There is a major national emphasis on highway safety and the attainment of aggressive reductions in traffic fatalities. Two significant factors in fatal crashes are speeding and red light running. Technologies have been developed to automatically detect these and other traffic violations. In 2004, the AASHTO Board of Directors passed a policy resolution to support greater use of automated traffic enforcement. Implementation of these technologies has grown to the point that studies of best practices and research on their effectiveness can provide valuable information for state and local jurisdictions contemplating automated traffic enforcement.
The objectives of this project are to (1) prepare a comprehensive assessment of automated speeding and red light enforcement activity in the United States and (2) develop guidelines to ensure successful operation of current and future programs.
NCHRP Report 729: Automated Enforcement for Speeding and Red Light Running is here.
The appendices for NCHRP Project 03-93 Automated Enforcement for Speeding and Red Light Running are here.