The FAA provides design standards on pavement markings for airport vehicle service roads (VSR), however there is no guidance for developing the layouts of these road systems. Due to the lack of available resources, airport VSR systems are generally left up to the airports for design. Design standards, such as critical object offset, structure offset, and radii dimensions, may vary by terminal size or layout, the level of aircraft activity, and the intended operational use. However, other considerations such as the weight of the vehicles that will use the road, the speed at which the vehicles will operate, etc. should also be considered. A synthesis of practices that documents airport VSR plans and design is needed.
The objective of this synthesis is to describe planning, design, and operations for airfield Vehicles Service Road systems. The audience for this synthesis is airport planners, engineers, and operations staff.
STATUS ACRP Synthsis 139 expected to be published in February 2025.