In recent years, as air travel has increased worldwide, attention to the global spread of communicable diseases via air travel has also grown. In addition, as many airports have large numbers of employees and visitors, they can also be places of potential community spread. Extended periods of significant communicable disease outbreaks (e.g., epidemics and pandemics) can also adversely impact airport operations, workforces, and finances.
Yet, as exemplified by the COVID-19 pandemic, airports face many challenges when responding to significant communicable disease outbreaks, including identifying the degree to which various aspects of their operations will be affected, coordinating with stakeholders, and selecting and implementing appropriate mitigation measures based on their unique circumstances.
While considerable research has been undertaken on the topic, the information is disparate and not often presented in a manner allowing airports to easily develop a comprehensive response. Moreover, our understanding of communicable diseases and mitigation practices continues to evolve.
Research is needed to provide guidelines and resources for airports to prepare for and respond to communicable disease threats in a comprehensive manner tailored to their unique situation.
The objective of this research is to develop an ACRP Airports’ Response to Communicable Diseases Web Resource with guidelines and resources to help airports plan, develop, and operate in a manner that minimizes the spread and impact of communicable diseases.
Status: Research is underway.