SAFETEA-LU restructured the way the FTA 5316 program (Job Access and Reverse Commute) and the 5317 program (New Freedoms) are managed. Rather than the funds going to specific transit agencies by earmark, program funds are now allocated to large transit systems and state DOTs by formula. New planning and coordination, match, and other administrative requirements associated with the programs, along with the wide disbursal of a relative small amount of funding, may be hindering states effective implementation of these programs.
This report summarizes the level of effort and costs associated with the development of coordinated public transit-human services transportation plans. Also the report describes the degree of success of the Coordination Plans and the success of states and other grantees are having in awarding FTA Section 5316 JARC and Section 5317 NF funds and meeting the Coordination Plan objectives.
Status: This report is published as Research Results Digest 354.