The National Academies

NCHRP 08-163 [Active]

Defining Appropriate Design and Accommodation Thresholds for Active Transportation in a Context-Driven Approach

  Project Data
Funds: $550,000
Staff Responsibility: Jennifer L. Weeks
Research Agency: Toole Design Group
Principal Investigator: Jeremy Chrzan
Effective Date: 8/26/2024
Completion Date: 8/25/2026


A common approach used in transportation design is to set minimum accommodations or guidelines, such as a minimum width, for a sidewalk or bikeway. Such guidelines provide for a basic level of infrastructure quality in cases where they are applied. The concept is also used at the planning level; for example, some Complete Streets policies specify minimum accommodations for pedestrians and bicycles. However, the minimum accommodations are frequently used as the default or preferred width in all cases, even though these widths often do not provide a level and quality that will significantly increase the use of walking, bicycling, and rolling, particularly among all types of users and in areas where greater walking, bicycling, and rolling activity is possible. Research is needed on the design flexibility and the different levels of accommodation recommended for different contexts and roadway types.


The objective of this research is to develop an active transportation guide and tool (or tools) that provide a decision-making framework for the adoption and implementation of supportive active transportation infrastructure and design ranges that provide better safety, comfort, and accessibility while still serving all surface transportation users and functions.

The deliverables are expected to include:

  • Performance criteria and qualitative, quantitative, and/or surrogate measures used in decision-making regarding the application of different active transportation design;
  • Ranges of active transportation design values and other accommodations;
  • Succinct communication materials targeting different audiences, such as executive offices, planning and design professionals, and members of the general public. The use of creative design and graphics is encouraged;
  • A conduct of research report that describes and documents the full research project; and
  • An implementation plan focused on the practitioner that markets and encourages adoption of the products of this research, including training materials, opportunities to present material in conferences and other venues, and potential opportunities for integration into industry design standards and guides.


STATUS: Contract has been awarded.  Execution date is August 26, 2024.


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