The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) streamlined the federal government’s guidance on administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for federal awards by creating 2 CFR § 200. This regulation is intended to ease the administrative burden, strengthen oversight over federal funds and reduce the risk of waste, fraud, and abuse. NCHRP Project 20-111J” Successful Practices for State Transportation Research Office's Complying with 2 CFR § 200” provided a guide for successful practices related to implementing the guidance. The resulting guide has been reviewed by many state departments of transportation (DOTs), but they need assistance in applying the 2 CFR § 200 regulation.
The objective of this research was to implement the findings of NCHRP 20-111J for five selected DOTs and to produce a comprehensive document on best practices for complying with 2 CFR § 200 for state DOT research programs. This project required a review of state DOT research manuals, policies, and procedures, and provide general research management practices for state DOTs. The final contractor's report for NCHRP 20-44(34) is flexible enough for use by state DOT research managers with varying levels of research program management experience and will be of immediate use.