The National Academies

NCHRP 25-25 [Final]

Research for the AASHTO Committee on Environment and Sustainability

  Project Data
FY03 -- $600,000, FY04 -- $600,000, FY05-- $600,000, FY 06--$600,000, FY07--$500,000, FY 2008-2018 - $600,000
Research Agency: Various
Principal Investigator: Various
Effective Date: 11/5/2002
Completion Date: 5/16/2020

The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Committee on Environment and Sustainability is called on periodically to provide information needed by state departments of transportation (DOTs) to establish policies or positions on environmental issues associated with the nation's transportation system. When new or revised federal transportation environmental and planning regulations are proposed or finalized, research is often required to develop new methods, processes, and procedures to ensure their effective and timely implementation by state DOTs. NCHRP Project 25-25 was created to respond to these needs. NCHRP Project 25-25 was a quick-response research program, designed to develop improvements to analytical methods, decision-support tools, procedures, and techniques employed by environmental practitioners in environmental streamlining, environmental stewardship, transportation planning, program delivery, and project development.  
Research performed under this program covered a wide variety of environmental topics including air quality, climate change, cultural and historic resources, National Environmental Policy Act requirements, noise, environmental stewardship, threatened or endangered species, water quality, wetlands, and others. A list of completed NCHRP 25-25 research is available at https://www.trb.org/Projects/FindaProject.aspx.

Click on a task title to link to the task writeup, the task report, and related research products.

25-25/Task 001 Synthesis on Data Needs for EA and EIS Documentation

Completed; Agency Final Report ( 579 KB, 52 pp.) available in Adobe PDF.


25-25/Task 002 Transportation Impacts and 'Smart Growth' Initiatives

Completed; Agency Final Report (3,700 KB, 265 pp.) available in Adobe PDF.


25-25/Task 003 Assessment and Mitigation Strategies for Land Development Impacts of Transportation Improvements

Completed; Agency Final Report (264 KB, 52 pp.) available in Adobe PDF.


25-25/Task 004 Environmental Stewardship Practices, Policies, and Procedures for Road Construction and Maintenance

Completed; Agency Final Report (4,977 KB, 850 pp.) available in Adobe PDF.


25-25/Task 005 Assessing the Current State of the NEPA Environmental Review Process

Completed; Agency Final Report (586 KB, 31 pp.) available in Adobe PDF.


25-25/Task 006 Preparing State DOTs for Implementation of the 8-hour Ozone and PM2.5 Standards

Completed; Agency final report has been delivered to AASHTO.


25-25/Task 007 Evaluation of Mobile Models: MOBILE 6.1, MOBILE 6.2 and MOBILE6/CNG

Completed; Agency Final Report (1,075 KB, 134 pp.) available in Adobe PDF.


25-25/Task 008 Developing Performance Data Collection Protocol for Stream Restoration

Completed; Agency Final Report (6,010 KB, 186 pp.) available in Adobe PDF.


25-25/Task 009 Use of Existing Data in Decision Making



25-25/Task 010 Alternative Mitigation Strategies/Early Mitigation: Streamlining and Achieving Net Benefits for the Natural Environment

Completed; Agency Final Report (813 KB, 84 pp.) available in Adobe PDF.


25-25/Task 011 Secondary/Indirect and Cumulative Effects Analysis

Completed; Agency Final Report (400 KB, 62 pp.), Compatible Approach Flow Chart (60 KB, 1 p.), and ICI Matrix (60 KB, 5 pp.) available in Adobe PDF.


25-25/Task 012 Design-Build Environmental Compliance Process and Level of Detail Required

Completed; Agency Final Report (775 KB, 79 pp.) available in Adobe PDF.


25-25/Task 013 Agency Use and Approach to FHWA Approved Programmatic Agreements

Completed; Agency Final Report (933 KB, 101 pp.) available in Adobe PDF.


25-25/Task 014 A Summary of Existing Research on Dam Removal Projects

Completed; Agency Final Report (2,384 KB, 179 pp.) available in Adobe PDF.


