The National Academies

BTSCRP BTS-38 [Pending]

Best Practices Toolkit for Slow Down Move Over Laws

  Project Data
Funds: $550,000
Contract Time: 30 months
Staff Responsibility: Richard A. Retting


Slow down move over (SDMO) laws, which have been enacted by all states, are a relatively new and potentially misunderstood measure to protect first responders (e.g., law enforcement, emergency medical staff, tow truck drivers), highway workers, and disabled motorists from dangers associated with being stopped along roadways. Many drivers are either unaware of or do not fully understand these laws. For example, it is not clear to many drivers what conditions warrant SDMO action, or what actions are required. Furthermore, differences between state laws and periodic changes to these laws may complicate driver understanding. 

There is a knowledge gap regarding best practices for educating, enforcing, and promoting consistent and effective driver response to SDMO laws. State highway safety offices (SHSOs) are looking for ways to address the knowledge gap in order to strengthen and support SDMO laws. Efforts are needed to better ensure drivers are aware of, and properly understand, what is expected of them under SDMO laws.  


The objective of this research is to develop a toolkit for identifying and adopting best practices for SDMO laws.

At a minimum, the research shall: 

  • Assess current state SDMO laws and practices, and differences across states
  • Propose model legislation to support consistency between state SDMO laws
  • For types of crashes that could potentially be mitigated by compliance with SDMO laws, identify characteristics of drivers, vehicle types, and the roadway environments
  • Identify evidence-based practices for enforcing SDMO laws and educating drivers to promote consistent and effective responses to these laws
  • Develop a toolkit of practical strategies for SHSOs and other stakeholders to promote safe driving under conditions covered by SDMO laws 


The work proposed must be divided tasks and/or phases. Proposers must describe the work proposed in each phase and task in detail. The research plan shall build in appropriate checkpoints with the BTSCRP project panel, including at a minimum (1) a kickoff teleconference meeting to be held within 1 month of the contract’s execution date and (2) at least one in-person interim deliverable review meeting. An annotated outline for the toolkit shall be included with the interim report. 

The research plan shall include a workshop (prior to submission of draft final deliverables) with at least 15 diverse representatives of SHSOs and law enforcement agencies to demonstrate key research findings and proposed outreach materials. The research team shall revise draft final deliverables taking into account feedback gathered during the workshop.

The final deliverables shall include: 

  1. A final report that contains a summary of the research findings, documentation of the entire project, model legislation, an executive summary that outlines the research results, and recommendations of needs and priorities for additional related research
  2. A toolkit of practical strategies for SHSOs and other stakeholders to promote safe driving under conditions covered by SDMO laws
  3. A PowerPoint presentation with presenter’s notes summarizing the research findings
  4. A stand-alone technical memorandum titled “Implementation of Research Findings and Products”.

STATUS: Proposals have been received in response to the RFP. The project panel will meet to select a contractor to perform the work.


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