The National Academies

NCHRP 08-190 [Anticipated]

National Evaluation of Truck Parking Demand and Rest Area Locations

  Project Data
Funds: $600,000
Staff Responsibility: Patrick Zelinski
Comments: In development
Fiscal Year: 2025

This project has been tentatively selected and a project statement (request for proposals) is expected to be available on this website. The problem statement below will be the starting point for a panel of experts to develop the project statement.

The national network of rest areas was developed more than 60 years ago with the planning of the Interstate Highway System, and much has changed since then.  From the deregulation of trucking to the globalization of supply chains, demands on rest areas have changed with the times.  Transportation funding is shrinking, while dynamic supply chains are shifting how and where goods are moving. 

Safety along highways related to trucks parking in unauthorized areas is a growing concern for states, as is the cost of operating and maintaining public rest areas. COVID-19 prompted many states to shutter rest areas—some permanently. This had devastating impacts on truck drivers, the economy, and the safety of highway travelers as truck drivers were forced to stop and rest on the shoulders and ramps of highways. NCHRP conducted several truck parking projects over the past decade, including the active project NCHRP 08-141, “A Guidebook for Local Truck Parking Regulations.” States have limited funds and would greatly benefit from an evaluation process for prioritizing funding for rest areas based on need.

The objective of this research is to develop a process for evaluating and assessing the needs of public rest areas for supporting supply chains based on current and projected trucking industry use of publicly owned and maintained highway rest areas, as well as unauthorized parking along state and Interstate highways (e.g., on ramps and shoulders). Potential products of the research will include (1) a decision-making tool that can help states prioritize funding for public rest area operation, maintenance, relocation, closing, construction, and expansion; (2) guidance on how to identify locations where new public rest areas or an expansion of existing public rest areas is needed based on existing and planned freight generators, existing and projected truck volumes, origins and destinations, and technologies, such as autonomous and zero-emission trucks; and (3) a nationwide inventory of public highway rest areas that provides details about the year built, available truck parking, restrooms, and other amenities.

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