TCAPP : A Collaborative Decision-Making Framework
A robust web-based tool that can be used as a trouble-shooting guide or a roadmap for changing a transportation agency’s process when planning and developing highway projects. TCAPP helps navigate critical decision points for long-range transportation planning, corridor planning, programming, and environmental review and permitting, when project delays can be avoided.
By ensuring that the right people are engaged at the right time with the right information, projects move ahead without delays that often arise when decisions must be deferred or revisited. TCAPP’s Decision Guide provides a framework for consistently delivering projects that address a community’s economic, mobility, and environmental goals.
Transportation for Communities—Advancing Projects through Partnerships (TCAPP) integrates many Capacity research products. TCAPP and supporting case studies are available at the beta website
Project C37 was designed to create a marketing and outreach plan for TCAPP. A white paper on marketing and branding is forthcoming.