25-25/Task 015 Historic Bridges

25-25/Task 016 State Transportation Agency Strategies to Address NPDES Phase II Requirements

Completed; Agency Final Report (1,126 KB, 155 pp.) and Appendix (3,849 KB, 102 pp.) available in Adobe PDF.


25-25/Task 017 Assessment of Greenhouse Gas Analysis Techniques for Transportation Projects

Completed; Agency Final Report (724 KB, 64 pp.) available in Adobe PDF.


25-25/Task 018 Recommended Approaches to Communicating Air Toxics Issues and Transportation Project-Related Analyses in NEPA Documents

Completed; Agency Final Report (1,197 KB, 260 pp.) available in Adobe PDF.


25-25/Task 019 Historic Bridge Rehabilitation / Replacement Decision Making

Completed - Final report available from AASHTO


25-25/Task 020 The Role of State DOTs in Support of Transit Oriented Development (TOD)

Completed; Agency Final Report (372 KB, 71 pp.) available in Adobe PDF.


25-25/Task 021 Assessment of Geophysical Remote Sensing Opportunities at State Departments of Transportation for Incorporation into Archaeological Investigations

Completed; Agency Final Report (377 KB, 39 pp.) available in Adobe PDF.


25-25/Task 022 Land Use Forecasting for Indirect Impacts Analysis

25-25/Task 023 Environmental performance measurements related to transportation project planning, design, construction, maintenance and operations

25-25/Task 024 Climate Change and U.S. Transportation

25-25/Task 025 Modification and Amendment of Environmental Permits on Design-Build Projects

Completed; Agency Final Report (3,924 KB, 80 pp.) available in Adobe PDF.


25-25/Task 026 Integration of Charrette Processes into Project Planning

25-25/Task 027 Project Management and NEPA

25-25/Task 028 Reevaluations of NEPA documents

25-25/Task 029 Best Practices Library from the Environmental Stewardship Practices in Construction and Maintenance Compendium

25-25/Task 030 Section 404 Permitting and Roadside Ditches as Jurisdictional Waters



25-25/Task 031 Cost Effective Tools for Achieving PM 2.5 Transportation Air Quality Conformity



25-25/Task 032 Linking Environmental Resource and Transportation Planning – The Current State of Practice

25-25/Task 033 National Register of Historic Places Eligibility

25-25/Task 034 Streamlined Carbon Monoxide Hot Spot Screening / Modeling Tool



25-25/Task 035 Water Quality Analyses for NEPA Documents: Selecting Appropriate Methodologies

25-25/Task 036 Recurring Community Impacts

25-25/Task 037 Effective Organizational Structures and Management Practices for Achieving Environmental Stewardship in Transportation Agencies

25-25/Task 038 Guide to Use of Tier I Environmental Impact Statements for Transportation Projects

25-25/Task 039 Improving Project Environmental Cost Estimates

25-25/Task 040 New Noise Barrier Products & Noise Barrier Approval Research & Guidelines

25-25/Task 041 Implementation of Community & Cultural Resource Commitments

25-25/Task 042 Determine alternative calculations for fine particulate emission factors other than AP-42 applicable to calculate re-entrained dust on transportation projects

25-25/Task 043 Guidance on legal sufficiency criteria for adequate cumulative and secondary impacts analysis in EIS documents

25-25/Task 044 Development and Implementation of a Transportation and Climate Change Clearinghouse

25-25/Task 045 Transportation Program Responses to Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Reduction Initiatives and Energy Reduction Programs

25-25/Task 046 Compendium of Best Practices for Environmental Compliance and Stewardship at Transportation Maintenance Facilities

25-25/Task 047 Compendium of Best Practices for Incorporating Environmental Commitments into Transportation Project Construction Contract Documents

25-25/Task 048 Compendium of Environmental Fieldwork Technologies

25-25/Task 049 Effective Practices for Considering Historic Preservation in Transportation Planning and Early Project Development

