The National Academies

NCHRP 20-07/Task 135 [Final]

Geometric Design Guide for Transit Facilities on Highways and Streets - Phase I
[ NCHRP 20-07 (Research for AASHTO Standing Committee on Highways) ]

  Project Data
Funds: $49,981
Research Agency: Parsons Brinckerhoff Quade & Douglas
Effective Date: 2/6/2001
Completion Date: 7/29/2002

Task 135, FY 2001, "Geometric Design Guide for Transit Facilities on Highways and Streets - Phase I", (Parson Brinckerhoff Quade & Douglas, Inc.). This study identified technical material contained in existing publications, such as the AASHTO Green Book and the NCHRP "HOV Systems Manual", etc., for applicability to and/or inclusion in a geometric design guide for transit facilities on highways and streets. In addition, the study identified gaps in existing knowledge for which further research and/or analysis is needed.

The ultimate objective of the overall project, which is expected to include phases subsequent to this first study, is to develop a comprehensive geometric design guide to accommodate transit vehicles and facilities on highways and streets. This includes bus rapid transit facilities, reserved bus lanes, HOV lanes, and park and ride facilities. The objectives of this first phase are (1) to develop a framework for such a guide; (2) to identify and compile available information for a interim guide; and (3) to develop a plan for a complete, comprehensive guide.

A draft outline for the guide and draft compilation of references were prepared by the contractor and reviewed by the panel. Using the table of contents as a framework, the contractor identified where materials on each item are available, which items have gaps, and which items need to be updated. The contractor assembled available materials that were compiled in the previous tasks, and organized those materials, by the topics in the table of contents, in an interim guide. The draft final product was completed and reviewed by the task panel. A revised Interim Guide and report on "Gaps in Available Resources" were completed in July 2002, after addressing panel comments. (NCHRP Staff: H. Berlin)

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