the research team is notified of the project start date.

Task 2. Conduct a literature review and propose a methodical approach to collect data and receive feedback. The work in Task 2 will include:

  • The literature review will include relevant research and current state-of-practice related to ROW and utility impacts when conducting VE studies. The review shall include published and unpublished research conducted through the NCHRP; Federal Highway Administration (FHWA); and other national, international, state, and pooled-fund sponsored research; and
  • A methodical approach designed to collect data and receive feedback to (1) identify knowledge gaps that should be addressed in this research or in the recommended future research as budget permits, and (2) implement methods to include ROW utility topics more effectively in the scope of and procedures for conducting VE studies.

Task 3. Conduct a survey of DOTs to conduct and consolidate survey information and conduct follow-up interviews. The work in Task 3 will include:

  • Initiating the survey instrument using the standard web-based survey instrument from the survey instrument that was proposed and approved in Task 2. This will include (1) identifying points of contact at each of the groups or agencies and sending them the invitation email to participate in the survey, (2) monitoring survey completion progress, and (3) analyzing survey results and preparing summary tables to identify trends; and
  • Clarifying or confirming survey results and obtaining additional information through follow-up interviews; and
  • Identifying potential projects with VE studies for the case studies consideration in Task 4.

Task 4. Conduct case studies at different agencies with different organizational structures, identifying levels of maturity of the VE process and performance perspectives based on the information gathered from the survey and follow-up interviews.

Task 5. Develop a draft risk matrix using the findings from Tasks 3 and 4. Use the risk factors and risk matrix to identify potential ROW and utility topics in the scope and procedures for VE studies and to develop potential performance measures for conducting VE studies that include ROW and utility topics.

Task 6. Develop an outline for a guide and implementation materials that include themes and scenarios for communicating the research findings and strategies to stakeholders.

Task 7. Prepare Interim Report No. 1 that documents Tasks 1 through 6 and provides an updated work plan for Phase II.

Note: Following a 1-month review of Interim Report No. 1 by the NCHRP, the research team will be required to meet in-person with the NCHRP project panel to discuss the interim report. Work on Phase II will not begin until authorized by the NCHRP.

PHASE II Guide Development and Final Products

Task 8. Develop a preliminary guide and implementation materials that include themes and scenarios for communicating the research findings and strategies to stakeholders as they relate to VE studies that include ROW and utility topics.

Task 9. Prepare a preliminary roadmap for the implementation of the guide and implementation materials, highlighting key findings from the research, supported with examples. Developing the draft implementation plan should identify factors including (1) the audience, (2) impediments to successful implementation, (3) future activities necessary for successful implementation, and (4) criteria for judging progress and consequences of implementation.

Task 10. Prepare and conduct a one-day in-person workshop with 20 representatives of DOTs and other stakeholders to (1) review the preliminary guide and implementation plan and (2) obtain industry feedback and validation. The invited representatives shall be approved by NCHRP.

Task 11. Revise the preliminary guide, implementation materials, implementation plan, and workshop materials considering the NCHRP’s review comments and feedback received from workshop participants.

Task 12. Prepare a final deliverable that documents the entire research effort. Final deliverables should include, at a minimum (1) a research report documenting the work performed and used to develop the guide; (2) the guide as a stand-alone document; (3) implementation materials and implementation plan; (4) workshop materials; and (5) technical memorandum on implementation.

Note: Following receipt of the draft final deliverables, the remaining 3 months shall be for NCHRP review and comment and for research agency preparation of the final deliverables.

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