The National Academies

NCHRP 17-18(11) [Completed]

Implementation Plan and Products

  Project Data
Funds: $265,365
Research Agency: Van Ryan Banks, Inc.
Principal Investigator: David Banks
Effective Date: 4/15/2003
Completion Date: 6/30/2005

Background: The AASHTO Strategic Highway Safety Plan has a goal to reduce annual deaths by 5,000 to 7,000 by implementing a comprehensive set of safety strategies in a cost-effective manner. One of the key items to achieve this goal is the technical knowledge and skills to identify and select the best combination of safety strategies and countermeasures at optimum implementation levels. NCHRP Project 17-18 is developing the tools to achieve the AASHTO Safety Plan Goal. NCHRP Project 17-18(03) is developing a series of guides that will provide the foundation for reducing deaths and injuries in a particular emphasis area (run-off-the-road, aggressive driving, etc.). The best set of strategies and countermeasures to impact the emphasis area including the probable effectiveness, deployment requirements, and a considerable amount of knowledge and best practices in both hard copy and electronic format is being developed. NCHRP Project 17-18(05) is developing an integrated management process. The objective is to provide an approach that will reduce the potential for "stove piping" and provide direction to stakeholders on working together and selecting the best combination of strategies and countermeasures to achieve the goal of reducting fatalites in a performance based manner. A implementation plan is needed to convince key safety stakeholders to implement these effective strategies in the emphasis areas and adapt an enhanced performance based integrated management process.

Objectives:The objectives of this project are to develop a implementation plan for the products from NCHRP Projects 17-18(03) and 17-18(05) and to implement the implementation plan.

Tasks: To accomplish these objectives, the following tasks are envisioned: (1) Meet with the NCHRP panel and SCOHTS Task Group to review the products being developed under Project 17-18. (2) Identify the audience for the products. (3) Identify an approach to "sell" the product. (4) Develop an icon or entity to denote the products from NCHRP Project 17-18. (5) Submit a draft implementation plan for approval by the NCHRP. (6) Develop the products outlined in the approved implementation plan.

Status: The contractor has submitted all of the deliverables.

Product Availability: One-page summarizes of NCHRP Report 500 Volumes 1-13 and copies of previously distributed newsletters.

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