The National Academies

ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S06-09 [New]

Compensation for the Modern Airport Employee

  Project Data
Funds: $55,000
Staff Responsibility: Jordan Christensen
Fiscal Year: 2024

Competition for skilled and professional individuals has increased across all industries, and it has become challenging for airports to recruit and retain individuals that are essential to keeping an airport running (e.g., operational and maintenance staff). These airport employees usually work in a 24-hour environment, and airports have found it difficult to increase pay to competitive levels compared to other industries. This has made it challenging to attract new employees and retain current employees. Therefore, it is important for the organization to consider all options when developing or revising employee benefits (e.g., pay, time off, retirement, health & wellness). 

The objective of this synthesis is to describe innovative employee benefit incentives airports use to attract and retain skilled employees. 

Information to be described in a concise report includes (but is not limited to):

  • Describe what stakeholders must be included in the conversation when airports develop or revise employee benefits.
  • Describe challenges and opportunities that airports have found when developing or revising employee benefits.
  • Describe how airports recruit and retain skilled employees as it relates to employee benefits or incentives.
  • Describe what benefits or incentives airport employees find the most valuable. 
  • Examples of innovative options for employee compensation packages that reflect current market conditions and other benefits.
  • Case examples that incorporate different airport hub size and governance (city, county, authority, etc.) structures.

Information will be collected through literature review, a survey of airports if applicable, and interviews with selected airports for the development of case examples. Knowledge gaps and suggestions for future research to address those gaps will also be identified.

Partial Information Sources

ACRP Synthesis 113, Airport Programs Supporting Employee Well-Being, 2020. https://www.trb.org/Publications/Blurbs/181166.aspx 

TRB Staff: Jordan Christensen, jchristensen@nas.edu

STATUS First panel meeting to select the contractor is in Aug 19, 2024

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