The National Academies

NCHRP 20-68(01) [Final]

U.S. Domestic Scan Program Pilot
[ NCHRP 20-68 (US Domestic Scan Program -- Business Plan) ]

  Project Data
Funds: $269,533
Funding included FHWA contribution of $75,000 to support one of the pilot scans.
Research Agency: Cambridge Systematics, Inc.
Principal Investigator: Lance Neuman
Effective Date: 1/20/2006
Completion Date: 6/30/2008
Comments: The Doestic Scan Program has been initiated as a continuing activity, NCHRP 20-68A.

This project was undertaken to test and refine concepts developed under NCHRP Project 20-68, that resulted in a Draft Business Plan for a U. S. Domestic Scan Program.  This pilot project provided a basis for desiging a domestic scan program that will be conducted as a multi-year NCHRP activity, NCHRP Project 20-68A.  

The domestic scan program is conceived as a broad effort, considering any innovative practices that could be beneficially adopted by other transportation agencies, and targeted on practices that warrant inclusion in a domestic scanning program. Each tour might span a one- to two-week period and entail visits to two to six sites, possibly geographically dispersed. Ultimately, the program may include several annual cycles of topic selection, tours, and documentation. The Draft Business Plan prepared by consultants for the NCHRP described some of the issues likely to shape the work in this project. This project entailed an initial two Pilot Scans that served as a test and an opportunity to refine the premises and procedures for a continuing domestic scan program.

The objective of this project was to plan and manage the execution of one or more pilot scans, each addressing a single technical topic. The purpose of the pilots and of the program as a whole is to facilitate information sharing and technology exchanges among the states and other departments of transportation. Experience gained in the pilot scans was used to determine the potential of a continuing domestic scan program and to guide its initiation.

For each of the pilot scans, a subject-matter expert was responsible for conducting a desk scan, for defining the appropriate duration of the tour, its technical structure and other factors likely to influence planning of the tour, for preparing scan-tour technical materials, and for preparing a report of the tour.  The subject-matter expert worked with designated scan-team co-chairs.  The NCHRP project panel selected two initial scan topics from among proposals submitted in response to an AASHTO solicitation:

TOPIC 1: Local and state practices in transportation asset management

TOPIC 2: Practices to accelerate transportation project delivery with emphasis on issues of right-of-way acquisition and utilities relocation

Each scan was conducted by a team 8 to 12 individual professionals, including the co-chairs. The contractor was responsible for assuring that dates for the tour were acceptable to all participants, for delivering the scan plan to all participants and NCHRP, and for facilitating all logistics such as travel reservations and other arrangements for the scan.   The scan team and subject-matter expert prepared scan reports documenting all aspects of the scan. 

Status and Product Availability: The initial two scan reports are available as PDF files.  Click on the following titles: Best Practices in Right of Way Acquisition and Utilities Relocation  or  
Best Practices in Transportation Asset Management.  A report reviewing and evaluating the experience of scan planning and execution in the pilot program is being used to design the ongoing U. S. Domestic Scan Program that is anticipated to begin as NCHRP Project 20-26A in the fourth quarter of CY 2007.  That report is available as a PDF file; click here.

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