The original objectives of this project were to provide technical assistance to facilitate the implementation of the Highway Safety Manual (HSM) and to develop an HSM User Guide based on the experiences and examples of the lead states to assist other highway agencies in implementing the HSM.
Accomplishment of the project objectives required the following tasks: (1) contact the participating states to determine the status of implementing the HSM in their state DOT; (2) convene an initial lead state workshop involving representatives of the selected states and other experts familiar with HSM development and implementation; (3) monitor progress by the lead states over a period of approximately one year after the Task 2 workshop; (4) provide technical assistance, as needed, to the lead states and others to assist them in implementing the HSM; (5) approximately one year after the initial workshop, convene a second meeting involving the same selected states to report on progress, examples, and effective approaches to implementing the HSM; (6) based on the experiences and examples of the lead states, develop a HSM User Guide to assist other highway agencies in implementing the HSM. The User Guide should serve as a supplement or companion to the HSM and show practical approaches to implementing the HSM procedures in the operating environment of a highway agency.
The objective of the continuation phase was to provide, maintain and advance implementation efforts of the HSM. This occurred though the following activities:
Hold two additional peer exchanges, with the invitees expanded to include eight (8)-ten (10) support states, and potentially select local agencies.
Develop templates that can be used by states to develop polices for HSM implementation.
Develop a series of webinars of best practices of HSM Implementation that will be available to all agencies that are interested in sharing best practices and learning from states that have been successful.
Status: Research is complete; final report is available as NCHRP Web-Only Document 323 at