The National Academies

ACRP 02-101 [Completed]

Environmental Stewardship and Compliance Training for Airport Employees

  Project Data
Funds: $399,265
Research Agency: Aviation Planning Group
Principal Investigator: Renee Dowlin
Effective Date: 12/21/2022
Completion Date: 6/20/2024

Environmental stewardship and compliance can be complex for airports and their employees. To operate an airport in an environmentally responsible manner, and in compliance with relevant environmental legislation, employees must be informed about an airport's environmental compliance and sustainability programs. Research is needed to develop customizable training materials regarding environmental laws, regulations, and sustainability programs for airports.
The objective of this research is to develop training materials, tools, guidelines, and other resources to inform airport employees about environmental laws, regulations, and sustainability programs and promote a culture of sustainability and compliance.  The resources should include: 
  • Materials to facilitate training that should include, at a minimum:
    • Customizable training templates (e.g., slides, handouts, story maps) for onboarding and recurring training; and
    • Graphics and imagery suitable for creating customizable physical (e.g., posters, stickers, handouts) and digital materials to support training activity.
  • Handbook that includes, at a minimum:
    • Primer that summarizes:
      • Federal and common state environmental regulations that apply to airports;
      • Common and emerging airport environmental stewardship and compliance goals and initiatives; and
      • The importance of employee training and engagement in environmental sustainability (e.g., risk management, compliance);
    • Guidelines to help airports:
      • Incorporate environmental training into their organizational structure and across functions (e.g., operations, finance, safety and security, administration/HR, facilities, planning and development);
      • Develop training materials to promote employee participation with and recognition of airport environmental compliance, goals, and initiatives, with the objective of integrating environmental stewardship in their daily job activities; and
      • Engage tenants and contractors to promote environmental practices among their employees.
  •  Supporting material, including at a minimum:
    • Examples of employee communication, engagement tools, and employee training handbooks about environmental stewardship; and
    • List of relevant external supplemental resources.

STATUS: Research is complete; publication anticipated fall 2024.

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