The National Academies

NCHRP 15-43 [Final]

Second Edition of the TRB Access Management Manual

  Project Data
Funds: $400,000
Research Agency: University of South Florida
Principal Investigator: Kristine M. Williams, AICP
Effective Date: 5/2/2011
Completion Date: 8/31/2013
Comments: Completed. Published by TRB as the Second Edition of the TRB Access Management Manual

In 2003, the Transportation Research Board (TRB) published the first national Access Management Manual (AMM). Since that time, the AMM has remained the most accepted and comprehensive national resource on the state of the practice in access management. It has been widely cited by state, regional, and local government transportation agencies updating their access management practices and is increasingly a resource to other nations, as well. 
A second edition needs to be produced for several reasons:
1. Production of the first edition of the AMM began in 1995, and it was published in 2003. The state of the practice has advanced significantly since that time. A significant body of literature documenting these advancements has been assembled since the last edition was published. NCHRP Synthesis 404: State of the Practice in Highway Access Management (in press) is one example. These advancements now need to be reflected in the AMM.
2. Several major research projects are currently underway, that need to be integrated into the AMM. One such project, NCHRP 03-99, “Development and Application of Access Management Guidelines,” will set forth guidelines for access management and procedures for their application. Such guidelines were not available at the time of the first edition and will represent an important upgrade of the current AMM.
3. The content of the AMM affects the content of the National Highway Institute (NHI) Course No. 133078, “Access Management, Location and Design.” New information created by this project can provide content for a revised NHI class.
4. The TRB Committee on Access Management (AHB70) has identified gaps in the material covered in the AMM and has received comments from users regarding the need for more information on certain topics. As noted above, much information is currently being further developed through NCHRP studies that have been completed or are underway, and some is reflected in national conference proceedings and other literature. For example, there is a desire for additional information relative to the following topics:
·       Freeway interchange area access management guidelines and implementation strategies
·       Methodology for establishing access management categories and additional state and local government examples
·       Performance measures for evaluating an access management program
·       Guidelines for comprehensive corridor access management plans and effective implementation strategies
·       Examples of effective outreach by state departments of transportation and local governments to develop support for access management with the public
Safety and Design
·       Access management guidelines for different levels of urbanization, such as urban core areas, small municipalities, and rural/sparsely developed areas
·       Multimodal and safety considerations within access management (e.g., bicycle, pedestrian, and transit interface; susceptibility to left-turns; frequency of driveways;  driveway design; median refuge; and  maintaining pedestrian/sidewalk connectivity in a total street network)
·       Right-turn lane and left-turn lane warrants and design
·       Site design and site plan review/approval strategies to implement access management
Permitting and Implementation
·       Examples of effective intergovernmental coordination and cooperative agreements for access permitting
·       Access management practices and application of access management standards and roadways in existing developed areas
·       Procedures for maintaining consistent application of access regulations and monitoring in the permitting process, and to address requests for deviations from adopted access management standards
·       State and local government practices for traffic impact assessment and developer mitigation in support of access management and alternative funding mechanisms
Sustainability, Efficiency, and Economics
·       Effect of access management on facility life cycle and sustainability
·       Effect of access management on limiting congestion, increasing throughput, improving fuel efficiency, and reducing vehicular emissions
·       Economic effects of access management
The new manual should reflect an expanded concept of access management, so it applies not only to the automobile mode, but also to other modes (e.g., bicycles, pedestrians, pedestrians with disabilities, transit operations) and the roadside environment, including land use and on-street parking.
The objective of this research is to develop the second edition of the TRB Access Management Manual. Accomplishment of the project objective will require at least the following tasks.
Phase I
(1). Create an expanded definition of Access Management so it is applicable not only to the automobile, but also to multimodal considerations (e.g., bicycles, pedestrians, pedestrians with disabilities, transit operations) and the roadside environment, including land use and on-street parking. (2). Review relevant research, whose content should be reflected in the second edition of the TRB AMM. Prepare an annotated bibliography of reviewed documents. (See Special Note A.) (3). Evaluate the existing AMM  in light of the current state of knowledge.  Identify any significant topics within the current state of knowledge not addressed by the existing manual. (4). Recommend and justify content that needs to be updated, added or deleted. Expand the gap analysis performed for NCHRP Project 3-99, “Development and Application of Access Management Guidelines,” to reflect the expanded definition of access management. Prepare a technical memorandum summarizing the results of this task for NCHRP review and approval. (5). Prepare a draft annotated table of contents for the second edition of the TRB AMM, including new chapters. (6). Prepare an interim report providing the results of Tasks 1 through 5 and an updated work plan for Phase II.
Phase II
(7). Prepare a revised structure and table of contents for the second edition of the TRB AMM, including revisions to existing chapters and new chapters. In addition,  prepare a list of topics that will be generated for Task 9. Prepare a working paper providing this information for NCHRP review and approval. (8). Upon approval of the Task 7 working paper, prepare a complete draft of the second edition of the TRB AMM. Submit the draft to the NCHRP for review and comment. (9). For content generated during this project that is not covered by the content of NCHRP Project 3-99, “Access Management Application Guidelines (AMAG),” prepare compatible web content to supplement the AMAG-generated web material. (10). Prepare a revised second edition of the TRB AMM based on panel comments received in Task 8. In addition, prepare a final report providing all background information used in the development of the manual.

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