Tasks anticipated in this project include the following:
· Identify by questionnaire, phone or personal interviews, standards and practices adopted by the Federal/State Agreement in each state, relating to sign spacing, size, height, lighting and similar characteristics.
· Identify key requirements under state law for control and enforcement of the outdoor advertising sign program in each state which are different from the Federal/State Agreement as in paragraph 1. above.
· Identify issues with evolving technologies, such as digital electronic changeable message signs, the state's legal requirements for these signs, and any research which states have conducted on these issues to date.
· Identify methods adopted by the states for administration and control of the program, including items such as definition of requirements established in federal regulations, such as routine and customary maintenance, definition of destruction of nonconforming signs, abandonment, discontinuance and state practices such as frequency of inventory, etc.
· Identify the state organizational unit and title and contact information of the individual state manager responsible for outdoor advertising control in each of the state Departments of Transportation.
· Provide a narrative report with well organized tables relating to findings on the information above.
TIME AVAILABLE: Six months, including two months to produce a report
STAFF RESPONSIBILITY: David Reynaud, 202/334.1695 (dreynaud@nas.edu)