The National Academies

NCHRP 20-24(031) [Completed]

Effective Program Delivery in a Constrained Fiscal Environment
[ NCHRP 20-24 (Administration of Highway and Transportation Agencies) ]

  Project Data
Funds: $200,000
Research Agency: TransTech Management, Inc.
Principal Investigator: Tamar Henkin
Effective Date: 6/4/2004
Completion Date: 11/30/2006
Comments: The final report has been submitted to AASHTO.

State DOT program delivery has become much more complex in recent years. Today, DOT managers face new challenges and requirements with respect to 1) delivering projects on time and on budget, 2) distributing funding efficiently and equitably, 3) developing projects in a manner that protects the physical and social environment, 4) managing (and leveraging) resources as efficiently and effectively as possible, and 5) including other agencies, interest groups, and the public in project prioritization and funding decisions. With these new challenges, it is no great surprise that states are having difficulty programming, budgeting, and administering realistic, politically viable, and financially-constrained transportation programs.  The objectives of this project were : 1) to define and describe the forces of change and associated impacts on program management and delivery; 2) to document the state of the practice among state DOTs, including gaps that may exist in tools, techniques, and management processes to support program delivery; and 3) to make recommendations regarding topic areas for further research.

The final report has been submitted to AASHTO and can be downloaded here. 

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