25-25/Task 050 Finding the Carrot Instead of the Stick - Incentive-based Approaches for Environmental Compliance

25-25/Task 051 Asset Management of Environmental Mitigation Features

25-25/Task 052 Informational Requirements for Jurisdictional Determinations to be Issued by the Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) Under the Clean Water Act (CWA)

25-25/Task 053 Stormwater Treatment with Vegetated Buffers

25-25/Task 054 Evaluate Colorado's Area-wide Cumulative Effects Assessment (ACEA) Methodology as a Mechanism for Cumulative Impacts Analysis of Regional Transportation Plans

25-25/Task 055 Design, Organize and Implement a Training Program for Mainstreaming Environmental Stewardship and Enhancement Activities into Planning and Project Development

25-25/Task 056 Cost and Benefit of Transportation Specific MS4 and Construction Permitting

25-25/Task 057 Integrated State and Local Government Policy Approaches to Transportation and Climate

25-25/Task 058 Methods to Address Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Transportation Construction/Maintenance/Operations Activities

25-25/Task 059 Evaluate the Interactions between Transportation-Related Particulate Matter, Ozone, Air Toxics, Climate Change, and Other Air Pollutant Control Strategies

25-25/Task 060 Increased Use of Environmentally Preferable, Non-Toxic Products to Reduce Costs, Liabilities, and Pollution at DOT Offices, Maintenance Facilities and Rest Stops

25-25/Task 061 Best Practices for Establishing and Maintaining Statewide Cultural Resource Databases at State DOTs

25-25/Task 062 Improving the Effectiveness of Outreach to Traditional and Non-Traditional Groups by Integrating the Expertise of Existing and Emerging Citizen Coalitions into Transportation Analysis and Decision Making

25-25/Task 063 Transportation Corridor Environmental Management Framework

25-25/Task 064 Feasibility Study of Using Solar or Wind Power for Transportation Infrastructure

25-25/Task 065 Synthesis of Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventory Methodologies for State Transportation Departments

25-25/Task 066 Best Practices and Lessons Learned on the Preservation and Rehabilitation of Historic Bridges

25-25/Task 067 Optimizing Conservation and Improving Mitigation Cost/Benefit

25-25/Task 068 Implementing Measures to Reduce Highway Impacts on Habitat Fragmentation

25-25/Task 069 Identification of Tools and Techniques to Define Community Context as Part of the Transportation Project Planning and Development Process

25-25/Task 070 Assessment of Quantitative Mobile Source Air Toxics in Environmental Documents

25-25/Task 071 Templates for Project-Level Analyses Using MOVES and AERMOD

25-25/Task 072 Current Practices to Address Construction Vibration and Potential Effects to Historic Buildings Adjacent to Transportation Projects

25-25/Task 073 Improved Environmental Performance of Highway Maintenance

25-25/Task 074 Meeting the New EPA Effluent Limitations Guideline for Construction Site Discharge Turbidity: Effectiveness of Different Turbidity Control Systems and Monitoring Methods

25-25/Task 075 Nationwide Evaluation of Transfer of Compensatory Wetland Creation Sites for Transportation Projects to Private Conservation Organizations or Government Conservation Agencies

25-25/Task 076 Synthesis of Climate Change and Transportation Research Efforts at State DOTs, State Universities, and the Federal Level

25-25/Task 077 Strategic Options of Inventorying and Updating Environmental Guidance and Links

25-25/Task 078 Programmatic Agreements for Project-Level AirQuality Analyses Using MOVES, CAL3QHC/R and AERMOD

25-25/Task 079 Successful Practices for Effective Tribal Consultation

25-25/Task 080 Potential Use of Social Media Impact in the NEPA Process

25-25/Task 081 Federal Compliance for Projects Utilizing Alternative Funding Strategies

25-25/Task 082 Permeable Shoulders with Stone Reservoirs

25-25/Task 083 Current Practice of Post- Construction Structural Stormwater Control

