The National Academies

NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 56-18 [New]

Practices for Personal Protective Equipment

  Project Data
Funds: 55000
Staff Responsibility: Jo Allen Gause
Research Agency: -----
Fiscal Year: 2025

Preliminary Scope

 The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) defines personal protective equipment (PPE) as equipment worn to minimize exposure to hazards that may cause injuries and illnesses. PPE can include items such as safety glasses and various types of gloves, boots, hearing protection, respirators, hard hats, and more. OSHA also notes that the selection, use and training, care, replacement, disposal, and monitoring are important factors in the effective adoption and use of PPE. In the context of state DOTs, DOT employees face a wide range of unique hazards from their laboratory and office settings to their highway construction and maintenance operations near live traffic. PPE practices and programs at state DOTs would likely need to be adaptable, offering PPE from high-visibility clothing to items for chemical protection.

There have also been many recent advances and research in the improvement of PPE. One such advancement has been in the move from traditional hard hats to Class II helmets. At least one state DOT has moved entirely to the Class II helmets for personnel needing head protection. Other DOTs have piloted these helmets and will issue them to specific work groups or by request. Adoption of Class II helmets by state DOTs will likely increase.

The objective of this synthesis is to document state DOT practices for the distribution and assignment of PPE, including the adoption and implementation of newly developed PPE.

Information to be gathered includes (but is not limited to):

  • Written policies and procedures regarding PPE;
  • Types of PPE used and when they are used;
  • Tracking and management of PPE;
  • Adoption of newly developed PPE and piloting (e.g., Class II helmets, high-visibility clothing, PPE for chemical protection);
  • Provision or requirements for employee purchases of PPE;
  • Colors allowed for PPE;
  • Nightwork PPE;
  • PPE training programs;
  • Employee input and feedback on the use of PPE; and
  • PPE care, replacement, and disposal practices.

Information will be gathered through a literature review, a survey of state DOTs, and follow-up interviews with selected DOTs for the development of case examples. Information gaps and suggestions for research to address those gaps will be identified.

Information Sources (Partial)

  • Dadi, G.B., Sturgill, R.E., Jr., Al-Shabbani, Z., and Ammar, A. (2022).  NCHRP Synthesis 591: Use of Safety Management Systems in Managing Highway Maintenance Worker Safety.  National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. https://doi.org/10.17226/26672
  • Dadi, G.B., Sturgill, R.E., and Ramadan, B. (2023). NCHRP Synthesis 608: Practices to Motivate Safe Behaviors with Highway Construction and Maintenance Crews. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. https://doi.org/10.17226/27176
  • OSHA. “Head Protection: Safety Helmets in the Workplace.” Safety and Health Information Bulletin SHIB. 11-22-2023.
  • NCDOT Communications. (2023). “NCDOT New Safety Helmets.” Online Video. April 10, 2023. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1meu0QID4bk
  • ISN (2023). “Serious Injury and Fatality Insights: A Cross-Industry Analysis of Data and Best Practices.” ISN Software Corporation. https://www.isnetworld.com/en/newsroom/publications/1868. Accessed January 26th, 2024.

TRB Staff
Jo Allen Gause
Phone: 202-334-3826
Email: jagause@nas.edu

Meeting Dates
First Panel Meeting: October 10, 2024 (Virtual meeting)
Teleconference with Consultant: TBD
Second Panel Meeting: TBD


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