Task 71, FY 1994, "Winter Maintenance Program" (Mr. L. Gary Byrd). The AASHTO Subcommittee on Maintenance (SCOM) identified the development of a winter maintenance program (WMP) as an important task based on the recommendations of an international winter maintenance technology scanning tour. The goals of the proposed WMP are to (1) sustain or improve levels of winter maintenance service with significant benefit/cost improvements, (2) provide an enhanced level of environmental protection, and (3) place technology in service on operational maintenance section within two winter seasons. This project provided the initial steps toward developing a WMP by establishing a broadly based winter maintenance panel and conducting a national workshop on April 1-2, 1996, in Washington, DC. The final report provides a comprehensive outline of the proposed Snow and Ice Control Guide and outlines plans for initiating the proposed Snow and Ice Pooled Fund Cooperative Program. The report has been transmitted to the AASHTO Highway Subcommittee on Maintenance and to the workshop participants. (NCHRP Staff: A.N. Hanna)