The National Academies

ACRP 11-02/Task 02 [Completed]

Ground Access to Major Airports by Public Transportation
[ ACRP 11-02 (Priority Issues) ]

  Project Data
Funds: $90,000
Principal Investigator: Matthew Coogan
Effective Date: 7/1/2006
Completion Date: 12/1/2007
Comments: Results published as ACRP Report 4.

Airports around the United States, and around the world, are dealing with the challenge of improvement to the ground access systems. In the past five years several major American airports have invested hundreds of millions of dollars in new capital facilities to better connect their facilities with the rest of the region's public transportation systems.

In order to deal with this issue the Transit Cooperative Research Program six years ago undertook two major studies of the issue of airport ground access, published as TCRP Report 62 and TCRP Report 83. These two studies presented accurate, up-to-date descriptions of major airport access projects and strategies around the world. With the creation of the Airport Cooperative Research Program, there is an opportunity to revise, and update, and build upon a substantial body of work, which is now somewhat out of date.

The objectives of this task were to: (a) improve the documentation of all airport ground access projects, with an emphasis on those which have occurred since the publication of TCRP Report 62 in 2000; (b) improve the documentation of changes in airport access strategies since the publication of both reports with a review of recent developments in such areas as downtown check- in, automation of the check in process, and integration with existing regional rail infrastructure; (c) provide airport managers with user-friendly, concise, and accurate documentation concerning trends in the area of airport ground access; and (d) support and facilitate the dissemination of the latest information relative to airport managers through media such as printed reports, and PowerPoint presentations to relevant professional organizations. The proposed research created new updated, timely documentation of the characteristics of ground access markets in a manner which builds upon existing products already produced under the Transit Cooperative Research Program.

Status:  Completed.   This task was published as ACRP Report 4 and can be found at this URL https://www.trb.org/news/blurb_detail.asp?id=9212.

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