The National Academies

NCHRP 08-129 [Final]

Incorporating Resilience Concepts and Strategies in Transportation Planning

  Project Data
Funds: $300,000
Research Agency: AEM Corporation
Principal Investigator: Kelley Pecheaux
Effective Date: 9/16/2020
Completion Date: 7/12/2022
Comments: Published as NCHRP Research Report 1052: Integrating Resilience Concepts into Transportation Planning

Transportation systems are vulnerable to natural and human-caused hazards, such as climate change, terrorism, economic and demographic changes, cyberattacks, and other events—all in the context of limited financial resources. These events and trends can result in unanticipated transportation system disruptions and increasing constraints on existing infrastructure, impeding access to reliable mobility for people and goods. Given the increasing risk, it is critical to design or modify transportation systems to be adaptive, investing in strategic resilience planning and implementation in advance of events (shocks or stressors). 
Guidelines are needed to help state DOTs and other transportation agencies integrate resilience concepts strategically and systematically into the transportation planning process. 


The objective of this research is to develop a guidebook on how state DOTs and other transportation agencies can integrate resilience concepts into transportation planning efforts at all scales of application. 
Status - Research Report, NCHRP 1052: Integrating Resilience Concepts and Strategies into Transportation Planning: A Guide has been published and is available at https://www.trb.org/Main/Blurbs/183048.aspx.

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