The National Academies

NCHRP 17-138 [Anticipated]

Pavement Marking Selection for Bridge and Pavement Preservation Treatments

  Project Data
Funds: $400,000
Staff Responsibility: Sadaf Khosravifar
Comments: In development
Fiscal Year: 2025

This project has been tentatively selected and a project statement (request for proposals) is expected to be available on this website. The problem statement below will be the starting point for a panel of experts to develop the project statement.

Bridge and pavement preservation is a proactive approach to protecting and maintaining existing bridges and pavements. Numerous preservation techniques are available and. these techniques are regularly used and improved upon as owners recognize that bridge and pavement preservation is a cost-effective approach. Bridge and pavement preservation treatments can slow the typical deterioration of bridge decks and pavements of all types.  Applying a bridge or pavement preservation treatment at the right time, on the right project, with quality materials and construction is a critical investment strategy for optimizing infrastructure performance. Current treatments include crack sealing and filling, chip seals, micro-surfacing and slurry seals, concrete sealers, high friction surface treatments, thin polymer epoxy overlays, bituminous thin overlays including ultra-thin bonded wearing courses, and limitedly open-graded friction courses. Many state departments of transportation (DOTs) have developed guidance documents that assist in  selection of bridge and pavement preservation treatments. Typical selection guidelines include treatment descriptions, benefits, applicable pavement conditions, and recommended materials and procedures. 

Currently, there is a need for a guidance document on the selection of the optimal pavement marking to be used on the bridge and pavement preservation treatments. Due to the variability in treatment types and pavement marking types, it is necessary to develop and research the performance of the combinations of pavement markings and bridge and pavement preservation treatments. Various pavement marking options include latex paint, thermoplastic, epoxy, modified urethane, polyurea, methyl methacrylate, preformed plastics, and reflectors. This guidance should consider the resultant surface texture (high friction, open graded vs. dense graded), treatment thickness, chemical compatibility of the treatment and the markings, climatic regions (including freeze-thaw), expected life (pavement marking and bridge and pavement preservation treatment), maintenance activities (such as sanding, deicing, and snowplowing), and the time of installation (new vs maintenance). Pavement markings play a major role in delineating the roadway for drivers and user safety. Pavement markings that are effective and long-lasting, because of the satisfactory compatibility with pavement and bridge and pavement preservation treatments, can provide drivers with long-lasting delineation visibility in all driving conditions: daytime, nighttime, and the hardest condition of wet night.

The objective of this research is to determine the optimal pavement marking type for each bridge and pavement preservation treatment type, traffic volume, and, if applicable, anti-icing and deicing strategies. The research should identify the compatibility of the markings and treatment types, the needed film thickness of marking, the optimal retroreflective media, and the expected durability of the marking selected. This project should be divided into two phases. Phase I: Perform a literature review to identify best practices of pavement marking applications on various bridge and pavement preservation treatments. Phase II: Develop a protocol for the field evaluation of marking materials on treatment types, perform field evaluations or test decks, and develop a selection guide for the optimal pavement marking for the various treatment types.

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