Intercity bus service is an integral piece of the national mobility network, which provides access to employment, education, healthcare, and community services. The transportation industry seeks to increase the effectiveness of the intercity transportation system. Suggestions for improving the intercity bus network include encouraging partnerships among rural and tribal transit system organizations, increasing or establishing connections with the intercity bus network, and enabling the integration of local transportation resources with intercity and interstate transportation modes to provide a safe, interconnected mobility network. Lessons gleaned from establishing intercity bus service in tribal areas can often be transferred to non-tribal rural areas. However, research on tribal transport connections reveals different governance structures, historical experiences, and cultural norms. Updated research is needed to address the challenges related to technological, jurisdictional, political, and/or regulatory differences associated with connecting tribal and rural communities to intercity bus service.
The objective of this project is to develop a guide and toolkit for expanding access to safe intercity transportation for tribal and rural communities, including successful practices for (1) fostering collaboration among federal, state, local, and tribal governments; (2) facilitating coordination between rural and tribal transit agencies and intercity bus providers; (3) connecting rural and tribal transit systems to the intercity bus network; and (4) providing protocols for intercity bus providers, local and tribal governments, and state departments of transportation (DOTs) to address business needs and cultural concerns while advancing safe intercity bus connections for tribal and rural communities.
The research plan should (1) include a virtual kick-off teleconference with the research team and NCHRP convened within 1 month of the contract’s execution; (2) address how the proposer intends to satisfy the project objective; (3) be divided logically into detailed tasks necessary to fulfill the project objective and include appropriate milestones and interim deliverables; and (4) incorporate opportunities for the project panel to review, comment on, and approve milestone deliverables.
The research plan shall address the following questions:
1. How can intercity bus service providers and interested partners provide safety and security along interconnected intercity bus routes?
2. How can private-sector funds be leveraged to maximize the efficiencies of existing bus services and capital in rural and tribal areas?
3. How can state government, metropolitan planning organizations, and regional transportation planning organizations incentivize local jurisdictions to fund intercity transportation to rural and tribal areas?
At a minimum, the research plan shall include the following tasks.
Task 1. Prepare a literature review on advancing safe connections to the intercity bus network for tribal and rural communities. Include literature on protocols for intercity bus providers, local and tribal governments, and state DOTs addressing business needs and cultural concerns.
Task 2. Identify successful practices for (1) fostering collaboration among federal, state, regional, local, and tribal governments; (2) increasing coordination among rural and tribal service providers, transit agencies, and intercity bus providers; (3) branding and marketing to increase intercity bus ridership; (4) implementing innovative and equitable fare structures; (5) connecting rural and tribal transit intercity bus service networks; and (6) developing protocols for intercity bus providers, local and tribal governments, and state DOTs as they address business needs and cultural concerns.
Task 3. Define the roles and responsibilities needed to provide safe, efficient, and interconnected intercity bus service. Include the roles and responsibilities of partners at all levels of government, intercity bus service providers, and transit agencies.
Task 4. Prepare an interim report summarizing the findings from Tasks 1 through 3 and a detailed Phase II work plan describing how the findings from Tasks 1 through 3 will inform Phase II.
Task 5. Develop strategies for safe and efficient intercity bus service and facility standards that could be used by all intercity bus service partners.
Task 6. Identify current and potential funding mechanisms for capital (e.g., infrastructure and technology) and operational improvements.
Task 7. Develop a process for strategically planning safe intercity bus routes and interconnectivity to destinations. This planning includes integrating technologies, physically co-locating stops, aligning schedules, meeting regulatory requirements, and establishing interlined tickets.
Task 8. Identify strategies for intercity bus service partners to quantitatively and qualitatively measure the value and benefits of providing intercity bus service.
Task 9. Prepare an annotated outline for the proposed intercity bus service guide and toolkit.
Task 10. Prepare an interim report summarizing the findings from Tasks 5 through 9 and provide a proposed Phase III work plan describing how the findings from Tasks 1 through 9 will inform the development of a practitioner’s guide and spreadsheet tool.
Task 11. Develop a decision-support spreadsheet comparing intercity bus network investment decisions.
Task 12. Prepare a toolkit using the findings from Tasks 1 through 11 to inform the public, government, private-entity partners, and elected officials of the benefits of intercity bus services to heterogeneous tribal and rural areas. The toolkit shall include the decision-support spreadsheet developed in Task 11.
Task 13. Prepare an intercity bus service guide using the findings from Tasks 1 through 12 for practitioners who plan and operate intercity bus services. Include intercity bus service and facility standards.
Task 14. Convene a virtual workshop after NCHRP approval of the draft guide and toolkit for intercity bus service partners to solicit feedback on the intercity bus service guide and toolkit.
Task 15. Prepare a fact sheet for state DOT leaders and local decision-makers as they consider strategic planning and funding for intercity bus service.
Task 16. Prepare final deliverables that fulfill the project objective and include, at a minimum, the following:
1. A final research report documenting the entire research effort, including an executive summary and prioritized recommendations for future research;
2. A practitioner’s guide on advancing safe connections to the intercity bus network for tribal and rural communities;
3. A toolkit conveying the benefits of intercity bus services to tribal and rural communities and an investment decision-support spreadsheet;
4. A presentation of findings to the American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Council on Public Transportation or other committees or councils concerned with advancing safe connections to the intercity bus network for tribal and rural communities;
5. A PowerPoint presentation describing the background, objective, research approach, findings, and conclusions; and
6. A stand-alone technical memorandum titled “Implementation of Research Findings and Products”.
Proposers may recommend additional deliverables to support the project objective.
STATUS: Proposals have been received in response to the RFP. The project panel will meet to select a contractor to perform the work.