25-25/Task 084 Development of Construction Guidelines for Wildlife Fencing and Associated Escape and Lateral Access Control Measures

25-25/Task 085 Nutrient (Nitrogen/Phosphorous) Management and Source Control

25-25/Task 086 Toxicological Effects of Chloride Based Deicers in the Natural Environment

25-25/Task 087 Coordination of Section 106 and Long Range Transportation Planning

25-25/Task 088 Giving Away the Bridge: A National Synthesis of on Transferring Ownership of Historic Bridges

25-25/Task 089 Establishing Representative Background Concentrations for Quantitative Hot-spot Analyses for Particulate Matter

25-25/Task 090 Application of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for Historic Properties

25-25/Task 091 Synthesis of Transportation Exclusions to Section 106 Review

25-25/Task 092 Transferability of Post-Construction Stormwater Quality BMP Effectiveness Studies

25-25/Task 093 Long-Term Construction and Maintenance Cost Comparison for Road Stream Crossing Hydraulic Design vs. Bankfull Width Design

25-25/Task 094 Integrating Climate Change and Extreme Weather Into Transportation Asset Management Plans

25-25/Task 095 SCOE Strategic Plan and Research Plan for SCOE Areas of Interest

25-25/Task 096 Quick Reference Guide for Traffic Modelers for Generating Traffic and Activity Data for Project-Level Air Quality Analyses

25-25/Task 097 Historic Roads: A Synthesis of Identification and Evaluation Practices

25-25/Task 098 Practical Guide for Developing Effective Scopes of Work for the Geophysical Investigation of Cemeteries

25-25/Task 099 Lessons Learned from State DOT NEPA Assumption

25-25/Task 100 Compilation of Existing Data on Northern Long-Eared and Other Cave-Dwelling Bat Habitat and the Roadside Environment

25-25/Task 101 Stormwater Monitoring Program Goals, Objectives and Protocols for State Departments of Transportation

25-25/Task 102 Artificial Bat Roost Mitigation Designs and Standardized Monitoring Criteria

25-25/Task 103 Administration of Categorical Exclusions by State Departments of Transportation under NEPA

25-25/Task 104 Streamlining Carbon Monoxide Project-Level Air Quality Analyses with Programmatic Agreements

25-25/Task 105 A Guidebook for Communications between Transportation and Public Health Communities

25-25/Task 106 Highway Noise and Historic Properties: A National Review of Effects and Mitigation Practices

25-25/Task 107 Section 106 Delegation Programmatic Agreements: Review and Best Practices

25-25/Task 108 Creating Lookup Tables to Streamline the Determination of Emission Reductions for CMAQ Projects

25-25/Task 109 Successful Practices for Environmental Commitments in Public/Private Partnerships (P-3) and Design-Build (D-B) Contracts

25-25/Task 110 Review of Historic Property Identification Surveys and Strategies for Managing Post-World War II Housing in Transportation Projects

25-25/Task 111 Environmental Management System Perspectives For State DOTs

25-25/Task 112 Enhancing the International Stormwater BMP Database to Serve as a Highway Specific BMP Database

25-25/Task 113 Road Passages and Barriers for Small Terrestrial Wildlife: Summary and Repository of Design Examples

25-25/Task 114 Integrating Tribal Expertise into Processes to Identify, Evaluate, and Record Cultural Resources

25-25/Task 115 Estimates of Emissions Reductions from Future Fleet Changes for Use in Air Quality Models

25-25/Task 116 Potential Section 106 Exempted Categories or Program Comments for Federal Highway Administration Projects: National Streamlining Opportunities

25-25/Task 117 Valuing Wildlife Crossing Enhancements for Mitigation Credits

25-25/Task 118 Context-Sensitive Design Options for Workhorse Bridges in Rural Historic Districts

25-25/Task 119 Enhancing the International Stormwater BMP Database to Serve as a Highway Specific BMP Database

25-25/Task 120 Use of the State Department of Transportation Portal to the International Stormwater BMP Database

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