The objective of the research was to develop a predictive method for use in the Highway Safety Manual to address crash frequency and severity for both roadway segments and intersections on arterials with six or more lanes and one-way arterial streets. The scope of the research was limited to urban and suburban highways and streets other than freeways. The research was to provide procedures that will help highway agencies consider safety in decisions about widening existing arterials to cross sections with six or more lanes, selecting appropriate median types in design of arterials with six or more lanes, assessing whether particular street networks should be implemented with two-way or one-way operation, and implementing safety improvements for existing arterials with six or more lanes or with one-way operation. The research results were to ensure that safety is considered together with traffic operations in future decision making on these issues.
STATUS: Research is complete; the final report is available as Web-Only Document 318 at https://www.trb.org/Publications/Blurbs/182691.aspx.