The National Academies

NCHRP 17-131 [Anticipated]

Updated Guidance on Reduced Left-Turn Conflict Intersections

  Project Data
Funds: $600,000
Staff Responsibility: Yi Zhao
Comments: In development
Fiscal Year: 2025

This project has been tentatively selected and a project statement (request for proposals) is expected to be available on this website. The problem statement below will be the starting point for a panel of experts to develop the project statement.

Since the publication of the Alternative Intersections/Interchanges: Informational Report (AIIR) by FHWA in 2009, and the Median U-Turn (MUT) and Restricted Crossing U-Turn (RCUT) informational guides in 2014, dozens of state and local agencies have built these intersections in many different contexts, with valuable experience to share. Several agencies have done formal evaluations and documented their performances. However, this collective experience and knowledge has not been reflected in an updated, comprehensive informational guide.

Similar updates to comparable informational guides, such as NCHRP Research Report 1043: Guide for Roundabouts (2023) and NCHRP Research Report 959: Diverging Diamond Interchange Information Guide; Second Edition (2021), have proven quite successful, with information from these guides having a profound impact on the state of the practice, eventually influencing updates of the AASHTO Green Book.

The objective of this project is to (1) conduct a systematic review and analysis of emerging alternative intersection and interchange concepts and their variations to understand the latest knowledge, practices, and lessons learned, and (2) develop a report that will focus on updated traffic safety and multimodal elements in planning, analyzing, designing, operating, and evaluating alternative intersections and interchanges.

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