The body of research related to large truck size and weight is extensive, dating back nearly 80 years. In this context, the term “large truck” is generally understood to include single unit or combination vehicles in excess of 10,000 lbs, and in particular, vehicles in excess of 26,000 lbs. Early research efforts focused on pavement and bridge infrastructure. Since that time, research efforts have broadened to include large truck size and weight considerations in relation to modal share, enforcement, highway safety, highway geometrics, industry costs, economic impacts, infrastructure financing, highway congestion, the environment, public opinion, and other topics. Sponsors of large truck size and weight research are equally diverse, including national transportation and research agencies, national coalitions, various state departments of transportation, industry organizations, academic researchers, and international counterparts.
Given the volume of large truck size and weight related research, the breadth of related topic areas, and the diverse interests of the various public and private sponsoring agencies and organizations, decision-makers are challenged to comprehensively identify and utilize the current state of knowledge.
This research provides a brief and well organized summary of significant research related to large truck size and weight for use by decision-makers.
The final report is available HERE.
Presentation materials that summarize the results of the research are available HERE.