The National Academies

NCHRP 20-68E [Pending]

Planning and Executing the NCHRP U.S. Domestic Scan Program
[ NCHRP 20-68 (US Domestic Scan Program -- Business Plan) ]

  Project Data
Funds: $2,550,000
Contract Time: 36 months
Staff Responsibility: Sid Mohan


The NCHRP U.S. Domestic Scan Program accelerates innovation among state departments of transportation (DOTs) by encouraging the spread of new ideas and effective technology transfers among and within agencies. Initiated in 2007 as NCHRP Project 20-68, the program helps DOT staff learn from peers about innovative practices beneficial to other agencies. Participants are expected to apply insights gained within their own agencies and present what they have learned to others, further disseminating new practices.

Each scan is conducted by a small team of knowledgeable professionals—typically state transportation agency staff supported by a subject-matter expert (SME)—who exchange information with peers and develop a report on leading practices. Since the program’s inception, 54 scans have been completed or are ongoing. Completed scan team reports are available on the project web page (https://www.trb.org/NCHRP/USDomesticScanProgram.aspx). The scan process, from topic selection to report completion, takes approximately 3 years.

The program includes three types of scans. Type 1 scans involve visits by a team of eight to 10 participants to host sites with innovative practices. Each scan might require one or two trips of about 1 week. Type 2 scans bring representatives from innovator agencies to central locations to meet with the scan team, reducing travel time. Type 3 scans supplement a desk scan with a symposium or workshop, bringing together practitioner innovators and the scan team to discuss relevant experiences. The NCHRP Project 20-68 panel specifies the appropriate scan type for each topic.

A scan entails four key steps: (1) identifying useful innovations, (2) assessing the experience of early adopters to evaluate potential benefits and obstacles, (3) documenting the results to share with others, and (4) progressive diffusion of information through dissemination activities tailored for each scan, which can accelerate innovation at DOTs and may include support for scan participants to advise peers on adopting new ideas.

Scan team participants are identified by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) in cooperation with NCHRP’s scan contractor. Each scan team, supported by the contractor, produces a report and other materials to disseminate scan results. The contractor engages an SME to prepare a “desk scan” that surveys where innovative practices are being applied and provides a basis for planning the scan team’s activities. The SME typically prepares draft and scan reports using materials from scan team members. The contractor organizes and executes all scan activities, monitors the program’s accomplishments, and reports periodically on its status and plans. Scan team members are expected to encourage dissemination and adoption of good ideas, with contractor support, even after the scan report is completed.


The objective of this project is to plan and manage the execution of scans under the NCHRP U.S. Domestic Scan Program. Achieving this requires understanding various scan topics, how state transportation agencies develop and adopt advances in practice, the practical challenges of forming and supporting scan teams, preparing high-quality reports and documentation, and supporting participants in disseminating what they have learned. 


The research plan shall include at least the following deliverable products and milestones:

1. Establishment and maintenance of a logistics team and other arrangements needed to administer domestic scans, including:

  • Regular reporting on the domestic scan program’s progress
  • Revision and reformatting of selected scan topic proposals received from NCHRP for inclusion in the program prospectus, working with NCHRP to ensure consistency of scan descriptions and reporting
  • Participation as requested in periodic meetings of the NCHRP Project 20-68 panel; these meetings typically include an annual 2-day in-person meeting and quarterly 1-hour web meetings.

2. Planning, execution, and documentation of scans and ensuring scan consistency from one topic to another in terms of levels of effort, time schedules for scan development, scan budgets, report content and format, scan team composition, and scan dissemination activities, including:

  • Establishment of scan teams based on nominations from AASHTO committees/councils, state DOTs, and NCHRP
  • Selection, recruitment, and oversight of SMEs, based on recommendations from scan team members, AASHTO committees/councils, and NCHRP
  • Arranging logistics for scan team travel, including meals and incidentals (M&I) and other costs
  • Preparation of draft and final scan scoping materials, desk scan reports, and summary and full scan team reports

3. Planning, execution, and documentation of scan dissemination activities, including evaluation and monitoring of these activities. Dissemination activities should occur no more than 1824 months after completion of a scan.


STATUS: Proposals have been received in response to the RFP. The project panel will meet to select a contractor to perform the work.

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