The National Academies

ACRP 09-21 [Completed]

Asset Information Handover Guidelines: From Planning and Construction to O&M

  Project Data
Funds: $300,000
Research Agency: Woolpert, Inc.
Principal Investigator: Ellen Crews
Effective Date: 8/24/2021
Completion Date: 6/23/2023



Many airport operators have challenges when transitioning asset information from the planning, design, and construction stages to the operations and maintenance (O&M) stage.  These challenges include issues with timeliness, conformity, completeness, and accuracy.  Such issues may lead to poorly informed operations and maintenance planning decisions, resulting in significant financial and functional impacts to O&M departments.  Although there are a number of technology-based platforms to assist in the efficient and accurate transfer of asset data (e.g., geographic information systems, computerized maintenance management systems, and building information modeling), many airports need guidelines for not only mapping the transition process, but for involving key departments and stakeholders through the whole life of an asset, from procurement and commissioning to daily operation and maintenance through decommissioning and disposal. 




The objective of this research is to produce a guidebook that will assist airports in developing and maintaining an asset information handover process for accepting new and replacement physical assets used by key airport stakeholders.  Asset information may include but also not limited to electronic data, drawings, and O&M information.  


The guidebook should address and/or include, at a minimum:

  • Recommended assets and supporting data that airports should consider tracking;
  • Identifying and coordinating with users and providers of the asset information;
  • Best practices for managing and tracking the asset information handover process;
  • Case studies that span a range of airport sizes, types, and experiences; and
  • A discussion, written for airport leaders, that addresses implementation of the asset handover process including appropriate staff support. 
STATUS: It will be published as ACRP Research Report 264 in fall 2024.

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