The National Academies

NCHRP 20-59(14)B [Completed]

Research Support for the AASHTO Special Committee on Transportation Security and Emergency Management (SCOTSEM)

  Project Data
Funds: $245,000
Research Agency: Countermeasures Assessment & Security Experts, LLC
Principal Investigator: David S. Ekern, Jeffrey L. Western
Effective Date: 8/15/2013
Completion Date: 9/30/2015

AASHTO has established a special committee to help state DOTs prepare (1) risk management plans for assets under their control or influence; (2) deterrence/surveillance/protection plans; and (3) emergency response plans, including capabilities for handling traffic for major incidents on and off the transportation system. Since 2007, NCHRP Project Panel 20-59 and what is now the AASHTO Special Committee on Transportation Security and Emergency Management (SCOTSEM) have co-sponsored the Transportation Hazards and Security Summit. More than 30 state DOTs sent delegates to participate in the August 2012 Summit and Peer Exchange. During the meeting, AASHTO reported that more than two-thirds of the state DOTs had voted to adopt for use two NCHRP reports: NCHRP Report 525, Vol. 14: Security 101: A Physical Security Primer for Transportation Agencies and NCHRP Report 525, Vol. 16: A Guide to Emergency Response Planning at State Transportation Agencies. Adoption of these reports has set a new baseline for activity for SCOTSEM.
Bringing together researchers and the intended users of that research for information exchange on a reliable basis at the annual Transportation Hazards and Security Summit and Peer Exchange—has proven to be an efficient mechanism for technology transfer, data collection, research needs gathering, and research dissemination through presentations, workshops, and other activities. Rather than have multiple research organizations make multiple trips on an uncoordinated schedule or subject agencies to multiple surveys, this annual event provides opportunities for professional development, information exchange, and comprehensive representation of the AASHTO member states to inform research commissioned for use by AASHTO and member states, collectively and individually.
Research is needed to update and replace three reports for the AASHTO SCOTSEM: (1) the National Needs Assessment for Ensuring Transportation Infrastructure Security (previous versions completed in 2002 and 2007); (2) the All Hazards Security and Emergency Management Research Implementation Plan (to replace the 2011 research implementation plan summary); and (3) Fundamentals of Effective All Hazards Security Management for State DOTs (to replace the 2007 version).
The objective of this research is to produce three products to be considered for use by the AASHTO Special Committee on Transportation Security and Emergency Management (SCOTSEM): (1) the National Needs Assessment for Ensuring Transportation Infrastructure Security (2016-2022); (2) the All Hazards Security and Emergency Management Research Implementation Plan (2014-2016); and (3) Fundamentals of Effective All Hazards Security Management for State DOTs (Second Edition). The products are to be developed through a coordinated research effort integrated into the regular calendar of AASHTO SCOTSEM activities, centered on the Transportation Hazards and Security Summit and Peer Exchanges scheduled for August 2013 and summer 2014.
Accomplishment of the project objective will require at least the following tasks.
It is desired that development of the three products be effected through a holistic research approach that leverages the participation of the majority of state DOTs in the Transportation Hazards and Security Summit and Peer Exchange to minimize time required for setting up surveys, interviews, and on-site visits. The validity of particular elements included in past work will be assessed as to current requirements (e.g., the Six Goals for Transportation Security—see Special Note G). Are the elements within the three documents still valid as written or does a combination of what we’ve learned, current practice, and policy changes indicate that they be modified, revised, updated, replaced, or in some cases eliminated?
(1). Develop the National Needs Assessment for Ensuring Transportation Infrastructure Security (2016-2022). In addition, a one-page fact sheet will be included for consideration by AASHTO in its upcoming Bottom Line Report. The National Needs Assessment reports completed in 2002 and 2007 will be used as the foundation or baseline; the final report from this task will replace them. Portions of the 2002 and 2007 reports may be incorporated into the final report as appropriate. See Special Note E for the previous versions. (2). Develop the All Hazards Security and Emergency Management Research Implementation Plan (2014-2016). Provide the AASHTO Special Committee on Transportation Security and Emergency Management (SCOTSEM) and its partners with a concise set of options for strengthening the implementation of research in the all-hazards security and emergency management programs of transportation agencies. This research is intended to provide options for institutionalizing security and emergency management elements into transportation (e.g., through adoption of standards, training, workshops, and peer exchanges). Projects identified through this task should (a) aid SCOTSEM and the AASHTO member states in implementing the security and emergency management products adopted by SCOTSEM as committee reports and (b) identify research needed in support of the SCOTSEM mission. See Special Note E for the previous version of the All Hazards Security and Emergency Management Research Implementation Plan. (3). Develop the Fundamentals of Effective All Hazards Security Management for State DOTs (Second Edition). Provide compelling, understandable materials to effectively communicate the needed actions by state transportation agency leadership. The research should: (a) revisit the Six Goals for Transportation Security and how they are embedded within the all-hazards National Incident Management System (NIMS) context; (b) identify within that context the fundamental actions that state transportation agencies can take and have taken; and (c) describe selected resources supportive of those actions. Materials to be developed will include an illustrated, descriptive article and a supporting set of PowerPoint slides. The materials should be designed to engage the attention of all AASHTO member departments. These materials shall be suitable for posting on the AASHTO website after panel review and contractor revision. See Special Note E for the previous version.(4). Develop the three primary research products through a coordinated research effort integrated into the regular calendar of SCOTSEM activities. To carry out Tasks 1 through 3 in an efficient, coordinated fashion, the selected research team is to actively coordinate with the SCOTSEM leadership team and AASHTO staff in advance of and during the SCOTSEM summer meetings at the Transportation Hazards and Security Summit and Peer Exchange. Such activities may include, but are not limited to, participation in setting meeting agendas, facilitation of selected meeting agenda items, and preparation of selected meeting summary materials during and after the 2013 and 2014 meetings.
STATUS: Completed. The Fundamentals report was sucessfully balloted for AASHTO publication by the Special Committee on Transportation Security and Emergency Management. The AASHTO version was published in September 2015 under the title Fundamental Capabilities of Effective All-Hazards Infrastructure Protection, Resilience, and Emergency Management for State Departments of Transportation.

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