The National Academies

NCHRP 20-24 [Active]

Administration of Highway and Transportation Agencies

  Project Data
Funds: various
Staff Responsibility: Dr. Waseem Dekelbab
Research Agency: various
Principal Investigator: various
Effective Date: 5/14/1987

Much of the research conducted by the NCHRP is designed to solve specific problems experienced by practitioners that are related to the operational and planning functions of state transportation agencies. Although top management is certainly affected by these problems and benefits from solutions through improved agency performance, this type of research does not necessarily address top management's most immediate needs.  NCHRP Project 20-24 conducts research intended to address the specific concerns of chief executive officers (CEOs) and other top managers of the state departments of transportation (DOTs). The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Special Committee on Research and Innovation (R&I) each year allocates funds to the overall series, but identification of specific tasks is left up to the NCHRP 20-24 project panel.

Projects in the NCHRP 20-24 series are procured and conducted under the same procedures and requirements applied to other NCHRP research. Individual projects in the NCHRP 20-24 series are described in the specific project pages, which are linked in the list below.

20-24(001) Using Market Research to Improve the Management of Transportation Systems

20-24(002) Executive Management Information Systems for State Departments of Transportation

20-24(003) Expanding the Civil Engineering Pool

20-24(003)A Civil Engineering Careers in Transportation---Outreach Program

20-24(005) Public Outreach in Transportation Management

20-24(006)A Performance Measures for State Highway and Transportation Agencies

20-24(006)B Business Systems Plan for Highway Engineering Information

20-24(006)C Information Systems for Transportation Agencies

20-24(007) Alternatives to Motor Fuel Taxes for Financing Surface Transportation Improvements

20-24(007)A Alternative Approaches to the Taxation of Heavy Vehicles

20-24(008) Project 20-24 Series---Revisited

20-24(009) State Departments of Transportation---Strategies for Change

20-24(010) Customer-Based Quality in Transportation

20-24(011) Asset Management Guidance for Transportation Agencies

20-24(012) Avoiding Delays During the Construction Phase of Highway Projects

20-24(013) Innovative Financing Clearinghouse

20-24(014) Managing Change in State Departments of Transportation

20-24(018) Outsourcing of State DOT Delivery of Capital Programs

20-24(019) State DOTs and E-Business

20-24(020) Using Performance Measures to Manage Change in State Departments of Transportation

20-24(021) Characteristics of the 21st Century Operations-Oriented State DOT

20-24(023) Assessing the Importance of Transportation for Major Industries and Sectors of the U.S. Economy

20-24(024) Transportation Mobility, Access and Safety for an Aging Population

20-24(029) CEO Leadership Forum

20-24(030) Performance Measurement in Context Sensitive Design

20-24(031) Effective Program Delivery in a Constrained Fiscal Environment

20-24(033) Transportation Vision 2010 and Beyond

20-24(034) Commuting in America

20-24(035) Communicating Urban Congestion Information

20-24(036) AASHTO Strategic Plan Support

20-24(037) Measuring Performance among State DOTs: Sharing Good Practices

20-24(038) CEO Engagement Options

20-24(039) Alternative Organizational Designs for State Transportation Departments

20-24(040) Analysis and Benchmarking of State DOT Recruitment and Hiring Practices

20-24(041) Project Summaries for State DOT CEOs

20-24(042) Guidelines for State DOT quality management systems

20-24(043) Innovative Contracting for Major Transportation Projects Workshop

20-24(044) Highway Safety Leadership Organizational Issues; A Survey of States and Recommendations for Sustaining Progrss

20-24(045) Executive Seminar, Coordinating Transportation and Land Development

20-24(046) Freight Transportation: New Roles for State DOTs

20-24(047) Racial and Gender Diversity in State DOTs and Transit Agencies: Phase I Benchmark Scoping

20-24(048) Analysis and Benchmarking of State DOT Human Resource Activities

20-24(049) Future Financing Options to Meet Highway and Transit Needs

20-24(050) In-Service Training Needs for State DOTs

20-24(051) State DOT Leadership Forum--2006

20-24(052) Future Options for the National System of Interstate and Defense Highways

20-24(054) 2006 Bottom Line Report State and National Investment Analysis: Highways

20-24(054)G 2006 AASHTO Bottom Line Scoping

20-24(055) National Summit on Future Transportation Funding and Finance Strategies: States and Metropolitan Regions

20-24(056) National Leadership Retreat for State and Local Officials to Advance a Vision of the Transportation System Required to Meet Future Needs

20-24(058) Toward Developing Performance Based Federal-Aid Programs

20-24(059) Strategies for Reducing the Impacts of Surface Transportation on Global Climate Change

20-24(060) Updating AASHTO's Strategic Plan in CY 2008

20-24(061) Issues and Practices in Performance-Based Maintenance and Operations Management

20-24(062) Communication Strategies To Increase Understanding of Funding and Revenue Needs for the Nation’s Transportation System

20-24(067) State DOT CEO Leadership Forum- Spring/Summer 2009; Pilot Study of State Driven Performance Based Management Reporting

20-24(068) Estimating the Costs to State Governments Due to Highway-Related Debilitating Injury and Fatal Crashes

20-24(069) Implementable Strategies for Shifting to Direct Usage-Based Charges for Transportation Funding

20-24(070) Update the 2003 Report Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from U.S. Transportation

20-24(071) Expediting NEPA Decisions and Other Practitioner Strategies for Addressing High Risk Issues in Project Delivery

20-24(072) Maximizing Highway Operational Strategies to Reduce Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions

20-24(073) Economic and Employment Benefits of Highway Investments in Response to Economic Downturns: A Scoping Study

20-24(074) Executive Strategies for Risk Management by State Departments of Transportation

