The National Academies

NCHRP 25-41 [Completed]

Guidance for Achieving Volume Reduction of Highway Runoff in Urban Areas

  Project Data
Funds: $250,000
Research Agency: GeoSyntec Consultants
Principal Investigator: Mr. Eric W. Strecker
Effective Date: 6/5/2012
Completion Date: 9/1/2014

The objective of this research is to develop guidelines for reducing the runoff volume from limited-access highway facilities in urban areas to meet proposed EPA regulatory requirements. The guidelines should provide assistance to state DOTs and other transportation agencies to: 
  1. Identify or develop viable solutions that can be applied within the highway right-of-way. These could include typical current methods or new and innovative approaches. The solution must be appropriate for specific site conditions (e.g., soil type, climate, utilities, right-of-way constraints, and local hydrology).  
  2. Evaluate potential solutions by comparing factors such as expected cost, performance, safety, effects on surrounding infrastructure, maintenance requirements, roadway operations, and life span.
  3. In cases where it is not feasible or practical to achieve adequate runoff volume reduction within the highway right-of-way, the guidelines should identify and evaluate other approaches and solutions outside the highway right-of-way to reduce the volume of runoff. Contingent upon the extent of guidance that can be provided for items (1) and (2) above, item (3) may be assigned a higher or lower priority. 

The final report has been published as NCHRP Report 802. 

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