The National Academies

ACRP 03-43 [Final]

Integrating Airport Ground Access and Metropolitan Surface Transportation Planning Efforts

  Project Data
Funds: $326,173
Research Agency: WSP Parsons Brinckerhoff
Principal Investigator: Michael Myer
Effective Date: 4/27/2017
Completion Date: 12/31/2018


Public-use airports, metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), and local land-use/transportation planning agencies all have independent and interrelated planning processes bound by legal and policy requirements to ensure compatibility and must work cooperatively to solve joint transportation challenges in the most effective and efficient manner. While efforts have been made to improve modal planning coordination, there are limited examples of success with respect to aligning airport ground access planning and MPO surface transportation planning processes. Moreover, there is little practitioner guidance for fostering and encouraging meaningful cooperation during the planning process. Research is needed to provide airports and surface transportation planning agencies with guidance and tools to integrate airport ground access and surface transportation planning efforts.

The objectives of this research are to: (1) prepare a guidebook to help airports and transportation planning agencies develop compatible ground access and surface transportation plans; and (2) develop a detailed education and outreach plan that could be implemented in a Phase II effort by the contractor to aid in implementation of research results.
The guidebook should provide at a minimum:
  • A primer comparing and contrasting airports and transportation planning agencies, including their missions, priorities, governance, characteristics and needs of airport and surface transportation network users, planning processes, regulatory requirements, and resource constraints;
  • A description of relevant existing procedures, protocols, rules, laws, and regulations (e.g., FAA sponsor grant assurances and FHWA/FTA regulations), including opportunities and challenges for working cooperatively to solve joint transportation challenges;
  • Recommended practices for enhanced collaboration among airports and transportation planning agencies (e.g., identifying stakeholders, coordinating data collection efforts, aligning environmental planning, sharing of results, agreeing on planning assumptions and definitions, leveraging existing relationships, accounting for legal considerations, establishing lines of communication, establishing collaborative agreements, opportunities for collaborative funding);
  • Tools (e.g., flow charts, checklists, summaries, and presentation materials geared for airport and planning agency leadership) to support recommended practices;
  • Case studies;
  • List of external reference material (e.g., publications, circulars, and websites); and
  • Glossary.
The education and outreach plan should provide a task-by-task description of efforts that could be undertaken in Phase II; it should include: 
  • A description of target audiences;
  • Proposed methods for disseminating research results (e.g., presentations at trade association conferences, articles in trade magazines, webinars) geared to reach the target audiences;
  • Plan for coordinating with other relevant organizations (e.g., associations, publishers);
  • Description of proposed content, draft material, and outlines;
  • Means for measuring success of outreach; and
  • A detailed budget and schedule for a contractor to implement the outreach plan.

Research is complete.  Results are available in ACRP Research Report 216.

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