The National Academies

BTSCRP BTS-30 [Pending]

Engaging Underserved Communities and Populations in Child Passenger Safety

  Project Data
Funds: $400,000
Contract Time: 36 months
Staff Responsibility: Richard A. Retting


Children living in underserved communities have lower rates of child restraint use than children living in other communities. A 2014 study published in Pediatrics (official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics) found significantly higher proportions of white parents reported their 1- to 3-year-old and 4- to 7-year-old children always used the age-appropriate restraint compared with nonwhite parents (85.3% vs 61.3% and 88.5% vs 69.1%) (https://publications.aap.org/pediatrics/article/133/2/262/30876/Disparities-in-Age-Appropriate-Child-Passenger?autologincheck=redirected). This research reinforces the need to more equitably implement highway safety programs, with an increased focus on people living in underserved communities.

Child Passenger Safety (CPS) is one focus area for State Highway Safety Offices (SHSOs), affording the opportunity to more effectively engage people living in underserved communities. Achieving this objective would further the CPS goal of protecting children from motor vehicle crash fatalities and injuries. Repeated requests for best practices have yielded some materials, but there is no research-based toolkit available for SHSOs and other organizations with a vested interest in children’s education, health, and safety to support more effective engagement of underserved communities.

For the purpose of this RFP (1) “underserved communities” are defined as areas of persistent poverty and historically disadvantaged communities and (2) “organizations with a vested interest in children’s education, health, and safety” include (but are not limited to) schools, first responders, faith-based organizations, community organizations, outreach programs, social services, and health care providers.   


The objective of this research is to develop a CPS toolkit, that reflects behavioral safety principles and practices, to serve as a resource to support more effective engagement of underserved communities and populations. 


PHASE I – Document Review and Planning

Task 1.  Review and synthesize existing studies related to best practices for effective engagement (1) with underserved communities and populations (not limited to CPS) and (2) specifically to achieve the CPS goal of protecting children passengers from motor vehicle crash fatalities and injuries (not limited to underserved communities). This task should focus on domestic research, with relevant international information to be considered.

Task 2. Develop a data collection and analysis plan for conducting new research in Phase II to accomplish the project's objective. The new research in Phase II will, at a minimum:

1. Define underserved communities and populations, including aspects of CPS that have been largely overlooked; provide justification.

2. Collect and analyze information from SHSOs and other organizations with a vested interest in children’s education, health, and safety.  

3. Review state laws and regulations related to CPS.

Task 3. Develop an outline for the outreach materials to be developed in Task 6.

Task 4. Prepare Interim Report #1 that documents the work completed in Tasks 1 through 3. Update the work proposed for Phase II.


PHASE II – Data Collection, Analysis, and Draft Deliverables

Task 5. Execute the plan in Interim Report #1 to achieve the research objective.

Task 6. Develop (1) a draft CPS toolkit for use by SHSOs and other organizations with a vested interest in children’s education, health, and safety to support more effective engagement of underserved communities; (2) draft public information and educational materials to (a) create awareness and availability of the toolkit and (b) promote techniques to overcome barriers to access in underserved communities; and (3) draft innovative ideas to support delivery of information to caregivers. 

The toolkit should be scalable and adaptable to communities of varying sizes and situations and should include (but not be limited to) the following how-to items with explanations and examples:

·       Identifying existing and proposed partner organizations, including nontraditional stakeholders

·       Identifying respected community members and trusted voices

·       Engaging new and existing partners, including hard to reach communities

·       Implementing outreach activities

·       Ensuring community buy-in and ownership

·       Providing easy to use training opportunities for the focused populations

·       Providing long-term sustainability resources such as train-the-trainer materials

·       Avoiding cultural missteps

·       Identifying and addressing barriers to implementation

Task 7. Prepare Interim Report #2, comprised of (1) the draft toolkit; (2) draft public information and educational materials; and (3) draft innovative ideas to support delivery of information to caregivers.


PHASE III – Pilot Study and Deliverables

Task 8. Conduct a pilot study to field test the toolkit in a demonstration community. Conduct an evaluation and collect feedback for use in revising and finalizing the toolkit. The pilot test should evaluate the degree of success in achieving the goals of the how- to items.

Task 9. Develop final deliverables, which at a minimum will include (1) a final research report documenting the entire research effort and findings; (2) toolkit; (3) outreach materials to support practitioners’ awareness and use of the research findings; (4) innovative ideas to support delivery of information to caregivers; (5) prioritized recommendations for future research; (6) PowerPoint presentation summarizing the research findings; and (7) a technical memorandum on implementation.


STATUS: Proposals have been received in response to the RFP. The project panel will meet to select a contractor to perform the work.

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