The National Academies

TCRP B-12A, Phase II [Completed]

Update the Traveler Response to Transportation System Changes Handbook (DOT-FH-11-9579)

  Project Data
Funds: $456,600
Research Agency: Richard H. Pratt, Consultant, Inc.
Principal Investigator: Richard H. Pratt
Effective Date: 10/5/1999
Completion Date: 12/31/2011

Phase I of TCRP Project B-12 began the process of updating the Traveler Response to Transportation System Changes Handbook, a document that was first published in 1977 and updated in 1981 by U.S.DOT. This document has been an invaluable tool for transportation professionals, providing readily accessible, interpretive documentation on the results obtained from various transportation improvements. A third edition is needed, because of significant changes since 1981 in the provision of transportation services.
This project will (1) conduct research on six additional topics specified by the project panel; (2) finalize research on five original Phase I topics: Park and Ride/Park and Pool, Busways and Express Bus, Transit Information and Promotion, Land Use and Site Design, and Parking Management and Supply; and (3) update information on the 12 original topics if new information becomes available during the project continuation.

The objective of this project is to build on the results of Phase I and to continue to develop an up-to-date and expanded handbook on the traveler response to transportation system changes.

Traveler Response to Transportation System Changes Handbook, Third Edition

General Sections and Topic Area Chapters (TCRP Report 95 Nomenclature)

Ch. 1 -- Introduction (with Appendices A, B)*

Interim Ch. 1 (superceded by the 2013 final Ch. 1, above) -- TCRP Research Results Digest 61

Multimodal/Intermodal Facilities

Ch. 2 -- HOV Facilities*
Ch. 3 -- Park-and-Ride and Park-and-Pool

Transit Facilities and Services

Ch. 4 -- Busways, BRT and Express Bus
Ch. 5 -- Vanpools and Buspools*
Ch. 6 -- Demand Responsive/ADA*
Ch. 7 -- Light Rail Transit
Ch. 8 -- Commuter Rail
Public Transit Operations

Ch. 9 -- Transit Scheduling and Frequency*
Ch. 10 -- Bus Routing and Coverage*
Ch. 11 -- Transit Information and Promotion

Transportation Pricing

Ch. 12 -- Transit Pricing and Fares*
Ch. 13 -- Parking Pricing and Fees*
Ch. 14 -- Road Value Pricing

Land Use and Non-Motorized Travel

Ch. 15 -- Land Use and Site Design
Ch. 16 -- Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities
Ch. 17 -- Transit-Oriented Development
Transportation Demand Management

Ch. 18 -- Parking Management and Supply
Ch. 19 -- Employer and Institutional TDM Strategies

*Seven of the original topics were published in interim versions in 2000; those versions are available as TCRP Web Document 12. HIghlighted chapters have since been updated and published under the TCRP Report 95 series. See Project B-12 for further information on the project history.

Report 95 Chapters 11, 14, 15, and 18 were published in the fourth quarter of 2003, as was the Interim Chapter 1. Chapters 3, 6, 9, 10 and 12 were published in 2004. Chapters 5 and 13 were published in 2005. Chapter 2 was published in 2006. Chapter 17 was published in 2007. Chapter 19 was published in 2010. Chapter 16 was published in 2012. An update of Chapter 1 was published in 2013. Work on the remaining chapters (4, 7, and 8) is expected in the future. For more information on the handbook, please see Chapter 1.

See the completed, updated chapters as published in the TCRP Report 95 series.

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