Background: NCHRP Project 20-24 addresses issues of direct concern to members of AASHTO's Board of Directors. Since the initiation of Project 20-24, more than 30 tasks have been undertaken, many of which have resulted in products used by AASHTO and its member departments. The 20-24 panel is interested in promoting the products of this research in a more consistent manner to CEOs and senior managers of state departments of transportation.
Objectives: Communicating the results of 20-24 encompasses two distinct tasks: (1) summarizing the results of studies undertaken since the beginning of 20-24; and (2) initiating an ongoing, periodic means of communicating the results of future studies as they become available.
Using the subject "performance measurement" as an example, NCHRP staff developed several potential formats for addressing the two objectives.
Format A (to summarize past work): Short summaries of individual products, categorized by topic areas, with a bullet list of highlights from these products.
Format B (to summarize past work and/or communicate future products): Three-tiered presentation, much like the TRB e-newsletter:
Tier 1: title of project task and very short description, with link to
Tier 2: 1-page summary sheet with abstract and other information, with link to
Tier 3: full report
Format C (to communicate individual products of future work): 4-page research briefs, modeled after those produced by the Virginia Transportation Research Council or the 4-page F-SHRP brochure produced by AASHTO.
Format D (to communicate selected products that lend themselves to graphic presentation): Colorful one-page overview of products like strategic plans or processes, such as the approach presented in the asset management guidebook.
Examples of each of these formats are attached. The examples use a selection of 20-24 products related to performance measures.
Format A
Format B
Format C
Format D
Beginning with these initial ideas, NCHRP staff has proposed the following next steps:
1. Discuss the example formats with 20-24 project panel (pending). The following issues may be included in the discussion:
- Intended audience for these communication methods (CEOs, senior managers, both, others).
- Frequency of communication (monthly, quarterly, other).
- Method of communication (electronic, hardcopy, both).
- How to handle this as an ongoing task (staff and budget requirements; separate contractor or part of research contract, etc.).
- How to handle products developed under 20-24 to assist AASHTO: these are often not really research and do not result in an NCHRP product. Sometimes AASHTO summarizes them; how should NCHRP account for them if AASHTO does not publish something? How should NCHRP handle them if AASHTO adds material that the NRC cannot publish?
2. If the panel feels it needs additional input from potential users, test example formats on audiences of CEOs and senior managers outside of the 20-24 panel. 3. Decide on one or more formats to use. 4. Hire a contractor to develop a 'look' for the communication method that is chosen -- logo, layout, color scheme, title -- so that it is readily recognized by CEOs as a product developed for their use. 5. Have the examples of the communication methods available for the AASHTO Board of Directors. 6. Begin regular production (by others) of CEO leadership series.
Status: The initial effort was conducted by staff (Dr. Ann Brach). A summary document was prepared by CTC and Associates and is available at the link below. No further action has occurred.
Product Availability: See above examples and below link.