The National Academies

NCHRP 20-131 [Pending]

Qualitatively Valuing Research for Transportation Agencies: A Guide

  Project Data
Funds: $325,000
Contract Time: 24 months
Staff Responsibility: David M. Jared


Research in the transportation sector traditionally emphasizes the quantifiable benefits of projects, but there is a growing recognition among transportation professionals that the scope of research impacts extends beyond conventional numerical measures to qualitative benefits. However, it can be challenging to translate qualitative outcomes into simple, digestible figures or statistics, so the complete value of research to stakeholders may be obscure. Having a guide for conveying both the direct and the ancillary value of research and identifying, valuing, and communicating broader narratives would help explain a research project’s contribution to the transportation agency, the wider research community, and the public. The guide would be a valuable research management tool to foster innovation by supporting research that does not necessarily have quantifiable benefits. 


The objective of this project is to develop a guide on qualitative approaches to identifying, valuing, and communicating research project benefits. The guide should cover the breadth of operations across a transportation agency and all phases of a research project lifecycle, including implementation. 



Task 1. Conduct preparations for stakeholder outreach. 

Task 1a. Conduct a literature review. Consider reports from the transportation sector that have discussed qualitative benefit measurement in general as well as specific studies by transportation agencies that identify qualitative benefits. Also consider qualitative benefit studies from nontransportation disciplines in the public and private sectors. 

Task 1b. Develop a stakeholder outreach plan. Determine which transportation agencies and research practitioners are applying or planning to apply qualitative benefit measurements. A much as possible, include resources in nontransportation sectors in the outreach plan. Outreach should help determine qualitative benefits that have been included in published research studies and when agencies decide to measure qualitative benefits. Submit a technical memorandum containing the literature review and draft outreach plan. NCHRP approval is required before work on subsequent tasks begins. 

Task 2. Conduct stakeholder outreach. Identify stakeholders interested in participating in a workshop in Phase II.    

Task 3. Prepare an annotated outline for the guide and research plan for Phase II. Based on findings from Tasks 1 and 2, prepare an annotated outline of the guide and a research plan for developing it. At minimum, the guide should:

  • Define qualitative benefits in relation to transportation
  • Identify common reasons why quantitative measures of benefits may not be available and when qualitative measures or hybrid measures are merited
  • Establish at what point quantitative measures reach marginal returns or lack meaning and qualitative measures would be more useful
  • Identify methods to qualitatively evaluate research projects, including a matrix of qualitative measures with various benefit types
  • Determine appropriate qualitative benefits considering the project stakeholders
  • Provide guidelines on effectively communicating qualitative benefits to different audiences
  • Provide examples of applying qualitative measures and measures that have both qualitative and quantitative aspects 

Task 4. Prepare Interim Report No. 1 that documents Tasks 1 through 3 and includes potential participation from stakeholders in Phase II. The report shall provide an updated and refined work plan for the remainder of the research in Phase II. 



Task 5. Develop a draft guide according to the approved Interim Report No. 1. The draft guide should be submitted at least 9 months before the contract end date. NCHRP approval of the draft guide is required before work on subsequent tasks may begin. 

Task 6. Conduct a stakeholder workshop. After NCHRP approval of the draft guide, conduct a workshop to obtain feedback from stakeholders and revise the draft guide and workshop materials. 

Task 7. Prepare the final deliverables. Deliverables shall include (1) a conduct of research report summarizing the research effort, (2) the guide, (3) an implementation plan for state DOTs and other transportation agencies, and (4) the workshop materials with a slide summary introducing the guide. 



STATUS: Proposals have been received in response to the RFP. The project panel will meet to select a contractor to perform the work.



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