The National Academies

NCHRP 20-24(093) [Final]

Public Communication
[ NCHRP 20-24 (Administration of Highway and Transportation Agencies) ]

  Project Data
Funds: $300,000
Research Agency: various, see below
Principal Investigator: various, see below
Completion Date: 11/7/2015

This project was executed as a series of distinct research elements intended to improve public communication influence and effectiveness through better understanding of transportation users’ expectations and language:
20-24(93)A  Public Communication – Public Outreach  ($125,000): An activity to assist AASHTO to update and effectively use research completed under NCHRP 20-24(62); this research was conducted as Project 20-24(93)C, listed below.
20-24(93)B(01)    Public Communication – Management Planning ($50,000) Cambridge Systematics (Lance Neumann) supported AASHTO’s Standing Committee on Performance Management planning efforts related to communication of performance management concepts. An action plan was delivered to AASHTO.
20-24(93)B(02)    Public Communication – Management Outreach ($125,000) Spy Pond Partners (Hyun-A Park) assisted AASHTO to develop text and graphics documenting leading state practices in system performance management.  The research team's final report, delivered to AASHTO, may be downloaded by clicking here.
NCHRP 20-24(93)C   Public Communication -- Outreach ($125,000)  Parsons Brinkerhoff (Shane Peck) explored messaging to support AASHTO's efforts to communicate with policy makers and the public on matters of transportation funding, finance, system performance, and economic vitality. The work included surveys and focus groups with dial testing of selected words and phrases. The research team's final report, delivered to AASHTO, may be downloaded by clicking here.

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