The objectives of this project were to (a) provide analytical support for development of an updated strategic plan for AASHTO for the period 2014-2019 and (b) facilitate the work of AASHTO staff and membership in that development. The research team worked with a group of AASHTO leadership who served as the NCHRP project panel as well as the AASHTO strategic planning committee to review the AASHTO Strategic Plan 2009-2013 in terms of the relevancy of and support for the current vision, mission, goals and objectives of the organization. The team then conducted a “SWOT” analysis for AASHTO as an entity, its staff, and its member departments of transportation. A draft plan was formulated at a panel workshop and subsequently presented and discussed at meetings in the 4 AASHTO regions. The plan was adopted by AASHTO's board at their meeting in November 2014. The final plan document was delivered to AASHTO leadership.