The National Academies

ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S10-21 [New]

Utilizing Airport Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) Data

  Project Data
Funds: $55,000
Staff Responsibility: Jordan Christensen
Fiscal Year: 2024

Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) is a surveillance technology that relies on aircraft broadcasting their precise position, speed, altitude, and other information to ground stations and other aircraft. Airports can utilize ADS-B technology in several ways to enhance operations and improve overall safety and efficiency. ADS-B data also allows airports to have exact information on who is arriving and departing on their airport. Airports may use the ADS-B data in a variety of ways including tower justification, legislative funding support for infrastructure investment, ALP forecasting, support of new revenue generated sources/methods, and runway justification.

The objective of this synthesis is to understand how airports use ADS-B data for decision making.

Information to be described in a concise report includes (but is not limited to):

  • A literature review of applicable regulations and guidance on ADS-B, including 14 CFR § 91.225, 14 CFR § 91.227, and Advisory Circular 90-114B.
  • Describe on how airports collect ADS-B data.
  • Describe practices in airport utilization of ADS-B data in operations, planning, IT, airside and general aviation.
  • Describe challenges airports have encountered in collecting or utilizing ADS-B data.

Information will be collected through literature review, a survey of airports if applicable, and interviews with selected airports for the development of case examples. Knowledge gaps and suggestions for future research to address those gaps will also be identified.


TRB Staff: Jordan Christensen, jchristensen@nas.edu


First panel meeting: July 29, 2024

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