The National Academies

NCHRP 20-124 [Final]

Deploying Transportation Security Practices in State DOTs

  Project Data
Funds: $698,636
Research Agency: Critical Ops, LLC
Principal Investigator: Chelsea A. Treboniak
Effective Date: 1/22/2020
Completion Date: 7/21/2022

NCHRP Research Report 930: Security 101: A Physical and Cybersecurity Primer for Transportation Agencies, will be published in 2019. This primer provides updated information about current effective practices associated with the evolving physical and cyber security mission in surface transportation. The main audience for Security 101 is transportation personnel without a security background whose work requires them to address, perform, or supervise security activities as part of their overall job responsibilities. Although the document is designed for those with minimal or no formal security training or experience, the primer is also a handy reference guide sufficiently detailed to be of use to security professionals.

Translating the “what to do” from the primer to the real world (how to do it) is complex. Infrastructure planning, scoping, and design are essential to “designing-in” security. State departments of transportation (DOTs) vary in how they organize their activities. For example, many state DOTs share the role of security with other state agencies. This may include their State Homeland Security, Highway Patrol, and Offices of Emergency Management.  Policies among these entities outline roles and responsibilities in addressing security policies. Some allocate federal security funds. Many state DOTs depend on their Highway Patrol and/or local law enforcement to carry out the investigative and enforcement portion of security needs for their infrastructure. The roles and responsibilities of all parties may be outlined in a document commonly referred to as “Joint Operations Policy.” 

The objective of this research was to develop and support the implementation of a comprehensive deployment and change management strategy for deploying transportation security practices in state DOTs.
The final research report, NCHRP Web-Only Document 379: Deploying Transportation Security Practices in State DOTs provides a comprehensive deployment and change management strategy to efficiently couple and build a culture of change to deploy security best practices rather than deploying change management and security as independent strategies or streams.

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