The National Academies

TCRP B-25 [Final]

Guidelines for Evaluating, Selecting, and Implementing Suburban Transit Services

  Project Data
Funds: $299,970
Research Agency: Urbitran Associates
Principal Investigator: Marlene Connor
Effective Date: 10/23/2003
Completion Date: 5/1/2006

During the past 30 years, new suburbs have emerged at greater distances from central business districts. These suburban land-use environments have not generally been conducive to provision of transit services. However,
suburban areas are changing dramatically: the suburban population is becoming more economically diverse, the aging population is increasing, and the transit-dependent community is growing. Consequently, the need for suburban transit services is growing.

In past years, transit districts have introduced a variety of transit services in suburban neighborhoods, including vanpools, dial-a-ride, shared-ride taxi, flex service, neighborhood circulators connecting with fixed-route service, and extended fixed-route service. The success of these services has varied. If the transit industry is to learn how to improve market share and productivity in the biggest potential market area -- the suburbs, then the most effective methods of serving suburban needs must be identified.

The objective of this research was to produce guidelines for evaluating, selecting, and implementing suburban transit services. These guidelines were developed using detailed case studies and are intended to aid transit systems or local governments in selecting services appropriate to specific suburban transit needs.

Status: The guidebook has been published as
TCRP Report 116. The final report is available online as TCRP Web-Only Document 34.

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