20-24(075) Development of a Performance Management Roadmap

20-24(076) Developing Surface Transportation Funding and Financing Solutions for the Coming Decade

20-24(077) Support for a TRB-sponsored conference on Strategies for Meeting Critical Data Needs for State and Metropolitan Transportation Agencies

20-24(079) Specifications for a National Study of the Future 3R, 4R, and Capacity Needs of the Interstate System

20-24(080) Assessing the Economic Benefit of Transportation Infrastructure Investment in a Mature Surface Transportation System

20-24(081) Leading in Lean Times: Maximizing Resources in a Constrained Environment

20-24(082) Increasing Consistency in the Highway Performance Monitoring System for Pavement Reporting

20-24(083) Alternative State DOT Organizational Models for Delivering Services

20-24(084) State DOT CEO Leadership Forum 2013

20-24(086) Critical Assessment for Future Surface Transportation Needs Analyses (Refresh the Policy Capacity of the Bottom Line/C&P)

20-24(087) State DOT Administration of Local Road Safety Aid

20-24(089) Role and Value of Transportation for U.S. Industries and Sectors

20-24(091) State DOT CEO Safety Leadership Forum (Support)

20-24(092) Evaluation of State-of-the-Art Transportation Funding and Finance Methods

20-24(093) Public Communication

20-24(094) Support for Development of AASHTO’s Strategic Plan

20-24(095) Ensuring Essential Capability for the Future Transportation Agency

20-24(097) Advancing Performance Management under a National Framework

20-24(098) Connected/Automated Vehicle Research Roadmap for AASHTO

20-24(099) CEO Peer Exchange on Agency Management and Emerging Issues (2015)

20-24(100) State DOT CEO Leadership Forum – a Focus on Transportation Futures

20-24(101) An Introduction to Knowledge Management and Workforce Issues for CEOs: A CEO Leadership Workshop

20-24(102) Executive Strategies to Deliver Practical Design

20-24(103) Transportation Investment for Economic Development: Making the Case (Peer Exchange)

20-24(104) State DOT Implementation of MAP21 Performance Measure Rules

20-24(105) Launching U.S. Transportation Enterprise Risk Management Programs

20-24(106) Evaluation Guidance for Automated Vehicle Pilot and Demonstration Projects

20-24(107) Update to Transportation Governance: A 50-State Review of State Legislatures and Departments of Transportation

20-24(108) CEO Peer Exchange on Agency Management and Emerging Issues (2016)

20-24(110) Development of Resources to Support State DOT Communications on Safety

20-24(111) State DOT CEO Leadership Forum on Connected & Autonomous Vehicles and Transportation Infrastructure Readiness in conjunction with 2017 ITSWC, Montreal, Canada

20-24(112) Connected Road Classification System (CRCS) Development

20-24(113) CEO Orientation and Peer Exchange Workshop 2017

20-24(116) Guidance on Roles and Responsibilities in Operation of Automated Vehicles

20-24(119) Strategic Research in Support of the Connected and Automated Vehicle Executive Leadership Team

20-24(12)A Improving the Time Performance of Highway Construction Contracts

20-24(121) Road Usage Charge: Applying Lessons Learned in New Zealand to the United States

20-24(122) A Comprehensive Study of Future Competencies for Transportation Planners

20-24(124) Performance Management Reporting Peer Exchange

20-24(125) Scoping Study to Develop the Basis for a Highway Standard to Conduct an All-Hazards Risk and Resilience Analysis

20-24(126) National Automation Readiness Framework: Coast-to-Coast Automated Mobility

20-24(127) Performance Management Implementation Concerns, Issues and Challenges

20-24(128) State-of-the-Art Review of Cooperative Automated Transportation (CAT) Systems

20-24(129) CEO Peer Exchange and Strategy Forum (2019)

20-24(130) Support for Development of AASHTO’S 2021-2026 Strategic Plan

20-24(131) Mapping the Common Interests of AASHTO Committees

20-24(132) Understanding Knowledge Management in Context with Other Organizational Practices

20-24(133) Update to Transportation Governance: A 50-State Review of State Legislatures and Departments of Transportation

20-24(135) Operational Oversight of Drones - UAS Development and Deployment: Jurisdictional Issues and Options

20-24(136) Enabling Knowledge Management through Leadership Strategy and Culture

20-24(137) Assessing and Communicating the Economic and Quality of Life Benefits of Transportation Infrastructure Investments: Message Testing

20-24(138) Collective and Individual Actions for State Departments of Transportation Envisioning and Realizing the Next Era of America’s Transportation Infrastructure – Phase I

20-24(138)A Collective and Individual Actions to Envision and Realize the Next Era of America’s Transportation Infrastructure—Phase 2

20-24(139) Into the 2020s: A Peer Exchange Series for State Department of Transportation CEOs

20-24(141) Advancing the Art and Science of Decision-Making

20-24(144) Enhancing State DOTs Agility in Project Development and Delivery

20-24(145) Harnessing the Safe System Approach to Improve Traffic Safety

20-24(146) Guide to Supporting and Sustaining Transportation Grant Programs for Local Governments and Tribes

20-24(147) Identify Best Practices for Automated Driving Systems and Other Emerging Technologies


20-24(149) Recruiting and Retaining Talent in the Transportation Industry: Guide

20-24(150) A Framework for Data Exchanges Between Transportation Agencies and Third-Party Mapping Organizations

20-24(151) Implementation of Artificial Intelligence Programs in State and Local Departments of Transportation

20-24(152) Current Workforce Challenges to Recruit and Retain Construction Inspectors

20-24(153) Roadmap to Addressing State DOT Workforce Planning and Development Needs

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