The National Academies

NCHRP 20-123 [Active]

Support for AASHTO Committees and Councils

  Project Data
Funds: $1,500,000
Staff Responsibility: Roberto Barcena
Comments: Individual task hyperlinks available below.

General Description
NCHRP Project 20-123 makes funding available to any AASHTO committee or council that require support for advancing and implementing the vision, mission, and strategic goals of the committee or council. Consistent with 23 USC § 505, these funds are intended for activities or tasks within the innovation life-cycle leading to technology development related to highway, public transportation, and intermodal transportation systems.
AASHTO committees or councils may apply for NCHRP 20-123 funds provided that the task scope meets the task selection criteria. Requests will be reviewed periodically by an officially appointed NCHRP 20-123 Oversight Panel composed of members of committees and/or councils. Oversight Panelists appointed to the panel will be responsible for reviewing and approving task applications, program administration, and selecting a short list of consultants that may conduct the approved individual tasks and activities.
Individual tasks that have been approved by the Oversight Panel will be sequentially numbered and assigned to an NCHRP Senior Program Officer charged with project oversight. Task Panelists will be selected by the responsible staff officer to provide technical oversight of the consultants’ work.
Project Solicitation and Submission

Research topics are proposed by AASHTO  committees and councils  using the online form and will be reviewed and approved by the oversight panel. Proposals may include research-related needs identified by an AASHTO committee and council and may include, but not limited to, tasks such as: (1) development or updating a research roadmaps or prioritized lists of specific research needs; (2) updating committee or council strategic plans that include a research component; (3) research scoping studies for narrow research topics; (4) research and development activities to update specifications and manuals maintained by a committee or council, using previously conducted research and/or convening experts to arrive at a consensus; and (5) convening Peer Exchanges.

20-123(01) Transportation Asset Management Strategic Planning and Research Roadmap Development

20-123(02) Research Roadmap for the AASHTO Council on Active Transportation

20-123(03) Staying Nimble: Organizational Development for the Cutting Edge

20-123(04) Development of a Risk Management Strategic Plan and a Research Roadmap

20-123(05) Support for Review of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) Notice of Proposed Amendments (NPA)

20-123(06) Merging and Updating AASHTO Policy on the Accommodation of Utilities within Freeway Right-of-Way and AASHTO Guide for Accommodating Utilities within Highway Right-of-Way

20-123(07) Update proposed Manual for the Maintenance of Roadways and Bridges

20-123(08) Scoping Study to Update User and Non-User Benefit Analysis for Highways

20-123(09) Feasibility Study for a Platform to Capture Innovations from State Departments of Transportation

20-123(10) AASHTO Committee on Bridges and Structures Strategic Plan, Operating Guidelines, and Research Roadmap Development

20-123(11) High-Value Research Marketing and Communications for 2020

20-123(12) System Mobility and Emerging Technologies (SMET): Strategic Planning Session and Research Roadmap Development

20-123(13) Strategic Plan and Research Roadmap for the AASHTO Committee on Planning

20-123(14) Scoping Study for the Development of a Platform for State DOT and AASHTO Committee Surveys

20-123(15) Support for AASHTO Approval of the Transportation Operations Manual

20-123(16) Roadmap for the Transformation to Computer Simulation-Based Assessment of Bridge Railings

20-123(17) Highway Safety Manual Development and Roadmap

20-123(18) Development of a New Transportation System Operations Strategic Plan

20-123(19) A Research Roadmap for Institutionalizing Transportation Equity

20-123(20) Roadmap to Update Bridge Deck Design Requirements

20-123(21) Roadmap to Rewrite the Manual for Bridge Evaluation

20-123(22) Update of the Active Transportation Council Research Roadmap

20-123(23) A Strategic Plan for Equipment Management Research

20-123(24) An Integrated Roadmap Approach to Multimodal Facility Selection for Delivering Transportation Projects

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