The National Academies

NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 008 [Completed (IDEA)]

Conservation Traffic Control Load Switch
[ NCHRP 20-30 (NCHRP-IDEA) ]

  Project Data
Staff Responsibility: Dr. Inam Jawed

The project developed and tested a new microprocessor-based switch system (Conservation Traffic Control Load Switch), which significantly enhances the service life of traffic lamps by reducing the initial current surge in the filament coil. The conservation load switch system mitigates early lamp failure by increasing the voltage to the lamp over an 80-msec ramp-up period and then regulating it at a preset level somewhat below the standard line voltage. The prototype switch system was shown to function satisfactorily in the traffic control unit (signal cabinet). The system uses much less (about 30% less) electrical energy to operate the lamp and can be easily retrofitted into existing applicable signal cabinets. It uses the same connector, housing, and mechanical packaging as the standard National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) Model 170 and Model 200 traffic control load switch units. It can potentially meet all NEMA and Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) specifications. The switching system can be installed within a minute in any unmodified signal cabinet (Figure 1).
Operational tests and field evaluations of the switch system were performed. Over 100 units were assembled and sent to a number of state highway agencies for testing. The feedback from highway agencies confirmed the laboratory test results. A continuation project was awarded (NCHRP-IDEA #26) to perform additional field operational tests of the switch system in collaboration with state highway agencies and to develop product transfer and marketing strategies.
 A special two-page IDEA product report, Microprocessor-Based Lamp Switch System Quadruples Traffic Lamp Life and Prevents Early Lamp Burn-out, was released in September 1995. The final report is available from the National Technical Information Service (NTIS # PB97-143838).

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