The National Academies

NCHRP 20-123(24) [Anticipated]

An Integrated Roadmap Approach to Multimodal Facility Selection for Delivering Transportation Projects
[ NCHRP 20-123 (Support for AASHTO Committees and Councils) ]

  Project Data
Funds: $250,000
Staff Responsibility: Zuxuan Deng
Fiscal Year: 2024

This project has been tentatively selected and a project statement (request for proposals) is expected to be available on this website. The problem statement below will be the starting point for a panel of experts to develop the project statement.

Existing and ongoing AASHTO publications have a tremendous amount of information that highway practitioners need to consider making multimodal decisions. As a practitioner, the first step in the process of determining how to plan, design and ultimately operate a highway corridor is to determine the target users, target speeds, context, and the type of facilities needed in what is typically a constrained space. Currently, the way to do that is to use multiple manuals to identify those items for a particular mode. While the cumulative effect of these guides can lead to facility selection that addresses the needs of all users; it is an inefficient way to inform the decision-makers about these selections. Additionally, due to the timing of the various publications, often the information can be duplicative or contradicting from one to another.

The objective of this project is to review AASHTO publications and resolutions, explore current USDOT requirements and recommendations, develop a consolidated AASTHO publication structure that removes silos, addresses priorities, and create an integrated roadmap approach for motorized and active transportation facility selection for highway corridors.


These are some potential steps that can be taken in the development of the roadmap:

  • Review current USDOT policies, requirements and initiatives.
  • Create a roadmap for a user-friendly document that compliments the style, format and content of other AASHTO publications.
  • Develop a framework for selecting appropriate facility types and design features based on context (e.g., traffic data, land use, target users, roadway data, speed, flexibility)
  • Prepare common definitions of terms.
  • Harmonize applicable standards and guidelines.
  • Explore the level of effort, resource needs, implementation challenges, and other potential impacts for reconfiguration.
  • Consolidate AASHTO policy and guidelines to streamline planning through project delivery guidelines for highway and street facilities.
  • Determine an implementation framework with the strategic plan to include future updates for the inclusion of appropriate TRB/NCHRP topics and training options.


  • Synthesis of literature search related to multimodal facility selection.
  • A comprehensive approach, guidelines, and training that provide planners and designers with direction that includes facilities selection summarized in one document.
  • A transportation toolbox for planners and designers to streamline planning through project delivery, eliminate duplicative material in various guides, and provide a framework that will lead to an integrated implementation of modal considerations on regional transportation networks when making facility selection decisions.


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