In 2002, FHWA sponsored a domestic scan of successful practices for implementing environmental commitments. The report on this scan noted that successful implementation of commitments required the use of tracking mechanisms and continued and effective communication. Since the 2002 review, some states have implemented new approaches to tracking environmental commitments and ensuring their implementation. In addition, states that were included in the scan have had several years to determine the efficacy of the tools they use to track environmental commitments, particularly during final design, construction, operation, and maintenance. Information on current practices is, however, not readily accessible to state DOTs and other transportation professionals, as demonstrated by continuing requests for information on environmental commitment documentation and tracking on FHWA’s Re: NEPA web site forum. This study developed guidelines for state DOTs on best practices for tracking the implementation of environmental commitments, with an emphasis on those in Section 106 that minimize or avoid impacts, as well as those in MOAs/PAs and community commitments. The final report is available here.